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Change log entry 64627
Processed by: richwarm (2017-11-19 12:06:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61220 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I commonly see 整点 to mean every "full hour", that is 1:00, 2:00, 3:00. This isn't exactly the same as hourly, which can simply mean every 60 minutes. I'm not sure if "hourly" doesn't make it more confusing but added it since I saw it used correctly in some examples. I'm also not sure if "to make an inventory" is the correct translation for 整理清点, I haven't seen any modern example using the word in this way.

{E} n. 〈math.〉 integral point
integral point
{数} integral point
整理即清点, 时间为整数的某一时刻。
1. 整理清点。
2. 时间正好在整数的钟点上。
1 整理點選。
金旋聽得張飛引兵到, 乃集將校, 整點精兵器械, 出城迎敵。
2 時間正好在整數的鐘點上。

"They (the trains) would run on the hour but not as many as would run on a normal weekday, " Cole told Fox News.

此场景和前一场景的重要区别在于,我们希望计时器事件在特定时间发生,如“每小时一次,在整点后 10 分钟发生”。
The significant difference between this and the prior scenario is that we want to have the timer events occur at a specific time, such as "once an hour at 10 minutes past the hour".

The time is now 19 minutes past the hour.

He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.

"What time d'you make it?" — "Thirteen past."

Editor: Thanks.
# 整點 整点 [zheng3 dian3] /on the hour/o'clock/hourly/to make an inventory/integral point (math.)/
+ 整點 整点 [zheng3 dian3] /time of day exactly on the hour (i.e. 12:00, 1:00 etc)/to make an inventory/(math.) point that has integer coordinates/
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