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Change log entry 64387
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-16 00:31:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60908 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Seems to be more like "strategy" than "tactics". Strategy is big-picture stuff: "Strategy happens away from the action. If you are involved in a violent encounter, you are not using strategy, you are using tactics."

At any rate, it's almost invariably translated as "strategy" in TP:
building suitable learning strategies

In addition to working on media strategy,

藝拓擬定了幾個策略:不同於在歐美家飾商店中以「Tales Corner」方式呈現,為確保品牌的一致性,大陸走的是專賣店通路。
the folks at Artilize adopted the following strategy: Whereas in the West they were content to sell through a "Tales Corner" in existing home furnishings stores, they decided that, in order to ensure the integrity of the brand name in mainland China, they were going to have to open their own specialized outlets.

“an adaptation strategy for a relatively unstable ecological environment.”

are in fact very different strategies


I'm not sure about "to be tactful". It's certainly in some C-E dicts, but LA says
例 「那只不過是策略罷了」、「此人不好對付,說話要有策略」。
I'm not sure that is quite the same as "tactful".

CCD has the following gloss: 讲究斗争艺术,注意方式方法
Again, that doesn't seem to quite match the meaning of "tactful".
Maybe "artful" is sth like it?

Some sentences containing 很策略地. Do all of these make sense as either "strategically" or "tactfully"?
(Actually, I suspect the "two senses" of 策略 are really just one sense.)

1. 机会终于来了,有个小女生打电话找我儿子,电话被我接了。我用温和的语气,问她是不是我儿子的同学,很策略地对她说:“我能见见你吗?放心,我不会伤害你,我连你的名字也不想知道,咱们找个地方坐坐,聊一下,好不好?”小女生同意了。

2. 可他尽管心里有些紧张,脸上却表现出自然亲近之色,嘴上也很策略地说:“吴局长,这你就对我多心了,我们有不同一般的关系,我也是靠你才调到这里来的,

3. 我很怕她又悄悄地把那口糊锅弄得洁净起来,于是很策略地和她抱怨:“这口锅崩油,还粘,锅底容易结锅巴,早就应当下岗了。”

4. 在这些论述中,毛泽东很策略地讲明他在农民问题上同陈独秀的右倾错误思想和张国焘“左”倾错误思想的分歧。

5. 他不很高兴,跑去找他们的体育老师Dave Hinchcliffe,一见面就问:“为什么不让我当队长?” 那时他刚九岁,体育老师有些吃惊,但很策略地回答:“因为我希望你能够集中精力踢好球啊。”

6. 不管大人怎么去套近乎,他都会很策略地与大人保持一点距离。 这样的“独处”其实非常正常,因为“独处”决不是大人的专利,小孩子也一样需要享受“一个人”的时空。
- 策略 策略 [ce4 lu:e4] /tactics/to be tactful/
# + 策略 策略 [ce4 lu:e4] /strategy/to be tactful/
+ 策略 策略 [ce4 lu:e4] /strategy/tactics/crafty/adroit/
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