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Change log entry 83130
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 21:03:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76648 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Remove (bound form)
- 塭 塭 [wen1] /(bound form) used in 魚塭|鱼塭[yu2 wen1]/used in place names/
+ 塭 塭 [[wen1]] /used in 魚塭|鱼塭[yu2wen1]/used in place names/

Change log entry 83129
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 11:35:11 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 喀嚓 喀嚓 [ka1 cha1] /(onom.) breaking or snapping/
+ 喀嚓 喀嚓 [[ka1cha1]] /(onom.) breaking or snapping/

Change log entry 83128
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 11:34:22 GMT)
Comment: [ka1cha1] ... [pa1cha1]
- 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/
+ 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/

Change log entry 83125
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 08:16:49 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 筆筒 笔筒 [bi3 tong3] /pen container/brush pot/
+ 筆筒 笔筒 [[bi3tong3]] /pen container; brush pot/

Change log entry 83124
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 08:11:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76638 - submitted by 'encn' >>
谅解备忘录(memorandum of understanding),指处理较小事项方面的条约。例如,1995年5月31日《中华人民共和国外交部和新加坡共和国外交部关于建立磋商制度的谅解备忘录》[1]

+ 諒解備忘錄 谅解备忘录 [[liang4jie3 bei4wang4lu4]] /memorandum of understanding/

Change log entry 83123
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:57:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76617 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 鸚 鹦 [ying1] /parrot/
+ 鸚 鹦 [[ying1]] /used in 鸚鵡|鹦鹉[ying1wu3]/
- 鵡 鹉 [wu3] /parrot/
+ 鵡 鹉 [[wu3]] /used in 鸚鵡|鹦鹉[ying1wu3]/
- 鸚鵡 鹦鹉 [ying1 wu3] /parrot/
+ 鸚鵡 鹦鹉 [[ying1wu3]] /parrot/

Change log entry 83122
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:56:03 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 嚓 嚓 [cha1] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/
+ 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/

Change log entry 83121
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:54:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76639 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 乳液 乳液 [ru3 ye4] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
+ 乳液 乳液 [[ru3ye4]] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
- 企求 企求 [qi3 qiu2] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
+ 企求 企求 [[qi3qiu2]] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
- 傳告 传告 [chuan2 gao4] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
+ 傳告 传告 [[chuan2gao4]] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
- 勁力 劲力 [jin4 li4] /physical strength; power/
+ 勁力 劲力 [[jin4li4]] /physical strength; power/
- 十幾 十几 [shi2 ji3] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
+ 十幾 十几 [[shi2ji3]] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
- 吃膩 吃腻 [chi1 ni4] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
+ 吃膩 吃腻 [[chi1ni4]] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
- 拋擲 抛掷 [pao1 zhi4] /to throw; to toss/
+ 拋擲 抛掷 [[pao1zhi4]] /to throw; to toss/
- 杌凳 杌凳 [wu4 deng4] /Chinese-style low stool/
+ 杌凳 杌凳 [[wu4deng4]] /Chinese-style low stool/
- 獲得 获得 [huo4 de2] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
+ 獲得 获得 [[huo4de2]] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
- 略帶 略带 [lu:e4 dai4] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
+ 略帶 略带 [[lu:e4dai4]] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
- 相似 相似 [xiang1 si4] /similar; alike/
+ 相似 相似 [[xiang1si4]] /similar; alike/
- 砸壞 砸坏 [za2 huai4] /to smash; to shatter/
+ 砸壞 砸坏 [[za2huai4]] /to smash; to shatter/
- 筆芯 笔芯 [bi3 xin1] /pencil lead; pen refill/
+ 筆芯 笔芯 [[bi3xin1]] /pencil lead; pen refill/
- 胞宮 胞宫 [bao1 gong1] /uterus; womb/
+ 胞宮 胞宫 [[bao1gong1]] /uterus; womb/
- 誘人 诱人 [you4 ren2] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
+ 誘人 诱人 [[you4ren2]] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
- 重新 重新 [chong2 xin1] /again; once more; re-/
+ 重新 重新 [[chong2xin1]] /again; once more; re-/
- 颱風 台风 [tai2 feng1] /typhoon/
+ 颱風 台风 [[tai2feng1]] /typhoon/
- 驟減 骤减 [zhou4 jian3] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
+ 驟減 骤减 [[zhou4jian3]] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83120
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:18:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76618 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 鶺 鹡 [ji2] /pied wagtail/
+ 鶺 鹡 [[ji2]] /used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2]/
- 鴒 鸰 [ling2] /wagtail/lark/
+ 鴒 鸰 [[ling2]] /used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2]/
- 鶺鴒 鹡鸰 [ji2 ling2] /wagtail/
+ 鶺鴒 鹡鸰 [[ji2ling2]] /wagtail/

