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Change log entry 73479
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-08-27 05:46:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69192 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
缩略图(英語:thumbnail)是一种较小尺寸的图像或影片,用于方便在大量檔案中寻找檔案,常用在網路搜索功能中。Microsoft Windows、macOS、KDE(Linux)、GNOME(Linux)等系统都内置生成缩略图的功能。
Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures or videos, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words. In

The second function of your album is allowing the user to click on a thumbnail and get a blown-up version of the photo.

However, sliders are an excellent choice for zooming interactions, such as adjusting the scale of a map or the size of photo thumbnails.

The taskbar shows thumbnail previews of opened Windows when you hover the mouse over the program icon. By default, it takes a little time for the preview to appear.

快速而容易地比较施加了变换和没有施加变换之间的差异。 这对于数字艺术家来说是帮助很大,很多产品都采用了这种带有小缩略图的“预览”模式。
The ability to see the image with the transformation and quickly and easily compare it to the image without the transformation would be a great help to the digital artist. Many products address this with small thumbnail “preview” images.
# 縮略圖 缩略图 [suo1 lu:e4 tu2] /thumbnail (IT)/
+ 縮略圖 缩略图 [suo1 lu:e4 tu2] /thumbnail (computing)/

Change log entry 73478
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-08-26 08:59:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69188 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
家长指导标识(英文:Parental Advisory Label),中国大陆俗称“脏标”,是在美国、英国出版发行的音像产品上的一种警告标识,最初由美国唱片业协会在1985年推出实行,2001年被英国唱片业协会采纳并在英国推广。
The Parental Advisory label (abbreviated PAL) is a warning label introduced by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 1985 and adopted by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) in 2011.


Q: 脏标是为何
A: 提示家长和青少年,这些唱片里面可能出现的一些不健康的信息和暗示。这和美国的电影分级制度有点像。

所谓脏标,就是以下这个LOGO——Parental Advisory Explicit Content,简称PAL。

唱片封面脏标简史 & 金属乐所遭误解
+ 髒標 脏标 [zang1 biao1] /Parental Advisory label (PRC)/

Change log entry 73388
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-08-03 15:26:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69058 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈law〉 judge

1. 在法庭上負責審判的官員。一般指審判長。
2. 軍事演習中,稱判定演習得失勝負的人為「審判官」。


For example, we now need at least one million additional cadres for the administration of justice, including judges, lawyers, procurators and specialized police.
[Deng Xiaoping, 1980: http://en.people.cn/dengxp/vol2/text/b1390.html]

To create the right atmosphere for the opera's underworld trial scene, Tan placed part of the strings section in a box in the gallery, and had the violinists strike the body of their instruments with the palms of their hands. The musicians were also required to stamp their feet (clad in hard-soled shoes) and call out in rhythm with the pronouncements of the underworld judge.

It must ensure that judges may not be removed from their posts unless they are found guilty by an independent tribunal of inappropriate conduct.

Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides every person arrested on a criminal charge with the right to be brought promptly before a judge.

However, a number of judges and magistrates expressed concern about the Act's implementing regulations, approved on 26 February, which include some rules that conflict with the letter and the spirit of the Act.

An equally important distinction must be drawn between impoverished rural magistrates working in extremely difficult conditions and judges in urban areas who are guaranteed a minimum salary (see annex II).

He makes rulers come to nothing; the judges of the earth are of no value.
[Isaiah 40:23]

If there is an argument between men and they go to law with one another, let the judges give their decision for the upright, and against the wrongdoer."
[Deuteronomy 25:1]
+ 審判官 审判官 [shen3 pan4 guan1] /judge/magistrate/

Change log entry 73332
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-29 00:14:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69051 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. magical/subtle effect

magical effect
| 小小银针, 大有妙用。
| A tiny acupuncture needle can work wonders.

1. 巧妙运用。
| 他作诗善于~典故。
2. 神奇的功用。
| ~无穷
| 听说这偏方,有不少~。

| 唐.李白〈草創大還贈柳官迪〉詩:「自然成妙用,孰知其指的。羅絡四季間,綿微無一隙。」

1 动 巧妙运用
| 妙用典故。
2 名 奇妙的作用或用处
| 针灸大有妙用。

Only having fully understood the marvelous use of the Oxymoron, can we grasp the deep thinking and exquisite art of the Luxun's works more thoroughly.

In a new Daily Mail Online original video, we look at seven different USES for the tart citrus fruit - and none of them have to do with eating them.

Thousands of years ago, people realized something nifty about sulfites: they kill or slow the growth of bacteria and most yeasts

Rice wine has countless uses in Chinese cooking, including disinfecting, preserving, deodorizing (especially of raw or unseasoned meat), tenderizing, and "hooking the flavor."

She taught them that pan­dan leaves could be used as an ingredient in many desserts, such as kue lapis (Indonesian layer cake), cendol (a sweet drink made from coconut milk and palm sugar), coconut pastries, and cakes. “It’s fragrant and magical,” Fang says.

Endless applications

Children have another use for them, taking them as a base from which to let off fire-work rockets.

Most biotechnology companies have their sights set on medical testing, but in fact biochips have many other remarkable potential uses.

In the mid-1970s the Japanese discovered the anti-aging properties of royal jelly and sent experts to Taiwan to show beekeepers here how to collect it.
# 妙用 妙用 [miao4 yong4] /to use (sth) in an ingenious way/great use (for sth)/miraculously effective/
+ 妙用 妙用 [miao4 yong4] /to use (sth) in an ingenious way/marvelously effective use/

Change log entry 73322
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-27 08:38:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69035 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
And also work shifts and school classes, as MoE notes, but should it be repeated as a measure word when it's already defined as a noun? Most dictionaries don't repeat it.

m. (for crowds and scheduled transport vehicles)

1 a group of people
| 这班年轻人真了不起。
| They’re a fine bunch of young people.
2 a trip by bus, boat, etc.
| 班船
| regular ship
| 搭下一班火车
| take the next train
| 一路公共汽车每隔三分钟就有一班。
| There’s a Number One bus every three minutes.

① 用于计算人群。
| 这~人纪律性差。
② 用于计算定时运行的交通工具。
| 二~车
| 两~飞机。

① 計算人群的單位。如:「一班人馬」。
② 計算交通工具定時開動的單位。如:「這家航空公司每週有三班飛機飛往歐洲。」
③ 計算班級的單位。如:「我們學校有二十五班學生。」
④ 計算工作時段的單位。如:「這星期加了三班工作。」


a 用于人群
| 这班小青年干劲真足。
b 用于定时运行的交通工具
| 到上海的飞机每天有两班
| 头班车。

※ scheduled transport vehicles
The ferryboats run every half hour.

Could I impose upon you to help me find another flight?

Two trains serviced the town.

※ groups of people
he snapped. "It's people like you that have ruined the country!"

Craning his neck, Mr. Lin glared at the backs of the group of peasants, and sparks shot from his eyes.
- 班 班 [ban1] /team/class/squad/work shift/ranking/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for groups/
+ 班 班 [ban1] /team/class/squad/work shift/ranking/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for groups of people and scheduled transport vehicles/

Change log entry 73314
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-27 02:33:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69037 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Mechanical? Most translations I see are dynamic/power/propulsion system, which are more natural translations -- never mechanical. Also, it's a construct, and since I don't see it on any other dictionary, it's better to just remove the definition.

But even with advances in power systems and improved lithium-ion batteries, their range on a single charge is limited-and recharging can take hours.

While we add an appropriate topology to the space, the input-output map will become a topological dynamic system, and we call it CNN symbol dynamic system.

The Volt is a gas-electric hybrid, but unlike the Prius, the gas is not used to drive the power train

Launched in 1891, the torpedo cruiser Guang Bing (Kwang Ping) was a steam-powered armored ship with modern weapons

MindStorms' programmable brain, a microcomputer mounted in a Lego brick, is what really sets the toy apart. The kits also contain propulsion systems, structural components and a variety of sensors. Using these parts and traditional Lego blocks, users can unleash their creativity to build robotic insects, earthmovers and remote-controlled vehicles. The interface also allows them to program their robots' movements. Lego releases new versions of its MindStorms kits every year. These are highly recommended by educators and typically sell for upwards of NT$10,000.

动力系统(dynamical system)是数学上的一个概念。动力系统是一种固定的规则,它描述一个给定空间(如某个物理系统的状态空间)中所有点随时间的变化情况。例如描述钟摆晃动、管道中水的流动,或者湖中每年春季鱼类的数量,凡此等等的数学模型都是动力系统。
# - 動力系統 动力系统 [dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /mechanical system/
- 動力系統 动力系统 [dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /mechanical system/
+ 動力系統 动力系统 [dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /propulsion system/(math.) dynamical system/
- 經典動力系統 经典动力系统 [jing1 dian3 dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /classical dynamical system (physics)/

Change log entry 73312
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-27 02:22:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69006 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① heroic bearing
② dashing appearance

heroic bearing

| ~俊朗
| ~焕发。

| 唐.杜甫〈丹青引贈曹將軍霸〉詩:「褒公鄂公毛髮動,英姿颯爽猶酣戰。」
| 《儒林外史.第二九回》:「風流高會,江南又見奇蹤;卓犖英姿,海內都傳雅韻。」

名 英俊的外貌, 威武的神态
| 英姿勃勃
| 英姿飒爽。

By arm, shoulder and body movements, they reveal valiant and heroic bearing of horse riders and various horse images.

Baseball was a dream we all shared in our youth. Everyone will surely remember how the whole family, regardless of sleep, used to huddle in front of the TV set in the wee hours just to watch the heroic feats of Lee Chu-min, Cheng Pai-sheng, Tu Chung-nan and their cohorts beamed live by satellite from the U.S.

It is August, the height of summer, and amidst the Harvest Festival in Fataan Village, a middle-aged man takes advantage of a break in the ceremonies to adopt a heroic pose, hunting knife in hand, for the camera.

Currently, most sports events are televised in Taiwan at standard resolution. The stellar performances of basketball phenomenon Jeremy Lin have been no exception.

