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Change log entry 63517
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-04-22 16:07:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60081 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
OCD has
- 重点桥段:key chapter of a film
- 最精彩的桥段:the outstanding part of a film

I'm not familiar with the term "chapter of a film".
Google does not find a single instance of the phrase "key chapter of the film".
The answerer below doesn't seem very familiar with the notion of a film chapter either.

Quora question: How many chapters are there in a movie?
Answer: Movies are more closely related to stage plays than novels. As a result, it is more appropriate to divide them into acts and scenes rather than chapters. The three-act structure is most common and traditional. [...] Scenes, sometimes called sequences, are subdivisions of the major acts that take place at different times and/or places.

As far as I can tell, a 桥段 is a *scene* rather than an act or a chapter. See examples below.

a scene in the hit Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs set in a stereo store ignited discussion among young music fans

For example, the fish in the scene showing hawkers at the Huazhong Bridge fish market are so vibrant that they look ready to jump out of the screen.

it was not uncommon to work unnecessary scenes into the movie just for the 3D effect.

live re-enactments of scenes from the series,

Her signature piece was the scene from Madame White Snake called "Stealing the Celestial Herbs."

Every now and then during an unoccupied moment between scenes, [producer Joan Sun from Taiwan reminds the host what he should be saying, ...]

Magic's not the sort of thing you can just put into use straight after learning it; you need to test and refine the tricks before you can get the best performance out of them. You have to figure out what to say when, how to bridge between steps,

This bridge piece, a rewrite of the music for "Wang Zhaojun Crosses the Frontier,"

the old men in the audience, upon hearing the bridge of one track--which was a traditional section--jumped up and started dancing
- 橋段 桥段 [qiao2 duan4] /scene/section/chapter/passage/bridge (i.e. transition)/
+ 橋段 桥段 [qiao2 duan4] /scene (in a movie etc)/bridging element (in a performance)/
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