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Change log entry 63488
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-04-16 10:34:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60059 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Mostly occurs in the term 综艺节目.

Here are some examples where it isn't followed by 节目.
1) 卡通裡把「工作熱忱」放大到「不上班會死」的人格狀態,正是現實世界的綜藝式反諷。

2) 目前我國已開播的無線電視數位頻道,計有台視、台視財經台及綜合台;中視、中視新聞台與綜藝台等15個頻道,均採標準畫質播出。
For the moment, all of the commercial digital OTA programming being broadcast in Taiwan—we currently have 15 digital OTA channels—is in standard definition.

3) 自轉星球文創的黃俊隆則將彎彎、宅女小紅等部落客捧紅成綜藝型的寫作明星,
And at Revolution-Star Publishing and Creation, Ray ­Huang struck gold by converting the online creations of bloggers Wan­wan and Jhai Nyu Siao Hong into the print medium,

4) 讓戲曲學院所屬綜藝團也加入演出,

5) 無論新聞、綜藝、教育、戲劇、電影,幾乎電視上有的內容,網路上都看得到,
Whether it’s news, entertainment, education, drama, or even films, virtually anything that’s on TV is now viewable on the Internet.

6) The annual International Arts Carnival entered its 16th year in 1997. It took place in July and August and had 20 performances of paper theatre, Chinese dance, ballet, puppetry, concerts and children's drama. The shows were staged by three visiting and 10 local groups.
- 綜藝 综艺 [zong1 yi4] /comprehensive arts and entertainment/
+ 綜藝 综艺 [zong1 yi4] /wide range of performing arts/
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