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Change log entry 82848
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 22:15:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76416 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 通商 通商 [tong1 shang1] /having trading relations (of nations or regions)/
+ 通商 通商 [[tong1shang1]] /(of nations) to have trade relations; to engage in trade/
- 同上 同上 [tong2 shang4] /as above; ditto; idem/
+ 同上 同上 [[tong2shang4]] /as above; ditto; idem/

Change log entry 82847
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 22:10:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76415 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 伶仃 伶仃 [ling2 ding1] /alone and helpless/
+ 伶仃 伶仃 [[ling2ding1]] /alone and helpless/
- 傀儡 傀儡 [kui3 lei3] /(lit. and fig.) puppet/
+ 傀儡 傀儡 [[kui3lei3]] /(lit. and fig.) puppet/
- 免冠 免冠 [mian3 guan1] /bareheaded (in a photo)/
+ 免冠 免冠 [[mian3guan1]] /bareheaded (in a photo)/
- 參差 参差 [cen1 ci1] /uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged; serrated/
+ 參差 参差 [[cen1ci1]] /uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged; serrated/
- 器重 器重 [qi4 zhong4] /to regard sth as valuable; to think highly of (a younger person, a subordinate etc)/
+ 器重 器重 [[qi4zhong4]] /to regard sth as valuable; to think highly of (a younger person, a subordinate etc)/
- 尋找 寻找 [xun2 zhao3] /to seek; to look for/
+ 尋找 寻找 [[xun2zhao3]] /to seek; to look for/
- 打磨 打磨 [da3 mo2] /to polish; to burnish; to shine/
+ 打磨 打磨 [[da3mo2]] /to polish; to burnish; to shine/
- 掉包 掉包 [diao4 bao1] /variant of 調包|调包[diao4 bao1]/
+ 掉包 掉包 [[diao4bao1]] /variant of 調包|调包[diao4bao1]/
- 調包 调包 [diao4 bao1] /to steal sb's valuable item and substitute a similar-looking but worthless item; to sell a fake for the genuine article; to palm off/
+ 調包 调包 [[diao4bao1]] /to steal sb's valuable item and substitute a similar-looking but worthless item; to sell a fake for the genuine article; to palm off/
- 星星 星星 [xing1 xing5] /(coll.) a star; the stars in the sky/
+ 星星 星星 [[xing1xing5]] /(coll.) a star; the stars in the sky/
- 本應 本应 [ben3 ying1] /should have; ought to have/
+ 本應 本应 [[ben3ying1]] /should have; ought to have/
- 死刑 死刑 [si3 xing2] /death penalty; capital punishment/
+ 死刑 死刑 [[si3xing2]] /death penalty; capital punishment/
- 減數 减数 [jian3 shu4] /(math.) subtrahend/
+ 減數 减数 [[jian3shu4]] /(math.) subtrahend/
- 煩心 烦心 [fan2 xin1] /annoying; vexing/
+ 煩心 烦心 [[fan2xin1]] /annoying; vexing/
- 看客 看客 [kan4 ke4] /audience; spectators; onlookers/
+ 看客 看客 [[kan4ke4]] /audience; spectators; onlookers/
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Change log entry 82845
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 22:00:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76414 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 任何 任何 [ren4 he2] /any; whatever; whichever/
+ 任何 任何 [[ren4he2]] /any; whatever; whichever/
- 來由 来由 [lai2 you2] /reason; cause/
+ 來由 来由 [[lai2you2]] /reason; cause/
- 候車 候车 [hou4 che1] /to wait for a train or bus/
+ 候車 候车 [[hou4che1]] /to wait for a train or bus/
- 倩裝 倩装 [qian4 zhuang1] /beautiful attire/
+ 倩裝 倩装 [[qian4zhuang1]] /beautiful attire/
- 就職 就职 [jiu4 zhi2] /to take office; to assume a post/
+ 就職 就职 [[jiu4zhi2]] /to take office; to assume a post/
- 工傷 工伤 [gong1 shang1] /industrial injury; work-related injury/
+ 工傷 工伤 [[gong1shang1]] /industrial injury; work-related injury/
- 悻然 悻然 [xing4 ran2] /angrily; resentfully; in a huff/
+ 悻然 悻然 [[xing4ran2]] /angrily; resentfully; in a huff/
- 推卸 推卸 [tui1 xie4] /to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck/
+ 推卸 推卸 [[tui1xie4]] /to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck/
- 棍棒 棍棒 [gun4 bang4] /club; staff; stick/
+ 棍棒 棍棒 [[gun4bang4]] /club; staff; stick/
- 海員 海员 [hai3 yuan2] /sailor; mariner/
+ 海員 海员 [[hai3yuan2]] /sailor; mariner/
- 炯炯 炯炯 [jiong3 jiong3] /(literary) (of eyes) bright; shining/
+ 炯炯 炯炯 [[jiong3jiong3]] /(literary) (of eyes) bright; shining/
- 產銷 产销 [chan3 xiao1] /production and sales; production and marketing/
+ 產銷 产销 [[chan3xiao1]] /production and sales; production and marketing/
- 絕對 绝对 [jue2 dui4] /absolute; unconditional/
+ 絕對 绝对 [[jue2dui4]] /absolute; unconditional/
- 續弦 续弦 [xu4 xian2] /(literary) (of a widower) to remarry/
+ 續弦 续弦 [[xu4xian2]] /(literary) (of a widower) to remarry/
- 老君 老君 [Lao3 jun1] /Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism/
+ 老君 老君 [[Lao3jun1]] /Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism/
