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Change log entry 83261
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 07:33:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76203 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Basically the same as the "to hesitate" sense of 踌躇

- 踟 踟 [chi2] /hesitating/undecided/hesitant/
+ 踟 踟 [[chi2]] /used in 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2chu2]/
- 躕 蹰 [chu2] /irresolute/undecided/
+ 躕 蹰 [[chu2]] /used in 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2chu2]/
- 踟躕 踟蹰 [chi2 chu2] /to waver/to hesitate/
+ 踟躕 踟蹰 [[chi2chu2]] /to waver; to hesitate/

Change log entry 83260
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 07:31:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76547 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>


Also lots of cases of 私掠船, which would also be "privateer" in English, since it means both the ship and the people on it. But presumably that's covered by 私掠/船?

Editor: It's a verb ("to privateer") and when used as a noun, it's the *activity* (privateering), not a person (a privateer).

HDC ~ 私自掠取財物

From the baidu reference:
# 私掠 私掠 [[si1lu:e4]] /privateer/
+ 私掠 私掠 [[si1lu:e4]] /to privateer/

Change log entry 83259
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 07:08:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76729 - submitted by 'wenlilooi' >>
This is a very common word in the bible, e.g. see https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BC%82%E8%B1%A1





# 異象 异象 [yi4 xiang4] /(religion) a vision/
+ 異象 异象 [[yi4xiang4]] /(religion) a vision/strange phenomenon/

Change log entry 83258
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 06:04:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76548 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
e.g. 埃德蒙·伯克 (Edmund Burke, existing entry), 埃德蒙·希拉里 (Edmund Hillary, explorer), 爱德蒙·邓蒂斯 (Edmond Dantes, fictional protagonist of the Count of Monte Christo), 爱德蒙·夏尔·热内 (Edmond-Charles Genêt, French revolutionary)

Editor: Grand Ricci has both 埃德蒙 and 愛德蒙.
# 埃德蒙 埃德蒙 [[Ai1de2meng2]] /Edmund (name)/Edmond (name)/
+ 埃德蒙 埃德蒙 [[Ai1de2meng2]] /(name) Edmund; Edmond/
+ 愛德蒙 爱德蒙 [[Ai4de2meng2]] /(name) Edmund; Edmond/

Change log entry 83257
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 02:41:11 GMT)
- 西替利嗪 西替利嗪 [[xi1ti4li4qin2]] /cetirizine (loanword)/
+ 西替利嗪 西替利嗪 [[xi1ti4li4qin2]] /(loanword) cetirizine/

Change log entry 83255
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 02:40:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76640 - submitted by 'polaris' >>



香港行会通过公务员加薪方案 中低层公务员加薪4.65%

+ 行會 行会 [[hang2hui4]] /guild/
# + 行會 行会 [[xing2hui4]] /executive council/
+ 行會 行会 [[xing2hui4]] /(HK) executive council (abbr. for 行政會議|行政会议[xing2zheng4 hui4yi4])/

Change log entry 83242
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 09:11:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76326 - submitted by 'encn' >>
+ 去重 去重 [[qu4chong2]] /to remove duplicates/

Change log entry 83241
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 09:09:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75190 - submitted by 'encn' >>
英语 hemoglobin,中国大陆称血红蛋白,台湾称血紅素;而英语 heme,中国大陆称血红素,台湾称血基質。两术语极易混淆,在阅读汉语文献时,应厘清讨论对象。


血红素[注 1](英语:heme、haem)又称原血红素、血红质,是血红蛋白的前体,在骨髓和肝脏中生物合成[1]。


血红蛋白:Hb,血红蛋白的蛋白部分叫珠蛋白,血红蛋白=珠蛋白➕血红素 结合珠蛋白/触珠蛋白:Hp,其受体只在单核巨噬细胞表达。



- 血紅素 血红素 [xue4 hong2 su4] /hemoglobin/
+ 血紅素 血红素 [xue4 hong2 su4] /(biochemistry) heme/(Tw) hemoglobin/

Change log entry 83240
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 09:01:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76318 - submitted by 'encn' >>

+ 犬子 犬子 [[quan3zi3]] /(literary) (humble) my son/

Change log entry 83239
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 08:57:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76321 - submitted by 'encn' >>
年轻真好,二十出头的女孩们结伴而行,讨论护肤化妆,吃喝玩乐,时不时相约旅游… 原来别人眼中的少不经事是如此美好

+ 少不經事 少不经事 [[shao4bu4jing1shi4]] /see 少不更事[shao4bu4geng1shi4]/

Change log entry 83238
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 08:51:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76072 - submitted by 'encn' >>

- 炁 炁 [qi4] /variant of 氣|气[qi4], breath/air/steam/gas/weather/used in Taoist charms/
+ 炁 炁 [[qi4]] /(Daoism) variant of 氣|气[qi4]/

Change log entry 83237
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 08:40:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76696 - submitted by 'encn' >>

