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Change log entry 83606
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 10:02:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76972 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 酒吧 酒吧 [jiu3 ba1] /bar/pub/saloon/CL:家[jia1]/
+ 酒吧 酒吧 [[jiu3ba1]] /bar (place to buy drinks)/CL:家[jia1]/

Change log entry 83605
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 07:28:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76957 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"防空避難 / Air Defense Shelter" signs are plastered all over taiwanese cities



防空避難所 example ~
慈湖 : 在臺灣桃園境內,原稱「埤尾」,因臨百吉隧道出口,又稱為「洞口」。湖景秀麗,1959年完成「慈湖行館」,1962年改名為「慈湖」。「慈湖行館」為仿四合院閩浙形式的磚造紅瓦平房,左右圓洞門可至側院,後方山壁設有一處防空避難所。1975年,成為蔣介石陵寢。慈湖後面的百吉林蔭步道,多美麗景點,彩蝶飛舞,自然生態豐富,最高處可盡覽大溪全景。

"防空避難所" - 64k
"防空避难所" - 4k
# 防空避難 防空避难 [[[fang2kong1 bi4nan4]]] /to take cover from an airstrike/air defense shelter/
+ 防空避難 防空避难 [[fang2kong1 bi4nan4]] /(Tw) air-raid evacuation/
+ 防空避難所 防空避难所 [[fang2kong1 bi4nan4suo3]] /(Tw) air-raid shelter/

Change log entry 83604
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 07:11:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76974 - submitted by 'encn' >>
'moonlight group' makes little sense and literal defs like this should be avoided.

Editor: Yes, it only serves to confuse and distract.
- 月光族 月光族 [yue4 guang1 zu2] /lit. moonlight group/fig. those who spend their monthly income even before they earn their next salary (slang)/
+ 月光族 月光族 [[yue4guang1zu2]] /people who spend all their monthly earnings before the next payday/

Change log entry 83603
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 06:36:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76971 - submitted by 'encn' >>



Editor: According to Key, it's [ba5] ([da4lie4ba5]) rather than [ba1], and "in Harbin, pronounced dàliěba".
+ 大列巴 大列巴 [[da4lie4ba1]] /big Russian-style bread (loanword from Russian "хлеб")/

Change log entry 83602
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 05:59:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76970 - submitted by 'encn' >>
the most acceptable form is 酒吧
- 酒巴 酒巴 [jiu3 ba1] /pub/also written 酒吧/

Change log entry 83601
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 05:54:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76969 - submitted by 'encn' >>
抢风/航行 construct, and couldn't find many examples

(follow-up comment) please ignore this submission. 抢风航行 is worth keeping as a good example of 抢风.

Editor: ok

I'm not sure about this one myself. If it does mean "tack against the wind", that doesn't seem like something that is obvious from 搶風 and 航行, because it's a maneuver that involves sailing in a zig-zag path (tacking), not merely "advancing into a headwind". In that case, it couldn't be called a mere construct.

Also, I note that our definition of 搶風 is "headwind; contrary wind", while in NA it's defined as a verb phrase "to go against the wind; to brave the wind".

Anyway, I'll just paste in a couple of examples I found, for future reference:

这并不是最好的开始,但结果却是相当漂亮,因为在我面前的大部分家伙为了更好的视野和更好的航道抢风航行到左边。我从右侧抢风航行穿过大部队,抢的早 ...

这时,就需要学习一项专业的技术了:抢风航行。 先把船头转向右前方。这时,逆风就变成了侧风。调整船帆,向右前方前行一段。然后,把船头转向左前方。再调整帆,再前 ...
# - 搶風航行 抢风航行 [qiang1 feng1 hang2 xing2] /to tack against the wind (sailing)/

Change log entry 83600
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 05:17:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76957 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"防空避難 / Air Defense Shelter" signs are plastered all over taiwanese cities

Editor: 防空避難 is an *activity* (evacuation in the event of an air raid) not a *place* (air defense shelter). It's something you *perform* (進行), as in 本次演練亦模擬空襲警報發生之當下如何進行防空避難,..., not something you *build* or *take shelter in*.

Chinese terms for "air defense shelter" include 防空避難所 and 防空避難設施. A typical classifier for these shelters is 處. If you Google "處防空避難", you find that the term this classifier actually applies to is 防空避難所 or 防空避難設施 etc., not 防空避難.