- 臊腥 臊腥 [sao1 xing1] /stench; stink/
+ 臊腥 臊腥 [[sao1xing1]] /stench; stink/
- 至極 至极 [zhi4 ji2] /extremely/
+ 至極 至极 [[zhi4ji2]] /extremely/
- 苤藍 苤蓝 [pie3 lan5] /kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea)/
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Change log entry 82844
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:44:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76413 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中心 中心 [zhong1 xin1] /center; heart; core/
+ 中心 中心 [[zhong1xin1]] /center; heart; core/
- 媚外 媚外 [mei4 wai4] /to fawn on foreigners; to pander to foreign powers/
+ 媚外 媚外 [[mei4wai4]] /to fawn on foreigners; to pander to foreign powers/
- 小學 小学 [xiao3 xue2] /elementary school; primary school/
+ 小學 小学 [[xiao3xue2]] /elementary school; primary school/
- 序言 序言 [xu4 yan2] /preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude/
+ 序言 序言 [[xu4yan2]] /preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude/
- 徜徉 徜徉 [chang2 yang2] /to wander about unhurriedly; to linger; to loiter/
+ 徜徉 徜徉 [[chang2yang2]] /to wander about unhurriedly; to linger; to loiter/
- 探測 探测 [tan4 ce4] /to probe; to survey/
+ 探測 探测 [[tan4ce4]] /to probe; to survey/
- 擠入 挤入 [ji3 ru4] /to squeeze in; to force oneself into; to cram into; to intrude/
+ 擠入 挤入 [[ji3ru4]] /to squeeze in; to force oneself into; to cram into; to intrude/
- 攬權 揽权 [lan3 quan2] /to concentrate power in one's own hands/
+ 攬權 揽权 [[lan3quan2]] /to concentrate power in one's own hands/
- 放權 放权 [fang4 quan2] /to devolve authority to lower levels/
+ 放權 放权 [[fang4quan2]] /to devolve authority to lower levels/
- 日航 日航 [Ri4 hang2] /Japan Airlines (JAL) (abbr. for 日本航空[Ri4 ben3 Hang2 kong1])/
+ 日航 日航 [[Ri4hang2]] /Japan Airlines (JAL) (abbr. for 日本航空[Ri4ben3 Hang2kong1])/
- 日本航空 日本航空 [Ri4 ben3 Hang2 kong1] /Japan Airlines (JAL)/
+ 日本航空 日本航空 [[Ri4ben3 Hang2kong1]] /Japan Airlines (JAL)/
- 樣品 样品 [yang4 pin3] /sample; specimen/
+ 樣品 样品 [[yang4pin3]] /sample; specimen/
- 準信 准信 [zhun3 xin4] /definite and reliable information/
+ 準信 准信 [[zhun3xin4]] /definite and reliable information/
- 溫雅 温雅 [wen1 ya3] /gentle; urbane; refined/
+ 溫雅 温雅 [[wen1ya3]] /gentle; urbane; refined/
- 獎狀 奖状 [jiang3 zhuang4] /prize certificate; certificate of merit/
+ 獎狀 奖状 [[jiang3zhuang4]] /prize certificate; certificate of merit/
- 空鐘 空钟 [kong1 zhong5] /diabolo (Chinese yo-yo)/
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Change log entry 82843
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:37:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76412 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下頷 下颔 [xia4 han4] /lower jaw; mandible/
+ 下頷 下颔 [[xia4han4]] /lower jaw; mandible/
- 來到 来到 [lai2 dao4] /to arrive; to come/
+ 來到 来到 [[lai2dao4]] /to arrive; to come/
- 侗族 侗族 [Dong4 zu2] /Kam people, who live mostly in southern China and in the north of Laos and Vietnam/
+ 侗族 侗族 [[Dong4zu2]] /Kam people, who live mostly in southern China and in the north of Laos and Vietnam/
- 受孕 受孕 [shou4 yun4] /to become pregnant; to conceive/
+ 受孕 受孕 [[shou4yun4]] /to become pregnant; to conceive/
- 回來 回来 [hui2 lai5] /to return; to come back/
+ 回來 回来 [[hui2lai5]] /to return; to come back/
- 堵截 堵截 [du3 jie2] /to intercept; to block the passage of; to interdict/
+ 堵截 堵截 [[du3jie2]] /to intercept; to block the passage of; to interdict/
- 壟斷 垄断 [long3 duan4] /to monopolize/
+ 壟斷 垄断 [[long3duan4]] /to monopolize/
- 庶出 庶出 [shu4 chu1] /born of a concubine (rather than of the wife)/
+ 庶出 庶出 [[shu4chu1]] /born of a concubine (rather than of the wife)/
- 欣賞 欣赏 [xin1 shang3] /to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire/
+ 欣賞 欣赏 [[xin1shang3]] /to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire/
- 毒物 毒物 [du2 wu4] /poisonous substance; poison/
+ 毒物 毒物 [[du2wu4]] /poisonous substance; poison/
- 氣功 气功 [qi4 gong1] /qigong, a traditional Chinese system of cultivating vital energy 氣|气[qi4] through coordinated breathing, movement and meditation/
+ 氣功 气功 [[qi4gong1]] /qigong, a traditional Chinese system of cultivating vital energy 氣|气[qi4] through coordinated breathing, movement and meditation/
- 竊密 窃密 [qie4 mi4] /to steal secret information/
+ 竊密 窃密 [[qie4mi4]] /to steal secret information/
- 蒴果 蒴果 [shuo4 guo3] /(botany) capsule/
+ 蒴果 蒴果 [[shuo4guo3]] /(botany) capsule/
- 誤區 误区 [wu4 qu1] /mistaken ideas; misconceptions; the error of one's ways/