Change log entry 83114
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76637 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仇視 仇视 [chou2 shi4] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
+ 仇視 仇视 [[chou2shi4]] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
- 史前 史前 [shi3 qian2] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
+ 史前 史前 [[shi3qian2]] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
- 同時 同时 [tong2 shi2] /at the same time; simultaneously/
+ 同時 同时 [[tong2shi2]] /at the same time; simultaneously/
- 報廢 报废 [bao4 fei4] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
+ 報廢 报废 [[bao4fei4]] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
- 尾氣 尾气 [wei3 qi4] /exhaust; emissions/
+ 尾氣 尾气 [[wei3qi4]] /exhaust; emissions/
- 差別 差别 [cha1 bie2] /difference; distinction; disparity/
+ 差別 差别 [[cha1bie2]] /difference; distinction; disparity/
- 抽樣 抽样 [chou1 yang4] /sample; sampling/
+ 抽樣 抽样 [[chou1yang4]] /sample; sampling/
- 擁護 拥护 [yong1 hu4] /to endorse; to support/
+ 擁護 拥护 [[yong1hu4]] /to endorse; to support/
- 暹羅 暹罗 [Xian1 luo2] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
+ 暹羅 暹罗 [[Xian1luo2]] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
- 溫柔 温柔 [wen1 rou2] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
+ 溫柔 温柔 [[wen1rou2]] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
- 磨子 磨子 [mo4 zi5] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
+ 磨子 磨子 [[mo4zi5]] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
- 竊取 窃取 [qie4 qu3] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
+ 竊取 窃取 [[qie4qu3]] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
- 約計 约计 [yue1 ji4] /to calculate to be roughly .../
+ 約計 约计 [[yue1ji4]] /to calculate to be roughly .../
- 綿延 绵延 [mian2 yan2] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
+ 綿延 绵延 [[mian2yan2]] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
- 自救 自救 [zi4 jiu4] /to get oneself out of trouble/
+ 自救 自救 [[zi4jiu4]] /to get oneself out of trouble/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83113
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:46:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76636 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 奴役 奴役 [nu2 yi4] /to enslave/
+ 奴役 奴役 [[nu2yi4]] /to enslave/
- 忙碌 忙碌 [mang2 lu4] /busy; bustling/
+ 忙碌 忙碌 [[mang2lu4]] /busy; bustling/
- 採光 采光 [cai3 guang1] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
+ 採光 采光 [[cai3guang1]] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
- 熏製 熏制 [xun1 zhi4] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
+ 熏製 熏制 [[xun1zhi4]] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
- 瘡瘍 疮疡 [chuang1 yang2] /sore; skin ulcer/
+ 瘡瘍 疮疡 [[chuang1yang2]] /sore; skin ulcer/
- 發愣 发愣 [fa1 leng4] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
+ 發愣 发愣 [[fa1leng4]] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
- 福分 福分 [fu2 fen5] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
+ 福分 福分 [[fu2fen5]] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
- 缺席 缺席 [que1 xi2] /to be absent/
+ 缺席 缺席 [[que1xi2]] /to be absent/
- 蜂巢 蜂巢 [feng1 chao2] /honeycomb; beehive/
+ 蜂巢 蜂巢 [[feng1chao2]] /honeycomb; beehive/
- 襯線 衬线 [chen4 xian4] /serif (typography)/
+ 襯線 衬线 [[chen4xian4]] /serif (typography)/
- 趕早 赶早 [gan3 zao3] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
+ 趕早 赶早 [[gan3zao3]] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
- 違規 违规 [wei2 gui1] /to violate the rules/
+ 違規 违规 [[wei2gui1]] /to violate the rules/
- 集訓 集训 [ji2 xun4] /to train together; to practice as a group/
+ 集訓 集训 [[ji2xun4]] /to train together; to practice as a group/
- 黏著 黏着 [nian2 zhuo2] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
+ 黏著 黏着 [[nian2zhuo2]] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
- 中學 中学 [zhong1 xue2] /middle school/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 中學 中学 [[zhong1xue2]] /middle school/
- 中軸 中轴 [zhong1 zhou2] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
+ 中軸 中轴 [[zhong1zhou2]] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
- 出氣 出气 [chu1 qi4] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
+ 出氣 出气 [[chu1qi4]] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83112
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:30:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76635 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 別人 别人 [bie2 ren5] /other people; others; other person/
+ 別人 别人 [[bie2ren5]] /other people; others; other person/
- 參天 参天 [can1 tian1] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
+ 參天 参天 [[can1tian1]] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
- 害口 害口 [hai4 kou3] /see 害喜[hai4 xi3]/
+ 害口 害口 [[hai4kou3]] /see 害喜[hai4xi3]/
- 害喜 害喜 [hai4 xi3] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
+ 害喜 害喜 [[hai4xi3]] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
- 強烈 强烈 [qiang2 lie4] /strong; intense/
+ 強烈 强烈 [[qiang2lie4]] /strong; intense/
- 彙總 汇总 [hui4 zong3] /to gather (data etc)/
+ 彙總 汇总 [[hui4zong3]] /to gather (data etc)/
- 得到 得到 [de2 dao4] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
+ 得到 得到 [[de2dao4]] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
- 性癖 性癖 [xing4 pi3] /sexual fetish/
+ 性癖 性癖 [[xing4pi3]] /sexual fetish/
- 救星 救星 [jiu4 xing1] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
+ 救星 救星 [[jiu4xing1]] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
- 氯仿 氯仿 [lu:4 fang3] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
+ 氯仿 氯仿 [[lu:4fang3]] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
- 猶如 犹如 [you2 ru2] /similar to; like/
+ 猶如 犹如 [[you2ru2]] /similar to; like/
- 理解 理解 [li3 jie3] /to comprehend; to understand/
+ 理解 理解 [[li3jie3]] /to comprehend; to understand/
- 病篤 病笃 [bing4 du3] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
+ 病篤 病笃 [[bing4du3]] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
- 精明 精明 [jing1 ming2] /astute; shrewd; smart/
+ 精明 精明 [[jing1ming2]] /astute; shrewd; smart/
- 編纂 编纂 [bian1 zuan3] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
+ 編纂 编纂 [[bian1zuan3]] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
- 襯托 衬托 [chen4 tuo1] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
+ 襯托 衬托 [[chen4tuo1]] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83111
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:22:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76634 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下腳 下脚 [xia4 jiao3] /to get a footing/
+ 下腳 下脚 [[xia4jiao3]] /to get a footing/
- 倒著 倒着 [dao4 zhe5] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
+ 倒著 倒着 [[dao4zhe5]] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
- 出殯 出殡 [chu1 bin4] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
+ 出殯 出殡 [[chu1bin4]] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
- 刑場 刑场 [xing2 chang3] /execution ground/
+ 刑場 刑场 [[xing2chang3]] /execution ground/
- 刑辱 刑辱 [xing2 ru3] /to humiliate by torture/
+ 刑辱 刑辱 [[xing2ru3]] /to humiliate by torture/
- 副業 副业 [fu4 ye4] /sideline; side occupation/
+ 副業 副业 [[fu4ye4]] /sideline; side occupation/
- 往年 往年 [wang3 nian2] /in former years; in previous years/
+ 往年 往年 [[wang3nian2]] /in former years; in previous years/
- 御賜 御赐 [yu4 ci4] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
+ 御賜 御赐 [[yu4ci4]] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
- 意淫 意淫 [yi4 yin2] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
+ 意淫 意淫 [[yi4yin2]] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
- 數據 数据 [shu4 ju4] /data/
+ 數據 数据 [[shu4ju4]] /data/
- 暫且 暂且 [zan4 qie3] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
+ 暫且 暂且 [[zan4qie3]] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
- 梵唄 梵呗 [fan4 bai4] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
+ 梵唄 梵呗 [[fan4bai4]] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
- 殆盡 殆尽 [dai4 jin4] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
+ 殆盡 殆尽 [[dai4jin4]] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
- 碎石 碎石 [sui4 shi2] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
+ 碎石 碎石 [[sui4shi2]] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
- 結石 结石 [jie2 shi2] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
+ 結石 结石 [[jie2shi2]] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
- 義賣 义卖 [yi4 mai4] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
+ 義賣 义卖 [[yi4mai4]] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83110
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:16:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76633 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下鍋 下锅 [xia4 guo1] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
+ 下鍋 下锅 [[xia4guo1]] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
- 倒裝 倒装 [dao4 zhuang1] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
+ 倒裝 倒装 [[dao4zhuang1]] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
- 光環 光环 [guang1 huan2] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
+ 光環 光环 [[guang1huan2]] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
- 嫉恨 嫉恨 [ji2 hen4] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
+ 嫉恨 嫉恨 [[ji2hen4]] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
- 小廝 小厮 [xiao3 si1] /(literary) underage male servant/
+ 小廝 小厮 [[xiao3si1]] /(literary) underage male servant/
- 星空 星空 [xing1 kong1] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
+ 星空 星空 [[xing1kong1]] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
- 椰菜 椰菜 [ye1 cai4] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
+ 椰菜 椰菜 [[ye1cai4]] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
- 涼拌 凉拌 [liang2 ban4] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
+ 涼拌 凉拌 [[liang2ban4]] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
- 窸窣 窸窣 [xi1 su1] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
+ 窸窣 窸窣 [[xi1su1]] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
- 蕨類 蕨类 [jue2 lei4] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
+ 蕨類 蕨类 [[jue2lei4]] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
- 蜂擁 蜂拥 [feng1 yong1] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
+ 蜂擁 蜂拥 [[feng1yong1]] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
- 銀兩 银两 [yin2 liang3] /silver (as currency)/
+ 銀兩 银两 [[yin2liang3]] /silver (as currency)/
- 顯明 显明 [xian3 ming2] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
+ 顯明 显明 [[xian3ming2]] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
- 餘孽 余孽 [yu2 nie4] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
+ 餘孽 余孽 [[yu2nie4]] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of an evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
- 齊聲 齐声 [qi2 sheng1] /all speaking together; in chorus/
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Change log entry 83109
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:12:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76238 - submitted by 'encn' >>