楚人献鼋于郑灵公。公子宋与子家将见。子公之食指动,以示子家,曰:“他日我如此,必尝异味。” 及入,宰夫将解鼋,相视而笑。



Editor: just inserted a hyphen
# 食指大動 食指大动 [[shi2zhi3da4dong4]] /(idiom) to be excited to dig into the delicious food/
+ 食指大動 食指大动 [[shi2zhi3-da4dong4]] /(idiom) to be excited to dig into the delicious food/

Change log entry 83236
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 08:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76721 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不濟 不济 [bu4 ji4] /(coll.) no good; of no use/
+ 不濟 不济 [[bu4ji4]] /(coll.) no good; of no use/
- 古箏 古筝 [gu3 zheng1] /guzheng (large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times)/
+ 古箏 古筝 [[gu3zheng1]] /guzheng (large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from the guqin 古琴[gu3qin2] during Tang and Song times)/
- 員警 员警 [yuan2 jing3] /police officer; policeman/
+ 員警 员警 [[yuan2jing3]] /police officer; policeman/
- 形勝 形胜 [xing2 sheng4] /(of a location) strategic; advantageous/
+ 形勝 形胜 [[xing2sheng4]] /(of a location) strategic; advantageous/
- 形成 形成 [xing2 cheng2] /to form; to take shape/
+ 形成 形成 [[xing2cheng2]] /to form; to take shape/
- 找死 找死 [zhao3 si3] /to court death; to take a big risk/
+ 找死 找死 [[zhao3si3]] /to court death; to take a big risk/
- 春播 春播 [chun1 bo1] /(agriculture) to sow in spring/
+ 春播 春播 [[chun1bo1]] /(agriculture) to sow in spring/
- 曙色 曙色 [shu3 se4] /the light of early dawn/
+ 曙色 曙色 [[shu3se4]] /the light of early dawn/
- 歸因 归因 [gui1 yin1] /to attribute; to ascribe/
+ 歸因 归因 [[gui1yin1]] /to attribute; to ascribe/
- 當成 当成 [dang4 cheng2] /to consider as; to take to be/
+ 當成 当成 [[dang4cheng2]] /to consider as; to take to be/
- 穿行 穿行 [chuan1 xing2] /to go through; to pass through; to thread one's way through/
+ 穿行 穿行 [[chuan1xing2]] /to go through; to pass through; to thread one's way through/
- 繁榮 繁荣 [fan2 rong2] /prosperous; booming (economy)/
+ 繁榮 繁荣 [[fan2rong2]] /prosperous; booming/
- 警官 警官 [jing3 guan1] /constable; police officer/
+ 警官 警官 [[jing3guan1]] /constable; police officer/
- 賭坊 赌坊 [du3 fang1] /(archaic) gambling house/
+ 賭坊 赌坊 [[du3fang1]] /(archaic) gambling house/
- 釋懷 释怀 [shi4 huai2] /to get over (a traumatic experience, misgivings etc)/
+ 釋懷 释怀 [[shi4huai2]] /to get over (a traumatic experience, misgivings etc)/
- 離譜 离谱 [li2 pu3] /inappropriate; improper; out of place/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83235
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 07:11:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76720 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仗恃 仗恃 [zhang4 shi4] /to rely on; to depend on/
+ 仗恃 仗恃 [[zhang4shi4]] /to rely on; to depend on/
- 北約 北约 [Bei3 yue1] /NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1])/
+ 北約 北约 [[Bei3yue1]] /NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4xi1 Yang2 Gong1yue1 Zu3zhi1])/
- 北大西洋公約組織 北大西洋公约组织 [Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1] /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/
+ 北大西洋公約組織 北大西洋公约组织 [[Bei3 Da4xi1 Yang2 Gong1yue1 Zu3zhi1]] /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/
- 女孩 女孩 [nu:3 hai2] /girl; lass/
+ 女孩 女孩 [[nu:3hai2]] /girl; lass/
- 排雷 排雷 [pai2 lei2] /(military) to clear mines; mine clearance/
+ 排雷 排雷 [[pai2lei2]] /(military) to clear mines; mine clearance/
- 曲度 曲度 [qu1 du4] /curvature/
+ 曲度 曲度 [[qu1du4]] /curvature/
- 機製 机制 [ji1 zhi4] /machine-processed; machine-made/
+ 機製 机制 [[ji1zhi4]] /machine-processed; machine-made/
- 滑竿 滑竿 [hua2 gan1] /a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of bamboo and mounted on a pair of long bamboo poles/
+ 滑竿 滑竿 [[hua2gan1]] /a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of bamboo and mounted on a pair of long bamboo poles/
- 演練 演练 [yan3 lian4] /to drill; to practice/
+ 演練 演练 [[yan3lian4]] /to drill; to practice/
- 物色 物色 [wu4 se4] /to look for; to seek out; to choose/
+ 物色 物色 [[wu4se4]] /to look for; to seek out; to choose/
- 盤纏 盘缠 [pan2 chan5] /money for a voyage; travel expenses/
+ 盤纏 盘缠 [[pan2chan5]] /money for a voyage; travel expenses/
- 細碎 细碎 [xi4 sui4] /fragments; bits and pieces/
+ 細碎 细碎 [[xi4sui4]] /fragments; bits and pieces/
- 通敵 通敌 [tong1 di2] /to collaborate with the enemy/
+ 通敵 通敌 [[tong1di2]] /to collaborate with the enemy/
- 非要 非要 [fei1 yao4] /to want absolutely; to insist on (doing sth)/
+ 非要 非要 [[fei1yao4]] /to want absolutely; to insist on (doing sth)/
- 骶骨 骶骨 [di3 gu3] /(anatomy) sacrum/
+ 骶骨 骶骨 [[di3gu3]] /(anatomy) sacrum/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83234
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 07:01:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76719 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 優待 优待 [you1 dai4] /preferential treatment; to give preferential treatment/
+ 優待 优待 [[you1dai4]] /preferential treatment; to give preferential treatment/
- 優秀 优秀 [you1 xiu4] /outstanding; excellent/
+ 優秀 优秀 [[you1xiu4]] /outstanding; excellent/
- 包管 包管 [bao1 guan3] /to assure; to guarantee/
+ 包管 包管 [[bao1guan3]] /to assure; to guarantee/
- 墓園 墓园 [mu4 yuan2] /cemetery; graveyard/
+ 墓園 墓园 [[mu4yuan2]] /cemetery; graveyard/
- 審結 审结 [shen3 jie2] /(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion/
+ 審結 审结 [[shen3jie2]] /(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion/
- 對打 对打 [dui4 da3] /to fight (one against one)/
+ 對打 对打 [[dui4da3]] /to fight (one against one)/
- 性能 性能 [xing4 neng2] /function; performance; behavior/
+ 性能 性能 [[xing4neng2]] /function; performance; behavior/
- 投降 投降 [tou2 xiang2] /to surrender/
+ 投降 投降 [[tou2xiang2]] /to surrender/
- 昏睡 昏睡 [hun1 shui4] /to sleep heavily (due to illness, fatigue etc)/
+ 昏睡 昏睡 [[hun1shui4]] /to sleep heavily (due to illness, fatigue etc)/
- 獵犬 猎犬 [lie4 quan3] /hound; hunting dog/
+ 獵犬 猎犬 [[lie4quan3]] /hound; hunting dog/
- 肥胖 肥胖 [fei2 pang4] /fat; obese/
+ 肥胖 肥胖 [[fei2pang4]] /fat; obese/
- 臉膛 脸膛 [lian3 tang2] /facial contour; facial shape/
+ 臉膛 脸膛 [[lian3tang2]] /facial contour; facial shape/
- 自在 自在 [zi4 zai5] /comfortable; at ease/
+ 自在 自在 [[zi4zai5]] /comfortable; at ease/
- 計謀 计谋 [ji4 mou2] /stratagem; scheme/
+ 計謀 计谋 [[ji4mou2]] /stratagem; scheme/
- 這廝 这厮 [zhe4 si1] /this so-and-so/
+ 這廝 这厮 [[zhe4si1]] /this so-and-so/
- 遵循 遵循 [zun1 xun2] /to follow; to abide by; to comply with/
+ 遵循 遵循 [[zun1xun2]] /to follow; to abide by; to comply with/
- 遺忘 遗忘 [yi2 wang4] /to forget; to cease to think about (sb or sth) anymore/
+ 遺忘 遗忘 [[yi2wang4]] /to forget; to cease to think about (sb or sth) anymore/
- 關張 关张 [guan1 zhang1] /(of a shop) to close down; to go out of business/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83233
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 05:21:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76718 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>



