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Change log entry 72964
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-11 01:26:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68719 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. pursue relentlessly

1. 极力追赶,决不放弃或放松。
| 咬住敌舰,~。
2. 深入探究,决不丢下或放松。
| 深入讯问嫌犯,~
| 做学问需要刨根问底、~。


1 追赶到底, 决不放过
| 对残敌穷追不舍。
2 紧紧追问, 毫不放松
| 记者们连连发问, 穷追不舍。

He raced after the coach in hot pursuit.

George W.Bush's preferred way to achieve his ends is to select a small number of goals and pursue them relentlessly.

The pop stars ran from the theatre to their car, with dozens of fans in hot pursuit.

Why Is China Still Going After Hong Kong So Hard?

To make matters worse, after we married, our first home was in Boca Raton, Fla. We were aggressively pursued by telemarketers for burial plots and Medigap insurance.
更糟的是我们结婚后第一个家安在了佛罗里达州的博卡拉顿(Boca Raton)。卖墓地和医保补充险的各种电话推销员对我们是穷追不舍。


American what, his questioner persisted, Catholic or Protestant?

He is the kind of bulldog reporter that you do not find very much these days.

人家说不知道, 你就不要再穷追不舍地问了。
When someone says he has no idea, you should not question him closely.
# 窮追不捨 穷追不舍 [qiong2 zhui1 bu4 she3] /to pursue relentlessly/(to question) relentlessly/
+ 窮追不捨 穷追不舍 [qiong2 zhui1 bu4 she3] /to pursue relentlessly/

Change log entry 72963
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-11 01:20:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68720 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Not necessarily *living* (though that is also ABC's definition).

n. all living things; universe

NOUN all creation; all things on earth
| 夫天地者, 万物之逆旅。(李白《春夜宴》)
| Heaven and earth are an inn for all things of creation.

| 人是~之灵
| ~静观皆自得。

| 《荀子.不苟》:「天地為大矣,不誠則不能化萬物。」
| 《西遊記.第一回》:「覆載群生仰至仁,發明萬物皆成善。」

名 世间的一切事物

God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe.

The cold northern winter often covers everything with snow

Everything on the earth absorbs heat from the sun directly or indirectly.

Daoism is the science of how the universe works.
- 萬物 万物 [wan4 wu4] /all living things/
+ 萬物 万物 [wan4 wu4] /all things/all that exists/

Change log entry 72960
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-11 00:59:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68721 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 慌张

* Reduplication of 慌张 with no difference in meaning and generally not registered in dictionaries (MoE being the exception).
* Even if left in the dictionary for some reason, it shouldn't have a different definition.

Editor: New Century also has an entry for both 慌張 and 慌慌張張.

I don't see that as a problem necessarily. Having 慌慌張張 indicates that reduplication of 慌張 is relatively common. Not that I'd go out of my way to include reduplicated forms, but if they're there already, they serve this purpose, and there are more important issues to deal with.

I would focus more on whether the definitions are good, rather than whether both headwords should be retained and whether the definitions are identical.

Like ours, MoE's two definitions are different:
慌張 : 因慌忙而張惶失措。
慌慌張張 : 形容慌忙而緊張。

Having two definitions is not necessarily a bad thing. The two definitions can potentially complement each other. That's one way Pleco is useful -- when you look up a word, you get multiple definitions from different dictionaries alongside each other, and sometimes you can get an improved understanding by triangulating the meaning.

Our definition of 慌張 begins with "confused". I don't think "helter-skelter" (in disorderly haste) is any more wrong than "confused" (unable to think with clarity). Both words have only partial overlap with the meaning of 慌張.

I think the first step would be to improve the definition of 慌張. Maybe consider using words like "jittery", "agitated", "unnerved", "ruffled" or "panicky", and dispense with "confused". Only then would I look at dealing with 慌慌張張 (either delete it or define it as "see 慌張").

I don't think it's helpful to start the definition of 慌張 with "confused" for any of the following contexts (although "helter-skelter" is not too bad for the 3rd one).
- 阿兵開始大出血的時候,我看見他雙眸中有驚慌的神色,也看見醫護人員及家屬的慌張與忙亂。
- 如果孩子答錯次數太多,別慌張,先將練習的狀況告知學校輔導老師,再尋求專業意見。
- 一直很希望,台灣有個地方像希臘,貓,可以自在隨意的生活;遇見人,不用像驚弓之鳥地慌張躲藏。

Maybe you'd like to do your thing with the definition of 慌張?
# - 慌慌張張 慌慌张张 [huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1] /helter-skelter/

Change log entry 72955
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-10 07:05:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68631 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① secret/exclusive news
② unknown story

NOUN inmost secret; concealed information (esp. of sb.'s private life)
| 秘闻轶事
| secrets and anecdotes; secrets of one’s private life
| 披露秘闻
| disclose secret information

| ~轶事
| 搜罗宫闱~。


名 秘密的传闻
| 宫廷秘闻

The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties

"He never became rich, he never became powerful, but he became very rich in experience and secrets," Jia said

The book which revealed certain secrets made a noise in the world.

Just as there is a gush of leaks from the resistance in the federal government about President Trump's erratic and impulsive behavior, there are whispers about Melania's elusive and sphinx-like behavior.

据说卡米拉因为女王倾向于若明年退位后传位给威廉王子和凯特王妃而愤怒不已. 若是不能成为王后, 卡米拉打算以公布皇室秘闻为代价要挟3亿5千万美元的分手费.
The Duchess of Cornwall is reportedly furious that the Queen prefers to give the throne to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, if she decides to abdicate her post next year. So her plan is if she is not going to be queen then she could lock down a $350 million divorce settlement by threatening the palace to divulge family secrets.

Editor: 4th iteration.
Trying to nail it with a single gloss.
# 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /secret information/confidential information/(esp. of influential families or organizations) secret/private information/
- 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /matters meant to be kept private/confidential stories (about a prominent family etc)/
+ 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /matters (concerning a prominent family etc) intended to be kept private/

Change log entry 72954
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-10 05:27:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68631 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① secret/exclusive news
② unknown story

NOUN inmost secret; concealed information (esp. of sb.'s private life)
| 秘闻轶事
| secrets and anecdotes; secrets of one’s private life
| 披露秘闻
| disclose secret information

| ~轶事
| 搜罗宫闱~。


名 秘密的传闻
| 宫廷秘闻

The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties

"He never became rich, he never became powerful, but he became very rich in experience and secrets," Jia said

The book which revealed certain secrets made a noise in the world.

Just as there is a gush of leaks from the resistance in the federal government about President Trump's erratic and impulsive behavior, there are whispers about Melania's elusive and sphinx-like behavior.

据说卡米拉因为女王倾向于若明年退位后传位给威廉王子和凯特王妃而愤怒不已. 若是不能成为王后, 卡米拉打算以公布皇室秘闻为代价要挟3亿5千万美元的分手费.
The Duchess of Cornwall is reportedly furious that the Queen prefers to give the throne to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, if she decides to abdicate her post next year. So her plan is if she is not going to be queen then she could lock down a $350 million divorce settlement by threatening the palace to divulge family secrets.
# 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /secret information/confidential information/(esp. of influential families or organizations) secret/private information/
- 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /confidential stories (about a prominent family etc)/
+ 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /matters meant to be kept private/confidential stories (about a prominent family etc)/

Change log entry 72952
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-10 02:33:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68631 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① secret/exclusive news
② unknown story

NOUN inmost secret; concealed information (esp. of sb.'s private life)
| 秘闻轶事
| secrets and anecdotes; secrets of one’s private life
| 披露秘闻
| disclose secret information

| ~轶事
| 搜罗宫闱~。


名 秘密的传闻
| 宫廷秘闻

The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties

"He never became rich, he never became powerful, but he became very rich in experience and secrets," Jia said

The book which revealed certain secrets made a noise in the world.

Just as there is a gush of leaks from the resistance in the federal government about President Trump's erratic and impulsive behavior, there are whispers about Melania's elusive and sphinx-like behavior.

据说卡米拉因为女王倾向于若明年退位后传位给威廉王子和凯特王妃而愤怒不已. 若是不能成为王后, 卡米拉打算以公布皇室秘闻为代价要挟3亿5千万美元的分手费.
The Duchess of Cornwall is reportedly furious that the Queen prefers to give the throne to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, if she decides to abdicate her post next year. So her plan is if she is not going to be queen then she could lock down a $350 million divorce settlement by threatening the palace to divulge family secrets.
# 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /secret information/confidential information/(esp. of influential families or organizations) secret/private information/
+ 秘聞 秘闻 [mi4 wen2] /confidential stories (about a prominent family etc)/

Change log entry 72941
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-09 07:01:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68710 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.p. secluded

LITERARY secluded and lonely

| 唐.長孫佐輔〈山居〉詩:「看書愛幽寂,結宇青冥間。」
| 《京本通俗小說.拗相公》:「此頗幽寂,可以息勞。」

形 幽静寂寞

幽静, 清静。
| 叶圣陶《欢迎》:「已经斜了的阳光透不到深邃的厅里, 但觉得这个厅幽寂、沉郁。」

Now that he could see into the place it looked more private than ever.

