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Change log entry 62560
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-10-15 13:45:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59299 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 62541 >>
<< review queue entry 59228 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 缩阴--就是女性为提高夫妻性生活质量的一种方法。现在缩阴已是很多生过小孩的女性比较关心的话题,因为很多女性在分娩后会因阴道松弛而影响到正常的夫妻性生活。

- 6种简单缩阴运动让阴道更紧致
- 关于女性产后缩阴练习和缩阴手术(好羞涩……)

since we are here... :-)
or "to make the vagina tighter".

"one's" sounds like you are doing it voluntarily, no?
"She tightened her vagina even more and began to pounce up and down"

In older literature you have mention of 缩阴丸, the pill to tighten the vagina. Given the context I never felt the need for a dictionary

Editor: OK, I'll go with your other wording. :)
- 縮陰 缩阴 [suo1 yin1] /to tighten one's vagina/
# + 縮陰 缩阴 [suo1 yin1] /to tighten the vagina/
+ 縮陰 缩阴 [suo1 yin1] /to make the vagina tighter/
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