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Change log entry 66611
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-10-29 09:27:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63145 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Web ~

1) My worst experience encountered ever for a simple chicken rice take away. 花钱受气

2) Air BnB可怕經歷~瑞士 [...] 到了第二天早上八點多男房主敲門,我們一開門他就叫我們 "stop making noises" [...] 而且我認為我們發出的聲音是正常及很難避免根本不能算是躁音。 大家找一間像樣點的房間吧,不需花錢受氣。

3) It's really bad service. I never met so bad service in Japan. If you are not Japanese, you will wait 10 minutes to get your order .
如果您不是日本人,我建議您還是別去了, 花錢受氣何必呢? 日本服務好的店家到處都是!

4) 這種爛餐廳是不會再去了,也建議大家珍惜生命,遠離這種爛服務,不要花錢受氣。
+ 花錢受氣 花钱受气 [hua1 qian2 shou4 qi4] /(idiom) to have a bad experience as a customer/to encounter poor service/
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