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Change log entry 74862
Processed by: richwarm (2022-05-19 04:17:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70897 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>

单单是知道它就可能会 给你带来杀身之祸。
Just knowing that can get you killed.

So, do you think his generosity got him killed?

不要主动联系我 否则会为我们招致杀身之祸
Never contact me. You will get us both killed.

[the elephant] has grown a pair of ivory tusks which are admired by everyone, and so must constantly be on his guard against being killed.

Puppet theater is China's earliest form of performance using effigies. Some people maintain that puppets were originally tomb figurines but there are also early records of them being used for performances. The Lieh-tzu, for example, records how a puppet master used wooden idols to ogle the concubine of King Mu of Chou, for which he narrowly avoided death
# 殺身之禍 杀身之祸 [sha1 shen1 zhi1 huo4] /fatal disaster; lethal misfortune/
+ 殺身之禍 杀身之祸 [sha1 shen1 zhi1 huo4] /(idiom) getting killed/

Change log entry 74860
Processed by: richwarm (2022-05-19 01:21:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70898 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>

For example, the first dish, Wen Tian-xiang Chicken, has the delicious flavors of the popular Taiwanese dish Three Cup Chicken. Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), one of the three great heroes of the Song dynasty, is enshrined in the east wing of the Confucius Temple in Taipei. According to legend, when he was imprisoned in a dungeon, an old lady often visited him, and through the assistance of prison guards brought him Three Cup Chicken, made with chicken, water, rice wine and cooking oil cooked in a ceramic pot. After Wen was executed, the prison guards cooked the same dish as an offering on the anniversary of his death because of their admiration for his spirit of justice. The story spread and has carried on to this day.
# 殺身成仁 杀身成仁 [shā1 shēn1 chéng2 rén2] /die for a humane or just cause/sacrifice oneself for the sake of righteousness/
+ 殺身成仁 杀身成仁 [sha1 shen1 cheng2 ren2] /(idiom) to die a martyr; to be martyred/

Change log entry 74859
Processed by: richwarm (2022-05-18 22:52:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70896 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
sources: https://cidian.911cha.com/MjdiZmE=.html; 新世纪汉英大词典(第二版)2016

"傻头傻脑" is an adjective describing the ways a person looks or behaves which are like those of a fool.

Editor: Thanks. Yes, it's used adjectivally.
- 傻頭傻腦 傻头傻脑 [sha3 tou2 sha3 nao3] /a fool/
# + 傻頭傻腦 傻头傻脑 [sha3 tou2 sha3 nao3] /muddle-headed/foolish-looking/
+ 傻頭傻腦 傻头傻脑 [sha3 tou2 sha3 nao3] /moronic/

Change log entry 71720
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-07 11:15:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66549 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# 崢嶸歲月 峥嵘岁月 [zheng1 rong2 sui4 yue4] /memorable years (of one's life)/
+ 崢嶸歲月 峥嵘岁月 [zheng1 rong2 sui4 yue4] /eventful years (idiom)/

Change log entry 71696
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-03 06:15:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66551 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# 折戟沉沙 折戟沉沙 [zhe2 ji3 chen2 sha1] /broken halberds embedded in sand---reminder of a fierce battle/
+ 折戟沉沙 折戟沉沙 [zhe2 ji3 chen2 sha1] /lit. broken halberds embedded in the sand (idiom)/fig. reminder of a fierce battle/remnants of a disastrous defeat/

Change log entry 71633
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-22 07:56:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66542 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# (眾|衆)怒難犯 众怒难犯 [zhong4 nu4 nan2 fan4] /one cannot afford to incur public wrath; it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses/
+ 眾怒難犯 众怒难犯 [zhong4 nu4 nan2 fan4] /(idiom) one cannot afford to incur public wrath/it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses/

Change log entry 71630
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-22 06:53:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66545 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

Thus there is often mass support for the construction of indoor facilities.

"At first sight beautiful, and then ever more beautiful." Finding a paragon of male beauty who could always meet with everyone's approval would seem an impossible task.

