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Change log entry 62682
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-05 10:21:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59298 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
Rich, what you said about 小路 applies to 抄小路, and similar constructs.
Don't trust LA:
「要爭取時間,抄小路比較快」taking a shortcut is faster? duh!

to take a shortcut would be specifically 走近路 I guess.

of course when you take the side streets it's often as a shortcut. But not only; maybe you don't want to be on the main road

google for more uses and tell me what you think. Pretty busy here, was just peeking at the queue
I guess our def for 抄 is not very good either.

Editor: Yes, I think you're right.
I found these examples:
- 當曹成主力傾巢而出後,岳飛親率精兵抄小路遠距離迂迴到曹成後方,一舉攻占曹成大本營。
- 韩信却率军暗中抄小路迂回到陈仓,发起突然袭击,
- 抄小路的目的无非是为了省力气,或者是做一些非法的勾当。
- 正因为大家自以为是,放着大道不走,反而喜欢走弯曲的田埂小路; 或许他们认为抄小路比较快,却没有考虑到小路纵然没使他跌倒,却容易使他深陷泥沼不能自拔。
- 那麼,你應該將身體縮成最小體積、抄小路隱蔽地逃走
- 抄小路 抄小路 [chao1 xiao3 lu4] /to take a shortcut through the back roads/
+ 抄小路 抄小路 [chao1 xiao3 lu4] /to take the back roads/to take the side streets/to take the small paths/
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