- 角落上的單人照片是他年輕時的英姿,
- 好讓自己「怒髮衝冠」,才能表現漫畫原作中悟空激動熱血的英姿。
- 把自己左手持弓、右手持矛、頭戴皇冠的英姿鈐印在金幣上,傳示天下。
- 從小患有氣喘的他,父母一度反對他打棒球。但他看著哥哥林浩瑜2009年出戰威廉波特的英姿也心生嚮往,
- 仔細觀賞,不時還會看到雁鴨及保育類候鳥在空中翱翔的英姿。
# 英姿 英姿 [ying1 zi1] /heroic bearing/
+ 英姿 英姿 [ying1 zi1] /heroic bearing/dashing figure/

Change log entry 73303
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-25 04:10:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68909 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
p[lace].w[ord]. workshop

1 workers' living quarters
2 work-shop; work shed

1. 规模较小的工作场所。
| 香水~
| 琉璃~。
2. 工棚;也指职工宿舍。
| 搭建~。

| 《福惠全書.卷二.蒞任部.看須知》:「工房經管修造,及置辦軍需等項。」

In Japan, the largest number of glass factories are gathered in Otaru.

A new work shed has been set up near the construction site.

We are in the area of the dyers, one of the most picturesque and photographed parts of the city.

These are the workers' quarters of the Japanese cotton mill in Fulin Road, Yangshupu District, Shanghai.

Through observation and her keen mind, Tjung learned to shape large urns. Optimistic and hardworking by nature, she single-handedly revived her in-laws’ pottery workshop, bringing new life to a family business that had been on the verge of closure.

Well known Puli chocolatier 18°C uses the petals to make a chocolate bonbon with a rose jam filling, while Matthew’s Choice incorporates A Rose for All Seasons’ toxin-free petals into its rose–apple yoghurt.

Editor: "work shed" to me is a place where one does work.
It reads like a 2nd gloss for "workshop".

But NA has a definition* that implies that "work shed" is to be understood as temporary housing for workers.

* NA:
1. living quarters for workers [the example suggests it's like a dormitory]
2. temporary housing for workers: a workshed

That's consistent with this example quoted in the submission:
在建筑工地的旁边新盖了一栋工房。A new work shed has been set up near the construction site.
# 工房 工房 [gong1 fang2] /workshop/work shed/workers' living quarters/
+ 工房 工房 [gong1 fang2] /workshop/temporary housing for workers/workers' living quarters/

Change log entry 73292
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-22 06:19:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69005 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[xpression]. The paper is too short to describe one's feelings.

| ~,书不尽言。


This is my last issue as editor-in-chief, and is filled with more emotion than paper can record. I hope you enjoy it.

这封信写得长了,在十几年之后重新提起笔来,总感到纸短情长 ,不能自已!好在以后我还将继续不断地写下去。

过了一些日子,中央办公厅回复一封纸短情长 的信,向师生们表示谢意,称赞这是“有创造性艺术性”的作品,希望今后创作更多的好作品,为国争光。
+ 紙短情長 纸短情长 [zhi3 duan3 qing2 chang2] /(idiom) a piece of paper is too short to convey my feelings/

Change log entry 73291
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-21 16:40:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68963 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Came across this character here: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/21/world/asia/21china.html?hp (Name Not on Our List? Change It, China Says — NY Times)

Ma Cheng (Chinese: 马𩧢 [...], pinyin: Mǎ Chěng) is a woman from Beijing who, due to her obscure name, frequently encounters issues regarding name registration in places such as airports and police stations. Ma explained on BTV-7 that her parents were inspired by a trend where given names are made up of a tripled surname, as in Jin Xin 金鑫, Xiao Mo 小尛, Yu Xian 魚鱻 and Shi Lei 石磊, and so her grandfather found her name in the Zhonghua Zihai, the largest Chinese character dictionary. Pronounced "Cheng", this character can be found in the Kangxi Dictionary, where it is listed as a variant character of 骋 (gallop).

Wikipedia refers to it in the traditional form, but Ma Cheng's ID clearly shows it in the simplified form (https://static01.nyt.com/images/2009/04/21/world/asia/21china.grafic.gobig.jpg), Unihan also shows a simplified variant with the codepoint U+31152 (https://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=31152&useutf8=true), also in Glyphwiki: https://glyphwiki.org/wiki/u31152 .


Wenlin shows it in the 骋 variant group:
+ 𩧢 𱅒 [cheng3] /variant of 騁|骋[cheng3]/

Change log entry 73287
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-21 06:00:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69000 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
VERB know very well
| 深谙世事
| have seen much of life; be sophisticated; be well seasoned

| ~医术
| ~经营之道
| ~公众心理。

动 深刻了解; 非常熟悉
| 深谙茶道
| 深谙水性。

To be strictly speaking, Mr. Chen Duxiu was not an expert in the field of autography, but due to his deep understanding of it, his inside culture quality, his personality and temperature, he gained success in the same field as well.

Churchill was well-versed in the power of articulation.
他还 深谙演说的力量。

To improve sales, Huang, who is skilled at narrative marketing, immediately asked the team members to put on clothes with NTUST’s logo. The arty posters came down, and the touching story of a college student selling dried squid on behalf of his father became the focus ­instead.

A fount of knowledge, experi­ence and anecdotes about plants, he invites us to learn about fruits, herbs, and spices as we become better acquainted with what goes into Southeast-­Asian dishes and explore the many connections between Southeast-Asian and Taiwanese cuisine.

The Japanese have long been expert at internationalizing their culture, and are dab hands at giving audiences what they want and keeping their length of performance under control. All of these have contributed to the Ninagawa Theatre's success.

Knowing that people are afraid they are aging as they see their children grow up and become adults, Lao Lai-tzu did everything he could to enable his parents to feel young and still useful. Apart from instituting a taboo on the word "old", Lao Lai-tzu frequently dressed up as a child to entertain his parents. Clad in colorful costumes Lao brought broad smiles to the faces of his parents.
+ 深諳 深谙 [shen1 an1] /to know (sth) very well/to be an expert in/

Change log entry 73286
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-21 05:30:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68999 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. sentry/police box

sentry box; police box



Lu Kuang-shih's cubicle, which was not much bigger than a sentry-box, was completely occupied by a corpulent gentleman --it was, as a matter of fact, Wang Hofu--who was using the telephone.

They advanced about thirty paces, and then stopped at a small esplanade surrounded with rocks, in which seats had been cut, not unlike sentry-boxes.

Please have a rest in our police box.

Under the urging of Weng Fu-lai, the neighborhood management community not only set up sentry boxes and strengthened its full-time guard service but imitated ancient times by organizing able-bodied citizens to serve as night watchmen.
+ 崗亭 岗亭 [gang3 ting2] /sentry box/police box/

Change log entry 73281
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-20 16:40:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68992 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. gift; present
v.o. present sb. with a gift

NOUN gift; present
VERB present a gift

| 婉拒~
| 亲友的~真不少。


名 赠送的礼品或礼金。

Every year, the Academy sends out 12 "gift seekers" to find appropriate items

Leveraging its skilled craftsmanship and unique research into glaze pigments, it draws on local elements and the creativity of local artists to create works that have repeatedly been selected by the Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for state visit gifts.

He was there applauding wildly at a special concert marking 15 years of show business for "Little Teng." And during the special auction to raise money for Chinese civil war veterans stranded for decades in northern Thailand, he was unable to buy one of her pictures despite bidding NT$100,000. Besides listening himself, he has always given his friends and relatives Teresa Teng CDs and tapes for birthday gifts.

Chien Mu’s desk, made from precious rosewood, “is said to be a gift from Chiang Kai-shek,” explains Chin Chao-fen, executive director of the Su-Shu-Lou Cultural and Educational Foundation.
+ 贈禮 赠礼 [zeng4 li3] /present/gift/

Change log entry 73276
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-20 06:19:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68993 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. howl; wail; yell

howl; yell
| 他疼得号叫起来。
| He yelled (or cried out) in pain.
| 救火车号叫着开来了。
| The fire engine came with its siren screaming.

| 别再~了
| 几个暴徒~着冲向人群。

| 匪徒们~着扑向村庄
| 狼是群居动物,常以~来呼朋引伴。

动 号(háo)① [号(háo)①:“动 拉长声音大声呼叫”]
| 痛哭号叫。

动 嚎①。[嚎①:吼叫;鸣叫。]

The baby was roaring out its hunger.

The boy caught his finger in an office door and yowled.

The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night.

He yelled with pain.

For example, during the bloodletting process, if the knife isn't inserted deeply enough, the poor pig will invariably charge around squealing, stabbing itself even more in the process.

When the forest was shrouded in mist it had a serene poetry, and at night the calls of wild animals would rise and fall all around. Thinking on this, we felt boundless admiration for the two men's determined perseverance in their project to film the hawk-eagle.
+ 嚎叫 嚎叫 [hao2 jiao4] /to howl/to yell/
+ 號叫 号叫 [hao2 jiao4] /to howl/to yell/

Change log entry 73256
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-16 06:03:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68969 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
1 auction
| 竞拍活动
| auctioning activity
2 make bids at an auction
| 有三家公司参加竞拍。
| Three companies are making bids at the auction.


And many experts here say that some gallery officials and artists are sending representatives to the auctions to bid on their own works to prop up prices, or“ protect” the prices of some rising stars.

On auction day, 28 parties registered to bid.

A number of the algorithms also employ auctions to allocate resources among competing users.

Of course, given the small number of tickets on sale, JetBlue’s auction was chiefly a marketing stunt.

Mr Norris said the days of Chinese buyers slowing down auctions with interpreters were long gone.
+ 競拍 竞拍 [jing4 pai1] /to bid (at an auction)/auction/

Change log entry 73250
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-14 00:17:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68957 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
符文 are extremely common in Chinese video games. I'm avoiding the “gaming” tag because it seems to me it's also a common word to refer to runes, even in other contexts, although likely not academically. But, with the amount of video games using 符文, it isn't easy to find usages examples that aren't related to video games.


[符文 is redirected to this page]

(名称 "符文" 和内建类 型 rune 是 Go 对单个 Unicode 码点的成称谓。
(The name (with associated builtin type) rune is Go terminology for a single Unicode code point.