E.g. 全台共11萬處防空避難所.
(Not 全台共11萬處防空避難.)

(Not 台北有4600個防空避難.)

I didn't find much evidence of verb usage:
> "應該防空避難" 0 results
> "他們防空避難" 1 result
Google displayed 13 results for "如何防空避難", but that small number wasn't terribly convincing. Anyway, in general, if you are submitting a definition that isn't in dictionaries, typically lots of examples of usage are necessary to justify it. It would help this project if you could supply some of them yourself.
# 防空避難 防空避难 [[[fang2kong1 bi4nan4]]] /to take cover from an airstrike/air defense shelter/

Change log entry 83599
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 22:54:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76964 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

LA ~ 比喻極為珍愛的人或物。
例 「孩子是父母的心頭肉」、「那些模型玩具都是小弟的心頭肉,可別踫壞了」。
- 心頭肉 心头肉 [xin1 tou2 rou4] /the person one loves the most/one's most treasured possession/
+ 心頭肉 心头肉 [[xin1tou2rou4]] /the person one loves the most; one's most treasured possession/

Change log entry 83598
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 22:54:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76963 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think it's more accurate to say that thoughts (along with feelings) are things that occur in one's 心頭, not the 心頭 itself.

- 心頭卻有塊揮之不去的痛
- 一股醫生救人的信念湧上心頭

GR ~ Cœur (en tant que siège de la pensée et du sentiment).
➝ "the heart (as the seat of thoughts and feelings)"
The *seat* of thoughts and feelings.

MoE ~ 心裡
- 心頭 心头 [xin1 tou2] /heart/thoughts/mind/
+ 心頭 心头 [[xin1tou2]] /one's heart; one's mind/

Change log entry 83597
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 21:49:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76962 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
trad: 癥 ➝ 症
pinyin: split into two words

Editor: Thanks, my bad
- 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/
+ 大腸激躁症 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2 ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/

Change log entry 83596
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:57:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76924 - submitted by 'encn' >>
兽装是一种角色扮演服装,其形象常表现为动物(或幻想的生物),主要由兽人爱好者(Furry Fandom)或演员使用,作为娱乐、工作或慈善等用途。兽装按照组成部件的多少可分为多种类型,少至仅使用一条尾巴和一对耳朵,多至包覆全身的整套服装。兽装可以自行制作,也可以向专业制作兽装的工作室委托定制。

fursuit [ fur-soot ] noun
a custom-made anthropomorphic animal costume, often representing a character created by or for the wearer.

我想提问,穿兽装都是怎么去漫展的,能坐车吗,本来想着住附近把兽装寄过去,看了下附近的酒店真的好贵[悲伤] 没办法带过去换,全装真的很大,行李箱根本塞不下
+ 獸裝 兽装 [[shou4zhuang1]] /fursuit/

Change log entry 83595
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:27:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76926 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

+ 貓糧 猫粮 [[mao1liang2]] /cat food/

Change log entry 83594
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:25:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76927 - submitted by 'encn' >>
名人堂(英语:Hall of Fame),亦称作殿堂,是用来纪念知名人士,或是在特定领域中的杰出人士之建筑物。“名人”(Fame)的意义已经被改变了很多年,其原始的字义应为“声誉”(Renown),而不是今时大众所熟知的“名流”(Celebrity)[1]。在一些情况下,名人堂具有实质的殿堂或博物馆,以雕塑或大事记牌匾的展示方式来铭记受奖者,并展示其相关文物史料。


我们量子少年里有的人像曹大佐,有的人像君子剑,有的人像伯爵,有的人像托帽[笑哈哈] 什么知乎键政圈名人堂。 什么时候快进到四个人指名道姓对骂
+ 名人堂 名人堂 [[ming2ren2tang2]] /Hall of Fame/

Change log entry 83593
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:19:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76935 - submitted by 'encn' >>

我朋友就是被前男友pua了 ,但是她不敢面对,三番四次地回头,明明知道是垃圾也当掌中宝心头好。


Editor: I think "cherished" may be too strong of a word. In most of the examples I've read it just means something like "favorite". I tried to simplify the definition, and make it clear it's the noun sense of "favorite", not the adjective sense.
But let me know if you feel differently

Cherry blossoms are the bosses' favorite

Unfortunately, for him cars are just a means of transportation. His favorite vehicle is the motorcycle.

