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Change log entry 64853
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-12 23:22:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61441 - submitted by 'gugray' >>
"four-eyes" does not do justice to the phrase's meaning, which is also made explicit in the MOE quote in the original submission.

Editor: I have no problem with adding a note for clarification, given that "four-eyes" isn't included in some English dictionaries. Also, "four-eyes" can refer to the "four-eyed fish" (a fish of the genus Anableps), and 四眼+田鸡 sounds somewhat like that.

- 四眼田雞 四眼田鸡 [si4 yan3 tian2 ji1] /four-eyes/
# + 四眼田雞 四眼田鸡 [si4 yan3 tian2 ji1] /bespectacled (humorous, pejorative; lit.: four-eyed frog)/
# Editor:
+ 四眼田雞 四眼田鸡 [si4 yan3 tian2 ji1] /four-eyes (facetious term for a person who wears glasses)/
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