而且 我想您一定知道... 蓝牙的标志 是他的姓名首字母... 用北欧符文写成的
And, as I'm sure you know... the Bluetooth logo is his initials... in Norse runic symbols.

Various attempts to link the symbols to pictographs, runes, and Babylonian astrological symbols have not panned out, and they are largely believed to be truncated forms of works in the early Greek script.

Beagnoth的Seax,铁剑与长盎格鲁 - 撒克逊符文题词,伦敦,英格兰,(公元10世纪)
Seax of Beagnoth, iron sword with long Anglo-Saxon Runic inscription, London, England, (10th century AD)

The aim of the game is to collect groups of runes of same colour and increase so your score.

Some players really enjoy the rune and runic power mechanic, and I think it's fair to say that the class requires a good amount of skill to play really well.

Editor: It seems like a good idea to also have an entry containing 卢恩 for the likes of 卢恩文字 and 卢恩字母 and 卢恩符文.
+ 符文 符文 [fu2 wen2] /rune/
# editor:
+ 盧恩字母 卢恩字母 [lu2 en1 zi4 mu3] /rune/

Change log entry 73245
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-13 03:14:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68954 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Maybe the first gloss is too wordy, mostly trying to convey the sense in LAC. 勾选 is very commonly used to refer to ticking boxes on computer forms.

| ~代表
| ~条件
| 任意~。


Also, make sure you check the box to create a main method.

Check the relevant boxes and click the 'Done' button at the top-right when you are finished.

勾选此选项确认你已经阅读了 白皮书
Check this option to confirm that you have read the whitepaper

常规下的所有选项都应被勾选。如果不是,我们建议您手动勾选,以便 Firefox :
All of the boxes under General should be checked. If they are not, we recommend checking them so that Firefox will:

对于那些尚没有专门用于或部分用于DLDD的国家监测系统的国家和地区,请标明在建立过程中遇到 的主要困难(请根据需要来勾选各个 框,并评定其重要程度)。
Qualitative assessment
For those countries not having a national monitoring system totally or partially dedicated to DLDD, identify the major difficulties experienced in the establishment process (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance).

In 1997, two Harvard University professors released an astonishing study. They had discovered that there was a correlation between the answers given on a psychological survey to incoming Harvard students back in the 1950s, and the physical health of these same students in middle age. Of students who responded that their relationship with their mother was not close, by middle age 91% had heart disease, ulcers, alcoholism, high blood pressure, or asthma.

Late last year, the China Times' jobs website organized a promotion aimed at helping the unemployed find work. Participants who went into a 7-Eleven and filled out a form describing their work experience received text messages on their cellphones informing them of appropriate job openings.

Check this if you wish to receive a weekly e-mail newsletter

If I were given a choice as to what cancer to get, I would never ever have chosen breast cancer, because I felt that without my breasts life wasn’t worth living.

Editor: another ~
# 勾選 勾选 [gou1 xuan3] /to pick (one or more options out of larger number of choices)/to check (a box)/
+ 勾選 勾选 [gou1 xuan3] /to select (one or more options from a list)/to check (a box)/

Change log entry 73243
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-12 15:49:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68953 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes.


To debug the code you have to set a breakpoint first.

You should start debugging by placing breakpoints in your code.

There is also a convenient breakpoints view to manage all your breakpoints.

指定的 SQL 调试断点无效。
Invalid breakpoint specified for SQL debugging.

Breakpoints can be changed only when runtime is in debug mode.
+ 斷點 断点 [duan4 dian3] /breakpoint (computing)/

Change log entry 73240
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-11 01:50:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68938 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].o[bject construction]. watch a battle/fight/game

1 watch a battle; watch other people fight
2 watch a match (or contest)

| 城头~
| 排球赛场周围站满~的群众。

| 《三國演義.第六八回》:「權自引甘寧臨陣觀戰,對陣圓處。」

动 在一旁察看战斗或观看比赛
| 在城头观战
| 观战助威。

Cao Cao, who was watching the battle from a nearby hilltop, ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive. Zhao Yun made the most of Cao's no-kill order and broke through the siege in the end. When he returned to his camp, Zhao Yun handed the young master to Liu Bei.

A huge crowd is expected to attend the game, 45,000 tickets had already been sold by Tuesday.

Nearby, an interesting game of chess is going on between two old men. Some people are watching.

Yongtai County Fuzhou after watching people ring by the media referred to as a "huge crowds of people in the last year". And this year, spectacular shows again. Whether road or lane side, or on the hillside, everywhere filled with spontaneous came along to watch the crowd.

1. Inspired by Yves' suggestion, but I think it has to be "sidelines" rather than "lines".

2. Couldn't resist including this example:
"Many of us grew up watching Doraemon, a Japanese cartoon that often has the character Nobita being bullied by Gian. Nobita's friend Suneo sometimes intervenes, but usually does nothing. Nobita's only reliable source of succor is Doraemon, a robotic cat from the future who has advice and a gadget for every situation."
# 觀戰 观战 [guan1 zhan4] /to watch a battle/to watch a competion/
+ 觀戰 观战 [guan1 zhan4] /to watch from the sidelines/

Change log entry 73213
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-08 00:00:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68927 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. conquer all obstacles; overcome all difficulties

surmount every difficulty; conquer all obstacles


Many bhiksuni of the Theravada branch, in order to secure their status in Buddhism, overcame many difficulties to enroll for this ordination ceremony.

"This year's 3D World Cup generated tremendous enthusiasm and ticket sales," says Cheng. "In the future, important sporting events, including this year's Major League Baseball playoffs and NBA Finals, will employ the same live-broadcast model. If we can get everything in place, we can overcome any difficulties and attract Taiwanese sports fans to the broadcasts."

All these people had to overcome great difficulties to come back to Taiwan.

If Chu can plow through the obstacles and make this prodigious project into reality, his achievement will be even greater than winning another Nobel Prize!

Editor: PRC sources say wànnán (e.g. New Century, New Age & GF).
Similarly, LA says "(Tw) wànnàn; (mainland) wànnán" for the sense defined as 很多困難;各種各樣的困難。

I also altered the wording ("countless").
(not a significant change)
# 排除萬難 排除万难 [pai2 chu2 wan4 nan4] /to overcome all obstacles/to overcome every difficulty/
+ 排除萬難 排除万难 [pai2 chu2 wan4 nan2] /to overcome all obstacles/to overcome countless difficulties/

Change log entry 73209
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-07 00:06:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68924 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
adv. widely; far and wide

副 表示动作行为广泛普遍地(进行)
| 广为宣传
| 广为流行。

Pleco doesn't have an entry for 广为, but it has one for 广为流传:

【Pleco: 广为流传】
spread extensively; widely known

Father` s Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards.

Language: Malay is the official language; Chinese and English is widely used.

Recently, a very simple sentence, "Amazing, my motherland" has become wildly known in China.

The below photo has been widely distributed over the Internet.

It seemed to argue so wide a diffusion of her shame, that all nature knew of it;
[Hawthone, The Scarlet Letter]

來自南台灣高雄的台語龐克樂團「滅火器 Fire EX.」,歌詞真實反映這個時代與生活,字句流露對台灣濃厚的愛,隨著〈長途夜車〉、〈晚安台灣〉、〈島嶼天光〉等廣為傳唱的歌曲,點燃起樂迷對台灣未來的希望。
Punk-influenced Kaohsiung band Fire EX. sings in Taiwanese about the times we live in and the band’s deep love of Taiwan, writing and performing such highly popular tracks as “Good Night! Formosa!” and “Island’s Sunrise” that kindle their fans’ hopes for Taiwan’s future.

That was said to be the result—quoted by Fredrick F. Chien, the ROC's represen-tative to the U.S., and given wide coverage in the news media—from a public opinion poll conducted by the Executive Yuan's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission.
+ 廣為 广为 [guang3 wei2] /widely/

Change log entry 73203
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-06 05:14:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68918 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. flee to escape punishment

abscond to avoid punishment


Jack Bauer is a fugitive from the law.

In April, five-year-old Luo Li-chang was found dead in Kaohsiung, the victim of child abuse. His mother and her live-in boyfriend were arrested, but they jumped bail and went into hiding.

The perpetrator, now a fugitive, is being sought by the Member State concerned.

The time begins to run from when the offence is committed, and is suspended if the criminal suspect absconds from justice, and resumes from the moment of arrest.
+ 畏罪潛逃 畏罪潜逃 [wei4 zui4 qian2 tao2] /to flee to escape punishment/to abscond from justice/

Change log entry 73193
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-03 06:00:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68876 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 蜂拥, which is already in the dictionary.

f.e. come in great numbers

| 听说周日书店有大作家签名售书,同学们互相传告,~。

| 《鏡花緣.第二六回》:「個個頭戴浩然巾,手執器械,蜂擁而至。」

The combined effect of this strategic recruitment drive and the large market created by the new policy was that companies from all over the world made a beeline for mainland China to set up production bases there. Taiwanese companies were among the major investors.

Though it was a difficult process, the multimedia elements of the China Pavilion and the Taiwan Pavilion have been well received. And as the force behind the scenes, YAOX has grown in stature. Visitors from all over the world are swarming the pavilions, and YAOX is grabbing the chance to establish a 5,000-square-meter 3D theater in Shanghai.

As scholars struggle to salvage Kinmen's historical legacy, and the local people are finding renewed pride in their cultural identity, the local government, meanwhile, has set its sights on mainland China, hoping that the China's opening of the "mini-three links" to mainland tourists will bring in throngs of visitors from across Xiamen Bay.

Pingtung Prison worked closely with county farmers' associations to get the product on supermarket shelves in an effort to increase its renown. As word spread, orders started swarming in from other cities and counties.

Fushan Botanical Garden was opened to the public once before. Three years ago. Fushan Reasearch Station director Huang Chiung-piao still winces at the mention of that "experience." "We had crowds of two or three thousand people arriving, with one big traffic jam all along the road up the mountain, and all the research station staff out directing traffic," Huang recalls. But that was not the worst of it: more seriously, visitors would light fires for barbecues and leave rubbish strewn all over the garden, so that the staff would spend the next three days just clearing up after them.