+ 誤區 误区 [[wu4qu1]] /mistaken ideas; misconceptions; the error of one's ways/
- 豐碩 丰硕 [feng1 shuo4] /plentiful; substantial; rich (in resources etc)/
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Change log entry 82841
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:26:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76411 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仇殺 仇杀 [chou2 sha1] /to kill in revenge/
+ 仇殺 仇杀 [[chou2sha1]] /to kill in revenge/
- 噴濺 喷溅 [pen1 jian4] /to splash; to splatter/
+ 噴濺 喷溅 [[pen1jian4]] /to splash; to splatter/
- 墜落 坠落 [zhui4 luo4] /to fall; to drop/
+ 墜落 坠落 [[zhui4luo4]] /to fall; to drop/
- 大恭 大恭 [da4 gong1] /(literary) excrement; feces/
+ 大恭 大恭 [[da4gong1]] /(literary) excrement; feces/
- 心律 心律 [xin1 lu:4] /(medicine) heart rhythm/
+ 心律 心律 [[xin1lu:4]] /(medicine) heart rhythm/
- 感到 感到 [gan3 dao4] /to feel; to sense; to perceive/
+ 感到 感到 [[gan3dao4]] /to feel; to sense; to perceive/
- 慘酷 惨酷 [can3 ku4] /(literary) cruel; savage; merciless/
+ 慘酷 惨酷 [[can3ku4]] /(literary) cruel; savage; merciless/
- 懶散 懒散 [lan3 san3] /indolent; negligent; slack/
+ 懶散 懒散 [[lan3san3]] /indolent; negligent; slack/
- 扒開 扒开 [ba1 kai1] /to pry open or apart; to spread (sth) open with both hands/
+ 扒開 扒开 [[ba1kai1]] /to pry open or apart; to spread (sth) open with both hands/
- 擺放 摆放 [bai3 fang4] /to set up; to arrange; to lay out/
+ 擺放 摆放 [[bai3fang4]] /to set up; to arrange; to lay out/
- 暗道 暗道 [an4 dao4] /secret passage; secret tunnel/
+ 暗道 暗道 [[an4dao4]] /secret passage; secret tunnel/
- 末尾 末尾 [mo4 wei3] /end; tip; extremity/
+ 末尾 末尾 [[mo4wei3]] /end; tip; extremity/
- 流食 流食 [liu2 shi2] /(medicine) liquid food/
+ 流食 流食 [[liu2shi2]] /(medicine) liquid food/
- 清兵 清兵 [qing1 bing1] /Qing troops; Manchu soldiers/
+ 清兵 清兵 [[qing1bing1]] /Qing troops; Manchu soldiers/
- 清甜 清甜 [qing1 tian2] /(of flavor, voice etc) clear and sweet/
+ 清甜 清甜 [[qing1tian2]] /(of flavor, voice etc) clear and sweet/
- 灼熱 灼热 [zhuo2 re4] /burning hot; scorching/
+ 灼熱 灼热 [[zhuo2re4]] /burning hot; scorching/
- 畔援 畔援 [pan4 yuan2] /domineering; tyrannical/
+ 畔援 畔援 [[pan4yuan2]] /domineering; tyrannical/
- 發作 发作 [fa1 zuo4] /to flare up; to break out/
+ 發作 发作 [[fa1zuo4]] /to flare up; to break out/
- 發痛 发痛 [fa1 tong4] /to ache; to be sore; to feel painful/
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Change log entry 82840
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:19:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76410 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 三反 三反 [San1 fan3] /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/
+ 三反 三反 [[San1fan3]] /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/
- 亞洲 亚洲 [Ya4 zhou1] /Asia (abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1])/
+ 亞洲 亚洲 [[Ya4zhou1]] /Asia (abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4xi4ya4 Zhou1])/
- 亞細亞洲 亚细亚洲 [Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1] /Asia/abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4 zhou1]/
+ 亞細亞洲 亚细亚洲 [[Ya4xi4ya4 Zhou1]] /Asia (abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4zhou1])/
- 分內 分内 [fen4 nei4] /within one's area of responsibility/
+ 分內 分内 [[fen4nei4]] /within one's area of responsibility/
- 加委 加委 [jia1 wei3] /(of a government authority) to appoint (sb recommended by a subsidiary unit or a non-government organization)/
+ 加委 加委 [[jia1wei3]] /(of a government authority) to appoint (sb recommended by a subsidiary unit or a non-government organization)/
- 台州 台州 [Tai1 zhou1] /Taizhou, prefecture-level city in Zhejiang/
+ 台州 台州 [[Tai1zhou1]] /Taizhou, prefecture-level city in Zhejiang/
- 大力 大力 [da4 li4] /energetically; vigorously/
+ 大力 大力 [[da4li4]] /energetically; vigorously/
- 妥善 妥善 [tuo3 shan4] /appropriate; proper/
+ 妥善 妥善 [[tuo3shan4]] /appropriate; proper/
- 巨型 巨型 [ju4 xing2] /giant; enormous/
+ 巨型 巨型 [[ju4xing2]] /giant; enormous/
- 怨毒 怨毒 [yuan4 du2] /bitter resentment; rancor/
+ 怨毒 怨毒 [[yuan4du2]] /bitter resentment; rancor/
- 悲傷 悲伤 [bei1 shang1] /sad; sorrowful/
+ 悲傷 悲伤 [[bei1shang1]] /sad; sorrowful/
- 慘況 惨况 [can3 kuang4] /tragic situation; dreadful state/
+ 慘況 惨况 [[can3kuang4]] /tragic situation; dreadful state/
- 招錄 招录 [zhao1 lu4] /to recruit/
+ 招錄 招录 [[zhao1lu4]] /to recruit/
- 早場 早场 [zao3 chang3] /morning show (at a theater or cinema); matinee/
+ 早場 早场 [[zao3chang3]] /morning show (at a theater or cinema); matinee/
- 查考 查考 [cha2 kao3] /to examine; to investigate; to try to determine/