Editor: inserted a hyphen
# 推杯換盞 推杯换盏 [[tui1bei1huan4zhan3]] /(idiom) to drink together in a convivial atmosphere/
+ 推杯換盞 推杯换盏 [[tui1bei1-huan4zhan3]] /(idiom) to drink together in a convivial atmosphere/

Change log entry 83108
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:42:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76621 >>
开源 is used as an adjective also in other combinations: "开源数据集" open source dataset, 开源项目 "open source project", ...



I want to stress that Taipei City has been working harder than any other locality at expanding its tax base, finding other revenue sources, and economizing.

The advantage of an endowment fund system is that the results of efforts to cut back waste and increase revenues will all end up in the school's own pocket.

The NHI reform bill proposes to broaden sources of income by raising "health taxes" on tobacco products, raising air pollution fees, and requiring those responsible for public disasters, food poisoning, and major traffic accidents to pay the medical expenses of the victims.
- 開源 开源 [kai1 yuan2] /to expand one's financial resources/abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
# + 開源 开源 [kai1 yuan2] /open source/to expand one's financial resources/abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
+ 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/

Change log entry 83107
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:29:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76622 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
e.g. 高爾夫球手 golfer

釋義: 球員。
# 球手 球手 [[qiu2shou3]] /player (of a ball game)/
+ 球手 球手 [[qiu2shou3]] /(ball sports) player/

Change log entry 83106
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:23:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76620 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
variant of 藥劑師

Editor: Thanks for paying attention to the pinyin formatting.

And in the Hong Kong movie version of The Eagle-shooting Heroes, the pharmacist Dr. Huang had a pet cat.

National Union of Pharmacist Associations

Fang-hua is a pharmacist who has run her own pharmacy in a seaside village in Tainan County for nearly 20 years.
+ 藥師 药师 [[yao4shi1]] /pharmacist/

Change log entry 83105
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 00:58:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76630 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
see -> used in
- 餄 饸 [he2] /see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]/
+ 餄 饸 [[he2]] /used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5]/
- 餎 饹 [le5] /see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]/
+ 餎 饹 [[le5]] /used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5]/
# 餄餎 饸饹 [he2 le5] /noodles either made of buckwheat or sorghum/

Change log entry 83104
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 22:29:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76625 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 瀉劑 泻剂 [[xie4ji4]] /laxative/

Change log entry 83103
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 21:53:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76624 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Terms are interchangeable synonyms, with main difference 合同 is more common in Mainland, 合約 in Taiwan. 份 is correct MW. "treaty" sense seems wrong here, that's 條約.

Editor: That's better. Thanks.
Other MWs are also used, of course:
- 問題是,自從簽了那紙合約,戴武光一幅畫也畫不出來。
- 1981年底,來自德國五千雙潛水鞋的一紙合約,
- 截至今年4月底,該交易所已發行了1,969個合約組、1萬3,437個合約,
- 合同 合同 [he2 tong5] /(business) contract/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 合同 合同 [he2tong5] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
- 合約 合约 [he2 yue1] /treaty/contract/
# + 合約 合约 [he2yue1] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
+ 合同 合同 [[he2tong5]] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
+ 合約 合约 [[he2yue1]] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/

Change log entry 83102
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 21:14:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76626 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Correct measure words: 張 and 把 are the standard ones.
套 seems rather exotic/unusual for it.

Editor: If you think 套 is incorrect or exotic, maybe for you it's actually a good classifier to include in the definition. I mean, you don't learn anything new if everything in the entry is already familiar to you.


- 這套椅子很耐用
- 這套椅子是檀木做的
- 一天,羊仁安请刘文辉赴宴。刘文辉见了这套椅子,连声称赞。
- 椅子 椅子 [yi3 zi5] /chair/CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]/
# + 椅子 椅子 [yi3 zi5] /chair/CL:把[ba3],張[zhang1]/
+ 椅子 椅子 [[yi3zi5]] /chair/CL:把[ba3],張[zhang1]/