The first stage followed the ROC government’s relocation to Taiwan, when large numbers of American military personnel, foreign aid groups, and international journalists poured into our island.
# 蜂擁而至 蜂拥而至 [feng1 yong1 er2 zhi4] /to come or go (some place) in great numbers/to flock (some place)/in great numbers/
+ 蜂擁而至 蜂拥而至 [feng1 yong1 er2 zhi4] /to arrive in huge numbers/to flock there/

Change log entry 73163
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-30 00:22:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68866 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. waistline; girth

NOUN waistline; waist; waist measurement; girth
| 她的腰身很细。
| She has a slender waist.
| 这条裤子腰身太大。
| These trousers are too big in the waist.

1. 腰部。
| ~不灵
| ~太细。
2. 指长大衣、裤子等腰围部分的尺寸。
| 大~的裤子。

1. 人體腰圍或衣服中段橫幅的尺寸。如:「前一陣子流行窄腰身的外套。」
2. 腰肢。
| 南朝宋.鮑照〈學古〉詩:「嬛綿好眉目,閑麗美腰身。」

1 名 腰部
| 舒展一下腰身。
2 名 人体腰部的粗细; 也借指身段、体态
| 窈窕的腰身。
3 名 指上衣、裤子等腰围部分的尺寸
| 这件衣服腰身太小了。

He noticed how much softer her waist seemed to feel now that the sash was gone.
[Orwell, 1984]

柔嘉虽然比不上法国剧人贝恩哈脱(Sarah Bernhardt),腰身纤细得一粒奎宁丸吞到肚子里就像怀孕,但瘦削是不能否认的。
Though Jou-chia could not compare with Sarah Bernhardt, the French actress, who was so slim-waisted that swallowing one quinine pill would have made her look pregnant, she was undeniably slim.

Shawnyi's "Alpine Green" line, featuring gray-green colors and broad decorative motifs at the waist inspired by Taiwanese Aboriginal culture

The traditional method of cultivating strawberries was just to plant them in the soil, but then picking required a lot of bending, and was bad for the back. But 20 years ago a new system for raising strawberries was invented in Japan, using tubular-frame racks that come up to waist level or higher.
+ 腰身 腰身 [yao1 shen1] /waist/waistline/

Change log entry 73152
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-29 06:36:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68818 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I haven't seen any modern example where 轻言 by itself means "speak lightly" but MoE has classical examples and that's the literal reading of the characters. Maybe it's an (old) sense, but LAC doesn't say so, and I'm not entirely sure.

v. speak lightly; speak without thinking

1. 轻率地说;说话不慎重。
| ~放弃
| 薄唇~
| ~寡信
| 子路~,夫子哂(笑)之。
2. 轻易、随意谈论。
| 不要~他人是非。

| 北齊.顏之推《顏氏家訓.序致》:「頗為凡人之所陶染,肆欲輕言,不脩邊幅。」
| 《幼學瓊林.卷三.人事類》:「戒輕言,曰恐屬垣有耳。」

Last year, although China's national economy made a favorable turn, it was still not stable enough. Under such circumstance, the pro-active fiscal policy should not be slackened.

They are patient and don't give up easily, but they can be too cautious at times.

女王陛下通过她自己的责任感和坚持不懈的公共 服务,向我们这些身在联合国的人表明,我们决不能 放弃我们奋斗的目标,我们必须坚定意志和决心,穷 人和弱者的前景不容我们轻言失败。
Through Her Majesty’s sense of duty and tireless public service, she has demonstrated to those of us at the United Nations that we must not waver from our purpose and that we must remain steadfast in our will and determination because the poor, the disadvantaged and the weak do not have the luxury of our failure.

Evidently, older breadwinners have been bettter able to hold onto their jobs, and are less likely to quit the jobs they have.

The letter said that even though England may have fallen on hard times, holding a British passport means you'll have the protection of twelve countries after 1992, and you shouldn't pass the chance up lightly.

A further issue of concern for the people of Taiwan is the push to recall the president and vice-president, sparked by the controversy surrounding the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Can our democratically elected leaders really be removed from office that lightly?

Once the company's vision is defined, one shouldn't change it lightly. The business model on the other hand can be constantly adapted in accordance with circumstances.

Expressing her firm belief in law as a force for good, Arbour stated that humans seek justice and accountability, and must not give in to despair.
# 輕言 轻言 [qing1 yan2] /easily/lightly/to speak lightly/to speak withgout thinking/
+ 輕言 轻言 [qing1 yan2] /to say without careful consideration/

Change log entry 73149
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-29 06:04:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68862 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
s[tative].v[erb]. extraordinarily brave

extraordinarily brave; superhumanly brave

| ~无比
| ~的斗士。

| ~无比
| ~的斗士。

形 特别勇猛, 超出常人
| 神勇非凡
| 作战神勇。

In that immortal epic, the Iliad, Homer may sing the praises of the heroes on the Greek side, but he doesn't forget a word of praise for the brave Hector.

Spiderman's image as a valiant fighter for justice has aroused popular interest in the remarkable qualities of spiders. But in real life, humans usually regard spiders as enemies.

After the truth comes to light and the superhuman bravery of Huang Fei-hong is explained, it turns out this "shadowless feet" technique is something we all could learn.
+ 神勇 神勇 [shen2 yong3] /extraordinarily brave/heroic/

Change log entry 73146
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-29 05:20:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68856 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
1. I don't think anyone actually calls this interface element “tab window”; looking through a few Google pages, I couldn't find one example. Besides, a tab is a subdivision of a window, not a kind of window.
2. Joined the computing-related terms, after the computing tag.
3. Tabs are now so common it doesn't make sense to refer to web browsers specifically. I'm not sure "interface element" is needed either, might be more confusing than helpful to non-technical readers. Is "of a window" better?

Just normalizing the definition.


Freeze Payment: Select the Financial Information tab to view the button.

The display can be configured in this tab.

The steps of adding user-defined UI tabs are shown as follows:

例如,您可以为添加到这个代码的数据段提供一个页签,从而以代码的形式添加更多的ifndef 部分。
For example, you can add more #ifndef sections in the code by providing a tab for this to be added to the code

当这个Customize对话框显示,点击Headers 页签(图28)来显示这个您需要的为ClearQuest集成所用的标题。
When the Customize dialog displays, click the Headers tab (Figure 28) to display the additional headers that you need for the ClearQuest integration


1) 分頁 分页 [fen1 ye4] /(computing) pagination/memory paging/tab (GUI element)/page break/

a) The "paging" gloss refers to memory paging (in operating systems).
LA ~ 一種電腦作業系統裡的記憶體管理技術。「頁」是作業系統將輔助記憶體的資料切割成固定的大小區塊, 當不需要此資料時, 將分頁由主記憶體移到輔助記憶體, 需要時可將分頁資料載入主記憶體中。
See also Wp ~

b) The "pagination" sense is labeled "computing" (or sth similar) in various dicts.
Seems reasonable since it's not done by hand much these days.

c) As for "page break", is that correct?
Maybe it would be better in a separate entry for 分页符.
I might look into that.

2) 頁籤 页签 [ye4 qian1] /(computing) tab (GUI element)/
Trad form: 頁籤 appears to be used *far* more than 頁簽.
See also Wp:
- 分頁 分页 [fen1 ye4] /tab window (in a web browser etc)/paging/pagination/page break (computing)/
# +分頁 分页 [fen1 ye4] /paging/pagination/(computing) tab (interface element)/page break/
- 標籤 标签 [biao1 qian1] /label/tag/tab (of a window) (computing)/
# + 標籤 标签 [biao1 qian1] /label/tag/(computing) tab (interface element)/
# 頁簽 页签 [ye4 qian1] /(computing) tab (interface element)/
+ 分頁 分页 [fen1 ye4] /(computing) to paginate/pagination/memory paging/tab (GUI element)/page break/
+ 標籤 标签 [biao1 qian1] /label/tag/(computing) tab (GUI element)/
+ 頁籤 页签 [ye4 qian1] /(computing) tab (GUI element)/

Change log entry 73140
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-28 08:19:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68857 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. female cook; kitchen maid

woman cook

| 宋.吳自牧《夢粱錄.卷一九.顧覓人力》:「如府宅官員,豪富人家,欲買寵妾、歌童、舞女、廚娘、針線供過、麤細婢妮,亦有官私牙嫂,及引置等人。」

名 旧指专门从事烹饪的女仆。

The world of productive occupations is regarded as essentially masculine except for the occupations traditionally identified as feminine: nursing, secretarial work, cooking.

应特别关注女战斗人员,不论她们是战斗人员还是" 后勤人员"(厨娘、"妻子"、运输等)。
Special attention should be given to women combatants, whether they are fighters or "support staff".

Inside the house the men servants were still describing the night's adventures to the cook and the servant girl, who gasped with appreciative horror at every exciting moment.
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

In order to integrate food culture into iCook’s management, its staff ­regularly receive instruction in cooking. iCook’s extensive recipe archive has also attracted investment from US-based software firm Evernote.

at about 8:00 am on November 21, Taoyuan County Commissioner Liu Pang-you and eight other people in his official residence (including county assemblymen, his confidential secretary, friends, policemen, and house staff) were shot by criminals.
+ 廚娘 厨娘 [chu2 niang2] /female cook/

Change log entry 73105
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-25 06:11:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68831 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* It seems to be often translated as "heavy heart", but "heavy heart" generally implies sadness, not preoccupation, worry. I wonder if the translators are just reading it as xīnshìzhòngzhòng, as I was.

f.e. be laden with anxiety; be weighed down with care

IDIOM be laden with anxiety; be weighed down with care
| 他好像心事重重。
| He gave the impression of a man whose heart was heavy.

She seem[s] preoccupied all the time I am talking to her.

It's a mistake to discuss important issues on the fly, when you're rushed and preoccupied.

We came to this meeting from very far with many preoccupations.

On the day he left office, David Poo, accompanied by his wife, strolled home with a heavy heart.

