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Change log entry 56775
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-03-24 18:31:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54139 - submitted by 'ghast' >>
I made two changes here.

First, the traditional "賓西法尼亞" is missing the "州" at the end (or else the simplified has an extra "州", but I think the "州" should be there given that it is part of the abbreviated name "賓州").

Second, it seems (judging by baidu's results) that "夕" is seen more often than "西" in the name, it's also written with "夕" in Wikipedia and Baidu Baike. That's why I considered switching from "西" to "夕", however I'm not completely sure about this one.
- 賓州 宾州 [Bin1 zhou1] /Pennsylvania/abbr. for 賓西法尼亞|宾西法尼亚州/
+ 賓州 宾州 [Bin1 zhou1] /Pennsylvania/abbr. for 賓夕法尼亞州|宾夕法尼亚州/
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