This barbie doll is the child's favorite

Some more:
# 心頭好 心头好 [[xin1tou2hao3]] /one's cherished person or thing/
# Editor
+ 心頭好 心头好 [[xin1tou2hao3]] /favorite; something preferred over others/

Change log entry 83592
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:03:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76932 - submitted by 'encn' >>
膨大 /péngdà/ 动词

+ 膨大 膨大 [[peng2da4]] /to swell; to inflate/

Change log entry 83591
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:46:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76958 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
大腸激躁癥 is the standard/common Chinese phrase for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, especially in China.

For example, Baidu Baike has this entry:


Editor: 症 should be zheng4
# 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4 chang2 ji1 zao4 zheng1]] /Irritable bowel syndrome (medical)/
# Editor:
+ 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/

Change log entry 83590
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:38:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76959 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
肠易激综合征 is the common (official?) term for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The same phrase is used in China (e.g. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%82%A0%E6%98%93%E6%BF%80%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E5%BE%81/8456761) and Taiwan (e.g. https://www.letpub.tw/index.php?page=med_english_big5&class_id=1&searchContent=irritable+bowel+syndrome&x=0&y=0)

Editor: Thanks, but this is already in CC-CEDICT
# 腸易激綜合徵 肠易激综合征 [[chang2 yi4 ji1 zong1 he2 zheng1]] /Irritable Bowel Syndrome (medical)/

Change log entry 83589
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:35:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76960 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
There is already an entry for 高脂血症, but 高血脂 is also commonly used layman term. Wikipedia's entry for 高脂血症 contains "俗稱血脂過高、高血脂".

Is it possible to add an alias for 高脂血症?
# 高脂血症 高脂血症 [[gao1 xie3 zhi1]] /High blood fat, see 高脂血症/
# Editor:
# 高脂血症 高脂血症 [gao1 zhi1 xue4 zheng4] /high blood fat disease/hyperlipidemia/hypertriglyceridemia/
+ 高血脂 高血脂 [[gao1xue4zhi1]] /see 高脂血症[gao1zhi1xue4zheng4]/