But research shows that hiding the truth from children leads to confusion, anxiety and rejection. Liu Shang-lan says that when the father suddenly disappears, the mother becomes extremely busy, the children are transferred to other schools and the family moves for reasons which are not explained to the kids. . . . The children can't help but have suspicions. As a result, they become heavy-hearted and taciturn.

For the last couple of days Hung-chien had begun to feel apprehensive as he neared home, and his mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts.

Editor: M says it involves 憂愁煩心.
You can be preoccupied without that sort of element.
E.g. "People are so preoccupied with their phones that they fail to be considerate of others."
So perhaps "to be preoccupied" is not the best gloss to open with.

M ~ 心中掛念的事情極多,而致憂愁煩心。
# 心事重重 心事重重 [xin1 shi4 chong2 chong2] /to be preoccupied/to be laden with anxiety/
+ 心事重重 心事重重 [xin1 shi4 chong2 chong2] /to have a lot on one's mind/to be laden with anxiety/

Change log entry 73103
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-24 22:57:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68829 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE has an unexpected definition: 戒指. I'm not including it here because I don't see it anywhere else, and I don't know how widely used it was in Classical Chinese.

v. write down notes
n. handwritten notes/records

NOUN written notes (or records)
VERB take notes; record

1. 亲手记录。
| 她一边学习做菜,一边~食谱
| 电脑坏了,只好~各位的通讯资料。
2. 亲手所写的纪录。
| 旅游~
| 主编~
| 医师~。

1. 戒指。
| 明.劉元卿《賢奕編.卷四.閒鈔下》:「古者后妃群妾進御於君所,當御者以銀環進之,娠則以金環退之,進者著右手,退者著左手,即今戒指,又云手記。」
2. 親筆所寫的書信、筆記、日記等。
| 《後漢書.卷一三.公孫述傳》:「詔書手記,不可數得。」
| 《元史.卷一九○.儒學傳二.宇文公諒傳》:「嘗挾手記一冊,識其編首曰:『晝有所為,暮則書之,其不可書,即不敢為,天地鬼神,實聞斯言。』」

1 动 亲手记录
| 电话号码我已经手记下来了。
2 名 亲笔做的记录
| 记者的现场采访手记。

In my notes, I was going to say there has been no good news lately from Angola, but as we all know, this morning Ambassador Gambari finally delivered some good news, which we hope will be built upon.

Check out the reporters' notebooks, compiled during their time in the field here.

The Underground Notes is one of the most controversial and abstract works of Dostoevsky.

Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-chun Lin, who teach at the University of Colorado, won a prize from the American Literary Translators Association for their translation of Notes of a Desolate Man.

Notes of a Baseball Fan

In July Tsai published a director’s notebook on Stray Dogs.

# 手記 手记 [shou3 ji4] /self-written/written by one's own hand/(self-written) note/jotting/record/
+ 手記 手记 [shou3 ji4] /to take notes/one's notes/

Change log entry 73098
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-23 12:05:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68819 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. cease; stop

cease; stop

| 乐声~
| 战斗没有~
| 通膨风暴,暂时~。

| 《楚辭.屈原.離騷》:「步余馬於蘭皋兮,馳椒丘且焉止息。」
| 《漢書.卷八九.循吏傳.龔遂傳》:「勞來循行,郡中皆有畜積,吏民皆富實,獄訟止息。」

动 停止; 平息
| 战斗还没有止息。

Turn us, o God of our salvation, and cause thine anger toward us to cease

二零零三年區議會選舉已經舉行,但所引發的相關議題仍 未 止息。
The 2003 District Council election is officially over, but relevant issues about the election are still very much alive.

认识到促进文化间对话是一个永不 止息 的 过程
Recognizing that enhancing intercultural dialogue is a never-ending process

A Ceaseless Battle: TB Flares Up Again

The two activities have one principle running through them: Because she has love in her heart, she will never cease.

From her mentor-protege bond with Wu, Hu found she had unwittingly taken on Wu's disposition as well as her never-ending passion for science.
+ 止息 止息 [zhi3 xi1] /to cease/to end/

Change log entry 73096
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-23 03:09:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68808 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 天文台 is specifically an astronomical observatory; 观测台 can be any kind of observatory.
* Both 觀測台 and 觀測臺 can be found but 觀測台 seems more common (38,400 vs. 12,000 Google hits)

※ 天文台
【Pleco】(astronomical) observatory
【Wenlin】n. astronomical observatory

※ 观测台

观测台(observatory)是观测天文现象或是地貌的一个场所。像天文学、气候学/气象学、地质学、海洋学及火山学都是会用到 观测台的学科
An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial, marine, or celestial events. Astronomy, climatology/meteorology, geophysical, oceanography and volcanology are examples of disciplines for which observatories have been constructed.



主 要成就包括:进一步巩固和实施教科文组织气候变化倡议及其有关气候知识的核心计划;气
候变化教育和公共意识,教科文组织气候变化适应论坛以及本组织各站点的全球气候变化实 地观测台
Among its major achievements are the further consolidation and implementation of the UNESCO Climate Change Initiative and its core programmes on climate knowledge, climate change education and public awareness, the UNESCO Climate Change Adaptation Forum and the Global Climate Change Field Observatory of UNESCO Sites.

金 融形势观测台继续 通过 WIPO 网站按季更新多个表格,向成员国展示本组织的财务状况
The Financial Observatory, via WIPO’s internet site, continues to be updated quarterly with a series of tables illustrating the financial status of the Organization for Member States.

There are many steps leading up the sharply rising platforms (pyramid-like structures but level on top rather than coming to an apex), testing the endurance of tourists. The site also has the earliest astronomical observatory in Mesoamerica. At the entrance there is a ball court built below ground level, next to the sacrificial altar. It is said that there was a competition of a type of sport that was very widespread throughout Mesoamerica, with the losers becoming sacrifices to the gods. For once the clich* "there's no tomorrow if we lose this one" was no exaggeration!
- 天文台 天文台 [tian1 wen2 tai2] /observatory/
+ 天文台 天文台 [tian1 wen2 tai2] /astronomical observatory/
+ 觀測台 观测台 [guan1 ce4 tai2] /observatory/

Change log entry 73095
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-23 03:05:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68805 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| ~故人
| ~暴雨。

动 在路上遇到
| 路遇老友。

| 庐隐《月下的回忆》:「我有一个朋友, 在一天下午, 从西岗子路遇。」

I met Xiaoguo in Guang Hua Road last week.

BERLIN( Reuters)- A German taxi driver who shouted" Oh, for Christ's sake, it's Christmas Eve!" when a robber put a gun to his head scared the thief away.

We were 11 minutes into our experiment when, sitting in traffic, Cassandra suggested we call the restaurant to tell them we'd be late.

9. Wu Song fled Mengzhou, and was fortunate to meet Sun Erniang and her husband, who helped disguise him as a Daoist priest to avoid capture. The three of them headed west towards Erlong Mountain, where they joined up with Lu Zhishen, Yang Zhi and their comrades.

Back at the JPC Group, the Zhonghe factory is relentlessly churning out 100G high-speed Ethernet connectors, but this is no longer the totality of Jessica Chang’s business interests. The way Chang sees herself today is as someone who is still an authentic, down-home country girl. Raised on a farm with strong family support and generously nurtured by this land, she says she has always been lucky in the people she has encountered and the things she has done. Her fond memories of growing up are imprinted on her person.
+ 路遇 路遇 [lu4 yu4] /to meet (sb) by chance on the way somewhere/to encounter (sth) on the way somewhere/

Change log entry 73094
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-23 02:59:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68810 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
People's war (Chinese: 人民战争), also called protracted people's war, is a Maoist military strategy. First developed by the Chinese communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong (1893–1976), the basic concept behind People's War is to maintain the support of the population and draw the enemy deep into the countryside (stretching their supply lines) where the population will bleed them dry through a mix of mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare.

n. people's war

people’s war


| 毛泽东《论联合政府》:「这就是真正的人民战争。只有这种人民战争, 才能战胜民族敌人。」
| 刘厚明《黑箭》:「这还得了!打一场追查小偷的人民战争吧!」

The Communist Party has always maintained ties with the masses, doing things for their good, and the fundamental interests of the Party and the masses coincide. The War of Liberation was the people's war, and only by relying on the people could we receive their support and win the war.

A "people's war" that lasted 11 years led by the Communist Party of Nepal( Maoist), the CPN( M), as well as the Jan Andolan in April last year, brought about profound shifts in the balance of power in national politics.

Also, high-technology "active defense" has replaced "People's War" (which relied on massed manpower) as the main strategic concept. And there has been a shift from "inland defense" to "coastal defense"; they are extending the front line of defense into the Pacific Ocean.
+ 人民戰爭 人民战争 [ren2 min2 zhan4 zheng1] /people's war (Maoist military strategy)/

Change log entry 73090
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-06-22 09:21:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68803 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. watchtower; observation tower

* 了望塔 seems far less common (464,000 vs. 1,800,000 Google hits)

Petřín Lookout Tower


高二十公尺的盐瓶 (Saltkaret) 瞭望塔,位 于斯维德约哈门自然路径的终点;被称为"高海岸"的瑞典世界自然遗产,只不过在那儿五十公里之外。
The 20-metre Saltkaret (salt shaker) watchtower marks one end of the nature trail at Svedjehamn.

豪森宫殿由谢赫·迪亚布·本·伊萨 (Shaykh Dhiyab bin Isa) 建造于 1761 年左右,它最初是一座瞭望塔,后 来由伊萨的儿子谢赫·谢赫布特·本·迪亚布 (Shaykh Shakhbut bin Dhiyab) 在 1793 年左右扩建成一座小型堡垒,从此成为阿布扎比统治者的永久住所。
Originally built as a watchtower in about 1761 by Shaykh Dhiyab bin Isa, it was expanded into a small fort in about 1793
by his son, Shaykh Shakhbut bin Dhiyab, and at that time was made the permanent residence of the ruler of Abu Dhabi.

It was from these watchtowers that smoke signals could be sent as a way of communicating with the Forbidden City.

Then the group split up. Three, wearing civilian clothes and pretending to be workers, raided the guard tower to steal weapons and a truck.

