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Change log entry 37864
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-27 19:43:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36915 - submitted by 'pzelchenko' >>
Read in a letter just now. I assume that is what it means. Lots of hits online for similar expressions, and
Windows Pinyin IME pairs these two zi together. But it's not in Commercial Press / Oxford.

Editor: 浓重 is in lots of dictionaries, including "New Age C-E Dictionary" (Commercial Press).

There are only seven webpages containing the "idiom" 我最浓重的一笔, according to Google.
浓重的一笔, on the other hand, has many Google hits and can be understood in terms of its
components as "(leave) a deep mark (on)" (i.e have a profound influence on)

Jukuu ~
Yes, our mothers -- the first real love of our lives -- write a significant portion of our love map.
# 濃重 浓重 [nong2 zhong4] /strong, deep, lasting (impression), as in 我最浓重的一笔, my most lasting impression (idiom)/
- 濃重 浓重 [nong2 zhong4] /dense/
+ 濃重 浓重 [nong2 zhong4] /dense/thick/strong/rich (colors)/heavy (aroma)/deep (friendship)/
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