Change log entry 83097
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:59:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76616 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 圓珠 圆珠 [yuan2 zhu1] /bead/
+ 圓珠 圆珠 [[yuan2zhu1]] /bead/
- 富裕 富裕 [fu4 yu4] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
+ 富裕 富裕 [[fu4yu4]] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
- 尋求 寻求 [xun2 qiu2] /to seek; to look for/
+ 尋求 寻求 [[xun2qiu2]] /to seek; to look for/
- 展示 展示 [zhan3 shi4] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
+ 展示 展示 [[zhan3shi4]] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
- 建造 建造 [jian4 zao4] /to construct; to build/
+ 建造 建造 [[jian4zao4]] /to construct; to build/
- 握持 握持 [wo4 chi2] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
+ 握持 握持 [[wo4chi2]] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
- 樂土 乐土 [le4 tu3] /happy place; paradise; haven/
+ 樂土 乐土 [[le4tu3]] /happy place; paradise; haven/
- 浪子 浪子 [lang4 zi3] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
+ 浪子 浪子 [[lang4zi3]] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
- 澱粉 淀粉 [dian4 fen3] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
+ 澱粉 淀粉 [[dian4fen3]] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
- 精肉 精肉 [jing1 rou4] /(dialect) lean meat/
+ 精肉 精肉 [[jing1rou4]] /(dialect) lean meat/
- 金黃 金黄 [jin1 huang2] /golden yellow; golden/
+ 金黃 金黄 [[jin1huang2]] /golden yellow; golden/
- 太宗 太宗 [Tai4 zong1] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
+ 太宗 太宗 [[Tai4zong1]] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
- 尺寸 尺寸 [chi3 cun5] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
+ 尺寸 尺寸 [[chi3cun5]] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
- 感知 感知 [gan3 zhi1] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
+ 感知 感知 [[gan3zhi1]] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
- 搬動 搬动 [ban1 dong4] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
+ 搬動 搬动 [[ban1dong4]] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
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Change log entry 83096
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:41:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76615 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 丁丁 丁丁 [ding1 ding1] /(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembles "JJ", which is short for 雞雞|鸡鸡[ji1 ji1])/
+ 丁丁 丁丁 [[ding1ding1]] /(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembles "JJ", which is short for 雞雞|鸡鸡[ji1ji1])/
- 中毒 中毒 [zhong4 du2] /to be poisoned/
+ 中毒 中毒 [[zhong4du2]] /to be poisoned/
- 內裡 内里 [nei4 li3] /the inside/
+ 內裡 内里 [[nei4li3]] /the inside/
- 全軍 全军 [quan2 jun1] /whole army/
+ 全軍 全军 [[quan2jun1]] /whole army/
- 土改 土改 [tu3 gai3] /land reform (abbr. for 土地改革[tu3 di4 gai3 ge2])/
+ 土改 土改 [[tu3gai3]] /land reform (abbr. for 土地改革[tu3di4 gai3ge2])/
- 奔襲 奔袭 [ben1 xi2] /to carry out a long-range raid/
+ 奔襲 奔袭 [[ben1xi2]] /to carry out a long-range raid/
- 意志 意志 [yi4 zhi4] /will; willpower; determination/
+ 意志 意志 [[yi4zhi4]] /will; willpower; determination/
- 授粉 授粉 [shou4 fen3] /to pollinate/
+ 授粉 授粉 [[shou4fen3]] /to pollinate/
- 放鬆 放松 [fang4 song1] /to relax; to slacken; to loosen/
+ 放鬆 放松 [[fang4song1]] /to relax; to slacken; to loosen/
- 日照 日照 [Ri4 zhao4] /Rizhao, prefecture-level city in Shandong/
+ 日照 日照 [[Ri4zhao4]] /Rizhao, prefecture-level city in Shandong/
- 普法 普法 [pu3 fa3] /to disseminate knowledge of the law/
+ 普法 普法 [[pu3fa3]] /to disseminate knowledge of the law/
- 海外 海外 [hai3 wai4] /overseas; abroad/
+ 海外 海外 [[hai3wai4]] /overseas; abroad/
- 獎賞 奖赏 [jiang3 shang3] /reward; prize; award/
+ 獎賞 奖赏 [[jiang3shang3]] /reward; prize; award/
- 稅率 税率 [shui4 lu:4] /tax rate/
+ 稅率 税率 [[shui4lu:4]] /tax rate/
- 興許 兴许 [xing1 xu3] /(coll.) perhaps/
+ 興許 兴许 [[xing1xu3]] /(coll.) perhaps/
- 行刺 行刺 [xing2 ci4] /to assassinate/
+ 行刺 行刺 [[xing2ci4]] /to assassinate/
- 過戶 过户 [guo4 hu4] /to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing/
+ 過戶 过户 [[guo4hu4]] /to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing/
- 靦臉 腼脸 [tian3 lian3] /shameless; brazen/
+ 靦臉 腼脸 [[tian3lian3]] /shameless; brazen/
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Change log entry 83095
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:20:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76613 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 再次 再次 [zai4 ci4] /once more; once again/
+ 再次 再次 [[zai4ci4]] /once more; once again/
- 另行 另行 [ling4 xing2] /(to do sth) separately; as a separate action/
+ 另行 另行 [[ling4xing2]] /(to do sth) separately; as a separate action/
- 叩拜 叩拜 [kou4 bai4] /to bow in salute; to kowtow/
+ 叩拜 叩拜 [[kou4bai4]] /to bow in salute; to kowtow/
- 壁虎 壁虎 [bi4 hu3] /gecko; house lizard/
+ 壁虎 壁虎 [[bi4hu3]] /gecko; house lizard/
- 專注 专注 [zhuan1 zhu4] /to focus; to concentrate; to give one's full attention/
+ 專注 专注 [[zhuan1zhu4]] /to focus; to concentrate; to give one's full attention/
- 尿床 尿床 [niao4 chuang2] /to wet the bed/
+ 尿床 尿床 [[niao4chuang2]] /to wet the bed/
- 應當 应当 [ying1 dang1] /should; ought to/