Change log entry 83588
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 09:52:43 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 全員 全员 [quan2 yuan2] /all personnel; the whole staff/
+ 全員 全员 [[quan2yuan2]] /all personnel; the whole staff/
- 去信 去信 [qu4 xin4] /to send a letter to; to write to/
+ 去信 去信 [[qu4xin4]] /to send a letter to; to write to/
- 同軸 同轴 [tong2 zhou2] /coaxial/
+ 同軸 同轴 [[tong2zhou2]] /coaxial/
- 堅決 坚决 [jian1 jue2] /firm; resolute; determined/
+ 堅決 坚决 [[jian1jue2]] /firm; resolute; determined/
- 塗片 涂片 [tu2 pian4] /smear (medical sample); microscope slide/
+ 塗片 涂片 [[tu2pian4]] /smear (medical sample); microscope slide/
- 塞音 塞音 [se4 yin1] /(linguistics) plosive; stop/
+ 塞音 塞音 [[se4yin1]] /(linguistics) plosive; stop/
- 奏效 奏效 [zou4 xiao4] /to show results; to be effective/
+ 奏效 奏效 [[zou4xiao4]] /to show results; to be effective/
- 成心 成心 [cheng2 xin1] /intentionally; deliberately; on purpose/
+ 成心 成心 [[cheng2xin1]] /intentionally; deliberately; on purpose/
- 猛進 猛进 [meng3 jin4] /to advance boldly; to push ahead vigorously/
+ 猛進 猛进 [[meng3jin4]] /to advance boldly; to push ahead vigorously/
- 穿衣 穿衣 [chuan1 yi1] /to put on clothes; to get dressed/
+ 穿衣 穿衣 [[chuan1yi1]] /to put on clothes; to get dressed/
- 綽名 绰名 [chuo4 ming2] /nickname/
+ 綽名 绰名 [[chuo4ming2]] /nickname/
- 頒授 颁授 [ban1 shou4] /to confer (e.g. a diploma); to award/
+ 頒授 颁授 [[ban1shou4]] /to confer (e.g. a diploma); to award/
- 頹靡 颓靡 [tui2 mi3] /(literary) devastated/
+ 頹靡 颓靡 [[tui2mi3]] /(literary) devastated/
- 世紀 世纪 [shi4 ji4] /century/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 世紀 世纪 [[shi4ji4]] /century/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 創作 创作 [chuang4 zuo4] /to create; to produce; to write/a creative work; a creation/
+ 創作 创作 [[chuang4zuo4]] /to create; to produce; to write/a creative work; a creation/
- 多變 多变 [duo1 bian4] /fickle/(math.) multivariate/
+ 多變 多变 [[duo1bian4]] /fickle/(math.) multivariate/
- 學徒 学徒 [xue2 tu2] /apprentice/to serve an apprenticeship/
+ 學徒 学徒 [[xue2tu2]] /apprentice/to serve an apprenticeship/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83587
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 09:40:53 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 個案 个案 [ge4 an4] /individual case; special case/
+ 個案 个案 [[ge4an4]] /individual case; special case/
- 儉省 俭省 [jian3 sheng3] /thrifty; economical; sparing/
+ 儉省 俭省 [[jian3sheng3]] /thrifty; economical; sparing/
- 合謀 合谋 [he2 mou2] /to conspire; to plot together/
+ 合謀 合谋 [[he2mou2]] /to conspire; to plot together/
- 寒暄 寒暄 [han2 xuan1] /to exchange conventional greetings; to exchange pleasantries/
+ 寒暄 寒暄 [[han2xuan1]] /to exchange conventional greetings; to exchange pleasantries/
- 審慎 审慎 [shen3 shen4] /prudent; cautious/
+ 審慎 审慎 [[shen3shen4]] /prudent; cautious/
- 感人 感人 [gan3 ren2] /touching; moving/
+ 感人 感人 [[gan3ren2]] /touching; moving/
- 旋繞 旋绕 [xuan2 rao4] /to curl up; to wind around/
+ 旋繞 旋绕 [[xuan2rao4]] /to curl up; to wind around/
- 樹梢 树梢 [shu4 shao1] /the tip of a tree; treetop/
+ 樹梢 树梢 [[shu4shao1]] /the tip of a tree; treetop/
- 狐疑 狐疑 [hu2 yi2] /to doubt; to suspect/
+ 狐疑 狐疑 [[hu2yi2]] /to doubt; to suspect/
- 球形 球形 [qiu2 xing2] /spherical; ball-shaped/
+ 球形 球形 [[qiu2xing2]] /spherical; ball-shaped/
- 知名 知名 [zhi1 ming2] /well-known; famous/
+ 知名 知名 [[zhi1ming2]] /well-known; famous/
- 著重 着重 [zhuo2 zhong4] /to put emphasis on; to stress/
+ 著重 着重 [[zhuo2zhong4]] /to put emphasis on; to stress/
- 賜教 赐教 [ci4 jiao4] /(honorific) to impart one's wisdom; to enlighten/
+ 賜教 赐教 [[ci4jiao4]] /(honorific) to impart one's wisdom; to enlighten/
- 避諱 避讳 [bi4 hui4] /to avoid a taboo (usu. on the given names of emperors or one's elders)/
+ 避諱 避讳 [[bi4hui4]] /to avoid a taboo (usu. on the given names of emperors or one's elders)/
- 銷蝕 销蚀 [xiao1 shi2] /to corrode; to erode; to wear away (lit. and fig.)/
+ 銷蝕 销蚀 [[xiao1shi2]] /to corrode; to erode; to wear away (lit. and fig.)/
- 骨立 骨立 [gu3 li4] /(literary) emaciated; bony/
+ 骨立 骨立 [[gu3li4]] /(literary) emaciated; bony/
- 估衣 估衣 [gu4 yi5] /secondhand clothes/cheap ready-made clothes/
+ 估衣 估衣 [[gu4yi5]] /secondhand clothes/cheap ready-made clothes/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83586
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 09:23:06 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 中選 中选 [zhong4 xuan3] /to be chosen; to be selected/
+ 中選 中选 [[zhong4xuan3]] /to be chosen; to be selected/
- 侮罵 侮骂 [wu3 ma4] /to scold; to abuse/
+ 侮罵 侮骂 [[wu3ma4]] /to scold; to abuse/
- 促使 促使 [cu4 shi3] /to prompt; to induce; to spur/
+ 促使 促使 [[cu4shi3]] /to prompt; to induce; to spur/
- 好笑 好笑 [hao3 xiao4] /laughable; funny; ridiculous/
+ 好笑 好笑 [[hao3xiao4]] /laughable; funny; ridiculous/
- 廉潔 廉洁 [lian2 jie2] /incorruptible; unbribable; honest/
+ 廉潔 廉洁 [[lian2jie2]] /incorruptible; unbribable; honest/
- 得中 得中 [de2 zhong1] /moderate; appropriate; suitable/
+ 得中 得中 [[de2zhong1]] /moderate; appropriate; suitable/
- 接近 接近 [jie1 jin4] /to approach; to get close to/
+ 接近 接近 [[jie1jin4]] /to approach; to get close to/
- 污染 污染 [wu1 ran3] /to pollute; to contaminate (lit. and fig.)/
+ 污染 污染 [[wu1ran3]] /to pollute; to contaminate (lit. and fig.)/
- 注意 注意 [zhu4 yi4] /to take note of; to pay attention to/
+ 注意 注意 [[zhu4yi4]] /to take note of; to pay attention to/
- 淺顯 浅显 [qian3 xian3] /(of written or spoken material) easy to understand; accessible/
+ 淺顯 浅显 [[qian3xian3]] /(of written or spoken material) easy to understand; accessible/
- 短暫 短暂 [duan3 zan4] /of short duration; brief; momentary/
+ 短暫 短暂 [[duan3zan4]] /of short duration; brief; momentary/
- 蝦子 虾子 [xia1 zi3] /shrimp roe; shrimp eggs/
+ 蝦子 虾子 [[xia1zi3]] /shrimp roe; shrimp eggs/
- 鐵拳 铁拳 [tie3 quan2] /iron fist/
+ 鐵拳 铁拳 [[tie3quan2]] /iron fist/
- 風險 风险 [feng1 xian3] /risk; hazard/
+ 風險 风险 [[feng1xian3]] /risk; hazard/
- 國企 国企 [guo2 qi3] /state-owned enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management (as a subject of study)/
+ 國企 国企 [[guo2qi3]] /state-owned enterprise/(Tw) international business management (as a subject of study) (abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理[guo2ji4 qi3ye4 guan3li3])/
- 心戰 心战 [xin1 zhan4] /psychological warfare/(literary) to be inwardly terrorized/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83585
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 07:39:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76951 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+adverb sense: not dialectal, standard, on HSK/TOCFL lists and many textbooks.

