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Change log entry 62923
Processed by: ycandau (2017-01-25 01:01:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59495 - submitted by 'kerrick' >>
I think people sometimes miswrite 著名 as 着名. See http://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/11018/%E7%9D%80-vs-%E8%91%97-is-it-the-same . IMHO it's good to have an entry in case people (like me) see this variant and can't find it in the dictionary, although this form is basically a mistake so maybe we don't want to include it.

Editor: we don't document incorrect writings, as this would simply be documenting web illiteracy, and the list is endless.
# 著名 着名 [zhu4 ming2] /variant of 著名[zhu4 ming2]/
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