+ 應當 应当 [[ying1dang1]] /should; ought to/
- 懶得 懒得 [lan3 de2] /not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to/
+ 懶得 懒得 [[lan3de5]] /not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to/
- 敏銳 敏锐 [min3 rui4] /keen; sharp; acute/
+ 敏銳 敏锐 [[min3rui4]] /keen; sharp; acute/
- 暴躁 暴躁 [bao4 zao4] /irascible; irritable/
+ 暴躁 暴躁 [[bao4zao4]] /irascible; irritable/
- 治保 治保 [zhi4 bao3] /law enforcement and protection of the public (as provided in the PRC by local security committees 治保會|治保会[zhi4 bao3 hui4])/
+ 治保 治保 [[zhi4bao3]] /law enforcement and protection of the public (as provided in the PRC by local security committees 治保會|治保会[zhi4bao3hui4])/
- 泥漿 泥浆 [ni2 jiang1] /slurry; mud/
+ 泥漿 泥浆 [[ni2jiang1]] /slurry; mud/
- 純化 纯化 [chun2 hua4] /to purify/
+ 純化 纯化 [[chun2hua4]] /to purify/
- 設立 设立 [she4 li4] /to set up; to establish/
+ 設立 设立 [[she4li4]] /to set up; to establish/
- 附會 附会 [fu4 hui4] /to add parallels and interpretations (to a story etc); to develop and embellish; to interpret (often in a strained manner)/
+ 附會 附会 [[fu4hui4]] /to add parallels and interpretations (to a story etc); to develop and embellish; to interpret (often in a strained manner)/
- 離開 离开 [li2 kai1] /to depart; to leave/
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Change log entry 83091
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 07:48:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76612 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 交心 交心 [jiao1 xin1] /to open one's heart; to have a heart-to-heart conversation/
+ 交心 交心 [[jiao1xin1]] /to open one's heart; to have a heart-to-heart conversation/
- 偏倚 偏倚 [pian1 yi3] /to be partial; to favor/
+ 偏倚 偏倚 [[pian1yi3]] /to be partial; to favor/
- 凱歌 凯歌 [kai3 ge1] /triumphal hymn; victory song; paean/
+ 凱歌 凯歌 [[kai3ge1]] /triumphal hymn; victory song; paean/
- 增厚 增厚 [zeng1 hou4] /to thicken/
+ 增厚 增厚 [[zeng1hou4]] /to thicken/
- 失意 失意 [shi1 yi4] /disappointed; frustrated/
+ 失意 失意 [[shi1yi4]] /disappointed; frustrated/
- 愧疚 愧疚 [kui4 jiu4] /to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of oneself; to be remorseful/
+ 愧疚 愧疚 [[kui4jiu4]] /to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of oneself; to be remorseful/
- 手卷 手卷 [shou3 juan3] /temaki (a nori cone filled with sushi)/
+ 手卷 手卷 [[shou3juan3]] /temaki (a nori cone filled with sushi)/
- 手捲 手卷 [shou3 juan3] /variant of 手卷[shou3 juan3]/
+ 手捲 手卷 [[shou3juan3]] /variant of 手卷[shou3juan3]/
- 握有 握有 [wo4 you3] /to have; to hold (usu. sth abstract: power, distribution rights, a bargaining chip etc)/
+ 握有 握有 [[wo4you3]] /to have; to hold (usu. sth abstract: power, distribution rights, a bargaining chip etc)/
- 早熟 早熟 [zao3 shu2] /precocious; early-maturing/
+ 早熟 早熟 [[zao3shu2]] /precocious; early-maturing/
- 父母 父母 [fu4 mu3] /father and mother; parents/
+ 父母 父母 [[fu4mu3]] /father and mother; parents/
- 綽約 绰约 [chuo4 yue1] /(literary) graceful; charming/
+ 綽約 绰约 [[chuo4yue1]] /(literary) graceful; charming/
- 裂隙 裂隙 [lie4 xi4] /gap; slit; crack; crevice; fracture/
+ 裂隙 裂隙 [[lie4xi4]] /gap; slit; crack; crevice; fracture/
- 轉而 转而 [zhuan3 er2] /to turn to (sth else); to switch to/
+ 轉而 转而 [[zhuan3er2]] /to turn to (sth else); to switch to/
- 上臉 上脸 [shang4 lian3] /to turn red in the face (while drinking)/to become smug (when complimented)/
+ 上臉 上脸 [[shang4lian3]] /to turn red in the face (while drinking)/to become smug (when complimented)/
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Change log entry 83090
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 07:40:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76611 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 取樣 取样 [qu3 yang4] /to take a sample/
+ 取樣 取样 [[qu3yang4]] /to take a sample/
- 塵世 尘世 [chen2 shi4] /(religion) this mortal life; the mundane world/
+ 塵世 尘世 [[chen2shi4]] /(religion) this mortal life; the mundane world/
- 展現 展现 [zhan3 xian4] /to unfold before one's eyes; to emerge; to reveal; to display/
+ 展現 展现 [[zhan3xian4]] /to unfold before one's eyes; to emerge; to reveal; to display/
- 崗地 岗地 [gang3 di4] /non-irrigated farm land on low hills/
+ 崗地 岗地 [[gang3di4]] /non-irrigated farmland on low hills/
- 悔罪 悔罪 [hui3 zui4] /to repent; to be contrite/
+ 悔罪 悔罪 [[hui3zui4]] /to repent; to be contrite/
- 撞擊 撞击 [zhuang4 ji1] /to strike; to hit; to ram/
+ 撞擊 撞击 [[zhuang4ji1]] /to strike; to hit; to ram/
- 攪打 搅打 [jiao3 da3] /to beat; to whisk; to whip (eggs, cream etc)/
+ 攪打 搅打 [[jiao3da3]] /to beat; to whisk; to whip (eggs, cream etc)/
- 水腫 水肿 [shui3 zhong3] /(medicine) to suffer from edema (dropsy)/
+ 水腫 水肿 [[shui3zhong3]] /(medicine) to suffer from edema (dropsy)/
- 油垢 油垢 [you2 gou4] /greasy dirt/
+ 油垢 油垢 [[you2gou4]] /greasy dirt/
- 狂奔 狂奔 [kuang2 ben1] /to run like crazy; to rush/
+ 狂奔 狂奔 [[kuang2ben1]] /to run like crazy; to rush/
- 硇砂 硇砂 [nao2 sha1] /(mineralogy) salammoniac/
+ 硇砂 硇砂 [[nao2sha1]] /(mineralogy) salammoniac/
- 禪機 禅机 [chan2 ji1] /Buddhist allegorical word or gesture; subtleties of Buddhist doctrine/
+ 禪機 禅机 [[chan2ji1]] /Buddhist allegorical word or gesture; subtleties of Buddhist doctrine/