"(dialect) some time in the future; some day" seems similar, but looks like a noun sense rather than adverb: 你早晚上城裡來,請到我家玩 / please come to my house if you are in town one day.

1) "looks like a noun sense rather than adverb"
Both "some time in the future" and "some day" are adverbial as well as nominal.
Just like "tomorrow" is both an adverb and a noun:

Anyway, I'll insert "at" to make it unambiguous.

2) "(coll.) (this, or that) point of time"
例 「這早晚,他應該下班了」、「這早晚他還在外頭遊蕩」、「他一早便出門,這早晚應該已經到學校了」。
- 早晚 早晚 [[zao3wan3]] /morning and evening/(dialect) some time in the future; some day/
# + 早晚 早晚 [[zao3wan3]] /morning and evening/sooner or later; eventually/(dialect) some time in the future; some day/
+ 早晚 早晚 [[zao3wan3]] /morning and evening/(in reference to sth that is bound to happen) sooner or later; one of these days/(coll.) (this, or that) point of time/(dialect) at some time in the future/

Change log entry 83584
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 06:34:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76946 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From - 《现代汉语词典》



- 杂志刊发国务院国资委党委署名文章
- 近日,《学习时报》刊发我校干部教育研究处高玉飞的文章《毛笔在中国传统文化中的重要价值》。

"carry" - sense #22
# 刊發 刊发 [[kan1fa1]] /to issue; to publish/
+ 刊發 刊发 [[kan1fa1]] /(of a newspaper or magazine) to publish (an article, story, report etc); to carry/

Change log entry 83583
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 05:30:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76949 - submitted by 'encn' >>
跑官 /pǎoguān/ 动词