Although Frank Hsieh enjoys popular confidence, as premier he will have to fight many hard battles.
# (眾|衆)望所歸 众望所归 [zhong4 wang4 suo3 gui1] /enjoy popular confidence; command popular support/
+ 眾望所歸 众望所归 [zhong4 wang4 suo3 gui1] /(idiom) to have popular support/to receive general approval/

Change log entry 71627
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-22 05:07:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66546 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)









# (鍾|鐘)靈毓秀 钟灵毓秀 [zhong1 ling2 yu4 xiu4] /(of a place) pregnant with beauty and productive in talent/
+ 鍾靈毓秀 钟灵毓秀 [zhong1 ling2 yu4 xiu4] /(of a place) endowed with a natural beauty that nurtures people of talent (idiom)/

Change log entry 71578
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 05:25:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66556 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# 珠光寶氣 珠光宝气 [zhu1 guang1 bao3 qi4] /be resplendent or bedecked with jewels/
+ 珠光寶氣 珠光宝气 [zhu1 guang1 bao3 qi4] /bedecked with glittering jewels (idiom)/

Change log entry 71519
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-13 01:14:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66548 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

1) << I was then already more in evidence than my cousin, as I was four months older than he. Pointing to what was obviously him through Auntie Ch'eng and what was still more obviously me through "Auntie," [the author called her mother "Auntie" because she had been adopted out], Grandmother said "Why don't we Yangs and Ch'engs strengthen our ties further by adding match on match? Let us have these two grandchildren betrothed to each other, so long as one is a boy and the other is a girl." >>

- from "An Autobiography of a Chinese Woman: Put Into English By Her Husband Yuenren Chao" (1947) (which I just happen to be reading at the moment)
by Buwei Yang Chao ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buwei_Yang_Chao

2) 指腹为婚又称“胎婚”,是两家主妇同时怀孕,孩子尚在母腹中孕育,父母双方便指腹相约,如果产下一男一女,待其成年后就结成夫妻。指腹为婚时,双方还常常割下两家主妇的衣襟,以此作为信物,因此,指腹为婚又被称为“割襟”或“割衫襟”。
# 指腹(為|爲)婚 指腹为婚 [zhi3 fu4 wei2 hun1] /an antenatal (or prenatal) betrothal/
+ 指腹為婚 指腹为婚 [zhi3 fu4 wei2 hun1] /to propose the future marriage of two unborn babies on condition that one turns out to be a boy, and the other, a girl (idiom)/

Change log entry 71506
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-11 05:06:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66544 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# (眾|衆)擎易舉 众擎易举 [zhong4 qing2 yi4 ju3] /with many people it's easy to lift a load----many hands make light work/
+ 眾擎易舉 众擎易举 [zhong4 qing2 yi4 ju3] /many hands make light work (idiom)/

Change log entry 71380
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 05:29:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66550 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# 爭斤論兩 争斤论两 [zheng1 jin1 lun4 liang3] /haggling over every ounce; be calculating/
+ 爭斤論兩 争斤论两 [zheng1 jin1 lun4 liang3] /to haggle over every ounce (idiom)/to to fuss over minor points/to be particular about sth/

Change log entry 70716
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 08:45:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66553 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

Besides being a pastime, Liang argues, chess also provides a healthy outlet for man's warlike nature, turning the primitive struggle for survival into a battle of wits: "Man is combative and tricky by nature. To win a victory on the chessboard is better than to win in a struggle for political power; to fool an opponent by crushing his chariot through a double-play is better than to gain some economic advantage through false pretenses."

In 1982, the British writer Nick Danziger, with the support of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship, set off from London on an epic journey. Traveling by train, bus, lorry, and foot, he traversed Europe and reached Istanbul. From Turkey, he traveled to Damascus in the Arab world, and on through Iran, very hostile to Westerners at the time; through civil-war-wracked Afghanistan; Pakistan; and then on to Xinjiang in China, at the time not yet open to Westerners. Danziger eventually made his way, by hook and by crook, to Beijing. In the end, passing through Hong Kong, he returned to Britain. Over 18 months, he had spent a mere £1000.

The play tells the story of a bandit who sneaks into a temple and ends up colluding with its abbot. They store and sell the bandit's black-market alcohol from a place where the police would never think to look for it: the temple itself. The abbot even tricks the devout into helping sell the booze. Later, the bandit's wife inadvertently exposes the scheme when she seeks help for their child at the temple. The play closes with an absurd tale of a drunken father. In reality, Sri Lanka has had a serious problem with alcoholism for many years.