+ 查考 查考 [[cha2kao3]] /to examine; to investigate; to try to determine/
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Change log entry 82839
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:11:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76408 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中歐 中欧 [Zhong1 Ou1] /Sino-European/
+ 中歐 中欧 [[Zhong1-Ou1]] /Sino-European/
- 中歐 中欧 [Zhong1 ou1] /Central Europe/
+ 中歐 中欧 [[Zhong1ou1]] /Central Europe/
- 位移 位移 [wei4 yi2] /(geometry) displacement (a vector quantity)/
+ 位移 位移 [[wei4yi2]] /(geometry) displacement (a vector quantity)/
- 喜歡 喜欢 [xi3 huan5] /to like; to be fond of/
+ 喜歡 喜欢 [[xi3huan5]] /to like; to be fond of/
- 套作 套作 [tao4 zuo4] /(agriculture) to interplant/
+ 套作 套作 [[tao4zuo4]] /(agriculture) to interplant/
- 侷促 局促 [ju2 cu4] /cramped/ill at ease/
+ 侷促 局促 [[ju2cu4]] /cramped/ill at ease/
- 局促 局促 [ju2 cu4] /variant of 侷促|局促[ju2 cu4]/
+ 局促 局促 [[ju2cu4]] /variant of 侷促|局促[ju2cu4]/
- 跼促 局促 [ju2 cu4] /variant of 侷促|局促[ju2 cu4]/
+ 跼促 局促 [[ju2cu4]] /variant of 侷促|局促[ju2cu4]/
- 憎惡 憎恶 [zeng1 wu4] /to loathe; to detest; to abhor/
+ 憎惡 憎恶 [[zeng1wu4]] /to loathe; to detest; to abhor/
- 昌明 昌明 [chang1 ming2] /flourishing; thriving/
+ 昌明 昌明 [[chang1ming2]] /flourishing; thriving/
- 水底 水底 [shui3 di3] /the bottom of a body of water/
+ 水底 水底 [[shui3di3]] /the bottom of a body of water/
- 熟記 熟记 [shu2 ji4] /to learn by heart; to memorize/
+ 熟記 熟记 [[shu2ji4]] /to learn by heart; to memorize/
- 理當 理当 [li3 dang1] /should; ought/
+ 理當 理当 [[li3dang1]] /should; ought/
- 精巢 精巢 [jing1 chao2] /(zoology) spermary; (in higher animals) testicle/
+ 精巢 精巢 [[jing1chao2]] /(zoology) spermary; (in higher animals) testicle/
- 紫菜 紫菜 [zi3 cai4] /edible seaweed of genus Porphyra or genus Pyropia, esp. one used to make dried sheets of nori/
+ 紫菜 紫菜 [[zi3cai4]] /edible seaweed of genus Porphyra or genus Pyropia, esp. one used to make dried sheets of nori/
- 維持 维持 [wei2 chi2] /to keep; to maintain; to preserve/
+ 維持 维持 [[wei2chi2]] /to keep; to maintain; to preserve/
- 老去 老去 [lao3 qu4] /to get old/
+ 老去 老去 [[lao3qu4]] /to get old/
- 認為 认为 [ren4 wei2] /to believe; to think; to consider; to feel/
+ 認為 认为 [[ren4wei2]] /to believe; to think; to consider; to feel/
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Change log entry 82838
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 21:00:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76406 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 一併 一并 [yi1 bing4] /to lump together; to treat along with all the others/
+ 一併 一并 [[yi1bing4]] /to lump together; to treat along with all the others/
- 先鞭 先鞭 [xian1 bian1] /to be the first; to lead the way/
+ 先鞭 先鞭 [[xian1bian1]] /to be the first; to lead the way/
- 拂動 拂动 [fu2 dong4] /(of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, clothing etc) sway gently; to ruffle/
+ 拂動 拂动 [[fu2dong4]] /(of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, clothing etc) sway gently; to ruffle/
- 損毀 损毁 [sun3 hui3] /to damage; to wreck; to destroy/
+ 損毀 损毁 [[sun3hui3]] /to damage; to wreck; to destroy/
- 攏火 拢火 [long3 huo3] /to make a fire/
+ 攏火 拢火 [[long3huo3]] /to make a fire/
- 日常 日常 [ri4 chang2] /day-to-day; daily; everyday/
+ 日常 日常 [[ri4chang2]] /day-to-day; daily; everyday/
- 暗裡 暗里 [an4 li5] /privately; secretly; behind closed doors/
+ 暗裡 暗里 [[an4li5]] /privately; secretly; behind closed doors/
- 獲救 获救 [huo4 jiu4] /to rescue; to be rescued/
+ 獲救 获救 [[huo4jiu4]] /to rescue; to be rescued/
- 甚至 甚至 [shen4 zhi4] /even; so much so that/
+ 甚至 甚至 [[shen4zhi4]] /even; so much so that/
- 留作 留作 [liu2 zuo4] /to set aside for; to keep as/
+ 留作 留作 [[liu2zuo4]] /to set aside for; to keep as/
- 社保 社保 [she4 bao3] /social insurance (abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险[she4 hui4 bao3 xian3])/
+ 社保 社保 [[she4bao3]] /social insurance (abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险[she4hui4 bao3xian3])/
- 社會保險 社会保险 [she4 hui4 bao3 xian3] /social security/abbr. to 社保[she4 bao3]/
+ 社會保險 社会保险 [[she4hui4 bao3xian3]] /social security (abbr. to 社保[she4bao3])/
- 缺乏 缺乏 [que1 fa2] /to lack; to be short of/
+ 缺乏 缺乏 [[que1fa2]] /to lack; to be short of/
- 請坐 请坐 [qing3 zuo4] /please, have a seat/
+ 請坐 请坐 [[qing3zuo4]] /please, have a seat/
- 超值 超值 [chao1 zhi2] /to be well worth the money one pays (for it); to be great value/
+ 超值 超值 [[chao1zhi2]] /to be well worth the money one pays (for it); to be great value/
- 進展 进展 [jin4 zhan3] /to make headway; to make progress/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82837