While the rest of Taiwan was sitting around with their families enjoying the Chinese New Year, Kevin Lin was flying the Taiwanese colors in the harsh Antarctic environment.

Sales reps often did not even have the time to celebrate the traditional New Year's Eve dinner with their families.
# 圍爐 围炉 [[wei2lu2]] /to gather around a stove/(Tw) to have a family reunion for Lunar New Year's Eve/(HK) to groupthink; to form an echo chamber/

Change log entry 83232
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 05:20:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76718 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>



'to circle jerk' probably better than 'to groupthink', since it has derogatory connotations

Editor: For the third sense, can you resubmit with some examples of Mandarin usage?
# 圍爐 围炉 [[wei2lu2]] /to gather around a stove/(Tw) to have a family reunion for Lunar New Year's Eve/(HK) to groupthink; to form an echo chamber/
+ 圍爐 围炉 [[wei2lu2]] /to gather around the stove/(Tw) to come together for a family dinner on Chinese New Year's Eve/

Change log entry 83231
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:43:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75731 - submitted by 'encn' >>



+ 純血 纯血 [[chun2xue4]] /pure-blooded/

Change log entry 83230
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:42:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76191 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 程式員 程式员 [[cheng2shi4yuan2]] /(Tw) programmer/

Change log entry 83229
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:40:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76526 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
While 兆 nominally means "mega-", in the specific context of computer networking, it is also short for megabit per second (in the same way that "meg" can be in English), which is most often just "megabit". However, while "meg" is used more like slang, "百兆/千兆“ seem to be completely normal ways to describe such speeds, even in official marketing material. The formal name for 100Mbps speeds over Ethernet specifically (which this virtually always is) is 100Base-T.