There was once an artist who painted a picture of "Autumn Yard", showing some tall, frost-bitten Chinese sweet gums, which were quietly shielding the seclusion of the yard. Behind the woods, the gates were deeply concealed. What an endless loneliness! It seemed as if I had once lived and tasted the solitude of the autumn season here.

Lad Kah(Lat Ko)观景点是一个旅游景点,在这里可以欣赏到苏梅岛水域和周边地区的壮观景色。它也很容易到达的,并不像其他观景台那样幽寂的。
Lad Kah (Lat Ko) Viewing Point is a tourist spot that offers spectacular views of Koh Samui's waters and surrounding place. It is also easy to reach as it is not secluded compared with other viewing decks.

Editor: one more ~
Her character is by turns mysterious, ambiguous, enchanting, alluring. Even though it's just Wei on the stage, the members of the audience are glued to their seats through the whole performance.
# 幽寂 幽寂 [you1 ji4] /secluded/quiet and lonely/
+ 幽寂 幽寂 [you1 ji4] /(of a place) isolated and quiet/

Change log entry 72938
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-09 05:55:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68708 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. scar

NOUN scar

| ~累累
| 他的额头上有一道浅浅的~。

| 《三國志.卷五五.吳書.周泰傳》:「權手自指其創痕,問以所起。」

1 名 伤口愈合后留下的瘢痕。
2 名 比喻心灵受到伤害后留下的影响。

The years of misery had left scars that were slow to heal.

As we talk, she pulls up the sleeves of her white cardigan to reveal neat crosshatching over the inside of her wrists, the record of self harm.

One in 10 workers in the eurozone will remain unemployed even after the effects of the European Central Bank's bond-buying programme have rippled through the economy, according to ECB projections, highlighting deep scars left by the bloc's financial and debt crises.

These events are now a part of contemporary history, but for those Vietnamese refugees who were scattered across the globe in Western Europe, Canada, America and Australia, the trauma of that desperate period remains engraved in their hearts.

# 創痕 创痕 [chuang1 hen2] /scar/
+ 創痕 创痕 [chuang1 hen2] /scar (physical or psychological)/

Change log entry 72935
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-09 01:52:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68642 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 别具匠心; 独具匠心; 匠心独运, already in the dictionary

n. 〈wr.〉 ingenuity; craftsmanship

NOUN LITERARY ingenuity; craftsmanship
| 独具匠心
| have great originality

| 独具〜
| 〜独妙。


名 巧妙的构思
| 独具匠心。

The workers bending over these craft show a concern with detail that is echoed throughout the island.

Though there are numerous figures in the relief, they interact well because of careful design and arrangements by the artists and they appear in good harmony.

We attach great importance to spacious facilities, superlative craftsmanship and the use of only the finest materials.

It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore;"
[Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter]
+ 匠心 匠心 [jiang4 xin1] /ingenuity/craftsmanship/

Change log entry 72924
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-08 07:08:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68700 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].p[hrase]. 〈wr.〉 crafty

ADJECTIVE LITERARY deceitful; crafty

| ~之人,慎不可交。

1. 詭變多詐。
| 《文明小史.第五八回》:「這其間有位侯補知府叫做黃世昌的,為人極其狡獪。」
2. 開玩笑、戲言。
| 南朝宋.劉義慶《世說新語.文學》:「公笑曰:『我嘗與諸人道江北事,特作狡獪耳!彥伯遂以著書。』」
3. 遊戲。
| 《南史.卷五.齊廢帝鬱林王本紀》:「又多往文帝崇安陵隧中,與群小共作諸鄙褻擲塗睹跳、放鷹走狗雜狡獪。」

形 <文> 狡猾
| 狡狯之徒。

In ancient Japanese folktales, monkeys often appear as tricksters, cleverly duping other animals out of their rice ball or persimmon fruit.

“Does he sit on you?” said Val shrewdly. “I shall be knowing him at Oxford. Have you got any horses?”
“他欺负你吗?”瓦尔狡狯 地问。“我们在牛津会碰头的。你们养马吗?”
John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga , volume 2

Give me leave, beseech you. I did send,
After the last enchantment you did here,
A ring in chase of you: so did I abuse
Myself, my servant and, I fear me, you:
Under your hard construction must I sit,
To force that on you, in a shameful cunning,
Which you knew none of yours: what might you think?
对不起,让我说句话。上次你到这儿来把我迷醉了之后,我叫人拿了个戒指追你;我欺骗了我自己,欺骗了我的仆人,也许欺骗了你;我用那种无耻的狡狯 把你明知道不属于你的东西强纳在你手里,一定会使你看不起我。你会怎样想呢?
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

我到此地来了以后,伙计也换了好儿个了,近来在这里的是,一个姓秦的二十岁上下的少年,体格很好,微黑的圆脸,略略觉得有点狡狯 ,但也有天真烂漫的地方。
+ 狡獪 狡狯 [jiao3 kuai4] /(literary) crafty/cunning/

Change log entry 72916
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-07 20:21:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68578 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].p[phrase]. This matter is very serious.

guān zhòng dà

A sharp turn in the property cycle is a serious matter.

The project of Introducing Water to Kunming is the biggest water provision undertaking in Yunnan and the protection of the water source bears great importance

That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but to call in the police.

For, mind you, it's serious, young Hawkins; and neither you nor me's come out of it with what I should make so bold as to call credit. Nor you neither, says you;
[Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island]

1. Wenlin labels it as a verb phrase, and that's borne out in MoE's definition and your examples.

2. "serious matter" misses the point that this phrase is about the *implications* of the matter.

3. More examples:


"Portentous choices were forced on him."

weighty 1. ... 2. 嚴重的;重要的;事關重大的


大家知道我們輸了第一場官司,又輸了上訴,但因為事關重要我們再上訴到終. 審庭,可惜在那裡也敗訴了!

# 事關重大 事关重大 [shi4 guan1 zhong4 da4] /serious matter/
+ 事關重大 事关重大 [shi4 guan1 zhong4 da4] /the implications are profound/the ramifications are huge/(of a decision etc) consequential/

Change log entry 72855
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-06-02 11:23:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68627 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. prepare; cook

| ~南北名菜。

动 烹调制作(菜肴)。

There is no risk of getting avian influenza from properly cooked poultry and eggs.

Most of the time we are cooking for the eye and the mind, not the stomach.

Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.

您是否對烹製、展 示和擺放食品及飲料感興趣呢?
Are you interested in preparing, displaying and serving food and beverages?

Bistecca選用來自馬來西亞的木炭,即使以猛 火 烹製 也 不 會沾污食物,卻能使菜餚更加香氣四溢。
Bistecca specifically chooses Malaysian charcoal for its grills, which is clean, endures high volume cooking flames and adding extra flavour to the dishes.

Editor: wrong simp. (製)
# 烹製 烹製 [peng1 zhi4] /to cook/to prepare (food)/
+ 烹製 烹制 [peng1 zhi4] /to cook/to prepare (food)/

Change log entry 72848
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-01 05:32:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68581 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[expression]. unable even to fend for oneself
| 我如今自顾不暇, 帮不了你。
| I can't help you for I'm unable even to fend for myself now.

IDIOM unable even to fend for oneself (much less look after others); busy with one's own affairs

| ~,无力顾及别人。

| 明.無名氏《運甓記.第五齣》:「主勢孤危,自顧不暇,縱爾問鼎稱雄,誰敢興師鞠旅。」
| 《精忠岳傳.第六回》:「倘然強盜凶狠,我們自顧不暇,那裡還照應得你等。」


Eritrea is the neighbour we least expected to undertake yet another reckless venture in our region, given that its hands are already full.

During the ten yeas of the disastrous Cultural Revolution I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not sure where I myself would end up.

只因为本国太破烂, 内忧外患, 非常之多, 自顾不暇了, 所以只能将台湾这些事情暂且放下。

Editor: Lots of dictionaries use the word "fend" in their definitions.
"fend for oneself" means "live independently, without help from others".
But 自顧不暇 is about being unable to spare any time, rather than being unable to live independently.

Lin says that since every firm was only looking out for itself, it was very helpful that the IDB, which manages industrial policy, stepped in.

MTI has always been a very loyal subcontracting company, producing each product only for single buyer. But recently the company has begun to seriously consider the limits to growth imposed by this role, especially now in economic hard times when the big companies are looking after themselves.

