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Change log entry 64086
Processed by: richwarm (2017-07-19 04:52:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60232 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I looked into the way this word is used. In TP, J, and ChinesePod Glossary*, for example, it's almost always a *mistaken* notion, with just the exception noted below.
* http://chinesepod.com/tools/glossary/entry/%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%BA
(A typical example: 我以为你走了,原来你还在那里等我。)
And I think that should be reflected in the cedict definition.

However, searching for 我以为 (instead of 以为), I found that a fair proportion of hits in TP were cases where there was no implication that the notion was mistaken. Here are some of them:

"I believe that poetry is a language of emotion. A poet has no greater satisfaction than when, if writing for a star or a cloud, the star or cloud understands his language; or when, if writing for a person, the person understands his language."--Yang Mu, in the afterword to Water's Brink.

"I'm proud to serve TTG," says Feng Zongqing, the head of design at TGA Glass Enterprise in Tainan. He joined TTG as an unpaid advisor because he was inspired by Lin's vision and willingness to sacrifice. "TMG covers all the costs of the Glass Hall alone, and at the 2008 furniture exhibition put up the money and manpower for 60 stands."

To put it in terms of that new buzzword, EQ (emotional quotient), it seems to me that education in Taiwan has deprived us of the chance to mature emotionally at a key stage of our development.

I have always felt that there is more to life than acquiring knowledge. Education is only a process, and a means to an end. What we should be seeking is happiness. The problem is that happiness is not totally subjective. If happiness is to last, one must satisfy certain objective conditions. I believe that to live a happy life, you have to meet the following three conditions: ...

Says Shih Ying, a member of the board of directors for HEF: "People expect a lot from educators. We require them to be both nurturing and highly educated. We want them to stand at the blackboard, and we want them to take a kid in their arms when the kid needs it. They have to be all things to all people. But I think the most important thing of all is for them to be a good judge of character." If a teacher can see the heart of gold in a "problem child," says Shih, then he'll naturally be able to see the blueprint of a new school amidst the rubble of collapsed buildings.

What is it that drew Stan Lai to theater? As he explains it, he has always been interested in a diverse range of the arts, having painted since childhood, in college engaging in music-related activities, and being deeply interested in literature and photography. "I got the idea that theater could bring all these varied interests together and so struck off in that direction."

The beauty and ugliness found in one's environment also, of course, are important factors in the cultivation of one's aesthetic sensibility. But I still feel that aesthetic education is needed before we can really start to see people who are trained to have "aesthetic reflexes." The problem we face now is that people can't even tell the difference between what is good and what is bad.
- 以為 以为 [yi3 wei2] /to believe/to think/to consider/to be under the impression/
+ 以為 以为 [yi3 wei2] /to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication that the notion is mistaken – except when expressing one's own current opinion.)/
By MDBG 2024
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