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Change log entry 65479
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-19 23:50:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61687 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI: 春興 chūn xīng Excitation printaniére; désir (amour), désir charnel.
zdic: 1. 男女間的歡好情懷。

1) The 春 is figurative, like in 春藥, for example. 春興 doesn't necessarily occur "in springtime".
The zdic definition doesn't mention anything about spring, nor does the following one:


2) According to MoE, it's [xing4] rather than [xing1], and that seems right, given that 興[xing4] is defined (by one dictionary) as 興趣;興致。
# 春興 春兴 [Chun1 xing1] /'the joys of spring'/vernal urges/sexual attraction in springtime/
# Editor:
+ 春興 春兴 [chun1 xing4] /carnal desire/
By MDBG 2024
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