台灣俗諺:日頭赤炎炎 隨人顧性命
jit8 thau5 chiat iann7 iann7 sui5 lang5 koo3 senn3 mia7
Taiwanese saying: Under a blazing red sun, everyone looks to his own survival.
Meaning: Too busy looking after yourself to think of others.
Source: A Practical Mandarin-Taiwanese Phrase Book,

"In these days when the world's technologically advanced countries can't even help themselves, Taiwan can no longer expect to have orders come pouring in by sticking to its old, low-risk approach of manufacturing products that have already proven their viability in the marketplace."

But in recent years problems have emerged with the position of the farmers' associations themselves. Some associations don't have enough time to handle their own problems, much less aid farmers in their struggle against foreign competition.

Wu Tsan-cheng's brothers are all busy with their own affairs and his mother, now 70 years old, lives alone in Chiayi.

"Prior to joining the painting society, I thought of art as something remote, something that those of us who can't even provide food and shelter for ourselves could never play at,"

And the remaining old folks were too busy tending their farmland to have any energy to beautify the environment,

AIDS only makes the situation worse, as children with the disease are so overwhelmed by their health problems that they have little energy left to pursue an education.
# 自顧不暇 自顾不暇 [zi4 gu4 bu4 xia2] /to be unable to even fend for oneself/
+ 自顧不暇 自顾不暇 [zi4 gu4 bu4 xia2] /(idiom) to have one's hands full managing one's own affairs/too busy to spare time for anything extra/

Change log entry 72825
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-30 03:42:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68583 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 生态环境游, in the dictionary

This really is 生态+环境 but since it appears in most Chinese dictionaries and is a specific concept, I think it might be considered useful. Submitting to your consideration, I'm not sure I would add it myself.

n. ecosystem; environment

ecological environment



"The drought has done considerable damage to the ecological environment of Honghu Lake," he said

Article 19. Measures must be taken to protect the ecological environment while natural resources are being developed or utilized.

Chile will soon face a conflict between promoting economic growth and protecting the environment.

He did applaud efforts by some Chinese companies to build platforms, or 'ecosystems,' in the 'cloud,' like Alibaba and Tencent.

The comprehensive realignment of Tarim and Heihe rivers has saved the ecological environment on their lower reaches that was on the brink of collapse.

Editor: The top 10 Google results for "ecological environment" include several China-related links. When I see China-related results high up in the results for an English term apparently lacking any specific relationship to China, I get suspicious.

I would say the term "ecological environment", while not incorrect, has an unidiomatic, Chinglish flavour. It appears in dictionary definitions of 生态环境, sure, but it's a very literal, rather than natural, translation of 生态环境. There are 74 instances of 生態環境 in TP (several quoted below), but "ecological environment" only appears 4 times in the English translations of those sentences.

The problem arises because in both Chinese and English, the word (环境 / "environment") is a broad term, used in expressions like 投資環境 (investment environment), for example. So in order to narrow the context, it's sometimes necessary to use longer terms like 生態環境 or 自然環境 rather than just 環境. But in English, typical disambiguated terms corresponding to 生態環境 are "its ecology" or "the natural environment" etc., ... But as for "ecological environment"? Not so much.

it would represent a waste and damage to the ecology.

The most tangible test of organic farming is the condition of the natural environment.

to balance productivity with environmental awareness;

We also have to look seriously at environmental protection. We cannot sacrifice social equality and our environment for the sake of attracting investment.

Apart from disrupting the river ecologies,
# 生態環境 生态环境 [sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4] /ecological environment/
+ 生態環境 生态环境 [sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4] /ecosystem/natural environment/

Change log entry 72811
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-28 07:24:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68598 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Some people in the US talk about "facts", when what is really on their mind is political manipulation. Every time when the issue of pandemic is brought up, they smear and attack China, while totally ignoring the doubts over the origin-tracing work and failure of pandemic response in the US. They are obsessed with spreading "lab leak theory" and other conspiracy theories and disinformation. What they did is total disrespectful of the spirit of science and research results of the WHO expert team, and undermines global anti-epidemic efforts and solidarity.
[Zhao Lijian has been accusing US, Taiwan, Australia, and friends regularly of 政治操弄 political manipulation for some time now, this is just one example.]

Honourable Members, $150 million is quite a sum. However, this brings to light how the Government favours the capitalists and large consortia, and causes sufferings to workers. Hence, I have come to a simple conclusion, President, if a small number of people in a society enjoy a political privilege, which enables them to manipulate the legislative, judicial service and law enforcement, there will be no justice.

While some critics say that referendum in Taiwan has become a tool for politicians to manipulate elections, the voting results have showed that people's eyes are bright and clear, and they are not susceptible to manipulation. People exercise their right derived from direct democracy to be masters of their own house.

FAR FROM BEING a minor freeloader, the Wolbachia parasite is widespread in nature and manipulates the reproduction of a variety of host organisms in diverse ways.

Manipulative techniques never result in a lasting relationship, whereas those relationships (business or personal) based on the use of persuasion tools do endure.

The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies

Media has a way of swaying public opinion... Lives of innocent people would be ruined if public opinion decided they were guilty even though a jury found them innocent due to lack of evidence.

It is the first step toward a eugenic world in which children become objects of manipulation and products of will.
+ 操弄 操弄 [cao1 nong4] /to manipulate/manipulation/

Change log entry 72809
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-28 06:40:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68597 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
米高梅公司(英语:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.,MGM),是一间美国的媒体公司,在1922年创办,于1981年与联美公司(United Artists)合并,主要包括制作和发行影片和电视节目。

美國著名製片公司。其名稱代號 M.G.A為米都羅.高爾文.梅爾斯(Metro Goldwyn May-ers)的簡稱。
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. (also known as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, initialized as MGM; often referred to as Metro; common metonym: the Lion or Leo) is an American media company, involved primarily in the production and distribution of feature films and television programs.

米高梅电影公司 (英文名称:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,简称:MGM,中文简称:美国米高梅公司、米高梅公司或米高梅)是美国好莱坞八大影业公司之一。


亞馬遜歷年第二大收購案,斥資 84.5 億美元買米高梅打什麼主意?
+ 米高梅 米高梅 [Mi3 gao1 mei2] /Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (American media company)/

Change log entry 72804
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-28 02:26:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68590 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* "Of a vaccine" because I've only seen it being used to refer to vaccines (COVID-19, polio, the flu...) and not other kinds of medications.

>=1剂次MV效力估计为69%,95%CI为45%~ 83%。
The efficacy of >=1 dose of MV was calculated to be 69% (95% CI: 45% 83%).

According to available data, there was a five-fold increase in the percentage of women receiving the recommended 3 or more doses of this preventive treatment in 20 African countries.

Once the five rounds of vaccination are completed, there is no need for taking more dozes [sic]; however, if all dozes are not completed, then they must be completed.

Number of Polio Vaccinations Given in Year 2009-2010 (Source: MoPH)





1. A dose is "the measured quantity of a therapeutic agent to be taken at one time". It's a physical thing that can be handled, purchased, stockpiled etc. A 剂次, on the other hand, is an *event* -- the administration of a dose. (次 here means "occurrence".)

2. In your polio example, 剂次 is a number.
Other examples:

依據供應商 (Pfizer) 2019年2月更新仿單資訊:
(一) 接種年齡及劑次:
1. 6週已上且未滿6個月:接種2劑,且2劑應間隔至少2個月。
2. 6個月已上:接種1劑。


Column headings in a table:
# 劑次 剂次 [ji4 ci4] /dose (of a vaccine)/
+ 劑次 剂次 [ji4 ci4] /instance of administering a dose of vaccine/number of vaccinations/

Change log entry 72759
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-21 10:57:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68563 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Often “可以忽略不计(的)” which tends to be translated as “negligible”, “insignificant”.

In fact, its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.

The difference between the two analyses is .0121%, which is widely considered statistically insignificant

Without loss of generality, shear deformations will be neglected.

At a certain point, they're cheap enough to be safely disregarded.

This tier represents customers who have been traditionally excluded from the market.

It produces a negligible interaction with the objects in our solar system.

The gravitational interaction is disregarded when interactions between individual protons are considered.

The time taken by light to travel a distance as short as this can be ignored, so the time noted was that required by sound to complete its journey.

The second factor is the yarn itself. In theoretical discussions, yarn weight, especially for short lengths of yarn, is neglected.

Most other types of capacitor have leakage resistances in excess of hundreds of gigohms so that for most applications their leakage currents can be disregarded.
+ 忽略不計 忽略不计 [hu1 lu:e4 bu4 ji4] /to disregard (sth seen as negligible)/to neglect (sth seen as insignificant)/

Change log entry 72746
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-20 06:00:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68559 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. say good-bye

| 向友人~
| ~青涩的岁月
| ~过去,迎向未来。


Waving goodbye, please be sure to smile.

然后一个走上几层台阶, 转身挥别
Then each one takes a few steps, turns, and waves good-bye.

General David Petraeus bid farewell to the U. s. military where he served for 37 years.

What are China's most popular online slang terms as we approached the end of the decade?

挥别乡井二十余载, 我今天总算得以重回故里了
After more than 20 years, I was able to go back to my hometown today.