Likewise "千兆“ is literally just "giga", but in the networking sense means Gbps specifically. Usually just "gigabit" in English as an attributive on "networking" or "Ethernet" (despite that in theory being a unit of data size, not speed, the "per second" getting dropped) or "gig" as slang.

绿联 5口千兆交换机【铝壳散热】网线分线器一分二/四 4口监控网络交换器 适用企业家用宿舍HUB分流器

# 百兆 百兆 [bai3zhao4] /(computer networking) 100 megabits per second; 100Base-T/
+ 百兆 百兆 [[bai3zhao4]] /(computer networking) 100 megabits per second; 100Base-T/
# - 千兆 千兆 [qian1zhao4] /giga-/
- 千兆 千兆 [qian1 zhao4] /giga-/
+ 千兆 千兆 [[qian1zhao4]] /giga-/(computer networking) gigabits per second; 1000Base-T/

Change log entry 83227
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:21:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76717 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 你等 你等 [ni3 deng3] /you all (archaic)/
+ 你等 你等 [[ni3deng3]] /(archaic) you all/
- 優異 优异 [you1 yi4] /exceptional; outstandingly good/
+ 優異 优异 [[you1yi4]] /exceptional; outstandingly good/
- 小丘 小丘 [xiao3 qiu1] /hill; knoll/
+ 小丘 小丘 [[xiao3qiu1]] /hill; knoll/
- 招攬 招揽 [zhao1 lan3] /to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)/
+ 招攬 招揽 [[zhao1lan3]] /to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)/
- 潦倒 潦倒 [liao2 dao3] /down on one's luck; in straitened circumstances; disappointed; frustrated/
+ 潦倒 潦倒 [[liao2dao3]] /down on one's luck; in straitened circumstances; disappointed; frustrated/
- 片劑 片剂 [pian4 ji4] /(pharmacology) tablet/
+ 片劑 片剂 [[pian4ji4]] /(pharmacology) tablet/
- 獵戶 猎户 [lie4 hu4] /hunter/
+ 獵戶 猎户 [[lie4hu4]] /hunter/
- 甲骨 甲骨 [jia3 gu3] /tortoise shells and animal bones used for divination in the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 11th century BC); oracle bones/
+ 甲骨 甲骨 [[jia3gu3]] /tortoise shells and animal bones used for divination in the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 11th century BC); oracle bones/
- 老話 老话 [lao3 hua4] /an old saying/
+ 老話 老话 [[lao3hua4]] /an old saying/
- 蒙藥 蒙药 [meng3 yao4] /traditional Mongolian medicine (or drug)/
+ 蒙藥 蒙药 [[meng3yao4]] /traditional Mongolian medicine (or drug)/
- 詔書 诏书 [zhao4 shu1] /imperial edict/
+ 詔書 诏书 [[zhao4shu1]] /imperial edict/
- 諸侯 诸侯 [zhu1 hou2] /dukes or princes who rule a part of the country under the emperor; local rulers/
+ 諸侯 诸侯 [[zhu1hou2]] /dukes or princes who rule a part of the country under the emperor; local rulers/
- 警誡 警诫 [jing3 jie4] /to warn; to admonish (variant of 警戒[jing3 jie4])/
+ 警誡 警诫 [[jing3jie4]] /variant of 警戒[jing3jie4]/
- 喜劇 喜剧 [xi3 ju4] /comedy/CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1]/
+ 喜劇 喜剧 [[xi3ju4]] /a comedy/CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1]/
- 絕後 绝后 [jue2 hou4] /to have no offspring/never to be seen again; unique/
+ 絕後 绝后 [[jue2hou4]] /to have no offspring/never to be seen again; unique/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83226
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:14:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75390 - submitted by 'encn' >>
系综(ensemble):在一定的宏观条件下,大量性质和结构完全相同的、处于各种运动状态的、各自独立的系统的集合。全称为统计系综。 系综是用统计方法描述热力学系统的统计规律性时引入的一个基本概念;系综是统计理论的一种表述方式。
+ 系綜 系综 [[xi4zong1]] /(physics) ensemble/

Change log entry 83225
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:13:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76698 - submitted by 'encn' >>

三个猫猫,杯面帽子.jpg 我回民求求你别发了
+ 杯麵 杯面 [[bei1mian4]] /cup noodles/

Change log entry 83224
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:11:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76500 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
variant of 油潑扯麵
# 油潑麵 油泼面 [[you2po1mian4]] /broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2 biang2 mian4]/
+ 油潑麵 油泼面 [[you2po1mian4]] /see 油潑扯麵|油泼扯面[you2po1 che3mian4]/

