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Change log entry 65961
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-20 08:02:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62615 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm not so sure about the translation "to promise", in all Chinese examples I've seen 满口答应 is used to describe one person unreservedly agreeing when asked to do something, but it is used by both Wenlin and Pleco, and is a possible translation of 答应.

v.p. promise with great readiness

readily promise


When Bernard suggested that he might fill the role of a secretary, Edouard agreed.

To my surprise, he laughed and agreed.

In agreeing so readily, he had an axe to grind.

Pleco (PLC) is an updated version of Wei Dongya, ed. 《汉英词典》 "A Chinese-English Dictionary" (aka "ACE"), which was originally published in 1978, and much of ABC is highly derivative of older versions of ACE. (And many other dictionaries are also derivative of ACE. It was a very influential dictionary.)

When PLC and ABC have very similar definitions, it shouldn't be taken as independent corroboration. Rather, the default assumption should be that they come from the same source.

ACE was very good for its time, but it became dated and had some omissions, and some misleading wording in definitions, etc.

I would rather define 满口答应 to match the usage we find. We can always add "promise readily" later if we find instances of that sort of usage.
# 滿口答應 满口答应 [man3 kou3 da1 ying5] /to promise readily/to agree unreservedly/
+ 滿口答應 满口答应 [man3 kou3 da1 ying5] /to readily consent/
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