Say so long to 1987 as we ring in 1988.

Taiwan's design industry is waving goodbye to the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) -model and moving toward the OBM (original brand manufacturer) -model, and in the process is redefining and revaluing the concept of "Made in Taiwan."

On stage, a choir of Southeast-Asian immigrant women performs in Mandarin, singing about the courage to say goodbye to loved ones and journey into the unknown.

Artist Max Liu, often referred to as the enfant terrible of Taiwan art, bid farewell to the world this past April at the ripe old age of 92.
# 揮別 挥别 [hui1 bie2] /to wave goodbye/fig. to say goodbye to/to bid farewell to/
+ 揮別 挥别 [hui1 bie2] /to wave goodbye/(fig.) to say goodbye to/to bid farewell to/

Change log entry 72739
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-19 05:32:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68551 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 出乱子; 惹乱子, in the dictionary

n. disturbance; trouble; disorder

NOUN COLLOQUIAL disturbance; trouble; disorder
| 出乱子
| create a disturbance; run into (or make) trouble; provoke a dispute
| 闹乱子
| create a disturbance; run into (or make) trouble; provoke a dispute
| 惹乱子
| create a disturbance; run into (or make) trouble; provoke a dispute
| 添乱子
| aggravate trouble
| 没出什么乱子。
| No trouble occurred.

| 明天就要公演了,千万别出什幺~
| 你究竟怎幺回事?竟然惹出这幺大的~!

1. 逆子、不肖子。
| 漢.劉向《說苑.卷九.正諫》:「故無亡國破家、悖父亂子、放兄棄弟、狂夫淫婦、絕交敗友。」
2. 禍事、差錯。
| 《老殘遊記二編.第二回》:「這裡自古沒鬧過亂子,儜放心罷。」
| 《文明小史.第一回》:「現在亂子都鬧了出來了,你不理他,他也要找你了。」

名 祸患; 事故
| 闯了个大乱子
| 谁惹的乱子谁解决。

A number of new problems have now cropped up, requiring us to do more work to avoid trouble.

In Eisenhower's view, disturbances have already occurred and the Communists cannot stop them.

Disturbances have taken place in Poland and Hungary,[2] and Britain and France have launched an armed aggression against Egypt. I think these bad things are good things too.
[Mao Zedong, Speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China]

"There's some bad trouble here," said Tom excitedly.
“这儿出了什么大乱子了。” 汤姆激动地说。
[The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald]

Hung-chien relaxed somewhat and said obligingly, "There's always trouble with mail between the interior and Shanghai.

他慌忙辩白道:“不错,不错,那也是有的。 可是省里正在调兵围剿,镇上不会再出乱子。”
"Yes, yes, that's as may be, but the provincial government's sending troops down to surround the Communists and finish them off, so there won't be any more trouble in the town."

" No." Xiangzi still sat on his bedding. "There's been trouble.
+ 亂子 乱子 [luan4 zi5] /disturbance/trouble/

Change log entry 72719
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-18 06:02:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68540 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* In business correspondence it's usually translated as "favourable reply". (E.g. 我们怀着极大兴趣恭候贵方的佳音。 "We look forward with great interest to your favorable reply."). Worth mentioning?

n. welcome news; good tidings

NOUN LITERARY welcome news; good tidings; favourable reply
| 静候佳音。
| I am awaiting the news of your success.

| 静待~
| ~不绝。

| 清.洪昇《長生殿.第四九齣》:「問音由,佳人果有佳音否?」

Thanking you for your cooperation and looking forward to your good news.

The probe is at present speeding towards Venus, let us wait for the good news it is bringing back from its observation on Venus.

"God send us good news," the father said, slowly tearing the envelope.

In November of 2012, the ROC passport became the 37th in the world to be awarded visa-free travel privileges from the US, the kind of significant good news that is all too rare here
+ 佳音 佳音 [jia1 yin1] /good news/

Change log entry 72703
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-17 06:15:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68489 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Note that unlike 伴随 or 跟随 “相随” is not directly transitive.

v. follow

go or come with; follow; accompany
| 有保镖相随
| escorted by a bodyguard; with bodyguard escort
| 他与父母相随进了商场。
| He went to the department store with his parents.

| 有仆人~
| ~到湖边
| ~度蜜月
| 群鸟~飞翔。

| 《文選.阮籍.詠懷詩一七首之一二》:「走獸交橫馳,飛鳥相隨翔。」
| 《三國演義.第一三回》:「帝曰:『朕不可捨百官而去。』眾皆號泣相隨。」

动 跟随
| 我在他后面紧紧相随。

No matter how our day goes, when we're in the company of a jovial character, it never fails to make us happy.

The amount of waste that countries produce tends to grow in tandem with their economies, and especially with the rate of urbanisation.

The innovative hair protector always accompanies those ladies who pay attention to their appearance.

Finally, Ying Tai and Shan Bo could be together for all of eternity.

Spite is never lonely; envy always tags along

For most people, reality may not be perfect, but it's still passable. But for the Siamese twins Chung-jen and Chung-yi, a host of torments profound beyond their comprehension follow at their heels.

1. I like "to tag along" (used in the 2nd last example) because, like 相随, it doesn't have a direct object.

2. I'm adding a figurative sense, illustrated by the waste/urbanisation example and the spite/envy example.
Two other examples:

Much research shows that negative aspects of tribal tourism--pressures from crowding, environmental destruction, restlessness stirred by rising land prices, disputes about how to distribute profits--are to some degree part and parcel of the development process.

Ever in the public eye, Bo Yang's days were a mix of personal misfortune and creative endeavor. Though his life has now come to a close, his legend and his work remain indelibly printed on Taiwan's history.
# 相隨 相随 [xiang1 sui2] /to accompany/to go with sb/
+ 相隨 相随 [xiang1 sui2] /to tag along (with sb)/(in combination with 與|与[yu3] or 和[he2]) to accompany (sb)/(fig.) (of one situation) to go hand in hand (with another)/

Change log entry 72683
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-14 06:25:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68518 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
At least Canadian seals have the luxury of being stunned before they die.

The purpose of stunning is to render the animal unconscious so that its throat can be cut.

Kojima said players are rewarded for cooperating and encouraged to stun and capture — not kill — enemy soldiers they encounter in order to put them to work.

The birds are stunned prior to bleeding and then passed through either scalding water or a steam tunnel and through rotating devices with rubber scrubbers to remove feathers.

手榴弹爆炸掀起的烂泥糊满了他的全身,炸开的手榴弹木柄碎片差点儿把他击晕 了

余锦柱按往常的习惯,首先想到通信工具——电话机,于是,翻身扯断电话线,迅速将电话机塞进暖暖的被窝里,说时迟,那时快,一个闪电击进瞭望台,他一下子就被击晕 过去。

不一会儿,草丛中传来了的声响,出现了至少十条以上的斑纹毒蛇,宇文浩将一块石子捏成了无数块小石头,纷纷击向毒蛇;他的手劲恰到好处,仅是将毒蛇击晕 ,并没有将它们击毙。
+ 擊暈 击晕 [ji1 yun1] /to stun/to render unconscious (with a blow)/

Change log entry 72682
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-14 06:01:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68502 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative].v[erb]. lure away
| 小偷把警察引开了。
| The thief misled the police.

A main goal is to deflect attention from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is notoriously difficult to shift a country's investors away from their established exchanges.

They headed him off the topic, because they were afraid he'd reveal confidential information.

I would have had that smile to wake up to and those arms to snuggle in, and he would have had that support and person there to drag him away from the computer to take a few minutes for himself, to put his toes in the sand, and to enjoy a sunset.

When a person approaches the nest, the parent bird utters sharp cries and imitates an injury to distract the intruder's line of sight and protect the nest.

The day she was to meet up with her cosplayer friends in costume, she planned to sneak out the door while her father took his afternoon nap. That day, however, he didn't budge from the living room. Nyssa had to get her sister to call their father away so she could slip away.
+ 引開 引开 [yin3 kai1] /to lure away/to divert/

Change log entry 72669
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-13 07:40:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68510 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 笑脸相迎, already in the dictionary.

v. welcome sb.

VERB welcome sb.
| 笑脸相迎
| give sb. a cheerful welcome; a smiling welcome

| 倒屣~
| 笑脸~。

动 迎接
| 以礼相迎。

John: This is my first Burns Night Supper. I really enjoyed the piper welcoming guests as we arrived.

As we approached it two eunuchs came out to meet us.

She greeted us with a smile when we arrived

When Liu Bei arrived in Longzhong for the third time, Zhuge Liang himself came out of his cottage to greet him.

A sturdy old monk with snowy white eyebrows came up to greet him saying, "It just happens that my assistants are all away at the moment. Could you possibly send your Servant down to the nearby market to buy me some salt and vinegar?"