Change log entry 83223
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:03:48 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 𰻞 𰻝 [biang2] /used in 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2 biang2 mian4]/
+ 𰻞 𰻝 [[biang2]] /used in 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2biang2mian4]/
- 油潑扯麵 油泼扯面 [you2 po1 che3 mian4] /broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2 biang2 mian4]/
+ 油潑扯麵 油泼扯面 [[you2po1 che3mian4]] /broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2biang2mian4]/

Change log entry 83221
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:55:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76707 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
- 咋 咋 [za3] /dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]/
+ 咋 咋 [[za3]] /dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3me5]/Taiwan pr. [ze2]/
- 咋 咋 [zha4] /loud noise/shout/suddenly/
# + 咋 咋 [zha4] /loud noise/shout/suddenly/Taiwan pr. [ze2]/
+ 咋 咋 [[zha1]] /to shout/to show off/Taiwan pr. [ze2]/

Change log entry 83220
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:44:02 GMT)
- 踉蹌 踉跄 [[liang4qiang4]] /to stagger; to stumble/
+ 踉蹌 踉跄 [[liang4qiang4]] /to stagger; to walk falteringly/

Change log entry 83219
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:41:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76060 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
8146 lines with 踉跄
43 lines with 跄踉
17 lines with 踉蹡
7 lines with 蹡踉

- 踉 踉 [liang4] /stagger/sway from side to side/
+ 踉 踉 [[liang4]] /used in 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4]/
- 踉蹌 踉跄 [liang4 qiang4] /to stagger/to stumble/
+ 踉蹌 踉跄 [[liang4qiang4]] /to stagger; to stumble/
- 蹌踉 跄踉 [qiang4 liang4] /see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]/
+ 蹌踉 跄踉 [[qiang4liang4]] /see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4]/
- 踉蹡 踉蹡 [liang4 qiang4] /variant of 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]/
+ 踉蹡 踉𬧀 [[liang4qiang4]] /variant of 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4]/
- 蹡 蹡 [qiang4] /see 踉蹡[liang4 qiang4]/
+ 蹡 𬧀 [[qiang4]] /used in 踉蹡|踉𬧀[liang4qiang4]/

Change log entry 83218
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:35:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76716 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下令 下令 [xia4 ling4] /to give an order; to issue an order/
+ 下令 下令 [[xia4ling4]] /to give an order; to issue an order/
- 偏癱 偏瘫 [pian1 tan1] /paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia/
+ 偏癱 偏瘫 [[pian1tan1]] /paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia/
- 典禮 典礼 [dian3 li3] /ceremony; celebration/
+ 典禮 典礼 [[dian3li3]] /ceremony; celebration/
- 剎那 刹那 [cha4 na4] /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye/
+ 剎那 刹那 [[cha4na4]] /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye/
- 可口 可口 [ke3 kou3] /tasty; to taste good/
+ 可口 可口 [[ke3kou3]] /tasty; to taste good/
- 同伴 同伴 [tong2 ban4] /companion; comrade; fellow/
+ 同伴 同伴 [[tong2ban4]] /companion; comrade; fellow/
- 嘯叫 啸叫 [xiao4 jiao4] /to squeal; to screech/
+ 嘯叫 啸叫 [[xiao4jiao4]] /to squeal; to screech/
- 大辟 大辟 [da4 pi4] /(literary) death sentence; decapitation/
+ 大辟 大辟 [[da4pi4]] /(literary) death sentence; decapitation/
- 常情 常情 [chang2 qing2] /common sense; the way people usually feel about things/
+ 常情 常情 [[chang2qing2]] /common sense; the way people usually feel about things/
- 從寬 从宽 [cong2 kuan1] /lenient; leniently/
+ 從寬 从宽 [[cong2kuan1]] /lenient; leniently/
- 招喚 招唤 [zhao1 huan4] /to call; to summon/
+ 招喚 招唤 [[zhao1huan4]] /to call; to summon/
- 日人 日人 [Ri4 ren2] /Japanese person; the Japanese/
+ 日人 日人 [[Ri4ren2]] /Japanese person; the Japanese/
- 洋紅 洋红 [yang2 hong2] /carmine; magenta/
+ 洋紅 洋红 [[yang2hong2]] /carmine; magenta/
- 滴灌 滴灌 [di1 guan4] /to drip irrigate/
+ 滴灌 滴灌 [[di1guan4]] /to drip irrigate/
- 籌碼 筹码 [chou2 ma3] /bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token/
+ 籌碼 筹码 [[chou2ma3]] /bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token/
- 結存 结存 [jie2 cun2] /balance; cash in hand/
+ 結存 结存 [[jie2cun2]] /balance; cash in hand/
- 規章 规章 [gui1 zhang1] /rule; regulation/
+ 規章 规章 [[gui1zhang1]] /rule; regulation/
- 解夢 解梦 [jie3 meng4] /to interpret a dream/
+ 解夢 解梦 [[jie3meng4]] /to interpret a dream/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83217
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:26:56 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 白雲母 白云母 [bai2 yun2 mu3] /muscovite/white mica/
+ 白雲母 白云母 [[bai2yun2mu3]] /muscovite; white mica/
- 磷石 磷石 [lin2 shi2] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 磷石 磷石 [[lin2shi2]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/
- 雲華 云华 [yun2 hua2] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 雲華 云华 [[yun2hua2]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/
- 雲沙 云沙 [yun2 sha1] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 雲沙 云沙 [[yun2sha1]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/
- 雲液 云液 [yun2 ye4] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 雲液 云液 [[yun2ye4]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/
- 雲英 云英 [yun2 ying1] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 雲英 云英 [[yun2ying1]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/
- 雲珠 云珠 [yun2 zhu1] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum/
+ 雲珠 云珠 [[yun2zhu1]] /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/