跑 here means 为某种事物或利益而奔走, as in 跑生意
+ 跑官 跑官 [[pao3guan1]] /to seek a government post through bribery or connections/

Change log entry 83582
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 04:01:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76936 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Underground malls in Taiwan eg 台北地下街, 中山地下街, 東區地下街

1. 由於目前的經營者都是早期的傳統攤商,年齡層偏高,不擅長產品的形象塑造與包裝行銷,加上商品與鄰近的三水街、廣州街等同質性高,對消費者而言,特別走入地下街的誘因不足。

2. 其實,這波全民藝術瘋醞釀已久,各大美術館觀展人潮逐年倍增,展品甚至「外溢」到周邊社區與捷運地下街,在在顯示民眾接受度大為提升。

* * *

Thanks for clarifying that underground street" is a literal translation. Unless it's labeled as "lit.", it comes across as Chinglish or gives people the wrong impression. Also, we generally don't give literal translations of headwords, especially if it's obvious what the literal translation would be.

You recently added "underground mall" as a 2nd sense in Wiktionary's entry for 地下街. I think it's very likely that the 1st sense listed – "underground street" – was in fact intended to provide a definition for the same thing you defined (i.e. underground mall). The contributor who added "underground street" indicates on their profile page that they are a native speaker of Mandarin who has only a basic knowledge of English. I would say your wording should *replace* their definition instead of being added as a 2nd sense.
# 地下街 地下街 [[di4xia4jie1]] /underground street/underground mall/
+ 地下街 地下街 [[di4xia4jie1]] /underground shopping arcade; underground mall/

Change log entry 83581
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 03:26:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76947 - submitted by 'encn' >>



以前还觉得景甜人又不火还爱买热搜,对她很无感,现在觉得她跟张继科分手是真的体面[苦涩] 可惜所托非人呐

遇人不淑 : 指女子所嫁非人。語本《詩經‧王風‧中谷有蓷》。[例]離婚對一些~的女性來說,反而是人生的新契機。





陶謙 : 人名(132-194),字恭祖,丹陽(今安徽當塗)人。東漢官吏。初為徐州刺史,曾鎮壓徐州黃巾軍。後任徐州牧,期間所任非人,刑政漸亂。初平四年(193)為曹操所敗。隔年病死。
+ 所託非人 所托非人 [[suo3tuo1fei1ren2]] /to entrust sth to the wrong person and get let down/
# Editor:
- 非人 非人 [fei1 ren2] /inhuman/(literary) not the right person/
+ 非人 非人 [[fei1ren2]] /inhuman/(literary) an unworthy person (to appoint, to marry etc)/
+ 所用非人 所用非人 [[suo3yong4fei1ren2]] /to choose the wrong person for the job/

Change log entry 83580
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:57:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76933 - submitted by 'encn' >>


Editor: Some more usage:

+ 靈魂伴侶 灵魂伴侣 [[ling2hun2 ban4lu:3]] /soulmate/

Change log entry 83579
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:52:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76934 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
variant of 沙琪瑪
# 沙其馬 沙其马 [[sha1qi2ma3]] /sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks/
# Editor:
+ 沙其馬 沙其马 [[sha1qi2ma3]] /variant of 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[sha1qi2ma3]/

Change log entry 83578
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:47:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76940 - submitted by 'encn' >>
原生家庭 (英语:Family of Origin) 指早期与父母或其他形式抚养者居住的家庭。原生家庭往往是相对于成年后自主选择的家庭而言的(例如结婚组建新家庭、外出独自居住等)。



Editor: Some more usage:

+ 原生家庭 原生家庭 [[yuan2sheng1 jia1ting2]] /family of origin/

Change log entry 83577
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 23:56:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76938 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Doesn't mean "restrain" or "scold" as far as I know

Editor: HDC has 7 senses, including some that sound like restrain and scold, but we don't need all of those.
- 詰 诘 [jie2] /to investigate/to restrain/to scold/
# + 詰 诘 [[jie2]] /(bound form) to question; to interrogate/
+ 詰 诘 [[jie2]] /(bound form) to question closely; to interrogate/

Change log entry 83576
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 23:33:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76945 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 外國人居住證明 外国人居住证明 [wai4 guo2 ren2 ju1 zhu4 zheng4 ming2] /foreigner's certificate of residence/