In addition to the Pavilion and the Greenhouse, the exhibition will include a 13 story-tall observation tower.

在院所設計方面,所有高度設防院所均設有高圍牆及 瞭望塔,並 由閉路電視系統監察整間院所的主要範圍,例如工 場、飯堂、主要通道、禁區等。
In respect of institution design, all the maximum security institutions are built with high perimeter walls and observation towers, and installed with closed-circuit television systems to monitor the main areas of the institutions such as workshops, dining halls, main passages, sterile areas and so on.


A judge on an inspection visit to a Brazilian jail discovered a straw scarecrow dressed in police uniform on the watchtower "guarding" some 735 jailbirds, police said.

Rising along the ridgeline we came upon a watchtower, in pretty bad shape.

The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar.

It was like a stone castle, its high towers watched by guards with guns.
+ 瞭望塔 瞭望塔 [liao4 wang4 ta3] /watchtower/observation tower/
+ 了望塔 了望塔 [liao4 wang4 ta3] /variant of 瞭望塔[liao4 wang4 ta3]/

Change log entry 73062
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-19 08:10:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68626 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
adv. according to an agreed amount

ADVERB of exactly the number (or amount)
| 如数偿还
| pay back in full
| 如数到齐
| all present and correct

| ~给付
| 欠你的钱,月底~奉还。

| 《文明小史.第三五回》:「說得毓生滿面羞慚,只得如數給他。」

副 按照规定的或原来的数目
| 如数赔偿
| 欠款已如数还清。

The bequest would be found in his will, and would be paid over.

The registered capital of the applying enterprise has been fully paid in within the prescribed period of time and has been increased in accordance with the law.

As orders from abroad for this Brand are so heavy, we are unable to satisfy your requirements in full.

In line with this decision, 12 000 additional loans were made available by the HKHA to replace an equal number of flats originally planned for sale over the period.

I happen to be in urgent need of $300. I wonder if you could lend me this amount to help me tide over the difficulty. I promise to return you the money on pay day next month. Looking forward to an early reply.

My father will repay you on my behalf within a year. You know my father well and I'll be most grateful to you for any assistance you can give me.

If you're not 100% completely satisfied with any Meguiar's product, just return the unused portion to Meguiar's along with your receipt and we will gladly refund you money.

It's just that everywhere's being affected by the war and a depression's setting in. Every consignment we sent out last week has simply been returned intact.
+ 如數 如数 [ru2 shu4] /in the amount stipulated (by prior agreement)/in full/in the same amount/

Change log entry 73057
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-19 07:02:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68781 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Several dictionaries also define it as a verb, but I've just never seen it used as such, so I'm not including a verb gloss in the submission.

v. head a conspiracy
n. chief instigator
| 在这件案子中他是主谋。
| He was the ringleader of this crime.

head a conspiracy; be the lead plotter

| 他是这件诈欺案的~。


1 动 领头策划(干坏事)
| 抢劫行动是他主谋的。
2 名 主谋者
| 谁是主谋?

(Agence France-Presse, Dubai) - A former aide of the international terrorist Abu Nidal said the Pan Am 103 explosion in the sky over Lockerbie, a small town in Scotland, in 1988 was masterminded by Nidal. The explosion killed 270 people.

安理会还强调,所有袭击平民行为,包括空中和海上袭击行为 的 主谋和 同谋,都必须为其行为承担后果。
The Council also stressed that all those responsible for, or complicit in, attacks against the civilian population, including aerial and naval attacks, must face the consequences of their actions

Hsu Fu-sheng, a professor at Central Police University and chair of the Tosun Foundation, points out that if young people repeatedly break the law, they are likely to become habitual offenders, and the task of rehabilitating and treating them will become very difficult. Hsu's research into the criminal history of Chen Chin-hsing, the ringleader in the shocking Pai Hsiao-yen case, is clear evidence of this fact.

And right up to 1989 when it presented the first official report on the 228 Incident in the Legislative Yuan, the government was still primarily blaming the incident on "agitation and exploitation by communist elements" and laid all the responsibility on the "chief plotter who planned and controlled behind the scenes, Communist Party member Hsieh Hsueh-hung."
+ 主謀 主谋 [zhu3 mou2] /mastermind/ringleader/lead plotter/

Change log entry 73056
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-19 06:42:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68622 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 残垣断壁
* 颓垣断壁
* 残垣败壁

* 断壁残垣
* 断壁颓垣
* 断垣残壁

All are variants of the same expression. Dictionaries vary over which formulation they prefer, so I think it's better to define all of them.

I don't suggest retaining the original definition because: 1) I can't justify translating 垣 as fences; 垣 is the city wall, while 壁 is the wall of a building, but both are walls. 2) "dilapidated" generally implies neglect, while 残垣断壁 generally refers to the result of active destruction. 3) These expressions can (and generally do) refer to ruins more generally, literally and figuratively. If I were feeling poetic I'd say it evokes the image of a city destroyed, reduced to wreckage, where only broken walls remain standing.

※ 断壁残垣
f[ixed].e[xpression]. utter dilapidation; ruins of buildings

| 灾区现场,只见~,令人怵目惊心
| 这栋大楼经过地震的摧残,如今只剩下~,不禁令人唏嘘。




※ 残垣断壁
f.e. (a desolate scene of) broken walls; debris

dilapidated walls—desolate scene

| 灾区现场,只见~,令人怵目惊心。


※ 断壁颓垣
f[ixed].e[xpression]. utter dilapidation; ruins of buildings

IDIOM dilapidated walls—desolate scene

| 经过地震的摧残,只见~,令人怵目惊心。

| 《二十年目睹之怪現狀.第一○八回》:「抬頭一看,只見斷壁頹垣,荒涼滿目,看那光景是被火燒的。」

| 京剧《沙家浜》:「敌人‘扫荡’三天整, 断壁颓垣留血痕。」
| 《新民晚报》1987.2.8:「几年后, 秦始皇驾崩, 秦二世登极。朱贤始得返回家乡。可家里人不见, 唯剩一片断壁残垣。」

※ 颓垣断壁
f.e. crumbling walls and dilapidated houses

dilapidated walls—desolate scene

| 经过地震的摧残,只见~,令人怵目惊心。


犹断垣残壁。如:由于战火的破坏, 原本一个相当富庶的城镇变成了颓垣断壁的废墟。

※ 断垣残壁
① broken walls; debris
② a desolate scene

IDIOM dilapidated walls—desolate scene

| 昔日繁华的商业街,一场大火烧得只剩下~,令人目不忍睹。


| 徐迟《火中的凤凰》:「灰红的火焰渐渐熄灭, 留下一片瓦砾场, 断垣残壁。」

※ 残垣败壁
f.e. (a desolate scene of) broken walls; debris


On the Acropolis itself you could see the ruins of some of the most beautiful buildings in the world

That day, Bush, surveying the wreckage at what would soon be known as Ground Zero, was handed a bullhorn

The rebels poured over the broken walls, and soon conquered the city.

那次地震过后, 全城到处是颓垣断壁.
An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.

Love is a spring time to plant that perfumes everything with hope, even the ruins to which it clings.

But there is still the ruined wall, and near it the stealthy tread of the foe that would win over again his unforgotten triumph. [The Scarlet Letter]

Houses built like ancient Roman villas, with huge marble portals and great vaulted rooms, falling into ruins or inhabited by stray sheep.

Editor: By combining 2-character elements such as the following
you can create dozens of these 4-character expressions.

Many of the following examples have Google results comparable to those of the six expressions in this submission.

The most common one used in TP articles seems to be 断垣残壁.
See some examples below.

Although the typhoon hit a full six months ago, there is still extensive damage all around,

As the car drives down the most prosperous boulevard in Nicaragua's capital Managua, the only tall building that can be seen is a single skyscraper 18 storeys tall, which has been listed as a dangerous structure. Occasionally, one can see broken, flattened walls that, after a massive earthquake and many years of civil war, have fallen over and are waiting to be rebuilt.

In the city of Tali, several buildings over ten stories tall have collapsed [in the earthquake], and survivors wail inconsolably amidst the rubble.

在斷垣殘壁中,在幾成焦土的瓦礫堆中,還有許多生 死未明民眾在努力掙扎等待救援,
many people remain trapped under the rubble, and it is unknown whether any of them remain alive at this point.

On either side of the West Gate are remnants of the old city wall, which are classified as a Grade 3 historical site.

helped recover corpses amid the debris. [Thailand, tsunami]

這個7 年前還是處處斷垣殘壁的沉寂小山村,
Just seven years ago it was a lonely little mountain outpost full of crumbling walls.
- 殘垣斷壁 残垣断壁 [can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)/
# + 殘垣斷壁 残垣断壁 [can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
- 頹垣斷壁 颓垣断壁 [tui2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)/
# + 頹垣斷壁 颓垣断壁 [tui2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
- 殘垣敗壁 残垣败壁 [can2 yuan2 bai4 bi4] /see 殘垣斷壁|残垣断壁[can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4]/
# + 殘垣敗壁 残垣败壁 [can2 yuan2 bai4 bi4] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
# 斷壁殘垣 断壁残垣 [duan4 bi4 can2 yuan2] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
# 斷壁頹垣 断壁颓垣 [duan4 bi4 tui2 yuan2] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
# 斷垣殘壁 断垣残壁 [duan4 yuan2 can2 bi4] /(idiom) lit. destroyed buildings and city walls/ruins/
+ 殘垣斷壁 残垣断壁 [can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/
+ 頹垣斷壁 颓垣断壁 [tui2 yuan2 duan4 bi4] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/
+ 殘垣敗壁 残垣败壁 [can2 yuan2 bai4 bi4] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/
+ 斷壁殘垣 断壁残垣 [duan4 bi4 can2 yuan2] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/
+ 斷壁頹垣 断壁颓垣 [duan4 bi4 tui2 yuan2] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/
+ 斷垣殘壁 断垣残壁 [duan4 yuan2 can2 bi4] /lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/fig. scene of devastation/ruins/

Change log entry 73046
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-18 07:34:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68778 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].o[bject construction]. try one's hand (at some skill); practice one's skill

VERB try one's hand (at some skill); practise one's skill
| 用旧车练手
| practise driving with an old car

| 驾训课程结束了,就该自己~了
| 教练告诫大家~就是自我提升的过程。

动 练习干活儿的技能技巧
| 老师傅指导徒弟练手
| 先用旧机器练练手。

In contrast to their heyday in the early 20th century, short stories are mostly viewed as trials or experiments before an author cracks on with the real thing.