The procession moves through Dong­gang, driving out malevolent spirits and disease. Households welcome ­Wangye with offerings, incense and fireworks, and with prayers for favorable weather and wellbeing.
+ 相迎 相迎 [xiang1 ying2] /to welcome sb/to greet sb/

Change log entry 72667
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-13 05:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68507 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. inquire politely

VERB LITERARY make inquiries

| 张鸾正待~,报道县令回来(《三遂平妖传‧第十七回》)。

| 郭沫若《洪波曲》:途中见一衣履整饬的老人, 叩问之, 颇能详道往事。

| 宋.魏了翁〈跋楊司理德輔之父紀問辯曆〉:「後生初學,哆然自是,恥於扣問者,視此亦可以少警矣。」

| 郭沫若《创造十年续篇》:偶尔在朋友间扣问, 都说难懂。

Ask yourself "What gives me energy even when I'm tired?"

When Hongkongers ask: "Why isn't there a Kuo Pao Kun in Hongkong?" Singaporeans are wondering: "Will Singapore have another Kuo Pao Kun?"

And I ask my heart if its blood carries the wisdom of the unseen way.

This is a most lovely story about life and a tough process to question people's soul.

Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed

Although one can say that at first glance this project is full of childlike fun and warmly takes viewers back to those memories, in fact it raises questions about the core of photography: What in the end is memory? What is ­reality?

With extremely refined language, it fashions questions one character at a time, which reverberate amid the empty spaces of the page.

In 1961 Jane Jacobs, an American magazine editor with no college degree or professional background, offered up a major inquiry into what makes a "great city."

"What is your desired home?" is the moving question that Yang's musical drama Finding Home asks time and again.
+ 叩問 叩问 [kou4 wen4] /(literary) to inquire/to ask/question/
+ 扣問 扣问 [kou4 wen4] /(literary) to inquire/to ask/question/

Change log entry 72637
Processed by: ycandau (2021-05-09 19:21:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68394 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Probably not the best definition. It's actually easier to understand it looking at the four characters than it is to describe accurately in English.

f[ixed].e[expression]. unfading; everlastingly new

| 老店风华,〜。


But for those still employed and managing their careers, there's a perennial question: How often should you change jobs?

Fashioned on a classic sterling silver band, the design is also a timeless style crafted with the highest quality

Rather, we should stick with the time-honored policies that have made the United States the titan to topple in the first place: free trade, competitive markets, reasonable regulations and the rule of law.

The father reminds us of the old truth that the line between good and evil doesn’t run between people or classes; it runs straight through every human heart.

I could have gone on like that for years, just as I had with other therapists, because no matter what I said, or how I looked at my story, the emotional pain always felt fresh and new.

Sense memories can be almost timeless.

Though a new field of study, its existence proves yet again the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Hsinchu's rice noodles, pork balls and meat pasties owe their reputation to the fact they have been produced for over a century, getting better with time and never losing their popularity.
# 歷久彌新 历久弥新 [li4 jiu3 mi2 xin1] /lit. still fresh despite its age/timeless/unfading/
+ 歷久彌新 历久弥新 [li4 jiu3 mi2 xin1] /lit. long in existence but ever new (idiom)/timeless/unfading/
+ 日久彌新 日久弥新 [ri4 jiu3 mi2 xin1] /see 歷久彌新|历久弥新[li4 jiu3 mi2 xin1]/

Change log entry 72606
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-08 05:57:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68473 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart
克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig
克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas
克里斯汀·戴维斯 Kristin Davis
克里斯汀·米利欧缇 Cristin Milioti

克里斯汀·阿曼普 Christiane Amanpour
克里斯汀·塞德尔 Christiane Seidel

克里斯汀·德贝尔 Kristine DeBell
克里斯汀·布莱西·福特 Christine Blasey Ford
克里斯汀·夏博诺 Christine Charbonneau
克里斯汀·柯斯嘉德 Christine Korsgaard

克里斯汀·贝尔 Christian Bale
克里斯汀·迪奥 Christian Dior
克里斯汀·德·迪夫 Christian de Duve
克里斯汀·鲍勒 Christian Borle
克里斯汀·泰勒 Christian Taylor

Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American, Christine Frederick, who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife.

But the Phantom wanted Christine for himself.

Christine Lagarde, the finance minister of France, is reportedly the leading candidate to take DSK's post

The indispensables: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon

TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (The Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.
+ 克里斯汀 克里斯汀 [Ke4 li3 si1 ting1] /(name) Christine, Kristine, Kristen, Kristin etc/Christiane/Christian/

Change log entry 72600
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-07 06:54:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68465 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. ignite
attr. ignitor

VERB ignite; light up; kindle
| 引燃篝火
| kindle a bonfire

| ~瓦斯
| ~圣火。


They are primarily intended to set targets ablaze rather than instantly destroy them.

I feel the stars. Each sparkle sets aflame the pain in my heart.

Vapors from gasoline, paint thinner, aerosol sprays and cleaning solvents can ignite if they come in contact with an open flame from a candle, matches or the pilot or burner of a gas appliance.

Although "human factors" are held primarily responsible for this particular blaze, the very fact that the year's first forest fire occurred in May during the plum rain season instead of in June as is usual points to the need to revise Taiwan's forest protection controls.




Yet it cannot be denied that he sparked the fires of the native-soil literature debate, helping Taiwanese literature make an even more decisive turn.
# 引燃 引燃 [yin3 ran2] /to ignite/to start (a fire)/
+ 引燃 引燃 [yin3 ran2] /to ignite/to start (a fire)/(fig.) to spark (debate, conflict etc)/

Change log entry 72586
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-06 05:33:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68454 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
紫云英(学名:Astragalus sinicus)也称翅摇、红花草、草子,是豆科黄芪属植物。
Astragalus sinicus is a species of milkvetch in the family Fabaceae. It is known under such common names as Chinese milkvetch (or milk-vetch) and is in common use in farming as a green manure.

n. 〈bot.〉 Chinese milk vetch

NOUN BOTANY Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus)



On the English common name:

Astragalus Sinicus - L.
Common Name: Chinese Milk Vetch

Scientific name: Astragalus sinicus
Common names: Chinese vetch,Milk vetch

Effects of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) Residue Incorporation on CH4 and N2O Emission from a Double-Rice Paddy Soil

Increased planting density of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) weakens phosphorus uptake advantage by rapeseed (Brassica napus) in a mixed cropping system
+ 紫雲英 紫云英 [zi3 yun2 ying1] /Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus)/

Change log entry 72478
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-28 08:01:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68360 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
This one is a biggie. It seems someone confused 大副 with 大幅 and the definition just stayed here for more than a decade.

NOUN first (or chief) mate; mate; chief officer

n. first mate (of a ship)



名 轮船船员的职务名称。船长的第一助手, 负责驾驶工作。

大副(英语:Chief Officer或chief mate, C/O),同义词“first mate”、“first officer”,为船副的一种,系属于一船舶舱面(甲板)部门之高等海员(中华民国交通部正式名称为甲级船员)。
A chief mate (C/M) or chief officer, usually also synonymous with the first mate or first officer, is a licensed mariner and head of the deck department of a merchant ship. The chief mate is customarily a watchstander and is in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew.

The first mate quickly retrieved the captain's red shirt. While wearing the brightly colored frock, the captain led his crew into battle and defeated the pirates.

At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship.

Editor: well-spotted, thanks. This entry has been unchanged since 2008 when another editor added it to the dictionary...
- 大副 大副 [da4 fu4] /substantially/by a big amount/
+ 大副 大副 [da4 fu4] /first mate/first officer (of a ship)/

Change log entry 72469
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-27 06:15:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68348 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm assuming 拷 is short for 拷贝, but it's possible that I'm wrong, that 拷 is just an alternative simpler phonetic translation for "copy". So, "same as" may be more appropriate than "abbr. for".

VERB 2 copy
| 拷盘
| copy a disk

动 音译用字,复制
| 拷一张软盘备份。

【百度知道: 拷是什么意思?】

ZFS USES a copy-on-write model for managing data on the storage.

The role of the executor is to load the program( copy it from disk into memory) and make the computer start executing the program.

Note: You have to have the correct permissions to create the installation directory and copy the files into it.

Over half of your software is pirated.
- 拷 拷 [kao3] /to beat/to flog/to examine under torture/
+ 拷 拷 [kao3] /to beat/to flog/to examine under torture/(computing) to copy (abbr. for 拷貝|拷贝[kao3 bei4])/

Change log entry 72453
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-26 06:10:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68341 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
A demigod or demi-god is a minor deity, or a mortal or immortal who is the offspring of a god and a human, or a figure who has attained divine status after death.


Typically they deal with the activities of gods and demigods, the creation of the world and its inhabitants, and the origins of religious rituals.

He taught that the "Logos" was divine but less than God, a sort of demigod.

Few demigods have temples built in their honor.

In Norse mythology, many of the gods' adventures originate in some trick or another played on their majesties by the half-god Loki.

He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know, he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy, him I call a Brahman.

