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Change log entry 64622
Processed by: richwarm (2017-11-17 08:13:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61074 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
源自英国心理学家理查德怀斯曼(Richard Wiseman)的专着《正能量》,书中把人体比作一个能量场,通过激发内在潜能,使人充满活力。现多用「正能量」比喻人内在的健康乐观、积极向上的动力和感情;泛指激发人们奋进的力量。

“Positive energy,” or zhengnengliang (正能量), is now at the very heart of political discourse in the Xi Jinping era, having direct implications for media and Internet control, and extending to international diplomacy and other areas as well.

'Positive energy' chosen as number one Chinese catchphrase of the year

I feel it should be "positive energy (superstition)" since it is basically the same western new-agey concept, to distinguish it from a hypothetical 正+能量, which could be a scientific term. But the Chinese use seems to come from the Chinese translation of a Richard Wiseman book, a bona fide psychologist, so maybe "positive energy (psychology)"?

1) Regarding the LAC definition: Richard Wiseman does *not* compare the human body to an energy field anywhere in his book "Rip It Up". (I read it from cover to cover about 6 months ago.) I have (electronically) searched the Chinese translation of his book 《正能量》 for "能量场" and found nothing. Wiseman's original book is not about "positive energy" and that term appears nowhere in his book, yet "正能量" appears 90 times in its Chinese translation. Very curious!

2) Your second reference suggests that Wiseman "forged a favoured political catchphrase of the Chinese Communist Party". Not true. It was forged by the mysterious person who decided to shoehorn the term 正能量 into the translation of Wiseman's book. (I suspect it was not the translator 李磊, and that she was asked by somebody to work it into the text.)

3) I don't agree that "positive energy" is a superstitious concept or necessarily new-agey. It's often just an everyday term used to refer to a bundle of attributes like enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and optimism.

4) "positive energy (psychology)"?
"positive energy" is not a well-defined psychological concept. It's certainly not something that is discussed in Wiseman's book "Rip It Up".
# 正能量 正能量 [zheng4 neng2 liang4] /positive energy/
# Editor:
+ 正能量 正能量 [zheng4 neng2 liang4] /positive energy/positivity/
+ 負能量 负能量 [fu4 neng2 liang4] /negative energy/negativity/
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