This data set is collected from recordings of 30 human subjects captured via smartphones enabled with embedded inertial sensors. Many machine learning courses use this data for students practice.

Another half-trained British doctor to practise on Indian people.

The park is also an excellent place for first-timers to try out skiing or snowboarding on slopes designed to be challenging yet beginner friendly. Rental skis are available for a fee and there's also a ski lift.
+ 練手 练手 [lian4 shou3] /to practice a skill/

Change log entry 73041
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-18 06:37:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68629 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. view; prospect

NOUN view; prospect
| 展现出一幅壮丽的图景
| open up a magnificent prospect

| 描绘了一幅令人神往的~
| 画家信笔一挥,一幅山水~便跃于眼前。

1 名 图画上的景物
| 好一幅万马奔腾的图景!
2 名 现实或想象中的景象
| 眼前展现出一幅壮丽的图景。

This isn't the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe's new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike.

But such information yields only a fuzzy picture

Nothing like a complete picture of the origin of the earth has been devised.

He described the place and I tried to visualize it.

The trade picture has become increasingly complex because Japanese companies have begun to invest in the United States to manufacture goods for sale in America and other countries.

His stories presented a majestic history of the life and times of warm, human, and utterly believable characters.

A vision that changed the world forever.

As more vertebrate, and especially mammalian, genomes are sequenced, scientists will develop a clearer picture of this important class of sequence.

本文从分析《名公书判清明集》 (简称《清明集》)中的几个典型书判出发 ,论述了《清明集》中体现出来的情理观念 ,总结出一幅宋代民事司法秩序的图景 :那是一个情理的空间 ,一个介乎于圣贤操守和腐败司法之间的解决纠纷的空间。
The author summarizes a view of the civil judicial order of the Song Dynasty from several typical court verdicts in “The collection of virtuous and brightness verdicts by famous judges of ancient China”, analyzing the sense of emotion and morality in this book.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.
[Orwell, 1984]

Editor: I felt that the meaning of "or fig." wasn't really clear enough.

One more example ~
正如存在主義哲學家雅斯培(Karl Jaspers)所說:「歷史觀給我們提供了場所,我們有關人的存在的意識就是從那堥茠滿X—歷史圖景便成為我們決斷中的一個因素。」人做為有意識的動物,必須透過歷史尋求自我認同,確定本身存在的意義,沒有正確、真實的歷史圖景,也就無從做出正確的自我認同與政治判斷。
The existentialist philosopher, Karl Jaspers, said: "Our view of history supplies us with a place. Where does our existential consciousness come from? The historical picture becomes a factor of our judgement." Man is an animal with a consciousness who must seek his identity in history to confirm the significance of his existence. Without a correct and true historical picture, there can be no proper self-identification and no political judgement.
# 圖景 图景 [tu2 jing3] /landscape (in a picture or fig.)/(fig.) picture/view/
+ 圖景 图景 [tu2 jing3] /landscape (in a picture)/(fig.) landscape (i.e. general situation)/view of the situation/mental picture/

Change log entry 73030
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-18 00:58:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68769 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Sometimes used as translation for "trespass" or "breaking and entering", but these are crimes and (it seems to me) 私闯 by itself isn't necessarily a crime -- thought most of the usage examples I see are related to criminal acts. 私闯民宅 is probably the best translation for "trespass" or "breaking and entering".

| ~民宅
| ~军事禁区。


I refused, and told him that those people illegally entered the house and illegally asked for personal identification.

Persons involved in international drugs trafficking, terrorism and other forms of international crime who are likely to appear at external borders; persons wanted by the police and intending to violate the external borders across the territory of other CIS States

这些条款还规定,居所不可侵犯,不 得 私闯。
Those articles further provide that places of residence shall be inviolable and protected from intrusion.

Most of the narcotics coming out of the Golden Triangle go through Bangkok. Major dealers there strike deals with Taiwan buyers, and the drugs are then smuggled in on fishing boats. To get large shipments past customs authorities, the ships are fitted with specially designed hidden caches in holds and engine rooms.

"One day, when you hear a song as beautiful as singing birds, that will be me quietly waiting for your praise. One day, when you see messy shadows of flowers, that will be me trespassing upon the borders of that age."
# 私闖 私闯 [si1 chuang3] /to enter (some place) without permission/to intrude into/
+ 私闖 私闯 [si1 chuang3] /to enter (a place) without permission/to intrude into/

Change log entry 73026
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-17 09:53:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68689 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE's definitions are quite different from other dictionaries. The first is historial and I couldn't find it anywhere else; the second mostly matches XHD's second definition, but not exactly. I'm leaving those definitions out of this submission.

s.v. swift and fierce; relentless

ADJECTIVE swift and fierce
| 攻势凌厉
| swift and fierce attack
| 朔风凌厉。
| A north wind was blowing hard.

| 攻势~
| 寒风~。

1. 上升、高飛。
| 唐.李白〈答高山人兼呈權顧二侯〉詩:「雙萍易飄轉,獨鶴思凌厲。」
| 宋.蘇泂〈雨中花.十載尊前〉詞:「盡期君凌厲,羽翮高秋。」
2. 形容豪氣干雲,奮行直前。
| 晉.陶淵明〈詠荊軻〉詩:「凌厲越萬里,逶迤過千城。」
| 《明史.卷二二六.海瑞傳》:「下令飆發凌厲,所司惴惴奉行,豪有力者至竄他郡以避。」

形 形容气势迅猛
| 攻势凌厉。

1. 形容气势迅速猛烈。如:北风凌厉。
2. 雄健;锋利。
| 李瑛《第五个春天》:「看, 英雄的高棉儿女——勇猛, 像爆炸的雷;凌厉, 像万把钢刀。」

His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen

Morrison is a whirlwind that made it impossible for his opponents to counterattack his powerful blows

我国代表团认为,也许现在是时候了,安全理事 会应采取更凌厉措施 来处理小武器和轻武器的扩散 及其供应和使用以及这种武器在导致冲突持续不断 方面所造成恶劣影响这一问题。
My delegation is of the view that perhaps it is time for the Security Council to adopt more aggressive measures to deal with the problem of the proliferation of small arms and light weapons and their supply and use, as well as the undesirable effect of such weapons in the sustenance of conflict.

日军自从占领武汉以后,进攻似乎不那么凌厉 了,战局形成一副拖拉相持的状态。

当我们一边议论一边向那骡子靠近时,王脚便停止铲煤,用凌厉 的目光逼视我们,吓得我们连连倒退。
# 凌厲 凌厉 [ling2 li4] /swift and fierce/fierce/aggressive/
+ 凌厲 凌厉 [ling2 li4] /swift and fierce/fierce/forceful/

Change log entry 73021
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-17 06:47:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68765 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 順手、隨手, which are synonyms for the first sense

adv. 〈coll.〉
① opportunity permitting
② while one is at it

conveniently; without extra trouble
| 请你趁手把门带上。
| Please shut the door after you.

1. 順手、隨手。如:「趁手把燈熄了。」
2. 趁便、順便。
| 宋.韋驤〈減字木蘭花.金貂貰酒〉詞:「樂事可為須趁手,且醉青春。 」

1 随手, 顺手。
| 蔡东藩《唐史通俗演义》:「展穷蹙至金山, 为神功部将贾隐林追及, 一箭中目, 趁手杀死。」
2 指使用起来顺当、方便。
冰心《我的学生》:「这些太太们不住的向我道歉, 说是房间又小, 用人又笨, 什么都不趁手。」

It's not perfect, but if you're forgetful or unable to access your Linux partition for whatever reason it's a darn-well handy thing to have around.

Such an approach will also provide Mr Hollande with a handy scapegoat if things go wrong.

德国《经济新闻》指出,欧盟延长对俄制裁期限,德国经济已经因此拉响警报。“欧盟也只能使用经济制裁这一还算趁手 的具有象征意义的工具了。”

关键时刻,黄继光挺身而出,带领两名战士冲了上去,连续摧毁敌多个火力点。两名战士一名牺牲,一名负伤,他也身负重伤。美军照明弹将阵地照得如同白昼,几条火力点交叉扫射。他趁手 榴弹爆炸烟雾,拖着受伤的身体顽强爬向最后一个火力点。


Editor: GR includes the adjectival sense: "être commode"
+ 趁手 趁手 [chen4 shou3] /conveniently/without extra trouble/convenient/handy/

Change log entry 73019
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-06-17 06:10:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68766 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative].v[erb]. smash; shatter

| 房屋倒塌,~家具
| 店家正在清理被~的展示柜。


Protesters blocked roads, burned tires and attacked the car of a Hamas Cabinet minister, breaking the windows.

A tower crane keeled over and crushed some temporary buildings, but fortunately nobody was hurt.

According to eyewitness accounts, five masked perpetrators attacked the car (a 2007 BMW) and smashed it completely.

The storms have also triggered landslides in Luxi county of Hunan Province. A massive falling rock struck the roof of a restaurant, destroying not only the building, but a van parked nearby as well.

When she first opened her classes, Yuma recalls, some of the students seemed to have emotional issues; there was constant cursing, and some of the husbands would stumble into the classes drunk and kick up a stink, wrecking equipment and computers in the classroom. Others were still having problems getting their lives back together since the massive earthquake of September 1999. All this led Yuma to the conclusion that if she was to further her goals, she first had to help develop a stable environment for the villagers, and then traditional culture and art could be passed on as part of a greater lifestyle aesthetic.
+ 砸壞 砸坏 [za2 huai4] /to smash/to shatter/

Change log entry 73018
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-17 05:58:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68758 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* You brew beer, but make wine.
* It's any kind of 酒, not just wine.
* Maybe also add "/to make wine/to produce beer/" which are more natural translations. With the suggested definition, I just wanted to make clear that 酿酒 can be used for any alcoholic drink.