- 耳廓 耳廓 [er3 kuo4] /outer ear; auricle; pinna/
+ 耳廓 耳廓 [[er3kuo4]] /outer ear; auricle; pinna/
- 自查 自查 [zi4 cha2] /to inspect oneself; to carry out a self-inspection/
+ 自查 自查 [[zi4cha2]] /to inspect oneself; to carry out a self-inspection/
- 誠意 诚意 [cheng2 yi4] /sincerity; good faith/
+ 誠意 诚意 [[cheng2yi4]] /sincerity; good faith/
- 談論 谈论 [tan2 lun4] /to discuss; to talk about/
+ 談論 谈论 [[tan2lun4]] /to discuss; to talk about/
- 軀殼 躯壳 [qu1 qiao4] /the body (as opposed to the soul)/
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Change log entry 83089
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 07:34:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76610 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 一味 一味 [yi1 wei4] /persistently; stubbornly; blindly/
+ 一味 一味 [[yi1wei4]] /persistently; stubbornly; blindly/
- 償清 偿清 [chang2 qing1] /to repay; to pay off a debt/
+ 償清 偿清 [[chang2qing1]] /to repay; to pay off a debt/
- 創刊 创刊 [chuang4 kan1] /to start publishing; to found a journal/
+ 創刊 创刊 [[chuang4kan1]] /to start publishing; to found a journal/
- 十四 十四 [shi2 si4] /fourteen; 14/
+ 十四 十四 [[shi2si4]] /fourteen; 14/
- 升遷 升迁 [sheng1 qian1] /to advance to a higher-level position; to be promoted to a higher position in a new department/
+ 升遷 升迁 [[sheng1qian1]] /to advance to a higher-level position; to be promoted to a higher position in a new department/
- 博學 博学 [bo2 xue2] /learned; erudite/
+ 博學 博学 [[bo2xue2]] /learned; erudite/
- 告訴 告诉 [gao4 su4] /to press charges; to file a complaint/
+ 告訴 告诉 [[gao4su4]] /to press charges; to file a complaint/
- 妓女 妓女 [ji4 nu:3] /prostitute; hooker/
+ 妓女 妓女 [[ji4nu:3]] /prostitute; hooker/
- 幾乎 几乎 [ji1 hu1] /almost; nearly; practically/
+ 幾乎 几乎 [[ji1hu1]] /almost; nearly; practically/
- 廣泛 广泛 [guang3 fan4] /wide; broad; extensive; widespread/
+ 廣泛 广泛 [[guang3fan4]] /wide; broad; extensive; widespread/
- 恩賜 恩赐 [en1 ci4] /to bestow (favors, charity etc)/
+ 恩賜 恩赐 [[en1ci4]] /to bestow (favors, charity etc)/
- 智慧 智慧 [zhi4 hui4] /wisdom; intelligence/
+ 智慧 智慧 [[zhi4hui4]] /wisdom; intelligence/
- 為了 为了 [wei4 le5] /for; for the purpose of; in order to/
+ 為了 为了 [[wei4le5]] /for; for the purpose of; in order to/
- 獻醜 献丑 [xian4 chou3] /(used self-deprecatingly, e.g. when asked to sing a song) to put one's artistic incompetence on display/
+ 獻醜 献丑 [[xian4chou3]] /(used self-deprecatingly, e.g. when asked to sing a song) to put one's artistic incompetence on display/
- 玄關 玄关 [xuan2 guan1] /entrance hall; vestibule/
+ 玄關 玄关 [[xuan2guan1]] /entrance hall; vestibule/
- 禦寒 御寒 [yu4 han2] /to defend against the cold; to keep warm/
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Change log entry 83088
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 07:25:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76609 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 催吐 催吐 [cui1 tu4] /to induce vomiting/
+ 催吐 催吐 [[cui1tu4]] /to induce vomiting/
- 先慈 先慈 [xian1 ci2] /(literary) my late mother/
+ 先慈 先慈 [[xian1ci2]] /(literary) my late mother/
- 分冊 分册 [fen1 ce4] /fascicle; volume (of a book)/
+ 分冊 分册 [[fen1ce4]] /fascicle; volume (of a book)/
- 助手 助手 [zhu4 shou3] /assistant; helper/
+ 助手 助手 [[zhu4shou3]] /assistant; helper/
- 圈內 圈内 [quan1 nei4] /among insiders; within the community (of publishers, cyclists or cosplayers etc); (esp.) in show business circles/
+ 圈內 圈内 [[quan1nei4]] /among insiders; within the community (of publishers, cyclists or cosplayers etc); (esp.) in show business circles/
- 大全 大全 [da4 quan2] /comprehensive collection/
+ 大全 大全 [[da4quan2]] /comprehensive collection/
- 弟子 弟子 [di4 zi3] /disciple; follower/
+ 弟子 弟子 [[di4zi3]] /disciple; follower/
- 文人 文人 [wen2 ren2] /cultivated individual; scholar; literati/
+ 文人 文人 [[wen2ren2]] /cultivated individual; scholar; literati/
- 籌募 筹募 [chou2 mu4] /to raise funds; to collect money/
+ 籌募 筹募 [[chou2mu4]] /to raise funds; to collect money/
- 隸書 隶书 [li4 shu1] /clerical script; official script (Chinese calligraphic style)/
+ 隸書 隶书 [[li4shu1]] /clerical script; official script (Chinese calligraphic style)/
- 黨魁 党魁 [dang3 kui2] /party boss/
+ 黨魁 党魁 [[dang3kui2]] /party boss/
- 乘方 乘方 [cheng2 fang1] /(math.) to exponentiate; to raise (a number) to a power/exponentiation; power/
+ 乘方 乘方 [[cheng2fang1]] /(math.) to exponentiate; to raise (a number) to a power/exponentiation; power/
- 便秘 便秘 [bian4 mi4] /constipation/Taiwan pr. [bian4 bi4]/
+ 便秘 便秘 [[bian4mi4]] /constipation/Taiwan pr. [bian4bi4]/
- 告狀 告状 [gao4 zhuang4] /to tell on sb; to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc)/to bring a lawsuit/
+ 告狀 告状 [[gao4zhuang4]] /to tell on sb; to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc)/to bring a lawsuit/
- 垂髫 垂髫 [chui2 tiao2] /hair hanging down (child's hairstyle)/(fig.) young child; early childhood/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83087
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 07:17:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76608 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
The counterpart to 差分 "differential":