Change log entry 83575
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 23:05:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76944 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 拗口 拗口 [ao4 kou3] /hard to pronounce/awkward-sounding/
+ 拗口 拗口 [[ao4kou3]] /hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding/
- 拗口令 拗口令 [ao4 kou3 ling4] /tongue twister/
+ 拗口令 拗口令 [[ao4kou3ling4]] /tongue twister/

Change log entry 83574
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 22:38:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76943 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Was recently processed and just needs v2
- 違拗 违拗 [wei2 ao4] /to disobey; to defy; to deliberately go against (a rule, a convention, sb's wishes etc)/
+ 違拗 违拗 [[wei2ao4]] /to disobey; to defy; to deliberately go against (a rule, a convention, sb's wishes etc)/

Change log entry 83573
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 21:54:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76903 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
zha4 is colloquial pronunciation variant, considered improper but common on the street
Standard reading is zha2 in all dictionaries:

Editor: In writing the entry we were aware that dictionaries ignore [zha4].
In cc-cedict, "Taiwan pr. [...]" is intended as an indication of what people (predominantly) say, rather what they should, in theory, say.
# - 炸 炸 [[zha2]] /to deep fry/(coll.) to blanch (a vegetable)/Taiwan pr. [zha4]/
# + 炸 炸 [[zha2]] /to deep fry/(coll.) to blanch (a vegetable)/Taiwan coll. pr. [zha4]/

Change log entry 83572
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 08:09:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76931 - submitted by 'encn' >>


Elon Musk同志来华参与组织生活后,X的算法推荐多了不少黄推,少了不少键政,你说一点关系没有我是不信的


+ 鍵政 键政 [[jian4zheng4]] /(slang) to discuss politics online/

Change log entry 83571
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 07:45:19 GMT)
Comment: My error -- my examples didn't actually support saying that it's only "usually" a women's competition.
- 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /crown or tiara of a queen, empress or beauty pageant winner/first place in a competition (usu. a women's competition)/
+ 后冠 后冠 [[hou4guan1]] /crown or tiara of a queen, empress or beauty pageant winner/first place in a women's competition/

Change log entry 83570
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 07:33:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76930 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
I believe "fried chicken" can include much broader flavors and styles, popcorn chicken is more in line with the flavor profile and style of this dish

Wp ~ 咸酥鸡,或称盐酥鸡,是常见的台湾小吃之一,为台湾最常见的炸鸡块,特点是会加入九层塔一起油炸,带有特殊的香气。

LA ~ 鹹酥雞 [...] 也作「鹽酥雞」。

When all was said and done, the top three "little eats" were o-a-zen (蚵仔煎/oyster omelet), pearl milk tea, and yansu chicken (battered deep-fried chicken pieces with salt, pepper, and other spices),



- 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [xian2 su1 ji1] /fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper/Taiwan-style fried chicken/
# + 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [[xian2 su1 ji1]] /fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper/Taiwan-style popcorn chicken/
+ 鹹酥雞 咸酥鸡 [[xian2su1ji1]] /see 鹽酥雞|盐酥鸡[yan2su1ji1]/
+ 鹽酥雞 盐酥鸡 [[yan2su1ji1]] /Taiwan-style popcorn chicken/

Change log entry 83569
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-08 04:30:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76923 - submitted by 'encn' >>



Editor: Another reason for thinning is to reduce limb breakage.

1) 從1990年開始,在行政院農委會資助下,林宗賢以5年時間,邀請各行業專家,成立技術服務團,輔導果農降低生產成本和提升品質,除了開闢產業道路、進行「間伐疏果」外,還在果園內進行「草生栽培」,也就是在果樹植株間,任由原生雜草生長而不濫施除草劑,並藉著雜草保溼、保溫及改善土質的作用,來減少土壤流失。

2) 大久保芒果園面積約5分地,完全採溫室栽培法,無論炎夏或下雪,全年溫度維持在攝氏25 度。在這種高成本投資下,不僅有效隔絕了濕雨及昆蟲入侵,解決了炭疽病及「果實蠅」叮咬問題,果實不用套袋,還可以延長花期。為了方便管理,每株果樹都矮化及疏果到只剩下80顆果實,並以勾子勾住連結蒂頭,有的果園則是以小網子架在下面承接落果,這就是俗稱的「完熟」。
# 疏果 疏果 [[shu1guo3]] /to thin fruit (for a better harvest)/
+ 疏果 疏果 [[shu1guo3]] /to thin fruit (to increase fruit size etc)/

