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Change log entry 65196
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-15 21:39:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61781 >>
As a matter of fact. 魔鬼 and 恶魔 are respectively demons and devils in D&D lore.
But it is translated as devils and demons here.
So it can lead to confusion especially since there is a pretty big difference between the two races, such as where they live, and how they act. Demons being more brutal and devils being more scheming.

Editor: Maybe CC-CEDICT should come with a disclaimer that we take no responsibility for brutalization at the hands of demons due to a reliance on our inaccurate definitions.
# 魔鬼 魔鬼 [mo2 gui3] /devil/demon(d&d)/
By MDBG 2024
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