Change log entry 83216
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:54:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76314 - submitted by 'encn' >>




+ 凍乾 冻干 [[dong4gan1]] /to freeze-dry/freeze-dried food (such as meat or fruit)/

Change log entry 83215
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:42:47 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 茜 茜 [xi1] /used in the transliteration of people's names/
+ 茜 茜 [[xi1]] /used in the transliteration of people's names/

Change log entry 83214
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:38:03 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 心臟病 心脏病 [xin1 zang4 bing4] /heart disease/
+ 心臟病 心脏病 [[xin1zang4bing4]] /heart disease/

Change log entry 83213
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:36:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76709 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>





+ 心臟病發作 心脏病发作 [[xin1zang4bing4 fa1zuo4]] /heart attack; to have a heart attack/

Change log entry 83212
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:24:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76525 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>

+ 西替利嗪 西替利嗪 [[xi1ti4li4qin2]] /cetirizine/

Change log entry 83211
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:19:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76710 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 免洗筷 免洗筷 [[mian3xi3kuai4]] /(Tw) disposable chopsticks/

Change log entry 83210
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:19:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76711 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 衛生筷 卫生筷 [[wei4sheng1kuai4]] /disposable chopsticks/

Change log entry 83209
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:17:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75914 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
classifier for items -> Think this is misleading as it makes one think of physical items. As one can see from existing entries 桩 is used for events or happenings (as in, 事)

Some more examples,

Editor: just removed the final comma
# 案件 案件 [an4 jian4] /case/instance/CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3]/
# 事情 事情 [shi4 qing5] /affair; matter; thing; business/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]/
# 心事 心事 [xin1 shi4] /a load on one's mind/worry/CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1]/
# 買賣 买卖 [mai3 mai4] /buying and selling/business/business transactions/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4]/
# 婚姻 婚姻 [hun1 yin1] /marriage; matrimony/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4]/
- 樁 桩 [zhuang1] /stump/stake/pile/classifier for items/
# + 樁 桩 [[zhuang1]] /stump; stake; pile/classifier for events, cases, transactions, affairs, etc/
+ 樁 桩 [[zhuang1]] /stump; stake; pile/classifier for events, cases, transactions, affairs etc/

Change log entry 83208
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:13:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75674 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
800 hits for 铁骨铮铮
61 hits for 铮铮铁骨









+ 鐵骨錚錚 铁骨铮铮 [[tie3gu3-zheng1zheng1]] /(idiom) (of character) staunch; unyielding/
+ 錚錚鐵骨 铮铮铁骨 [[zheng1zheng1-tie3gu3]] /see 鐵骨錚錚|铁骨铮铮[tie3gu3-zheng1zheng1]/

Change log entry 83207
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 23:09:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76527 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>


More background on the relationship between Caral and Norte Chico: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caral-Supe_civilisation

There entry for, e.g. 卡劳尔文明 presumably isn't required as an obvious compound 卡劳尔/文明 , I think?

Supe (now a small district of 25k people with a port) seems to be 苏佩.

Editor: Proper nouns is a vast area that we can't hope to do more than scratch the surface of.
Nowadays we mostly limit ourselves to non-encyclopedia-type names.

小北 (广州),中国广东省广州市的一个区域
小北站 (广州),广州地铁站
小北站 (内蒙古),滨洲铁路车站
# 小北 小北 [Xiao3bei3] /Norte Chico, a region of Peru/Norte Chico (ancient civilisation, a.k.a. Caral or Caral-Supe)/
# 卡勞爾 卡劳尔 [Ka3lao2er3] /Caral, Peru/Caral (ancient civilisation, a.k.a. Norte Chico or Caral-Supe)/

Change log entry 83206
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:47:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76713 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- PLC (via Pleco): "(verb) (literary) not at all; not in the least (or slightest)" with the examples "了无惧色 show no trace of fear; look completely undaunted" and "了无生趣 lose all interest in life"

- Guifan (via Pleco): "(动) 完全没有"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=63164&q=1&word=liao3%2Cwu2): "一點也沒有。《五代史平話.唐史.卷下》:「段凝出入公卿間,揚揚自得、了無慚色。」"
# 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to be not in the least/
+ 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to have not even the slightest/

Change log entry 83205
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:37:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76529 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
Full name appears to be 普联技术有限公司. While TP-Link appears to be a brand of 普联, it is essentially the same thing in general usage

Especially as their own website is actually at tp-link.com.cn (see the footer), and "Pulian" basically is non-existent in English search results.

