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Change log entry 64302
Processed by: vermillon (2017-09-10 21:53:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60907 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
i wonder if we should add these simplifed forms to the following entries or not? with the new version of CEDICT site they do get displayed, but formerly the would've displayed as squares (i believe)...
editor: the characters exist, so let's use them.
- 鐽 鐽 [da2] /darmstadtium (chemistry)/
+ 鐽 𫟼 [da2] /darmstadtium (chemistry)/
- 𨧀 𨧀 [du4] /dubnium (chemistry)/
+ 𨧀 𬭊 [du4] /dubnium (chemistry)/
- 𨭆 𨭆 [hei1] /hassium (chemistry)/
+ 𨭆 𬭶 [hei1] /hassium (chemistry)/
- 鑪 鑪 [lu2] /rutherfordium (chemistry)/
+ 鑪 𬬻 [lu2] /rutherfordium (chemistry)/
- 錀 錀 [lun2] /(metal)/roentgenium (chemistry)/
+ 錀 𬬭 [lun2] /(metal)/roentgenium (chemistry)/
- 䥑 䥑 [mai4] /meitnerium (chemistry)/
+ 䥑 鿏 [mai4] /meitnerium (chemistry)/
- 𨭎 𨭎 [xi3] /seaborgium (chemistry)/
+ 𨭎 𬭳 [xi3] /seaborgium (chemistry)/
By MDBG 2024
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