It's worth mentioning that he might easily have collected many more points than just mentioned, but in the course of the activity someone pointed out to Chiou that his method was technically illegal. It turned out that engaging in public-interest fundraising activities in an individual's name was forbidden under the Statute Governing Fundraising for Non-Profit Purposes, to prevent fraud.
# 招搖撞騙 招摇撞骗 [zhao1 yao2 zhuang4 pian4] /swindle and bluff; bluff one's way around/
+ 招搖撞騙 招摇撞骗 [zhao1 yao2 zhuang4 pian4] /(idiom) to dupe people by passing oneself off as a well-connected individual or a figure of authority/

Change log entry 70605
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-04 05:53:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66554 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)



# 獐頭鼠目 獐头鼠目 [zhang1 tou2 shu3 mu4] /with the head of a buck and the eyes of a rat; repulsively ugly and sly-looking/
+ 獐頭鼠目 獐头鼠目 [zhang1 tou2 shu3 mu4] /lit. head of a river deer and eyes of a rat (idiom)/fig. repulsively ugly and shifty-looking/

Change log entry 70329
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-05 08:07:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66555 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

Editor: this one seems to be easily understood by looking at 彰显 + 奢华.
# 彰顯奢華 彰显奢华 [zhang1 xian3 she1 hua2] /to manifest in a luxurious / sumptuous / lavish way/

Change log entry 70328
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-05 08:03:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66557 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# 珠圓玉潤 珠圆玉润 [zhu1 yuan2 yu run4] /round as pearls and smooth as jade (e.g. excellent singing or polished writing)/
+ 珠圓玉潤 珠圆玉润 [zhu1 yuan2 yu4 run4] /lit. as round as pearls and as smooth as jade (idiom)/fig. elegant and polished (of singing or writing)/

Change log entry 70294
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-01 02:39:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66541 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

LA ~ 「你做了這樣的醜事,眾目昭彰,別以為可以遮掩閃躲」。

J ~ It may be difficult to be a hero in the Western world these days, under the searching eyes of a critical society.

Mao Dun - Midnight ~
# (眾|衆)目昭彰 众目昭彰 [zhong4 mu4 zhao1 zhang1] /seen clearly by everyone; clear to all/
+ 眾目昭彰 众目昭彰 [zhong4 mu4 zhao1 zhang1] /the masses are sharp-eyed (idiom)/

Change log entry 70217
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-26 09:31:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66543 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)
# (眾|衆)口難調 众口难调 [zhong4 kou3 nan2 tiao2] /it is difficult to cater for all tastes/
+ 眾口難調 众口难调 [zhong4 kou3 nan2 tiao2] /it's difficult to please everyone (idiom)/

Change log entry 70210
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-26 05:28:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66552 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

Editor: we already have an entry for that
# 照貓畫虎 照猫画虎 [zhao4 mao1 hua4 hu3] /use a cat as the model to draw a tiger---blindly copy sth. without catching its spirit/

Change log entry 70209
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-26 05:22:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66547 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

TP ~ 為了避免重蹈過去6次修憲治絲益棼的覆轍,總統強調,憲改工程不應該由一人或一黨主導,更不能只著眼於一時之便,...
"To avoid the entanglements that occurred during the last six amendments, the president has stressed that the constitutional reform process should not be led by one person or party, nor should it be a temporary fix just to meet present needs."

LA ~ 「事前沒有周詳計畫,勢必治絲益棼,事倍功半」
# 治絲益棼 治丝益棼 [zhi4 si1 yi4 fen2] /try to sort silk threads only to tangle them further---try to help but it only hinders or make matters worse/
+ 治絲益棼 治丝益棼 [zhi4 si1 yi4 fen2] /lit. try to straighten out silk threads only to tangle them further (idiom)/to try to help but end up making things worse/

Change log entry 69798
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-15 21:13:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66247 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
http://dict.cn & http://ichacha.net/

Editor: seems to be a sum of its parts, 择日 + 成亲
# 擇日成親 择日成亲 [ze2 ri4 cheng2 qin1] /choose an auspicious day for the wedding/select the wedding day/

Change log entry 69795
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-15 18:33:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66246 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(外语教学与研究出版社)& http://dict.cn & http://www.ichacha.net
# 賊喊捉賊 贼喊捉贼 [zei2 han3 zhuo1 zei2] /a thief crying "Stop the thief!"/accuse sb. of a theft and try to sneak away oneself/to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame on to others/
# 賊喊捉賊 贼喊捉贼 [zei2 han3 zhuo1 zei2] /lit. a thief crying "Stop the thief!" (idiom)/fig. to accuse sb of a theft and try to sneak away oneself/to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others/

Change log entry 69794
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-15 18:28:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66244 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
From 新世纪汉英词典 and http://www.ichacha.net/ and http://dict.cn/
# 葬身魚腹 葬身鱼腹 [zang4 shen1 yu2 fu4] /be drowned and become food for the fishes/ be swept to a watery grave/
+ 葬身魚腹 葬身鱼腹 [zang4 shen1 yu2 fu4] /lit. to be buried in the fish belly (idiom)/fig. to drown/
By MDBG 2024
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