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Change log entry 63520
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-04-22 16:17:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60079 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
All of this meant that she spent three years in relative silence, returning to the scene in 2008 with her album Come for a Visit.

It used to be that when ROC citizens applied to replace lost passports, they could continue to use the old ones if they found them within 48 hours. But the United States had misgivings about the policy, believing that the 48-hour window gave criminals the chance to alter passports and enter the United States illegally.

Previously, the period from National Day on October 10 until the following March was an "empty window" for water bamboo shoots. Harvests of winter shoots might occur with luck, but they couldn't be counted upon, and the quality would almost certainly be poor.

[The total cost of the equipment, demolitions, ground preparation, construction and the purchase of 80,000 chickens was over NT$50 million, with the capital coming from low-interest Council of Agriculture loans and funds borrowed from relatives.] Moreover, it was a six-month period with no revenues.

The reality is that Japan’s diet has become quite Westernized, and the country has a huge demand for iceberg lettuce. But every year from November to March, there is a gap in domestic supplies of iceberg, so that large amounts have to be imported, almost all of which formerly came from the United States.


With Taiwan still not having passed a law regulating clinical psychologists and lacking a formal national certification, for the moment the island must rely on organizations trusted by the public to fill the gap.

In fact, there is only a one in 10,000 chance of contracting AIDS through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Moreover, even if the lifeguard were infected, a blood test could detect the virus within three to six months. Demanding that the family be responsible for five years is unreasonable.

But AIDS has a period of dormancy,

The rise and fall of local TV stations demonstrates just how difficult the TV industry is. In the past, the viewing public's dissatisfaction with the Big Three's news reporting opened a window of opportunity, spurring cable TV stations to offer more news. Now they provide far more news than the Big Three.

the company will help them find new jobs as quickly as possible so there is no period without a job.

Liu stressed that the new cabinet would not have a honeymoon period or a chance to gradually ease into the job.

When he looked at the store nearest the station exit, though, which went for a high rent but was about to be vacated, he decided that rather than have to leave it empty, he would give the MOCA the site on the condition that they had an exhibition ready to go in four days.
- 空窗期 空窗期 [kong1 chuang1 qi1] /window period (time between first infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies)/intervening period of time/
+ 空窗期 空窗期 [kong1 chuang1 qi1] /window period (time between infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies)/period during which sth is lacking (boyfriend or girlfriend, work, revenue, production of a commodity etc)/lull/hiatus/
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