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Change log entry 5723
Processed by: miles (2008-09-13 23:13:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5415 >>
+ 清正廉明 清正廉明 [qing1 zheng4 lian2 ming2] /upright and honest/
+ 招降納叛 招降纳叛 [zhao1 xiang2 na4 pan4] /to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (成语 saw); to gather together a gang of villains/
+ 生命不息,戰鬥不止 生命不息,战斗不止 [sheng1 ming4 bu4 xi1 , zhan4 dou4 bu4 zhi3] /while there is life, the fight continues (成语 saw); to fight to the last/
+ 無利 无利 [wu2 li4] /no profit/not profitable/a hindrance/(to lend money) at no interest/
+ 不顧前後 不顾前后 [bu4 gu4 qian2 hou4] /regardless of what's before or after (成语 saw); rushing blindly into sth/
+ 停滯不前 停滞不前 [ting2 zhi4 bu4 qian2] /stuck and not moving forward (成语 saw); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill/
+ 奸官污吏 奸官污吏 [jian1 guan1 wu1 li4] /traitor minister and corrupt official (成语 saw); abuse and corruption/
+ 贓官污吏 赃官污吏 [zang1 guan1 wu1 li4] /grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (成语 saw); abuse and corruption/
+ 革命先烈 革命先烈 [ge2 ming4 xian1 lie4] /martyr to the revolution/
+ 先烈 先烈 [xian1 lie4] /martyr/
+ 無期 无期 [wu2 qi1] /unspecified period/in the indefinite future/no fixed time/indefinite sentence (i.e. life imprisonment)/
+ 遙遙無期 遥遥无期 [yao2 yao2 wu2 qi1] /far in the indefinite future (成语 saw); so far away it seems forever/
+ 後會無期 后会无期 [hou4 hui4 wu2 qi1] /to meet again at unspecified date/meeting postponed indefinitely/
+ 後會有期 后会有期 [hou4 hui4 you3 qi1] /to meet again some day soon/
+ 無期別 无期别 [wu2 qi1 bie2] /to part for an unspecified period/to take leave from indefinitely/
+ 敵營 敌营 [di2 ying2] /enemy camp/
+ 降將 降将 [xiang2 jiang4] /surrendered enemy general/
+ 胡謅 胡诌 [hu2 zhou1] /to invent crazy nonsense/to cook up (excuses)/to talk at random/wild babble/
+ 胡謅亂扯 胡诌乱扯 [hu2 zou1 luan4 che3] /to talk nonsense (成语 saw); saying whatever comes into his head/
+ 隨口胡謅 随口胡诌 [sui2 kou3 hu2 zou1] /to talk random nonsense (成语 saw); to say whatever comes into one's head/
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