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Change log entry 59502
Processed by: vermillon (2015-12-06 08:46:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56905 - submitted by 'kerrick' >>
Put more relevant definitions first. "to play" is the more common sense of this word and the Oxford Pocket Chinese Dictionary lists it first while only giving a passing reference to the noun sense.
- 玩 玩 [wan2] /toy/sth used for amusement/curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4])/to play/to have fun/to trifle with/to keep sth for entertainment/
+ 玩 玩 [wan2] /to play/to have fun/to trifle with/toy/sth used for amusement/curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4])/to keep sth for entertainment/
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