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Change log entry 65506
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-25 03:48:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61797 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's more about anxiety than fear (though fear is an element of anxiety, of course).

This page says: 指人极度焦虑,异常担忧.

See also M K GR GF
None of them mentions anything like "scared stiff".

Even "worried out of one's wits" sounds strange.
The usual idiom is "scared out of one's wits":
"scared out of his wits" - 344,000 results
"worried out of his wits" - 2,700 results

So in effect, all of our glosses suggest "fear".

- 国足被动但力拼到底的90分钟,看得我们揪心扒肝,但同样热血沸腾。
- 我特别酷爱演老太太,我真的觉得人老了,特别丰富。其实,每一个老人都是一个电影,包括大街上卖菜的老太太,她都有肝肠寸断的爱情,她都有揪心扒肝的日子,都有幸福的日子,她的每句话都是她的经历。

GR ~ être très inquiet, anxieux, angoissé; être dans les transes; être fou d’inquiétude.
GT's translation ~ be very worried, anxious, anguished; to be in the trances; to be mad with worry.
- 揪心扒肝 揪心扒肝 [jiu1 xin1 ba1 gan1] /lit. grips the heart, seizes the liver (idiom); fear grips the heart/worried out of one's wits/scared stiff/
+ 揪心扒肝 揪心扒肝 [jiu1 xin1 ba1 gan1] /(idiom) extremely anxious/anguished/
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