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Change log entry 38246
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-11 19:29:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36651 - submitted by 'pzelchenko' >>
Saw this in a scene in “和你在一起“ (about 10 minutes in, after the instructor dismisses the bad student, the haughty mom says to him something like, “说得清楚:不是你不教了,是我们把你给抄啦!“)

Editor: no need. You are just trying to point to your entries. Navel-gazing, admit it :-)
# - 炒魷魚 炒鱿鱼 [chao3 you2 yu2] /to be fired/to fire/
# + 炒魷魚 炒鱿鱼 [chao3 you2 yu2] /to be fired/to fire/(also simply 炒)/
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