They're synonymous in this category: https://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=670,699,700&tid=17961&ev=exbrand_14073

Alternatively, the definition might be /Pulian Technology Co. Ltd. (owner of the TP-Link brand)/ which is perhaps slightly more accurate but a bit clunky?


Editor: I'm leaving proper names like this to Wikipedia.
# 普聯 普联 [[Pu3lian2]] /TP-Link (company name)/

Change log entry 83204
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:28:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76714 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Added "master" and "imperial" senses; v2.

References for "imperial" sense:

- 现代汉语词典, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "封建社会尊称帝王:~上|~旨。"

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "神圣的。封建时代称颂帝王或与帝王有关的事物之词。如:圣旨;圣驾;圣鉴。"

- 林語堂當代漢英詞典 (https://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/Lindict.php?query=%b8%74&category=wholerecord): "The divine, highest, supreme (used of emperor, God)"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=9066&q=1&word=sheng4): "君主的。如:「聖恩」、「聖旨」。"

Usage example:

《宫墙柳》by 梦娃 (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81050943): "她高高仰起头来,声音里带着轻轻地颤抖,“可惜我不得【圣】宠,除了进宫那年侍寝过两次,再不见天颜,能有今日全靠娘娘慈悲。”"


References for "master" sense:

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "对于精通某种技艺或擅长某事造诣极深之人的尊称。如:书圣;棋圣;诗圣。"

- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E5%9C%A3): "精通一事,对某门学问、技艺有特高成就的人 [master]。如: 棋圣;诗圣"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=9066&q=1&word=sheng4): "通稱在學識或技藝上有很深造詣的人。如:「詩聖」、「樂聖」。"
- 聖 圣 [sheng4] /holy/sacred/saint/sage/
# + 聖 圣 [[sheng4]] /holy; sacred/saint; sage/(honorific) imperial/master (honorific for an accomplished expert in poetry, chess, calligraphy, etc)/
+ 聖 圣 [[sheng4]] /(bound form) peerless (in wisdom, moral virtue, skill etc)/(bound form) peerless individual; paragon (sage, saint, emperor, master of a skill etc)/(bound form) holy; sacred/

Change log entry 83203
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 21:33:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75337 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
茜草: "Rubia cordifolia", "Indian madder", and "munjeet" all refer to the same plant and are one sense. And "munjit" is spelled wrong

茹藘: Points to 茜草
Google "茜草" - 1.7M results
Google "茹藘" - 0.5M results

茜紫: I took the liberty of deleting this. I can't find any references that say 茜紫 is "sage", and the original addition from 16 years ago didn't provide one https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=544&popup=1&handler=ViewLogEntry. Closest thing I found was 紫茜, which is another name for 紫菀 - https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%B4%AB%E8%8F%80/770771, but that's not sage.

茜: Though most online and physical dictionaries say something like "used in 茜草", it's also used in other plants like 南茜果, 芫茜, etc


Corpus - Though there were 17,000+ hits the vast majority were for transliterated names (when 茜 is pronounced xi1) like Tracy, Nancy, Lacy, Cathy, Rosy, Circe, Cissy, etc. After doing my best to filter them out I wasn't left with much.

He grew indigo, munjeet, tobacco, sugarcane...

This passage is about some things in Quanzhou, including 茜草粿 which seems to be a local name for 仙草蜜 or grass jelly, a popular dessert.
I don't think they use munjeet in it.

Description of 紫檀, also called 茜草叶紫檀

Editor: It appears that 茜 originally referred to madder, and then acquired the meaning "alizarin crimson", which is the color of the dye obtained from the plant. That's what dictionaries that indicate etymological development say.

So I think that subsequent use of the character is probably derivative of these two senses. Plant names that use 茜 may be similar to madder in some way (e.g. appearance of the plant). If that is the case, then it's reasonable to indicate that 茜 fundamentally refers to madder (which is what other dictionaries do, as you noted.)

> Description of 紫檀, also called 茜草叶紫檀
I think it's likely the use of 茜草叶 in this plant's name is due to a perceived similarity of its leaves to those of madder.

> 茜草粿 which seems to be a local name for 仙草蜜 or grass jelly, a popular dessert.
> https://kknews.cc/food/pnzj5zz.html
> I don't think they use munjeet in it.
Probably no munjeet in it, but 茜草 is a color, and this dessert has the color of madder.