Change log entry 83568
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 22:20:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76922 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 忸 忸 [niu3] /accustomed to/blush/be shy/
+ 忸 忸 [[niu3]] /used in 忸怩[niu3ni2]/
- 怩 怩 [ni2] /shy/timid/bashful/to look ashamed/
+ 怩 怩 [[ni2]] /used in 忸怩[niu3ni2]/
# 忸怩 忸怩 [niu3 ni2] /bashful/blushing/

Change log entry 83567
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 22:15:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76901 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 嚴把 严把 [yan2 ba3] /to be strict/to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)/

Change log entry 83566
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:24:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76809 - submitted by 'encn' >>
甜菊苷(英语:Stevioside, Stevia),又称甜菊素、甜菊糖苷、甜菊萃,一种糖苷,1931年,由法国科学家从菊科草本植物甜叶菊(或称甜菊叶)中提炼出。可作为甜味剂使用,而南美洲使用甜叶菊作为药草和代糖已经有几百年历史。它具有高甜度、低热能的特点,其甜度是蔗糖的200-300倍,热值仅为蔗糖的1/300。

GB 1886.355-2022 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 甜菊糖苷
本标准适用于以甜叶菊(Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni)叶为原料,经提取p精制而得的食品添加剂甜菊糖苷。
+ 甜菊糖苷 甜菊糖苷 [[tian2ju2tang2gan1]] /stevioside/
# Editor
+ 甜菊苷 甜菊苷 [[tian2ju2gan1]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83565
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:22:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76810 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [tian2 ju2 tang2] /Stevia extract, used as sugar substitute/
+ 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [[tian2ju2tang2]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83564
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:18:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76012 - submitted by 'encn' >>
trad form 捨 > 舍
v2 pinyin

definitions need review
- 神不守捨 神不守舍 [shen2 bu4 shou3 she4] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
# 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
- 四鄰八捨 四邻八舍 [si4 lin2 ba1 she4] /the whole neighborhood/
# 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2ba1she4]] /the whole neighborhood/
- 退避三捨 退避三舍 [tui4 bi4 san1 she4] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# Editor:
+ 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /(idiom) absentminded; dazed; distracted/
+ 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2-ba1she4]] /(idiom) the whole neighborhood/
+ 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4-san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/

Change log entry 83563
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76917 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 複合詞素詞 复合词素词 [fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2] /polymorphemic/

Change log entry 83562
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:06:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76915 - submitted by 'encn' >>
wrong def
分子/化合物 construct

Editor: Thanks, should be 分子生物学
- 分子化合物 分子化合物 [fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4] /molecular biology/

Change log entry 83561
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:01:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76914 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 單一合體字 单一合体字 [dan1 yi1 he2 ti3 zi4] /unique compound/

Change log entry 83560
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:54:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76916 - submitted by 'encn' >>
don't know what 听墙面 is
- 聽牆面 听墙面 [ting1 qiang2 mian4] /surface of wall/

Change log entry 83558
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:46:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76919 - submitted by 'encn' >>
there're not many examples

Editor: Thanks, should be 环保 not 保环
- 保環主義 保环主义 [bao3 huan2 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/

Change log entry 83557
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-07 11:27:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76900 - submitted by 'encn' >>
should be 严峻
- 嚴竣 严竣 [yan2 jun4] /tight/strict/severe/stern/difficult/

Change log entry 83556
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-07 06:17:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76897 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

"sour mountain date" - was probably based on references that say the fruit is sour, and alternative names include 山萸, 药枣, and more

"herb associated with longevity" - used in TCM but couldn't find anything specific about longevity
For example: 本品为山茱萸科植物山茱萸的干燥成熟果肉。 主治腰膝酸痛,眩晕,耳鸣,阳痿,遗精,小便频数,肝虚寒热,虚汗不止,心摇脉散。
- 山茱萸 山茱萸 [shan1 zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis/sour mountain date/herb associated with longevity/
+ 山茱萸 山茱萸 [[shan1zhu1yu2]] /Japanese cornel (Cornus officinalis)/

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