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Change log entry 64664
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-24 12:50:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61278 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
A "niche" is a "specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service"

Based on numerous TP examples, I think 利基 often doesn't mean "niche". I think it means "asset that gives one a competitive edge". Of course, that's something that could help one establish a niche ... but it's not a niche per se.

1) 華碩善於從市場語言、工程語言,轉換為設計語言,利基在於有一組優秀的設計人才。
Asus' niche is its exceptional design team, which accounts for its skill in translating the languages of the marketplace and engineering into the language of design.
* It seems to me that "niche" is misused in the translation because a design team can't be called the "niche" of a company. They are an *asset* that gives the company a competitive advantage.

2) 但雙語精通確實是跨國企業理想中人才的一大利基。
* I think 利基 here is an asset that gives one an advantage. Bilingual proficiency isn't something you'd describe as a "big niche".

3) 「重視研發」是四零四最重要的經營利基,
Research and development is the most important operational pillar at Moxa.
* R&D isn't a "specialized market segment", but it can be something that gives you an edge over the competition.

4) 「台灣半導體業的最大利基,在於背後強大的資訊工業,」
The greatest advantage of Taiwan's semiconductor industry is the powerful information technology industry which stands behind it

5) 電影業不景氣,工作機會不多,導演也是個競爭激烈的行業。吳念真自認「下海」當導演的利基在哪裡?
With the movie industry having fallen on hard times, there aren't many opportunities for work, and directing is a highly competitive field. What's Wu's edge on other directors?
* They are asking "What's he specially good at?", not "What market segment of the film industry does he fit into?"

6) 「網路徵友使我發現,即使我在台灣婚姻市場的利基已逐漸縮小,但是放眼國際,我又是美女一個,」她說。
"Looking for friends on-line made me realize that, even if my chances in the Taiwan marriage market are shrinking, internationally I have no shortage of interested people," she says.

7) 網路的傳播威力更是獨立樂團的一大利基,
The Internet has become another major asset for independent acts.

8) 就美國企業的觀點來看,跟台灣企業做生意,不僅有利基,也有特殊情誼。
From the point of view of American firms, doing business with Taiwanese is not merely a matter of profit, there is also a special friendship.

9) 「國外強勢的領域,台灣還是有利基,」
"Taiwan still has niches in areas in which other countries dominate,"
* Even if that's a fairly accurate translation globally, maybe 有利基 here really means "has its strengths"?

10) ...澳門社會有這些留台校友在,「台灣人辦起事來比較方便,」他認為這是台灣在澳門發展的利基之一。
...the presence of these Taiwan alumni in Macau "makes it easier for the Taiwanese to get things done," and he feels that this is an asset for Taiwan in terms of developing relations with Macau.
* The presence of the Taiwan alumni is an asset or an advantage, not a "niche".

11) 示範園區之所以能吸引廠商,原因在於法令鬆綁之後出現新的可能與利基。
The reason why the park has been able to entice so many companies is that new possibilities and advantages have sprung up since the regulations were relaxed.
Advantage 1: Regulated raw materials

12) 也因為具有鐵路經過、產有陶土,又有煤礦的3項重要利基,
due in large part to three major advantages: a railroad station, locally sourced clay, and coal mines.

13) 點出台灣竹藝先天的利基。
This represents an inherent advantage of Taiwan bamboo crafts.

14) TOCFL的利基在於其精確性與世界共通性。
The TOCFL’s strengths are its accuracy and its universality.


Now, some examples where maybe "niche" is not a bad definition.

a) 健檢儀器大同小異,但台灣的健檢較精緻,醫師的判讀能力強,且講究服務,是台灣發展觀光醫療的利基。
Medical devices are largely the same the world over, but examinations in Taiwan are typically more thorough and our doctors are very skilled at diagnosis. These facts together with Taiwan's focus on service are driving the development of our medical tourism industry.

b) 大陸市場3年走下來,藝拓除了開發零售、大企業客製化商品二大市場外,最新的利基在博物館。
In the three years they have been in the mainland market, Artilize has focused not only on the two major markets of retail sales and custom-made production of products for large corporate clients, but more recently has begun to see the profit opportunities in museums.

c) 雖然野菜工房擁有自己的門市通路、定價比有機商店略高(250公克約賣50元),而且客源穩定,林銘村表示,整套商業模式(包括軟、硬體)的輸出更是植物工廠的利基。
The Vegetable Plant has its own marketing channels, its prices are slightly higher than those for organic vegetables (250 grams go for around NT$50), and it has a stable customer base. However, Lin says, selling the entire business model (including hardware and software) is the industry's niche.

d) 服務業原本就是台灣的經濟主幹,服務是藝術,也是門科學,更是每日生活中可以真實感受到的體驗。當更多人外食、更在乎健康養生,或者越來越多夫妻以飼養寵物來取代生養下一代,加上保護動物的意識高漲,更多的服務利基也應運而生。
The service sector is an art, a science, and an everyday experience. Already at the heart of Taiwan’s economy, it is likely to enjoy even more opportunities in the future as more people eat out, eat healthier, raise pets and take better care of those pets.

e) 1980年代末,張明正看到網路世界「寫病毒碼的駭客越來越多」,他預見那是一個利基市場,因此創立一家[...]防毒軟體公司「趨勢科技」。
At the end of the 1980s, Steve Chang took a look at the Internet­ world and determined that “more and more hackers would be writing viruses.” Predicting that this would create a niche market, he founded Trend Micro, an anti-virus company [...]
* I think the term 利基市場 really is "niche market", even though 利基 doesn't always mean "niche".

f) 很適合開發多樣化的利基技術及產品
[nimbleness and creativity] are what have enabled Taiwan’s SMEs to develop their diverse niche technologies and products

Other dictionaries either don't have an entry for the word or they say it does mean "niche".

LAC ~ 指企業優勢中細分出來有盈利的基礎。
- 利基市場
- 利基行銷
- 利基策略。(英niche)

K ~ {economic} (market) niche

Editor: Rich's rewording
- 利基 利基 [li4 ji1] /niche/
# + 利基 利基 [li4 ji1] /an advantage/a strength/(market) niche/
+ 利基 利基 [li4 ji1] /asset that gives a competitive advantage/a strength/(market) niche/
By MDBG 2024
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