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Change log entry 64063
Processed by: richwarm (2017-07-17 00:54:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60702 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

Editor: I don't think the "lit" part is well expressed, necessary or helpful.
Because of "heart [says] no", it sounds like "agreeing to something you don't really want to do".

TP ~ 像是嫉妒心強、喜說人過、報復心強、貪得無厭、心量狹小、口是心非、多疑多欲多姿態等等。
like jealously, a penchant to be critical, revengefulness, greediness, pettiness, two-facedness, suspiciousness and lustfulness.
- 口是心非 口是心非 [kou3 shi4 xin1 fei1] /lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom); duplicity/empty words/
# + 口是心非 口是心非 [kou3 shi4 xin1 fei1] /lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom)/fig. duplicity/empty words/
+ 口是心非 口是心非 [kou3 shi4 xin1 fei1] /duplicity/hypocrisy (idiom)/
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