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Change log entry 60814
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-15 15:19:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57378 - submitted by 'kerrick' >>
Put more common definitions first. For comparison, the Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary lists "follow" as the first sense, "heel" as the second sense, and "with / towards" as the third sense, and omits the "to marry" sense.

Editor: not taking your suggestion. But overhauling the entry
- 跟 跟 [gen1] /heel/to follow closely/to go with/to marry sb (of woman)/with/towards/as (compared to)/from (different from)/and (in addition to)/
# + 跟 跟 [gen1] /to follow closely/to go with/heel/with/towards/as (compared to)/from (different from)/and (in addition to)/to marry sb (of woman)/
+ 跟 跟 [gen1] /heel/to follow closely/to go with/(of a woman) to marry sb/with/compared with/to/towards/and (joining two nouns)/
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