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Change log entry 63651
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-05-26 20:50:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60211 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. "fig" and "lit" labels are wrong (reversed)
2. "a bargain buy" was copied from A

As might be expected, the final products are inexpensive but well-made,

In comparison with imported seaweed, Taiwan's seaweed is of high quality and low cost.

After Taiwan's National Health Insurance came into effect in 1995, the quality yet affordable healthcare system was deemed a "healthcare economic miracle."

"We are very clear about our own role. We are not trying to compete with the national universities, but are like an economy class car-inexpensive but effective,"
- 價廉物美 价廉物美 [jia4 lian2 wu4 mei3] /fig. the price is cheap but the product is beautiful; lit. a bargain buy/
+ 價廉物美 价廉物美 [jia4 lian2 wu4 mei3] /inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)/
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