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Change log entry 65192
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-15 09:57:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61642 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
MW @ cosplay
verb, transitive + intransitive, cosplayed; cosplaying; cosplays
- "At the orchestra's video game performance in 2013, some people cosplayed their favorite characters."
- "Fans return to this convention year after year, celebrating Japanese visual culture and happily cosplaying as anime characters they care about."

Verb usage in Chinese:
- PUBG創意總監Brendan Greene都在Twitter上載兩人合照,大讚她COS得有趣,
- 說明可否拍照時才發現他是男的: 我自己也以為是女的: 那男生要COS女角色時有沒有需要哪邊裝飾的?
- 最近一次看见你是在TGC上你COS的英雄联盟的女警,你COS女警这名角色有多长时间了?
- Cos 得都不錯的呢,
- 打算cos一下农药里的女角色,
- COS圣诞小麋鹿 ("dress up as a reindeer") -- see pic on the webpage this snippet came from ~ http://s.qnc.shixunwang.net/FnMU17XeRJipO_qdAH7WAHMweox7

I guess we should check that it's actually used as a noun as well!
- cos cos [c o s] /(Internet slang) cosplay/
+ ! cos cos [c o s] /(Internet slang) cosplay/to cosplay/to dress up as/
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