In NORSE mythology, a magic cloak granted invisibility to Sigurd, a demi-god and skilled warrior with superhuman strength.

The difficulty of the psychological jump from seeing foreigners as demi-gods to gaining the confidence to actually step out into the world and do your own thing is something that many of the authors are well aware of.
+ 半神 半神 [ban4 shen2] /demigod/

Change log entry 72447
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-25 11:21:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68284 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative].v[erb]. cheat sb. out of sth.

She was tricked out of all her savings.

A swindler cheated her of one hundred dollars by selling her a watch which did not work.

She fooled the old man out of all his money

But she is in the minority. Many other victims have been duped into losing their life savings, and even if they report what happened to the police, often the police cannot find what happened to the money.
Even former Olympic Taekwondo gold medalist Chu Mu-yen has fallen victim to fraud, having been scammed out of NT$1 million in a moment of carelessness.

"We want to educate future doctors, lawyers and teachers," says Liao. "Tribal settlements have people who suffer from gout and other chronic ailments, so they need doctors. They need lawyers so their land won't be taken from them by Han Chinese. And these tribal settlements even more need teachers willing to stay up in the mountains, so the people there can have brighter futures."

The question "Who are the Hawaiians?" is an interesting archaeological problem, but it no longer seems of much concern to the Hawaiians themselves. Deep down they may resent the whites for having stolen their land, but with the influence of education and intermarriage they have gradually come to identify themselves with their new country.
+ 騙走 骗走 [pian4 zou3] /to cheat (sb out of sth)/to swindle (sb out of sth)/

Change log entry 72426
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-25 06:58:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68319 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Zhong Shanshan has been reported to be the richest person in Asia and sixth richest in the world. I don't think you want to change the definition every time he goes up or down the ranking, so I think "one of the richest people in the world" should be enough to convey the level of his wealth.





Recently, the Shanghai research group Hurun Report estimated that Mr. Ma was not, for the first time in three years, one of China’s three richest people. The country’s new No. 1 was Zhong Shanshan, the low-key head of both a bottled-water giant and a pharmaceutical business.
# 農夫山泉 农夫山泉 [Nong2 fu1 Shan1 quan2] /Nongfu Spring, a Chinese bottled water and beverage company/
# 鍾睒睒 钟睒睒 [Zhong1 Shan3 shan3] /Zhong Shanshan, Chinese businessman, the founder and chairperson of Nongfu Spring 農夫山泉|农夫山泉 [Nong2 fu1 Shan1 quan2] and one of the richest people in the world/
+ 農夫山泉 农夫山泉 [Nong2 fu1 Shan1 quan2] /Nongfu Spring, Chinese bottled water and beverage company/
+ 鍾睒睒 钟睒睒 [Zhong1 Shan3 shan3] /Zhong Shanshan (1954-), Chinese billionaire businessman, the founder and chairperson of Nongfu Spring 農夫山泉|农夫山泉[Nong2 fu1 Shan1 quan2]/

Change log entry 72361
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-22 06:06:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68256 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cd. 造谣生事, already in the dictionary.

v.o. make trouble

① livelihood
② matters of one's lifetime

VERB make trouble; create a disturbance
| 他脾气很坏, 容易生事。
| He has a bad temper and often makes trouble.

| 造谣~
| 她又找上门来~。

| 茅盾《清明前后》:这不是岂有此理么, 疯疯癫癫一个女人, 谁知道她是什么路数, 找上门来生事!

"What nonsense! Everyone has something made in Japan on him. But they have to pick on our family to make trouble!

My advice to the women's club of America is to raise more hell and fewer dahlias.
[William Allen White]

我们要你去引那个杀手出来 不是陪你们去生事
We want you to get the killer out, but not to create new problems.

I work here. Can't allow you to make trouble.

Do I look like the sort of man who would make trouble?
+ 生事 生事 [sheng1 shi4] /to make trouble/

Change log entry 72359
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-22 05:31:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68254 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Perhaps I should call that venture capitalist back and take that bet.

他被认为是走得最远的。 1914年第一次世界大战爆发时他正在意大利回家的路上,最后不得不取消这个赌约。
He supposedly got most of the way round the world and was in Italy on his way home in 1914 when the First World War broke out and he had to call the whole thing off.

My husband is dead, so the bet is invalid.

I can't believe you took this absurd bet seriously.

Guess I lost that bet we had two years ago.

你们的大会是在圣地亚哥 对吧 - 是的完美 我和艾米有个赌约需要你的协助
So, your convention is in San Diego, right? - Yes Great. I need you to settle a bet for Amy and me.

Editor: GR ~ "Pari; gageure."
# 賭約 赌约 [du3 yue1] /bet/
+ 賭約 赌约 [du3 yue1] /bet/wager/

Change log entry 72354
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-21 07:20:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68241 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Note that the object of the verb is the person that was stopped (喊住他、喊住了我). What was actually shouted is often not mentioned.

v.o. shout to sb. to stop

There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying Stetson !

One evening when Tom came downstairs to go out, his father stopped him in the hall. He looked at Tom's clothes very carefully

My landlord hallooed for me to stop, ere I reached the bottom of the garden, and offered to accompany me across the moor.
[Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights]

他们只得回转身来,想从旁边一条小巷抄过去。 但是刚刚走过小巷进入一条大街,他们又被一个步哨喊住了。
The boys had no choice but to turn back. They tried to make a detour through a back lane, but they again found themselves confronted by a sentry where the lane rejoined the main street.

施小姐颔首,往门外去,约露又把她喊住 。

As she was about to start, an unfamiliar child came toward her. She looked at him and he at her, and as they were about to pass each other she stopped him:
"Was that you playing the piano last night?"
# 喊住 喊住 [han3 zhu4] /to stop (sb) by shouting their name, "stop!", or sth else to that effect/
+ 喊住 喊住 [han3 zhu4] /to stop (sb) by calling out to them/

Change log entry 72342
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-20 05:34:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68229 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 清.紀昀《閱微草堂筆記.卷一.灤陽消夏錄一》:「士人回顧,惟萬峰插天,杳無人跡。」

| 峻青《黎明的河边》:大堤上仍然是杳无人迹, 只有淡蓝色的枪烟在缭绕。

It was burned, in ruins, deserted, as were all the plantations she had passed that day.

With its vast, uninhabited northern coastline, mainland Australia would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.

Now he was lost in an uninhabited, alien jungle on a far away planet in a completely parallel universe and those drums were driving him insane.

Drive through France at any time of the day, week, month or year and 95% of the country appears to be uninhabited or fast asleep.

After leaving Fangshan, the South Link Line passes through an area that was almost completely uninhabited and had no roads.

When Yang was five, his family moved to Xindian, Taipei County, to run a chicken farm in the mountains. The land behind the 2,400-square-meter farm was uncultivated, uninhabited, and mountainous. Yang spent virtually every afternoon alone out back, catching crabs, shrimp, and guppies in mountain streams.
# 杳無人跡 杳无人迹 [yao3 wu2 ren2 ji1] /without trace of human presence/uninhabited/deserted/
+ 杳無人跡 杳无人迹 [yao3 wu2 ren2 ji4] /without trace of human presence/uninhabited/deserted/

Change log entry 72318
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-19 05:09:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68220 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wenlin strangely says it's Yunnan marble, and Baidu Baike has as an entry on some kind of rock from Guangdong also called 云石 (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BA%91%E7%9F%B3/5899758). It's possible a number of different rocks have been or still are called 云石, but for the most part it seems t refer to marble generally.

Yunnan marble

NOUN marble


[Wikipedia redirects 云石 to this page]

The lofty gateways are graced with statues, and the broad floors are all laid in polished flags of marble.

And a tear trickled slowly down Enjolras' marble cheek.

At the Barriere du Maine there are marble-workers, painters, and journeymen in the studios of sculptors.

He sat staring at the marbled cover of the book, trying without success to shut the voice out of his consciousness.
[Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four]

Pioneer (Erase) is an active speed stripper that easily cuts through multi-layers of floor finish. It is for use on all industrial flooring (resilient tile, terrazzo, marble, concrete, rubber, etc.

Not marble nor the gilded monuments
Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme,
But you shall shine more bright in these contents
Than unswept stone besmeared with sluttish time.
[Shakespeare, Sonnet 55)

Editor: I imagine it does literally mean "stone from Yunnan" (in referring to marble from there), but that the meaning was later extended to marble in general.
That's what Grand Ricci's definition suggests, anyway: "marbre du Yunnan; marbre".
+ 雲石 云石 [yun2 shi2] /marble/

Change log entry 72309
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-18 01:53:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68203 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I've seen it translated as "image representative" but feels a bit Chinglishy to me.
* Sometimes translated more literally as (brand) spokesperson, but I feel you would expect a spokesperson to speak in the name of the brand, and it seems 形象代言 for the most part just allow their image to be used.

image representative


Yao has been featured in many advertisements and is the ambassador for at least seven companies this year.