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 20:48:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76404 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 任選 任选 [ren4 xuan3] /to choose freely; to pick whichever one fancies/
+ 任選 任选 [[ren4xuan3]] /to choose freely; to pick whichever one fancies/
- 促退 促退 [cu4 tui4] /to hinder progress/
+ 促退 促退 [[cu4tui4]] /to hinder progress/
- 先前 先前 [xian1 qian2] /before; previously/
+ 先前 先前 [[xian1qian2]] /before; previously/
- 創傷 创伤 [chuang1 shang1] /wound; injury; trauma/
+ 創傷 创伤 [[chuang1shang1]] /wound; injury; trauma/
- 厭棄 厌弃 [yan4 qi4] /to spurn; to reject/
+ 厭棄 厌弃 [[yan4qi4]] /to spurn; to reject/
- 唯一 唯一 [wei2 yi1] /only; sole/
+ 唯一 唯一 [[wei2yi1]] /only; sole/
- 困境 困境 [kun4 jing4] /predicament; plight/
+ 困境 困境 [[kun4jing4]] /predicament; plight/
- 國祚 国祚 [guo2 zuo4] /the period over which a dynasty or nation endures/
+ 國祚 国祚 [[guo2zuo4]] /the period over which a dynasty or nation endures/
- 姻親 姻亲 [yin1 qin1] /relation by marriage; in-laws/
+ 姻親 姻亲 [[yin1qin1]] /relation by marriage; in-laws/
- 旋踵 旋踵 [xuan2 zhong3] /(literary) in an instant (lit. to turn on one's heel)/
+ 旋踵 旋踵 [[xuan2zhong3]] /(literary) in an instant (lit. to turn on one's heel)/
- 活罪 活罪 [huo2 zui4] /bitter sufferings; great hardships/
+ 活罪 活罪 [[huo2zui4]] /bitter sufferings; great hardships/
- 渡假 渡假 [du4 jia4] /(Tw) to go on holidays; to spend one's vacation/
+ 渡假 渡假 [[du4jia4]] /(Tw) to go on holidays; to spend one's vacation/
- 粗暴 粗暴 [cu1 bao4] /crude; crass; rude; rough; harsh/
+ 粗暴 粗暴 [[cu1bao4]] /crude; crass; rude; rough; harsh/
- 美意 美意 [mei3 yi4] /goodwill; kindness/
+ 美意 美意 [[mei3yi4]] /goodwill; kindness/
- 著法 着法 [zhao1 fa3] /move (in chess or martial arts)/
+ 著法 着法 [[zhao1fa3]] /move (in chess or martial arts)/
- 趨勢 趋势 [qu1 shi4] /trend; tendency/
+ 趨勢 趋势 [[qu1shi4]] /trend; tendency/
- 鑿子 凿子 [zao2 zi5] /chisel/
+ 鑿子 凿子 [[zao2zi5]] /chisel/
- 隸屬 隶属 [li4 shu3] /to be subordinate to; to be under the jurisdiction of/
+ 隸屬 隶属 [[li4shu3]] /to be subordinate to; to be under the jurisdiction of/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82835
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 20:31:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76403 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 依循 依循 [yi1 xun2] /to follow; to comply/
+ 依循 依循 [[yi1xun2]] /to follow; to comply/
- 列位 列位 [lie4 wei4] /ladies and gentlemen; all of you present/
+ 列位 列位 [[lie4wei4]] /ladies and gentlemen; all of you present/
- 善感 善感 [shan4 gan3] /sensitive; emotional/
+ 善感 善感 [[shan4gan3]] /sensitive; emotional/
- 威脅 威胁 [wei1 xie2] /to threaten; to menace/
+ 威脅 威胁 [[wei1xie2]] /to threaten; to menace/
- 山林 山林 [shan1 lin2] /wooded mountain; mountain forest/
+ 山林 山林 [[shan1lin2]] /wooded mountain; mountain forest/
- 岩漿 岩浆 [yan2 jiang1] /(geology) magma/
+ 岩漿 岩浆 [[yan2jiang1]] /(geology) magma/
- 徵候 征候 [zheng1 hou4] /sign; indication; symptom/
+ 徵候 征候 [[zheng1hou4]] /sign; indication; symptom/
- 快要 快要 [kuai4 yao4] /nearly at the point of (doing sth); about to (do sth)/
+ 快要 快要 [[kuai4yao4]] /nearly at the point of (doing sth); about to (do sth)/
- 拜會 拜会 [bai4 hui4] /(often used in the context of diplomacy) to meet with; to pay a visit to; to call on/
+ 拜會 拜会 [[bai4hui4]] /(often used in the context of diplomacy) to meet with; to pay a visit to; to call on/
- 探井 探井 [tan4 jing3] /(mining) test pit; exploratory shaft; test well/
+ 探井 探井 [[tan4jing3]] /(mining) test pit; exploratory shaft; test well/
- 掩蔽 掩蔽 [yan3 bi4] /shelter; screen; cover; protection/
+ 掩蔽 掩蔽 [[yan3bi4]] /shelter; screen; cover; protection/
- 暗箭 暗箭 [an4 jian4] /attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in the back/
+ 暗箭 暗箭 [[an4jian4]] /attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in the back/
- 有解 有解 [you3 jie3] /(of a problem, equation etc) to have a solution; to be solvable/
+ 有解 有解 [[you3jie3]] /(of a problem, equation etc) to have a solution; to be solvable/
- 條例 条例 [tiao2 li4] /regulations; rules; code of conduct; ordinances; statutes/
+ 條例 条例 [[tiao2li4]] /regulations; rules; code of conduct; ordinances; statutes/
- 浩大 浩大 [hao4 da4] /vast; huge/
+ 浩大 浩大 [[hao4da4]] /vast; huge/
- 熟悉 熟悉 [shu2 xi1] /to be familiar with; to know well/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82834
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 20:21:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76402 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中獎 中奖 [zhong4 jiang3] /to win a prize (in a lottery etc)/
