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Change log entry 64607
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-14 14:23:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61102 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. zdic entry for this phrase at http://www.zdic.net/c/9/37/85258.htm, also GRAND RICCI, vol. V, p. 1065, col. 1

dicts also say 传说兽名.
but probably only mentioned in 山海经, which already tells me it's a mythical beast.
If I'm reading 山海经, or sth referring to it, will I want to check a dictionary that simply tells me: "mythical beast"?
A dictionary is a linguistic tool. Chinese dictionaries often didn't take that viewpoint.
But what use is it to have in a dictionary a list of all creatures from 山海经, especially if we have nothing else to tell about them?

"a star"--but which one. Maybe only in 天文志上. Ditto.

# 天馬 天马 [tian1 ma3] /Excellent horse from Ferghana, in the Tang dynasty believed to sweat blood; mythical steed of the Celestial Emperor; alternative name for the praying mantis; a star's name./
+ 天馬 天马 [tian1 ma3] /celestial horse (mythology)/fine horse/Ferghana horse/(western mythology) Pegasus/
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