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Change log entry 66185
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-09 07:09:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62765 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
...lost the quote they want me to subscribe now...

米兔是时下较为流行的网络名词,来源于英文“me too”的谐音,是指“我也是”的意思 。

Editor: "When Qiqi first started, she used #Metoo在中国# with a capital M; [...] In 13 days, the hashtag “#metoo在中国# received over 4,000,000 views and 4,171 comments, and even made its way to the top of Weibo’s trending charity hashtag chart. Then, on Jan 17th, it disappeared. [...] When censorship came, Qiqi and her activist friends found ways to circumvent through: they quickly created new terms and slangs to replace the sensitive words, for instance, translating “metoo” into “米兔” (rice bunny) accompanied with cute emojis."
(You can read that page without subscribing -- in Australia, at least.)

中国的米兔(Me Too)运动之争
# 米兔 米兔 [mi3 tu4] /(Internet slang) (loanword) #MeToo/
+ 米兔 米兔 [mi3 tu4] /(Internet slang) (loanword) #MeToo (movement against sexual harassment and assault)/
By MDBG 2024
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