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Change log entry 62643
Processed by: richwarm (2016-11-25 22:07:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59352 - submitted by 'ghast' >>
According to most references, this term (譏誚) is a verb, not an adjective.

from 國語辭典: 以譏諷的話責問他人。(https://www.moedict.tw/%E8%AD%8F%E8%AA%9A)
from 百度百科 : 冷言冷语地讥讽 . (http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%AE%A5%E8%AF%AE/5600104?fr=aladdin)
from Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary: <lit> sneer at; make gibes about; speak ironically about.

I don't know how this term became "cynical" ...
I am not sure what the best definition would be, so I'm just copying the first two from the Oxford reference above, but all I want is for the definition to be corrected to something more appropriate, please correct as you see fit.
- 譏誚 讥诮 [ji1 qiao4] /cynical/
# + 譏誚 讥诮 [ji1 qiao4] /sneer at/make gibes about/
+ 譏誚 讥诮 [ji1 qiao4] /to deride/to mock/
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