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Change log entry 65500
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-24 23:14:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61079 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
(def taken from Pleco)

1) change one's tune
the doctor always said the child was a girl; but after a scan shortly before she gave birth he changed his mind and said it was a boy.

On looking at her birth date and time, the medium changed her tune, this time averring, "No, you aren't fated to marry in this life.

- 随又觉得话太说的残酷了,又改口安慰地说
- 不管怎样,我就是这样说了,而且也不会改口。

2) change the way one addresses sb
- 苏小姐忽然改口,不叫“方先生”而叫“鸿渐”
- 「叫慣了伯母,改口叫媽媽,還真不習慣」
- "married in US, wedding in China - LG's parents give me Jewerry and Gai Kou Fei (call them baba mama)"
# - 改口 改口 [gai3 kou3] /to correct oneself/to withdraw or modify one's previous remark/
# + 改口 改口 [gai3 kou3] /to correct oneself/to withdraw or modify one's previous remark/to address sb by a different name/
# 改口費 改口费 [gai3 kou3 fei4] /a gift of money given by parents on both sides after a wedding, to their new daughter-in-law or son-in-law/
# Editor:
- 改口 改口 [gai3 kou3] /to correct oneself/to withdraw or modify one's previous remark/
+ 改口 改口 [gai3 kou3] /to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addresses sb (as when one marries and starts to call one's husband's parents 爸爸[ba4 ba5] and 媽媽|妈妈[ma1 ma5])/
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