+ 中獎 中奖 [[zhong4jiang3]] /to win a prize (in a lottery etc)/
- 代行 代行 [dai4 xing2] /to act as a substitute; to act on sb's behalf/
+ 代行 代行 [[dai4xing2]] /to act as a substitute; to act on sb's behalf/
- 便服 便服 [bian4 fu2] /everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes/
+ 便服 便服 [[bian4fu2]] /everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes/
- 兀自 兀自 [wu4 zi4] /(literary) still; yet/
+ 兀自 兀自 [[wu4zi4]] /(literary) still; yet/
- 區塊 区块 [qu1 kuai4] /block; segment; section; sector; area/
+ 區塊 区块 [[qu1kuai4]] /block; segment; section; sector; area/
- 壯陽 壮阳 [zhuang4 yang2] /(TCM) to build up one's kidney yang; to boost male sex drive/
+ 壯陽 壮阳 [[zhuang4yang2]] /(TCM) to build up one's kidney yang; to boost male sex drive/
- 嫡堂 嫡堂 [di2 tang2] /having the same paternal grandfather but different father/
+ 嫡堂 嫡堂 [[di2tang2]] /having the same paternal grandfather but different father/
- 宜人 宜人 [yi2 ren2] /nice; pleasant; charming; hospitable to people/
+ 宜人 宜人 [[yi2ren2]] /nice; pleasant; charming; hospitable to people/
- 年份 年份 [nian2 fen4] /particular year/
+ 年份 年份 [[nian2fen4]] /particular year/
- 彼時 彼时 [bi3 shi2] /at that time/
+ 彼時 彼时 [[bi3shi2]] /at that time/
- 微軟 微软 [Wei1 ruan3] /Microsoft Corporation/
+ 微軟 微软 [[Wei1ruan3]] /Microsoft Corporation/
- 手勢 手势 [shou3 shi4] /gesture; sign; signal/
+ 手勢 手势 [[shou3shi4]] /gesture; sign; signal/
- 打鈴 打铃 [da3 ling2] /to ring a bell/
+ 打鈴 打铃 [[da3ling2]] /to ring a bell/
- 拜訪 拜访 [bai4 fang3] /to pay a visit; to call on/
+ 拜訪 拜访 [[bai4fang3]] /to pay a visit; to call on/
- 有成 有成 [you3 cheng2] /(literary) to achieve success/
+ 有成 有成 [[you3cheng2]] /(literary) to achieve success/
- 某些 某些 [mou3 xie1] /some; certain (things)/
+ 某些 某些 [[mou3xie1]] /some; certain (things)/
- 武威 武威 [Wu3 wei1] /Wuwei, prefecture-level city in Gansu/
+ 武威 武威 [[Wu3wei1]] /Wuwei, prefecture-level city in Gansu/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82832
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 20:08:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76401 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 一壁 一壁 [yi1 bi4] /at the same time; simultaneously; while/
+ 一壁 一壁 [[yi1bi4]] /at the same time; simultaneously; while/
- 世行 世行 [Shi4 hang2] /World Bank (abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2])/
+ 世行 世行 [[Shi4hang2]] /World Bank (abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4jie4 Yin2hang2])/
- 世界銀行 世界银行 [Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2] /World Bank/
+ 世界銀行 世界银行 [[Shi4jie4 Yin2hang2]] /World Bank/
- 先覺 先觉 [xian1 jue2] /person of foresight/
+ 先覺 先觉 [[xian1jue2]] /person of foresight/
- 全等 全等 [quan2 deng3] /(geometry) congruent/
+ 全等 全等 [[quan2deng3]] /(geometry) congruent/
- 北疆 北疆 [Bei3 jiang1] /northern Xinjiang (north of the Tianshan Mountains 天山[Tian1 shan1])/
+ 北疆 北疆 [[Bei3jiang1]] /northern Xinjiang (north of the Tian Shan mountains 天山[Tian1 Shan1])/
- 天山 天山 [Tian1 shan1] /Tianshan, mountain range straddling the border between China and Kyrgyzstan/
+ 天山 天山 [[Tian1 Shan1]] /Tian Shan, mountain range straddling the border between China and Kyrgyzstan/
- 失陪 失陪 [shi1 pei2] /Excuse me, I must be leaving now./
+ 失陪 失陪 [[shi1pei2]] /Excuse me, I must be leaving now./
- 奸商 奸商 [jian1 shang1] /profiteer; crooked merchant/
+ 奸商 奸商 [[jian1shang1]] /profiteer; crooked merchant/
- 山洪 山洪 [shan1 hong2] /deluge caused by torrential water flow off a mountain after heavy rain or snowmelt/
+ 山洪 山洪 [[shan1hong2]] /deluge caused by torrential water flow off a mountain after heavy rain or snowmelt/
- 急驟 急骤 [ji2 zhou4] /rapid/
+ 急驟 急骤 [[ji2zhou4]] /rapid/
- 搶白 抢白 [qiang3 bai2] /to rebuke; to reprimand/
+ 搶白 抢白 [[qiang3bai2]] /to rebuke; to reprimand/
- 施事 施事 [shi1 shi4] /(linguistics) agent; doer/
+ 施事 施事 [[shi1shi4]] /(linguistics) agent; doer/
- 旗瓣 旗瓣 [qi2 ban4] /(botany) vexillum; banner petal; standard petal (of a papilionaceous flower)/
+ 旗瓣 旗瓣 [[qi2ban4]] /(botany) vexillum; banner petal; standard petal (of a papilionaceous flower)/
- 案秤 案秤 [an4 cheng4] /counter scale; bench scale/
+ 案秤 案秤 [[an4cheng4]] /counter scale; bench scale/
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Change log entry 82809
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:33:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76348 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