+ 單端 单端 [[dan1duan1]] /(electronics) single-ended/

Change log entry 83086
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 06:32:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76607 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 光禿禿 光秃秃 [guang1 tu1 tu1] /bald; bare (no hair, no leaves, no vegetation etc)/
+ 光禿禿 光秃秃 [[guang1tu1tu1]] /bald; bare (no hair, no leaves, no vegetation etc)/
- 受訪者 受访者 [shou4 fang3 zhe3] /participant in a survey; interviewee; respondent/
+ 受訪者 受访者 [[shou4fang3zhe3]] /participant in a survey; interviewee; respondent/
- 吃不來 吃不来 [chi1 bu5 lai2] /to be unaccustomed to certain food; to not be keen on certain food/
+ 吃不來 吃不来 [[chi1bu5lai2]] /to be unaccustomed to certain food; to not be keen on certain food/
- 壓歲錢 压岁钱 [ya1 sui4 qian2] /money given to children as a gift on Chinese New Year's Eve/
+ 壓歲錢 压岁钱 [[ya1sui4qian2]] /money given to children as a gift on Chinese New Year's Eve/
- 大屠殺 大屠杀 [da4 tu2 sha1] /massacre; mass slaughter/
+ 大屠殺 大屠杀 [[da4tu2sha1]] /massacre; mass slaughter/
- 小熊貓 小熊猫 [xiao3 xiong2 mao1] /lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens); red panda/
+ 小熊貓 小熊猫 [[xiao3xiong2mao1]] /lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens); red panda/
- 最佳化 最佳化 [zui4 jia1 hua4] /(computing, math.) to optimize/
+ 最佳化 最佳化 [[zui4jia1hua4]] /(computing, math.) to optimize/
- 滴滴涕 滴滴涕 [di1 di1 ti4] /(loanword) DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)/
+ 滴滴涕 滴滴涕 [[di1di1ti4]] /(loanword) DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)/
- 演藝界 演艺界 [yan3 yi4 jie4] /the entertainment world; show business/
+ 演藝界 演艺界 [[yan3yi4jie4]] /the entertainment world; show business/
- 燒夷彈 烧夷弹 [shao1 yi2 dan4] /incendiary bomb/
+ 燒夷彈 烧夷弹 [[shao1yi2dan4]] /incendiary bomb/
- 雪裡蕻 雪里蕻 [xue3 li3 hong2] /potherb mustard (Brassica juncea var. crispifolia)/
+ 雪裡蕻 雪里蕻 [[xue3li3hong2]] /potherb mustard (Brassica juncea var. crispifolia)/
- 驚險片 惊险片 [jing1 xian3 pian4] /thriller (movie)/
+ 驚險片 惊险片 [[jing1xian3pian4]] /(cinema) thriller/
- 魚肚白 鱼肚白 [yu2 du4 bai2] /fish-belly white (used to describe the dingy light of the dawn sky)/
+ 魚肚白 鱼肚白 [[yu2du4bai2]] /fish-belly white (used to describe the dingy light of the dawn sky)/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83085
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 06:19:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76601 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
"Chinese Civil War" is commonly thought to begin at 1927, while 解放战争(war of liberation) is the last period of Chinese Civil War (1945-49).

By the way, 解放战争 (war of liberation) can also be seen as a common noun, for example 南斯拉夫人民解放战争(Yugoslavian People's War of Liberation)Maybe a common noun should be added, or the current entry (a.k.a 解放战争) should be deleted.

Editor: I don't think we need an entry for 解放战争 in the generic sense, given that we have entries for 解放 and 战争.
- 國共內戰 国共内战 [Guo2 Gong4 Nei4 zhan4] /Chinese Civil War, also known as War of Liberation 解放戰爭|解放战争[Jie3 fang4 Zhan4 zheng1]/
# + 國共內戰 国共内战 [Guo2-Gong4 Nei4zhan4] /Chinese Civil War/
+ 國共內戰 国共内战 [[Guo2-Gong4 Nei4zhan4]] /Chinese Civil War (1927-1949)/

Change log entry 83084
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 06:08:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76606 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 些許 些许 [xie1 xu3] /a few; a little; a bit/
+ 些許 些许 [[xie1xu3]] /a few; a little; a bit/
- 倍兒 倍儿 [bei4 r5] /(coll.) very; really/
+ 倍兒 倍儿 [[bei4r5]] /(coll.) very; really/
- 公共 公共 [gong1 gong4] /public; common; communal/
+ 公共 公共 [[gong1gong4]] /public; common; communal/
- 利於 利于 [li4 yu2] /to be beneficial to; to be conducive to/
+ 利於 利于 [[li4yu2]] /to be beneficial to; to be conducive to/
- 劇烈 剧烈 [ju4 lie4] /violent; acute; severe; fierce/
+ 劇烈 剧烈 [[ju4lie4]] /violent; acute; severe; fierce/
- 合乎 合乎 [he2 hu1] /to accord with; to conform to/
+ 合乎 合乎 [[he2hu1]] /to accord with; to conform to/
- 哐啷 哐啷 [kuang1 lang1] /(onom.) clang; clatter; bang; crash; clank/
+ 哐啷 哐啷 [[kuang1lang1]] /(onom.) clang; clatter; bang; crash; clank/
- 好生 好生 [hao3 sheng1] /(dialect) very; quite; properly; well; thoroughly/
+ 好生 好生 [[hao3sheng1]] /(dialect) very; quite; properly; well; thoroughly/
- 官辦 官办 [guan1 ban4] /government-run; state-run/
+ 官辦 官办 [[guan1ban4]] /government-run; state-run/
- 彈道 弹道 [dan4 dao4] /trajectory (of a projectile); ballistic curve/
+ 彈道 弹道 [[dan4dao4]] /trajectory (of a projectile); ballistic curve/
- 憲兵 宪兵 [xian4 bing1] /military police/
+ 憲兵 宪兵 [[xian4bing1]] /military police/
- 玄虛 玄虚 [xuan2 xu1] /(intentionally) mysterious; arcane/
+ 玄虛 玄虚 [[xuan2xu1]] /(intentionally) mysterious; arcane/
- 老死 老死 [lao3 si3] /to die of old age/
+ 老死 老死 [[lao3si3]] /to die of old age/
- 臨別 临别 [lin2 bie2] /just before parting/
+ 臨別 临别 [[lin2bie2]] /just before parting/
- 謎面 谜面 [mi2 mian4] /riddle/
+ 謎面 谜面 [[mi2mian4]] /riddle/
- 路堤 路堤 [lu4 di1] /(road or railway) embankment/
+ 路堤 路堤 [[lu4di1]] /(road or railway) embankment/
- 進項 进项 [jin4 xiang5] /income; receipts; earnings; revenue/
+ 進項 进项 [[jin4xiang5]] /income; receipts; earnings; revenue/
- 魚塘 鱼塘 [yu2 tang2] /fishpond/
+ 魚塘 鱼塘 [[yu2tang2]] /fishpond/
- 龕影 龛影 [kan1 ying3] /(radiography) the shadow of a peptic ulcer in a barium-swallow X-ray/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83083
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:41:13 GMT)
Comment: [[kui1]]
- 虧 亏 [kui1] /to lose (money); to have a deficit/to be deficient/to treat unfairly/luckily; fortunately; thanks to/(used to introduce an ironic remark about sb who has fallen short of expectations)/
+ 虧 亏 [[kui1]] /to lose (money); to have a deficit/to be deficient/to treat unfairly/luckily; fortunately; thanks to/(used to introduce an ironic remark about sb who has fallen short of expectations)/

Change log entry 83082
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:38:04 GMT)
Comment: [[wu4]]
- 阢 阢 [wu4] /used in 阢隉|阢陧[wu4 nie4]/
+ 阢 阢 [[wu4]] /used in 阢隉|阢陧[wu4nie4]/