The organisation currently features Zhang Ziyi as its spokesperson.

Celebrities are famous for possession of thousands of brand shoes and are also brand ambassador of some famous brands.

As the face of the company, he represents Apple's dedication to high-end technology and fashionable design.

And third-place finisher Zhang Hanyun, a high school student from southwestern China's Sichuan province, became the face of the Mongolian Cow dairy's Sour Sour Yogurt that now sponsors the show.
+ 形象代言人 形象代言人 [xing2 xiang4 dai4 yan2 ren2] /(brand or organization) ambassador/face (of a brand or company)/

Change log entry 72292
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-15 12:04:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68199 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. be engaged in politics

| 廉洁~
| ~理念
| 他从学校毕业后,随即走上~之路。

| 《論語.子路》:「子曰:『苟正其身矣,於從政乎何有?不能正其身,如正人何?』」
| 唐.韓愈《順宗實錄二》:「達於吏理,可使從政者,宜委常參官各舉所知。」

动 参与政务; 处理政事(多指当官)
| 从政多年。

When I started in politics I was just an ordinary kind of guy.

He decided to go into politics despite his lineage as much as because of it, family members said.

I am told that pork-packing is the most lucrative profession in America after politics.

在他从政的 40多年中 ,利用种种手段打击、瓦解政党 ,开日本金钱政治的先河。
During his forty-odd years in office he resorted to all means available to hit out at and disintegrate political parties. He was the initiator of money politics in Japan.

Nobody rules out politics for Ms. Trump, either as candidate or king maker.

Chang Po-ya is a seasoned politician, having served three terms as mayor of Chiayi City, one term as a legislator, and seven years in the cabinet as head of the Department of Health. Acclaimed for her upright character and talents, her appointment to the "first ministry under Heaven," Interior, is seemingly only a matter of course.

Generally speaking, people in politics tend to get bogged down in the day-to-day detail of their work. If we can give them an opportunity to quietly look back and think about why they entered politics in the first place, perhaps through the experience of opening their hearts, and through exchanges with other people, they can improve themselves and gain the insight to think critically about their basic attitude to politics. In this way we have the opportunity to let more people come together to realize democracy and promote the public good.

Hung decided to enter politics in part because of her father, a former official who suffered during the “White Terror.”

Editor: I used "involved" instead of "engaged".
(Not much difference, admittedly.)
# 從政 从政 [cong2 zheng4] /to be engaged in politics/to be a politician/to be an official/
+ 從政 从政 [cong2 zheng4] /to be involved in politics/to be a politician/to be an official/

Change log entry 72283
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-14 06:42:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68198 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm not adding the sense "自求豐足" (MOE) / "enrich oneself without regard for others" (Wenlin) for now. The definitions differ slightly, and it seems an archaic sense of which I have seen no examples.
* "be conservative" (W) / "拘拘自守" (MOE) / "拘执己见, 墨守陈规" (XHDC): the example given is always 故步自封, which means "conservative" by itself -- 自封 to limit oneself the 故步 old ways. I don't think 自封 itself means "to be conservative".

① proclaim/style oneself
② confine/isolate oneself
③ be conservative
④ enrich oneself without regard for others

1. 自我加封(某种名号或身分);自称(含贬义)。
| ~帮派老大
| ~艺术大师
| ~王牌商品。
2. 自我束缚、限制。
| 故步~。

1. 自求豐足。
| 《國語.楚語上》:「若於目觀則美,縮於財用則匱,是聚民利以自封而瘠民也,胡美之為?」
2. 為自己加封號。如:「他自封為專家,聞者莫不嗤之以鼻。」
3. 自我限制、拘拘自守。如:「為人行事不應故步自封。」
| 晉.庾闡〈斷酒戒〉:「子獨區區,檢情自封,無或口閉其味,而心馳其聽者乎。」

1 动 自我加封; 自称(含贬义)
| 自封天下第一。
2 动 自我限制
| 故步自封。

1 拘执己见, 墨守陈规。如:故步自封。
2 犹自命(含贬义)。如:自封为专家。

Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.

The self-styled king of beers has been toppled by a drink that most Budweiser lovers have never heard of: Snow

Although his self-given title of "clothes consultant" doesn't sound entirely serious, William Thourlby performs a valuable service for those who seek his advice.

Of course, such leaders emerge naturally out of mass struggle, and cannot be self-appointed.

Self-styled "battle-hardened warrior" and 17-year veteran of street dance Peng Ying-lun (left) believes street dance provided him with his only way of reaching out to the world as a youngster.

Surprisingly, with access to information tightly regulated in Beijing, many young people Wang's age are utterly unaware of the fact that the Republic of China has its own flag, anthem, and constitution, and referred to Chen Shui-bian as the "self-proclaimed" president.

Assange: A Self-Proclaimed Foe of Secrecy Who Inspires Both Admiration and Fury

Editor: I went with "self-styled" because I like it, and because the definition already had "to proclaim oneself" at the beginning.
# 自封 自封 [zi4 feng1] /to proclaim oneself (sth)/to give oneself the title of/self-appointed/self-proclaimed/to limit oneself to/to confine oneself to/
+ 自封 自封 [zi4 feng1] /to proclaim oneself (sth)/to give oneself the title of/self-appointed/self-styled/to limit oneself to/to confine oneself to/

Change log entry 72227
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-12 05:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68177 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Too obvious?

prison cell

| 监狱里设有~。


The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall.

After examining the cell, the man found that the toilet was leaking.

I know something about solitary confinement, because I’ve been there. I spent a total of 12 years in various solitary confinement cells.

But by the time Mr. Liao is jailed, Maoism has been abandoned, and the prisons have become just another outpost of state capitalism, with guards proudly announcing that “we are going to implement a market-oriented competitive mechanism,” even as they continue to require prisoners to sing “Socialism Is Good.” Thus Mr. Liao finds himself first assigned to assemble medicine packets in his cell — the quota was 3,000 units a day — and later allocated to an iron foundry that makes car parts.
+ 囚室 囚室 [qiu2 shi4] /prison cell/

Change log entry 72172
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-10 00:45:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67966 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* As the common word for "video" the usage is chiefly HK, but in expressions it occasionally shows in TW and PRC Chinese also. I think it's safe to assume this is by HK influence and just mark it as HK.

【Wikipedia: 视频】

People can talk, send and receive email, or take part in video conferences anytime, anywhere.

The CFO is the "bad guy" who won't let you buy that really cool videoconferencing equipment and makes you pay down a commercial loan instead.

视像通信(video communication)是指实时传送连续活动图像信号的通信方式。

How to make a video call
[Traditional] 如何撥打 WhatsApp 視像通話
[Simple] 如何拨打 WhatsApp 视频通话

Video Call
When travelling abroad, you can use Roaming Video Call to talk face-to-face with friends and families in Hong Kong or in other overseas countries/destinations.

Premium video meetings. Now free for everyone.
[HK] 優質視像會議功能,所有人現在皆可免費使用。
[TW] 進階視訊會議功能。現已免費開放給所有人使用。
[PRC] 专业视频会议服务,现向所有人免费开放。

Pause a FaceTime video call on Mac
[HK] 在 Mac 上暫停 FaceTime 視像通話
[TW] 在 Mac 上暫停 FaceTime 視像通話
[PRC] 在 Mac 上暂停 FaceTime 视频通话

"3-minute Concept" Animated Video Clips Series
+ 視像 视像 [shi4 xiang4] /video (HK)/

Change log entry 72143
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-07 12:54:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67913 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* When referring to people it's usually more than just being "well-known", but when talking about brands or geographic regions (examples below) words like illustrious/prominent/prestigious don't make much sense.

f.e. far-famed; illustrious

IDIOM distinguished; illustrious
| 赫赫有名的人物
| illustrious personage

| 李时珍是历史上~的药物学家。

| 《二十年目睹之怪現狀.第三七回》:「還有一個胡公壽,是松江人,詩書畫都好,也是赫赫有名的。」


Although Master Kang is the leading and most famous instant-noodle brand in mainland China and is studied by Taiwanese companies as a model of success, its name recognition among Taiwanese consumers trails far behind Uni-President, Ve Wong, Ve Dan, King Car, and other Taiwanese brands.

Venice, that romantic city on the water filled with historic architecture, was the wellspring of European capitalism and the Renaissance, and in recent years has developed into an important international exhibition center for movies, music and architecture. The celebrated film festival and this biennial art exhibition are two of the city's great achievements.

However, opera was well and truly in her blood. At the age of 15 she appealed for support from her relatives in her quest to study opera, and her mother finally relented. In order to make up for lost time she underwent intensive instruction with eight of the most illustrious masters of Peking Opera.

Before me lay a vast lifeless stretch of yellow, the terrifying Sahara desert that I had read about in geography textbooks when I was a child. Only now it wasn't just a name, but was a real place, right under my feet. How could one not feel a rising sense of panic?!