> 茜紫: I took the liberty of deleting this.
The term 茜紫 is used in Japanese ("akane murasaki"). It's a color – a combination of 茜 (alizarin crimson) and 紫 (purple). Our definition may have come from a google search that yielded pictures of sage flowers that have that color ... perhaps? Anyway, I agree with deleting it.

extra: 茜素
- 茜草 茜草 [qian4 cao3] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjit/
+ 茜草 茜草 [[qian4cao3]] /Indian madder; munjeet (Rubia cordifolia)/
- 茹藘 茹藘 [ru2 lu:2] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjit/also written 茜草/
+ 茹藘 茹藘 [[ru2lu:2]] /see 茜草[qian4cao3]/
- 茜紫 茜紫 [qian4 zi3] /sage (herb)/
- 假芫茜 假芫茜 [jia3 yuan2 qian4] /Eryngium foetidum/
+ 假芫茜 假芫茜 [[jia3yuan2qian4]] /Eryngium foetidum/
- 茜 茜 [qian4] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjeet/
# + 茜 茜 [[qian4]] /used in names of plants/
+ 茜 茜 [[qian4]] /(bound form) Indian madder; munjeet (Rubia cordifolia)/(bound form) madder red; dark red; alizarin crimson/
# extra:
+ 茜素 茜素 [[qian4su4]] /alizarin/

Change log entry 83202
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 20:15:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76715 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Doesn't need a measure word: can act as a measure word itself (quasi-measure, 準量詞): 那國, 幾國語言 etc
- 國 国 [guo2] /country; nation; state (CL:個|个[ge4])/(bound form) national/
+ 國 国 [[guo2]] /country; nation; state/(bound form) national/

Change log entry 83201
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 20:06:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76530 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>


>尤其是,目前水库里,诸如鳑鲏,麻鱼,白条, 桃花鱼, 泥鳅, 河虾,贝壳,螃蟹这些小型鱼类非常多,把黑鱼放进去,那对黑鱼来说,简直是来到了天堂

- 鰟 鳑 [pang2] /see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp/
+ 鰟 鳑 [[pang2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/
- 鮍 鲏 [pi2] /see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp/
# + 鮍 鲏 [[pi2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/
- 鰟鮍 鳑鲏 [pang2 pi2] /small carp (Rhodeus sinensis and other spp.)/
+ 鰟鮍 鳑鲏 [[pang2pi2]] /bitterling (fish of genus Rhodeus)/
+ 鮍 鲏 [[pi2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/

Change log entry 83200
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 09:37:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76518 - submitted by 'encn' >>
部队锅(韩语:부대찌개)又称部队火锅,是类似西式杂锅的韩国浓汤火锅。源于1950年代朝鲜战争过后的议政府市,当时该处设置了许多驻韩美军设施以保护不远的首尔。由于战争导致民间物资短缺,美军基地附近的居民捡拾美军遗弃的香肠、罐装火腿及午餐肉、奶酪等食材,搭配辛辣的苦椒酱作底,煮成一锅汤,以解决饥饿之苦[1]。时至今日,部队锅在韩国仍很受欢迎,并加入很多现代食材(如泡面)一起食用。部队锅的其他材料还有泡菜、洋葱、青葱、焗豆、培根、奶酪片、泡面、打糕等。 在韩国其他离美军基地较近的地区,如平泽、群山等地,亦有部队锅出现,且各有特色。

# 部隊鍋 部队锅 [[bu4dui4guo1]] /budae jjigae/
+ 部隊鍋 部队锅 [[bu4dui4guo1]] /budae jjigae, a type of Korean stew/

Change log entry 83199
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 08:07:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76051 - submitted by 'encn' >>


- 探花 探花 [tan4 hua1] /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]/
# + 探花 探花 [[tan4hua1]] /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see 狀元|状元[zhuang4yuan2]/(slang) to secretly film sex with a prostitute to share on the Internet/
+ 探花 探花 [[tan4hua1]] /candidate who came third in the Hanlin examination (cf. 狀元|状元[zhuang4yuan2])/(slang) to secretly film sex with a prostitute to share on the Internet/

Change log entry 83198
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 07:59:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75538 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
"包藏祸心" - 793,000 results
"苞藏祸心" - 9,000 results

I don't think "苞藏祸心" even makes sense since "苞藏" is not a word like "包藏" is. It has very limited usage and the few places that define just say "同 '包藏祸心'". It could probably be removed but I'll leave that up to the editors.

I also rewrote 包藏祸心 to make both glosses verbs, by coincidence it's the same as on wiktionary https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%8C%85%E8%97%8F%E7%A6%8D%E5%BF%83#Chinese
- 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 [bao1 cang2 huo4 xin1] /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/
+ 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /(idiom) to harbor evil intentions; to conceal malice/
- 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [bao1 cang2 huo4 xin1] /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/
+ 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /variant of 包藏祸心[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]/

Change log entry 83197
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 07:39:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75625 - submitted by 'encn' >>

又到了一年一度的高考完的弟弟们放三个月暑假,我的鸡儿不放假的时候了 //have sex or masturbate


+ 雞兒 鸡儿 [[ji1er2]] /chick; baby chicken/(vulgar) penis/

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