Change log entry 83081
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:36:04 GMT)
Comment: formatting
- 蘇仙 苏仙 [Su1 xian1] /Suxian district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/
+ 蘇仙 苏仙 [[Su1xian1]] /Suxian, a district of Chenzhou City 郴州市[Chen1zhou1 Shi4], Hunan/
- 蘇仙區 苏仙区 [Su1 xian1 qu1] /Suxian district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/
+ 蘇仙區 苏仙区 [[Su1xian1 Qu1]] /Suxian, a district of Chenzhou City 郴州市[Chen1zhou1 Shi4], Hunan/

Change log entry 83080
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:33:30 GMT)
Comment: [[gu3]]
- 蓇 蓇 [gu3] /used in 蓇葖[gu1tu1]/
+ 蓇 蓇 [[gu3]] /used in 蓇葖[gu1tu1]/

Change log entry 83079
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:32:46 GMT)
Comment: [[yan1]]
- 菸 烟 [yan1] /tobacco (variant of 煙|烟[yan1])/
+ 菸 烟 [[yan1]] /tobacco (variant of 煙|烟[yan1])/

Change log entry 83078
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 05:31:59 GMT)
Comment: [[nian2wei4]]
- 年味 年味 [nian2 wei4] /Spring Festival atmosphere; festive ambience of Chinese New Year/
+ 年味 年味 [[nian2wei4]] /Spring Festival atmosphere; festive ambience of Chinese New Year/

Change log entry 83077
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 04:26:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76577 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 81805 >>

simp: 𫠒
- 鱆魚 鱆鱼 [zhang1 yu2] /variant of 章魚|章鱼[zhang1 yu2]/
+ 鱆魚 𫠒鱼 [[zhang1yu2]] /variant of 章魚|章鱼[zhang1yu2]/

Change log entry 83076
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 04:17:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76097 - submitted by 'encn' >>
摆地摊 doesn't have a figurative use.


好想去摆地摊(认真的),去年开始想过好几次了,但是不知道卖什么… 今天买小吃顺便问了租金,商场外圈楼下只要1500/月摊位费,更心动了

Thus, Tsai gave up capturing butterflies, spending summers photographing them and winters in the city, where he worked as a street vendor with his brother-in-law in order to make a living.

Finally, he'd borrowed all he could borrow and was heavily in debt, so he had no choice but to go out and sell things on the street.
- 擺地攤 摆地摊 [bai3 di4 tan1] /lit. to set up a stall on the ground/fig. to start up a new business/
+ 擺地攤 摆地摊 [[bai3 di4tan1]] /to run a street stall/

Change log entry 83075
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 03:53:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76599 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Yet another followup to https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=80573&popup=1&handler=ViewLogEntry

I didn't notice the first time, it's actually 怜悧 not 伶悧...


Editor: 憐悧|怜悧[lian2li4]
- 悧 悧 [li4] /smooth/active/clever/sharp/
# + 悧 悧 [[li4]] /used in 憐悧|怜悧[[lian2li4]]/
- 伶悧 伶悧 [ling2 li4] /variant of 伶俐[ling2 li4]/
+ 憐悧 怜悧 [[lian2li4]] /see 伶俐[ling2li4]/
+ 悧 悧 [[li4]] /used in 憐悧|怜悧[lian2li4]/

Change log entry 83074
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:57:13 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 懶骨頭 懒骨头 [lan3 gu3 tou5] /lazybones/beanbag/
+ 懶骨頭 懒骨头 [[lan3gu3tou5]] /lazybones/beanbag/

Change log entry 83073
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:36:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76320 - submitted by 'encn' >>
少不更事 /shàobùgēngshì/

+ 少不更事 少不更事 [[shao4bu4geng1shi4]] /young and inexperienced; wet behind the ears/

Change log entry 83072
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:32:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76270 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Another followup to https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=80573&popup=1&handler=ViewLogEntry

- 仃 仃 [ding1] /alone/
+ 仃 仃 [[ding1]] /used in 伶仃[ling2ding1]/
# Was processed recently and just needs v2
# - 伶仃 伶仃 [ling2 ding1] /alone and helpless/
# + 伶仃 伶仃 [[ling2ding1]] /alone and helpless/
# Editor: 伶仃 was converted to v2 the other day

Change log entry 83070
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:19:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76377 - submitted by 'encn' >>
= 模型车
小米 SU7 汽车 1:18 合金车模,号称使用手工打造,提供海湾蓝、雅灰两种颜色,售价 499 元

- 車模 车模 [che1 mo2] /car show girl/model who poses next to cars/
+ 車模 车模 [[che1mo2]] /model car/auto show model/

Change log entry 83069
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:15:15 GMT)
Comment: capital "C" - City
- 獅城 狮城 [[Shi1cheng2]] /Lion city, nickname for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1jia1po1]/
+ 獅城 狮城 [[Shi1cheng2]] /the Lion City, nickname for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1jia1po1]/

Change log entry 83068
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:07:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76598 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 83060 >>
<< review queue entry 76595 >>
间隔重复(英語:Spaced repetition)是一种利用心理学间隔效应

Delete extra space

Editor: thanks.
glad there's an extra pair of eyes.
- 間隔重複 间隔重复 [[jian 4ge2 chong2fu4]] /spaced repetition/
+ 間隔重複 间隔重复 [[jian4ge2 chong2fu4]] /spaced repetition/

Change log entry 83067
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 22:05:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76588 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
中华人民共和国公务员法/Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China

香港法例並無使用“civil servant”這個英文名詞,反之,用了“public officer”(公職人員)、“public servant”(公務員、公務人員)和“Crown servant”(官方僱員)。

3、公務員服務法 Public Functionary Service Act

I'm not sure semicolon or slash should be used before "functionary".
- 公務員 公务员 [gong1 wu4 yuan2] /functionary/office-bearer/
# + 公務員 公务员 [gong1 wu4 yuan2] /civil servant, public servant/functionary/office-bearer/
+ 公務員 公务员 [[gong1wu4yuan2]] /civil servant; public servant/

Change log entry 83066
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-17 21:56:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76589 - submitted by 'encn' >>

极越汽车在声明中表示,首先,姚某某身为用户发展部门负责社交媒体 / 私域运营岗位工作人员,自 2024 年年初以来,以个人名义在包括微博、B站、小红书、抖音、懂车帝、视频号等在内的多个社交媒体注册账号“大姚 Tok”,持续为某米品牌进行车友群运营,长期宣发、且只宣发某米品牌车型相关内容,已具备自媒体属性,与其所在岗位职责直接冲突,严重违反职业道德和不竞争义务。

# 宣發 宣发 [[xuan1fa1]] /to promote or market/
+ 宣發 宣发 [[xuan1fa1]] /to promote; to publicize; to market/

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