A new study from MacroPolo — a think tank run by the Paulson Institute, which promotes constructive ties between the United States and China — estimated that Chinese-educated researchers contributed to nearly one-third of the papers accepted and promoted at a prestigious A.I. conference last year, more than those from any other country.
促进美中建设性关系的保尔森基金会(Paulson Institute)下属的麦克罗波洛智库(MacroPolo)一新项研究估计,被去年的一个赫赫有名的人工智能学术会议接受和发表的论文中,有近三分之一来自曾在中国读大学的研究人员,比任何其他国家大学毕业的作者贡献的论文都要多。

Staff members at prestigious Union Hospital in Wuhan, the city at the center of the outbreak, have joined others around China in begging online for medical supplies.
+ 赫赫有名 赫赫有名 [he4 he4 you3 ming2] /illustrious/prominent/prestigious/well-known/

Change log entry 72069
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-03 23:02:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67829 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
A filibuster is a political procedure where one or more members of Parliament or Congress debate over a proposed piece of legislation to delay or entirely prevent a decision being made on the proposal.

[BDBK redirects 拉布 to this entry.]

拉布或者“拉布战术”是西方议会政治的专业术语 ,英文是 Filibuster ,指在议会故意发表冗长演说,以拖延表决。

謝偉俊議員重申,若議員可持續" 拉 布 ",即使立法會再加開多天會議,將 只會浪費 時間。
Mr Paul TSE reiterated that it would only be a waste of time for the Council to meet on more days, as long as Members could continue to filibuster.

他籲請這些議員停 止 "拉布",尤其 是經常要求點算立法會會議法 定人數的做法。
He appealed to these Members to stop filibustering, in particular their frequent requests for counting the quorum of the Council.



【解决“拉布”顽疾 香港立法会修改议事规则提上议程】

Editor: 拉布 looks to me like a verb-object compound, presumably from Cantonese (?) -- since it appears in a Cantonese dictionary and in Cantonese Wikipedia.

ABC Cantonese
laai1 bou3 ​拉​布 V. 〈lit. to pull cloth; fig.〉 to filibuster, i.e. for councillors or representatives to use the parliamentary procedure of extending debate by talking or asking questions for a long time so as to delay or stall voting on a govt. proposal or bill

verb usage:


# 拉布 拉布 [la1 bu4] /filibuster/
+ 冗長辯論 冗长辩论 [rong3 chang2 bian4 lun4] /filibuster/
+ 拉布 拉布 [la1 bu4] /to filibuster/

Change log entry 71986
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-01 07:11:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67818 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Topical, but similar pharmaceutical companies are already in CEDIC. Cf. 葛兰素史克 GlaxoSmithKline; 辉瑞 Pfizer

* Chinese Wikipedia says 阿斯利康 is short for 阿斯特拉捷利康, but on the official website they only use the name 阿斯利康 and in news reports it's also only refered to as 阿斯利康.

阿斯特拉捷利康制药公司(英语:AstraZeneca plc.),是一家由瑞典阿斯特拉公司(Astra AB)和英国捷利康公司(Zeneca Group PLC)于1999年4月6日合并而成的大型英瑞合资生物制药企业,又简称阿斯利康;而英国捷利康公司本身,是早先在1993年由帝国化学工业公司分拆出来的公司。
AstraZeneca plc (/ˌæstrəˈzɛnəkə/) is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England.





阿斯利康跌逾2% 德国将再次评估阿斯利康新冠疫苗

+ 阿斯利康 阿斯利康 [A1 si1 li4 kang1] /AstraZeneca (British-Swedish pharmaceutical company)/

Change log entry 71980
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-31 11:11:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67805 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* More commonly as a metaphor, the prologue to something.

What's past, is prologue.
(Common translation, repeated in many articles; so I'm not including any example that is just quoting this sentence.)

This article contains six chapters. The preface summarizes the precedent studies and points, and clarifies the research methods and objectives.

Added a rematch button for final battle in the Prologue when the player loses

While the narrative runs to over 17,000 lines, it's apparently unfinished, as the prologue ambitiously introduces 29 pilgrims and promises four stories apiece, and the innkeeper never crowns a victor.
虽然乔叟的叙述超过一万七千行,但很明显这部作品没有完结。他在序章里曾野心勃勃地 介绍了29位朝圣者,并保证每人都有4个故事,不仅如此,旅馆主人 最终也没宣布比赛的赢家。

“Tune In” is liable to be approached slowly and suspiciously. It’s an opening salvo that doesn’t get beyond 1962.

Several days later in Montreal, the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) declared support for interculturalism in the preamble of its constitution adopted its federal convention held in Montreal on April 14, 2013.

20年来的香江故事,只是刚刚翻开序章 ,未来的香港将与祖国一道,携手同心再出发,创造更加美好的明天。

2021年,我们将迎来中国共产党成立100周年。千秋伟业,百年只是序章 ,还有更多胜利等待我们去夺取,还有更大使命等待我们去完成。

Baike ~

TP ~
Yu Hsuan-ju, the initiator of the café, says that once by chance she saw a TV program about Tuvalu, an island nation in the South Pacific which has diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Tuvalu appeared so vulnerable to the rising tides of global warming that the program aroused Yu’s curiosity. Wanting to know more about the threat to the distant islands of the South Pacific, she began to research the predicted rise in sea level caused by global warming. Her desire to someday visit the islands to find some resolution to this potential disaster gave rise to the Across the Ocean Program.
+ 序章 序章 [xu4 zhang1] /prologue/preface/preamble/

Change log entry 71864
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-21 11:02:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64346 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
☞ 一言堂

what sb. says goes

single-word shop – no bargaining; uniform prices (a horizontal inscribed board hung over a shop)
conference hall where one person has all the say—what I say goes; one person alone has the say; one person lays down the law (opp. 群言堂)
| 要搞“群言堂”, 不搞“一言堂”。
| Let all have a say, not just one.

1. 原指旧时商店所挂的匾额,以表示买卖公平、不二价。后比喻领导缺乏民主作风,不能听取群众意见而专断独行(与「群言堂」相对)。
| 我们应打破~,让团队拥有不同的声音。


1 名 旧时店铺挂的匾额, 上写“一言堂”, 表示不能还价。
2 名 比喻不听群众意见独断专行的作风(跟“群言堂”相对)。

☞ 群言堂

① the voice of the many
② a situation in which everyone has his say

a conference hall where everyone is allowed to have his say—rule by the voice of the many (opp. 一言堂)
| 我们提倡“群言堂”, 反对“一言堂”。
| We advocate “letting everyone have his say” and oppose the practice of “what I say goes”.

| 要搞~,不搞一言堂。

名 指能充分发扬民主, 让人讲话, 广泛听取群众意见的工作作风(跟“一言堂”相对)。

最近召开的党的十一届五中全会总结了正反两个方面的经验,通过了《关于党内政治生活的若干准则》,把“不允许搞‘一言堂 ’、家长制”作为一条党规党法肯定下来,这是非常必要的。

要深入群众,有事同群众商量,认真倾听群众的呼声,使我们的一切工作都能真正代表人民的根本利益。但是,有些同志却不是这样。他们只相信自己或自己周围的少数人,迷恋于搞“一言堂 ”,听不得不同意见,总想把人家的嘴巴都封住。他们害怕群众,不准人家讲话,自己做错了也不准批评,甚至依仗职权对提出批评的群众进行打击报复。

Chan stresses that having a small staff does not mean that a mini-mag is necessarily dominated by a single point of view. In today’s society, a magazine can work via the Internet to solicit articles and get layout work done. “Net-working” is the term coined to describe the phenomenon, and it has become quite commonplace. It is no longer necessary to hire people in-house to get their services.

But it is far less clear that Mr. Wang’s voice would be heard over the voice of the party’s supreme leader, Xi Jinping, who has amassed power unseen in China since Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

在党委一班人中,第一书记能够坚持发扬民主作风,组织大家讨论,认真听取不同意见,把自己置身于一班人的监督中,任何事情就好商量好解决了。相反,一人说了算,搞一言堂,不搞群言堂 ,只能是一人称霸,一班人的积极性调动不起来,整个工作就上不去。
- 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /a place where one person has all the say (dictatorship, shop in which one can't bargain etc)/one person lays down the law/
# 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /board hung on shops to indicate prices are not negotiable (old)/what one says goes/authoritarianism/
# 群言堂 群言堂 [qun2 yan2 tang2] /to let everyone have their say/to to take people's views into account (of a leader)/to rule democratically/
+ 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /(sign hung in a shop) prices fixed – no bargaining (old)/having things decided by the will of a single individual/autocratic rule/(contrasted with 群言堂[qun2 yan2 tang2])/
+ 群言堂 群言堂 [qun2 yan2 tang2] /letting everyone have their say/taking people's views into account/free expression of different views/(contrasted with 一言堂[yi1 yan2 tang2])/

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