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Change log entry 66465
Processed by: vermillon (2018-09-16 06:49:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62968 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
A 飯糰 isn't necesarily the Japanese-style rice ball known as "onigiri". A Taiwanese 飯糰, for example, is often made with glutinous rice, unlike onigiri.

TP ~ 由於一大早便出發,客人坐定後,服務人員立刻推出熱騰騰的豆漿、飯糰、叉燒包、小籠包等供客人取用。
Since the train leaves at such an early hour, as soon as the passengers are settled, attendants bring out steaming-hot soy milk, rice balls, pork buns, steamed buns, and other foods.

K, M
- 飯糰 饭团 [fan4 tuan2] /onigiri (Japanese rice-ball snack)/
+ 飯糰 饭团 [fan4 tuan2] /rice ball (steamed rice formed into a ball and stuffed with various fillings)/onigiri (Japanese-style rice ball)/
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