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Change log entry 66653
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-05 20:19:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62685 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. ① commanding general ② key person ③ star athlete M:²wèi 位

chief commander; commanding general
2 leading figure; pillar; backbone

1. 军队中负责指挥兵士的主要将领、统帅。
| 唐.李白〈南奔书怀〉诗:「主将动谗疑,王师忽离叛。」
| 《三国演义.第九六回》:「此病不在兵之多寡,在主将耳。」
2. 竞赛团体中的主要人物。如:「他是本队的主将。」

1. 军队的主要将领。
| 汉武帝以卫青、霍去病为~,多次讨伐匈奴。
2. 比喻(某方面的)主要人物。
| 柔道社~
| 五四运动的~
| 我方谈判代表的~。

As the battle of Hengyang had a direct effect on China's political struggles, the surrender of Fang Xianjue, the chief commander of the battle, to the enemy was not a simple, individual act.

The chief commander of China's cultural revolution, he was not only a great man of letters but a great thinker and revolutionary.

Although he is the representative of the rural literature, his works focus on city.
# 主將 主将 [zhu3 jiang4] /commanding general/key figure/
+ 主將 主将 [zhu3 jiang4] /commander-in-chief (military)/star player (sports)/key figure (in an organization)/
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