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Change log entry 65980
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-23 23:02:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62650 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Most dictionaries have something like "to accumulate over time", but I think 规范辞典 may be the one that got it right, in all the examples I see, 积久 is about experiencing something for a long time, what is accumulated is experience.

v.p. accumulate in course of time

accumulate in the course of time
| 积久成习
| form a habit or custom through long-repeated practice

| 《后汉书.卷三三.朱浮传》:「大汉之兴,亦累功效,吏皆积久,养老于官。」
| 《文选.曹植.赠徐干诗》:「亮怀玙璠美,积久德逾宣。」

| ~弊生
| ~成癖。

动 经历很长时间
| 积久成癖。

For a long time, enough attention or importance has hardly been paid to its principal of creation, artistic style, historical place and profound influence.

从此以后,便一发而不可收,每写些小说模样的文章,以敷衍朋友们的嘱托,积久 了就有了十余篇。

这种脂粉气既成为生活一部分,积久 也就会成为生命中不可少的一部分。

岚生先生找到了解释同认错的机会,就琅琅的把自己积久 不敢说出的意见全说了。

北寨的社员,像受到撞击的蜂箱,嘈杂的议论,愤恨的谴责,难听的咒骂,像潮水一样扑向主席台,埋藏在胸膛里的积久 的愤怨倾泄出来了!

1) The Pleco entry is identical to the entry in the first edition of ACE (1978). ABC copied the definition (omitting one word, "the"), but did not include the example phrase, which directs the reader's mind to a particular kind of usage.

As a consequence, ABC's definition makes one think of usage like
- property assets that have accumulated in the course of time
- memory system in which a vast number of words, accumulated in the course of time, has been stored
- manuscripts accumulated in the course of time
- Silt and clay were accumulated in the course of time and today form the major part of land close to the coast inland.
- A great deal of expertise was accumulated in the course of time
(All of these are quotes from the web containing the phrase "accumulated in the course of time".)

ACE's definition, with its example 积久成习, on the other hand, makes one think of repeated actions that eventually form a habit, unlike the usage quoted above.

2) The proposed definition "to experience over a long time" makes me think of stress or abuse. Related Google searches like [experienced "over a long period of time"] turn up things like "People also ask: What can prolonged stress lead to?") and websites with titles like "Burnout and chronic stress".

3.1) In your first sentence, the phrase is 积久以来. It's not a phrase that Google finds much in evidence on the Web. I do find this, however: 这是积久以来的一般认识。 I think 积久 here means "accumulate over time". Knowledge is generally something you accumulate rather than experience. One dictionary (Key) has "for a long time" in its definition of 积久, and your sentence may be an example of that sort of usage.

3.2) 积久了就有了十余篇. He accumulated 10+ pieces. He didn't experience them.

3.4) 把自己积久不敢说出的意见全说了 He accumulated opinions. He didn't experience them.

3.5) 埋藏在胸膛里的积久的愤怨倾泄出来了 The indignation *accumulated* (by my reading): "The anger buried in their chests, that had accumulated over a long time, poured forth."

4) Tentative conclusion: By copying the ACE definition and omitting their usage examples, ABC sometimes loses something. In this case, however, I think we can say that ACE's single example doesn't do justice to the range of contexts in which 积久 is used, so ABC comes out looking pretty good. Anyway, the key word "accumulate" seems justified and "experience" doesn't.
# 積久 积久 [ji1 jiu3] /to experience over a long time/
+ 積久 积久 [ji1 jiu3] /to accumulate over time/
By MDBG 2024
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