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Change log entry 63510
Processed by: richwarm (2017-04-20 23:29:34 GMT)
Comment: Hyphen issues:
interpret word by word
copy word for word
word count
- 望文生義 望文生义 [wang4 wen2 sheng1 yi4] /lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to interpret word-by-word without understanding the meaning/a far-fetched interpretation/
+ 望文生義 望文生义 [wang4 wen2 sheng1 yi4] /lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to interpret word by word without understanding the meaning/a far-fetched interpretation/
- 照抄 照抄 [zhao4 chao1] /to copy word-for-word/
+ 照抄 照抄 [zhao4 chao1] /to copy word for word/
- 字數 字数 [zi4 shu4] /number of written characters/number of words/word-count/
+ 字數 字数 [zi4 shu4] /number of written characters/number of words/word count/
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