【Wenlin】 v.o. make wine; brew beer

【Pleco】 VERB make wine; brew beer

| 私自~除触法外,极可能危害民众生命安全。


Shandong Wine-making and Grape research Institute, found in1957, is the only research institute for viticulture and enology in China.

Currently, HAPBC has brewery operations in Hainan and Shanghai as well as a sales and distribution arm, Heineken Trading( Shanghai).

This crisp wine from the Adelaide Hills shows all the complex characteristics that really good cool climate fruit provides.

The story is about the plight of Kosovo’s wine industry.

除了标准的酿酒设备,Camden Town啤酒厂还向克朗斯订购了全部发酵设备。
In addition to the standard brewing kit, Camden Town Brewery also ordered - among other things - the entire fermentation and storage cellar from Krones.

1. "produce an alcoholic beverage"?
Vodka is an alcoholic beverage, but I suppose 酿酒 isn't the right term to use to describe producing it (since it involves distillation).

2. Web ~ "Undistilled drinks are also called fermented drinks. Fermentation is the process by which bacteria or yeast chemically converts sugar into ethanol. Wine and beer are both fermented, undistilled alcoholic beverages."

3. Are there any other beverages that can be niangjiu'd apart from beer and wine?
Well, there's this one:
Did you ever notice that sometimes rice tastes sweet when you chew it? That is because through saliva the starch is turned into sugar. Before the arrival of Han Chinese in Taiwan, indigenous people used saliva to ferment alcohol. The author of the 1697 work Record of a Journey Across a Small Sea, Yu Yonghe, wrote a verse on the subject of "barbarian women," which documents this most common form of alcohol brewing among Taiwan's Aborigines: "It is said that barbarian wives have marvelous skills; they chew rice until it is a juice, and use a bamboo tube as a wine jar, then hang it indoors. When a guest comes they open the bamboo tube and urge the guest to try some."
- 釀酒 酿酒 [niang4 jiu3] /to brew wine/
# + 釀酒 酿酒 [niang4 jiu3] /to produce an alcoholic beverage (such as wine, beer etc)/
+ 釀酒 酿酒 [niang4 jiu3] /to make a fermented drink (i.e. to brew beer, make wine etc)/

Change log entry 73012
Processed by: ycandau (2021-06-16 11:59:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68759 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
p[lace].w[ord]. reinforcements; relief troops

relief troops; reinforcements

| 打退敌人~
| ~及时赶到。


名 援兵
| 阻截敌人援军。

Reinforcements will be at Changde shortly.

The soldiers held the fort desperately till reinforcement arrived.

Cao Shuang and his protégés concluded that with numerical superiority, their army could easily conquer Hanzhong before Shu reinforcements arrive.

Luckily for the Order, the Prussians lacked unity and a common strategy and reinforcements finally reached Prussia in around 1265.

Peacekeeping operations were in such high demand because of the inefficacy of United Nations preventive diplomacy and conflict prevention, and because the operations themselves had been transformed into conflict-management missions, creating an increasing dependence on them by the host countries as reinforcement for their own defence and security capabilities.
+ 援軍 援军 [yuan2 jun1] /(military) reinforcements/

Change log entry 73007
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-16 05:03:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68756 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈mil.〉 encounter; engagement

meeting engagement; encounter (action); contact battle

| 发生~。


名 敌对双方不期而遇发生的战斗。

But he was unable to complete this oath, for two days afterwards, in an encounter with the Roman carbineers, Carlini was killed.

An invasion of Denmark itself had not been part of the original programme of the allies; but on February 18 some Prussian hussars, in the excitement of a cavalry skirmish, crossed the frontier and occupied the village of Kolding.

“Containment and oppression from the United States is a major threat,” said Chen Yixin, a security official who served as Mr. Xi’s policy enforcer in Wuhan, where the coronavirus emerged. Lecturing officials about Mr. Xi’s ideas in January, Mr. Chen used military language to emphasize the dangers: “This is both an unplanned clash and a protracted war.”

“The Indian army has lost face in the encounters so far with the P.L.A.,” he said. “So it will be doubly determined to not take any more guff from the Chinese.”

WASHINGTON — A yearlong trade war between the United States and China is proving to be an initial skirmish in an economic conflict that may persist for decades, as both countries battle for global dominance, stature and wealth.
+ 遭遇戰 遭遇战 [zao1 yu4 zhan4] /(military) encounter/skirmish/

Change log entry 73005
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-16 01:08:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68751 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. be injurious to health

VERB be harmful to one's health
| 酒喝多了会伤身。
| Overdrinking does harm to one’s health.

| 熬夜~
| 饮酒过量,~害体。

| 《楚辭.賈誼.惜誓》:「非重軀以慮難兮,惜傷身之無功。」
| 《文選.嵇康.養生論》:「而世常謂一怒不足以侵性,一哀不足以傷身。」

Staying up late into the night is bad for our bodies, and we pay the price with our health.

They take special drugs or starve themselves, but these ways do harm to their bodies

Volunteers are encouraged, but the greatest challenge is overcoming the widespread fear that donating blood is harmful to one's health.

Drinking's bad for health. What about venting our feelings?

Although the addictiveness of soft drugs is still subject to debate, it is clear that just as excessive drinking is harmful to the health, copious drug use is sure to have deleterious effects. This physical and psychological peril must be even greater for those still in their formative years.

Last March Mr. Chen started work at an LED factory milling chip heatsinks. He worked eight to 12 hours per day at a minimum-wage salary of only NT$17,280 per month (about US$550 at the time). Not only was the pay poor, but "the working environment was awful, very unhealthy. Everybody wore two layers of protective masks all the time but still felt terrible. Imported foreign laborers who worked there a long time all had black spots on their chest X-rays when they got their physicals."
+ 傷身 伤身 [shang1 shen1] /to be harmful to one's health/

Change log entry 72995
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-15 08:00:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68748 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Following Rich's suggestion. I still think 慌慌张张 should be removed, it doesn't make sense to add reduplicated forms of adjectives unless the reduplicated form has a different meaning, which sometimes happens but is not the case — and I think reduplicated forms have been removed from CEDICT in the past for this reason. MoE (which sometimes gives different definitions even for graphical variants) gives very similar definitions here (張惶失措、慌忙而緊張), and ABC (which I missed before) defines one as an adjective and the other as an adverb. Which seems statistically correct to me, the reduplicated form is more often used as an adverb, but that is true of most adjectives, and both forms can be used as an adjective or adverb — examples below.

* There are many more glosses that could be added: panicked, panicky, in a panic, nervous(ly), flurried, in a flurry, frantic, etc. But I think these should be enough to understand the meaning.

※ 慌张
v[erb].p[hrase]. flurried; flustered
| 你为什么这么慌张?
| Why are you so flustered?

agitated; flurried; flustered; confused; in a dither (opp. 镇定)
| 神色慌张
| look flurried (or flustered)
| 为什么这样慌慌张张的?
| Why are you so flustered?

| 神色~
| 头一次开车,不免~。

| 《儒林外史.第一五回》:「一進了門,見那幾個長隨不勝慌張。」
| 《紅樓夢.第三一回》:「我慌張的很,連扇子還跌折了,那裡還配打發吃果子?」

形 不沉着, 举止失去常态
| 没人逼你, 你别慌张
| 干吗那么慌慌张张?

※ 慌慌张张
r[eduplicated].f[orm]. in a flurried manner

| 《初刻拍案驚奇.卷一二》:「只見一個丫鬟慌慌張張走到面前,喘做一團。」
| 《儒林外史.第一九回》:「潘三獨自坐著喫茶,只見又是一個人,慌慌張張的走了進來。」

Suddenly the door opened, and Mo Kan-cheng's flustered face appeared round the edge of the door. He came in and said in a low voice:

Then, all of a sudden, there came the sound of heavy, hurried footsteps pounding right up to the office door, and the agitated voice of the office boy: "Who do you want to see?

The two who were left guarding their boats seemed in a bustle at our appearance; 'Lillibullero' stopped off, and I could see the pair discussing what they ought to do.
看守小船的那两个人看到我们出现后,似乎有些慌张,曲子《利利布雷罗》也不吹了。 我看到他俩交头接耳地商量该怎么办。
Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island

"We want Taiwan to have a place like Greece, where cats can live a carefree existence, where they needn't panic at the slightest approach of a human being.


Mo Kan-cheng was flustered, and his miserable expression was almost laughable.

He now turned to Li Yu-ting, who, to his surprise, suddenly leapt to his feet in great agitation.

The way he stuffed himself frantically on the sly, let's just hope he didn't choke to death.

"Well," she said innocently, weary of her own mental discussion and wondering at his haste and ill-concealed excitement, "what makes you hurry so?"
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

Editor: Thanks for doing that.
I don't think "helter-skelter" should be retained. It strongly suggests running, whereas 慌张 doesn't.

- 'ran helter-skelter, getting in each other's way'
- ‘they were hurtling helter-skelter down the pavement’
- 'a panic-stricken crowd running helter-skelter to get away from the tear gas'
- 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /confused/flustered/
# + 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /flustered/agitated/helter-skelter/
- 慌慌張張 慌慌张张 [huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1] /helter-skelter/
+ 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /flustered/agitated/

Change log entry 72980
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-06-11 07:22:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68711 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈wr.〉
① mishap
② catastrophe

| 明.朱權《荊釵記.第七齣》:「相公,接待不周,春牛上宅,並無災厄。」


This is the crux of improving the lives of children, especially those who are born into adversity.

many people, having no real understanding of Buddhadharma, are apt to comment that monks and nuns are no different from the laity: they get sick, run into troubles, and will eventually die

What they do not recognize is that even though disease and calamity attack monastic practitioners as they do ordinary people, the degree of spiritual enlightenment of the former is immensely different from that of the latter.

当光明与黑暗交汇之时 灾厄将会降临
The intersection of light and dark would bring calamity to this earth.
+ 災厄 灾厄 [zai1 e4] /adversity/catastrophe/disaster/

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