Chinese security experts and officials are advising people to be more careful about making a "V" gesture while taking a photo, because it may raise security risks by exposing their fingerprints.


+ 剪刀手 剪刀手 [[jian3dao1shou3]] /V sign (hand gesture)/

Change log entry 82808
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:33:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76361 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 低濃縮鈾 低浓缩铀 [di1 nong2 suo1 you2] /low-enriched uranium/
+ 低濃縮鈾 低浓缩铀 [[di1nong2suo1you2]] /low-enriched uranium (LEU)/
- 高濃縮鈾 高浓缩铀 [gao1 nong2 suo1 you2] /highly enriched uranium (HEU)/
+ 高濃縮鈾 高浓缩铀 [[gao1nong2suo1you2]] /highly enriched uranium (HEU)/
- 濃縮鈾 浓缩铀 [nong2 suo1 you2] /enriched uranium/
+ 濃縮鈾 浓缩铀 [[nong2suo1you2]] /enriched uranium/

Change log entry 82807
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:33:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76362 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
the first gloss is not helpful.

not sure about the second one, but I think the correct term will depend on the context.

For example, the following two quotes suggest that the appropriate term for 浓缩机 can be 'enrichment machine' or 'enrichment centrifuge' in the context of nuclear energy.

"In 2010, Iran reported that the Stuxnet computer virus destroyed hundreds of centrifuges used to enrich uranium at the Natanz nuclear enrichment plant"

- 濃縮機 浓缩机 [nong2 suo1 ji1] /a device for concentrating (a liquid)/a condenser/

Change log entry 82806
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:33:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76344 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
> private seal

> hand stamp

pic: https://wisely.pixnet.net/album/photo/129522387-%E6%89%8B%E7%AB%A0




+ 手章 手章 [[shou3zhang1]] /private seal/stamp inked on the back of one's hand (used to prove that one has paid to enter a venue etc)/

Change log entry 82805
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:33:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76363 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 濃縮咖啡 浓缩咖啡 [nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1] /espresso/
+ 濃縮咖啡 浓缩咖啡 [[nong2suo1 ka1fei1]] /espresso/
- 意式濃縮咖啡 意式浓缩咖啡 [Yi4 shi4 nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1] /espresso/Italian-style strong coffee/
- 鈾濃縮 铀浓缩 [you2 nong2 suo1] /uranium enrichment/
+ 鈾濃縮 铀浓缩 [[you2nong2suo1]] /uranium enrichment/

Change log entry 82804
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:32:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76368 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 一刻千金 一刻千金 [yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1] /(idiom) time is gold; every minute is precious/
+ 一刻千金 一刻千金 [[yi1ke4-qian1jin1]] /(idiom) time is gold; every minute is precious/
- 刡 刡 [min3] /to scrape; to pare/
+ 刡 刡 [[min3]] /to scrape; to pare/
- 液冷 液冷 [ye4 leng3] /to liquid-cool/
+ 液冷 液冷 [[ye4leng3]] /to liquid-cool/
- 耗子 耗子 [hao4 zi5] /(dialect) mouse; rat/
+ 耗子 耗子 [[hao4zi5]] /(dialect) mouse; rat/
- 薩哈諾夫人權獎 萨哈诺夫人权奖 [Sa4 ha3 nuo4 fu1 Ren2 quan2 jiang3] /the EU Sakharov prize for human rights/
+ 薩哈諾夫人權獎 萨哈诺夫人权奖 [[Sa4ha3nuo4fu1 Ren2quan2jiang3]] /the EU Sakharov prize for human rights/
- 蛔蟲病 蛔虫病 [hui2 chong2 bing4] /ascariasis, infection caused by the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides/
+ 蛔蟲病 蛔虫病 [[hui2chong2bing4]] /ascariasis, infection caused by the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides/
- 憫 悯 [min3] /to sympathize; to pity; to feel compassion for/(literary) to feel sorrow; to be grieved/
+ 憫 悯 [[min3]] /to sympathize; to pity; to feel compassion for/(literary) to feel sorrow; to be grieved/
- 先發 先发 [xian1 fa1] /to take preemptive action/(sports) to be in the starting lineup/(of a baseball pitcher) to be the starting pitcher/
+ 先發 先发 [[xian1fa1]] /to take preemptive action/(sports) to be in the starting lineup/(of a baseball pitcher) to be the starting pitcher/

Change log entry 82803
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:32:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76376 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

Some examples where it's not literally about fighting enemy troops.





- 置之死地 置之死地 [zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4] /to place sb on field of death/to confront with mortal danger/to give sb no way out/with one's back to the wall/looking death in the eye/part of idiom 置之死地而後生|置之死地而后生/
- 置之死地而後生 置之死地而后生 [zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4 er2 hou4 sheng1] /place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]); to fight desperately when confronting mortal danger/fig. to find a way out of an impasse/
+ 置之死地而後生 置之死地而后生 [[zhi4 zhi1 si3di4 er2hou4 sheng1]] /(idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1zi3 Bing1fa3]) to deploy one's troops in such a way that there is no possibility of retreat, so that they will fight for their lives and win the battle; to fight desperately when confronted with mortal danger; to find a way to deal with a dire situation/

Change log entry 82802
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:32:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76364 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



- 法语歌曲《Les Champs-Élysées》(香榭丽舍大街)被空耳成“瞎贼力贼”、“小姐你坐(闽南语)”
- 《Indian Thriller》中的“Goli mar”则成了“干你妈的”。

Chinese Wiktionary
故意將聽到的話語(尤其是外語)解讀成其他發音相似但意思不同的話,常是為了詼諧目的,比如將日語愛あいしてる (ai shite ru)曲解成「阿姨洗鐵路」等。
+ 空耳 空耳 [[kong1er3]] /to intentionally reinterpret a spoken expression as if one had misheard it, for the sake of humor (often, it is a phrase in a foreign language twisted into a similar-sounding phrase in one's native language with a completely different meaning) (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 空耳 "soramimi")/

