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Change log entry 66241
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-16 22:03:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62804 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
from PLC
GF gives: 原为战国时川东、鄂西一带的民间歌曲名,能应和的人很多(下里:乡下;巴:川东和今重庆一带)。后借指通俗的文艺作品。

However, phrases of Taiwanese frequently pop out of his mouth, such as "The most miserable are barbers and percussion-and-shawm performers" (indicating that traditional music is often seen as "low class");

Taiwanese is vulgar, crude, the language used by the lower classes. . . . This is what a lot of people used to think about Taiwanese.
# 下里巴人 下里巴人 [xia4 li3 ba1 ren2] /folk songs of the State of Chu/popular art and literature/
+ 下里巴人 下里巴人 [xia4 li3 ba1 ren2] /folk songs of the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chu3 guo2]/popular art forms (cf. 陽春白雪|阳春白雪[yang2 chun1 bai2 xue3], highbrow art forms)/
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