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Change log entry 64639
Processed by: richwarm (2017-11-21 06:56:07 GMT)
Comment: removing "a"

Def seems fine otherwise:

TP ~ 此外,以往在台灣傳染病防治上曾負起第一線重任的各傳染病專責防治機構,如肺結核病院、痲瘋病院,甚至性病防治所等等,也都在營運壓力下一一歇業、轉型;起而代之的一般新建醫院大樓,儘管有著一流設備,卻沒有足夠的、具有負壓設備及獨立空調的隔離病房。
Moreover, various specialized medical centers that formerly carried the ball for epidemic illnesses-such as the hospitals dedicated to tuberculosis, leprosy, and even sexually transmitted diseases-have been compelled by market forces to close or restructure. Though the general hospitals that have replaced them have state-of-the-art facilities, they do not have an adequate number of negative pressure isolation rooms with independent climate control.
- 病院 病院 [bing4 yuan4] /a specialized hospital/
+ 病院 病院 [bing4 yuan4] /specialized hospital/
By MDBG 2024
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