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Change log entry 64150
Processed by: richwarm (2017-08-08 23:29:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60765 - submitted by 'kerrick' >>
"edamame" is a more common word for this thing

Editor: "edamame" normally include the pod and they're usually boiled and salted.
But 毛豆 commonly also refers to the beans removed from the pod.
They're used in dishes like this:

GF ~ 內含豆粒的大豆嫩莢, 莢上多細毛。豆粒也叫毛豆, 青色, 可以作蔬菜。
- 毛豆 毛豆 [mao2 dou4] /green soy bean/
# + 毛豆 毛豆 [mao2 dou4] /edamame/green soy bean/
+ 毛豆 毛豆 [mao2 dou4] /immature green soy beans, either still in the pod (edamame) or removed from the pod/
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