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Change log entry 59646
Processed by: richwarm (2015-12-17 03:28:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57037 - submitted by 'ghast' >>
this word gets around 12 million results in 百度, and is clearly established as chinese for "low Earth orbit". there are articles at 百度百科 and Wikipedia.

there is a synonym for this term: "低地軌道", however it seems much less used judging from the much smaller amount of results from 百度 (264 thousand for the simplified 低地轨道). ¿should that be added too?

I capitalized "Earth" following advice from here: http://grammarist.com/style/earth/

i'm not sure about adding that "(LEO)" there, but the acronym seems to be commonly used, e.g.:
+ 近地軌道 近地轨道 [jin4 di4 gui3 dao4] /low Earth orbit (LEO)/
# Editor:
+ 低地軌道 低地轨道 [di1 di4 gui3 dao4] /see 近地軌道|近地轨道[jin4 di4 gui3 dao4]/
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