Change log entry 82788
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-06 22:05:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76374 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 儲幣 储币 [chu3 bi4] /to deposit money/
+ 儲幣 储币 [[chu3bi4]] /to deposit money/
- 即使 即使 [ji2 shi3] /even if; even though/
+ 即使 即使 [[ji2shi3]] /even if; even though/
- 取締 取缔 [qu3 di4] /to suppress; to crack down on; to prohibit/
+ 取締 取缔 [[qu3di4]] /to suppress; to crack down on; to prohibit/
- 哄誘 哄诱 [hong3 you4] /to coax; to induce/
+ 哄誘 哄诱 [[hong3you4]] /to coax; to induce/
- 喉嚨 喉咙 [hou2 long2] /the throat/
+ 喉嚨 喉咙 [[hou2long2]] /the throat/
- 圓弧 圆弧 [yuan2 hu2] /arc (segment of a circle)/
+ 圓弧 圆弧 [[yuan2hu2]] /arc (segment of a circle)/
- 奪回 夺回 [duo2 hui2] /to take back (forcibly); to recapture; to win back/
+ 奪回 夺回 [[duo2hui2]] /to take back (forcibly); to recapture; to win back/
- 對坐 对坐 [dui4 zuo4] /to sit facing each other/
+ 對坐 对坐 [[dui4zuo4]] /to sit facing each other/
- 尤其 尤其 [you2 qi2] /especially; particularly/
+ 尤其 尤其 [[you2qi2]] /especially; particularly/
- 屏風 屏风 [ping2 feng1] /(furniture) screen/
+ 屏風 屏风 [[ping2feng1]] /(furniture) screen/
- 廝殺 厮杀 [si1 sha1] /to fight at close quarters; to fight tooth and nail/
+ 廝殺 厮杀 [[si1sha1]] /to fight at close quarters; to fight tooth and nail/
- 敗訴 败诉 [bai4 su4] /to lose a lawsuit/
+ 敗訴 败诉 [[bai4su4]] /to lose a lawsuit/
- 數學 数学 [shu4 xue2] /mathematics/
+ 數學 数学 [[shu4xue2]] /mathematics/
- 文詞 文词 [wen2 ci2] /variant of 文辭|文辞[wen2 ci2]/
+ 文詞 文词 [[wen2ci2]] /variant of 文辭|文辞[wen2ci2]/
- 新秀 新秀 [xin1 xiu4] /rising star; new talent/
+ 新秀 新秀 [[xin1xiu4]] /rising star; new talent/
- 清瑩 清莹 [qing1 ying2] /limpid; glistening/
+ 清瑩 清莹 [[qing1ying2]] /limpid; glistening/
- 狐蝠 狐蝠 [hu2 fu2] /flying fox; fruit bat (genus Pteropus)/
+ 狐蝠 狐蝠 [[hu2fu2]] /flying fox; fruit bat (genus Pteropus)/
- 稀爛 稀烂 [xi1 lan4] /smashed up; broken into pieces; thoroughly mashed; pulpy/
+ 稀爛 稀烂 [[xi1lan4]] /smashed up; broken into pieces; thoroughly mashed; pulpy/
- 穩獲 稳获 [wen3 huo4] /a sure catch; sth one is sure to obtain/
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Change log entry 82787
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-06 22:02:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76375 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 厮 厮 [si1] /variant of 廝|厮[si1]/
+ 厮 厮 [[si1]] /variant of 廝|厮[si1]/
- 廝 厮 [si1] /(bound form) together; each other/(bound form) male servant/(bound form) dude; so-and-so (used in 那廝|那厮[na4 si1] and 這廝|这厮[zhe4 si1])/
+ 廝 厮 [[si1]] /(bound form) together; each other/(bound form) male servant/(bound form) dude; so-and-so (used in 那廝|那厮[na4 si1] and 這廝|这厮[zhe4 si1])/

Change log entry 82772
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-05 22:19:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76360 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中魔 中魔 [zhong4 mo2] /to be possessed; to be bewitched/
+ 中魔 中魔 [[zhong4mo2]] /to be possessed; to be bewitched/
- 傳熱 传热 [chuan2 re4] /to transmit heat/
+ 傳熱 传热 [[chuan2re4]] /to transmit heat/
- 儉約 俭约 [jian3 yue1] /frugal; economical; thrifty/
+ 儉約 俭约 [[jian3yue1]] /frugal; economical; thrifty/
- 儉腹 俭腹 [jian3 fu4] /lacking in knowledge; ignorant/
+ 儉腹 俭腹 [[jian3fu4]] /lacking in knowledge; ignorant/
- 具有 具有 [ju4 you3] /to have; to possess/
+ 具有 具有 [[ju4you3]] /to have; to possess/
- 引薦 引荐 [yin3 jian4] /to recommend sb; to give a referral/
+ 引薦 引荐 [[yin3jian4]] /to recommend sb; to give a referral/
- 情誼 情谊 [qing2 yi4] /friendship; camaraderie/
+ 情誼 情谊 [[qing2yi4]] /friendship; camaraderie/
- 攀援 攀援 [pan1 yuan2] /to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (plant)/
+ 攀援 攀援 [[pan1yuan2]] /to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (plant)/
- 淚滴 泪滴 [lei4 di1] /teardrop/
+ 淚滴 泪滴 [[lei4di1]] /teardrop/
- 興會 兴会 [xing4 hui4] /sudden inspiration; flash of insight; brainwave/
+ 興會 兴会 [[xing4hui4]] /sudden inspiration; flash of insight; brainwave/
- 著火 着火 [zhao2 huo3] /to catch fire/
+ 著火 着火 [[zhao2huo3]] /to catch fire/
- 解說 解说 [jie3 shuo1] /to explain (verbally); to give a running commentary/
+ 解說 解说 [[jie3shuo1]] /to explain (verbally); to give a running commentary/
- 訂明 订明 [ding4 ming2] /to stipulate; to state expressly/
+ 訂明 订明 [[ding4ming2]] /to stipulate; to state expressly/
- 退換 退换 [tui4 huan4] /to exchange (a purchased item)/
+ 退換 退换 [[tui4huan4]] /to exchange (a purchased item)/
- 雨披 雨披 [yu3 pi1] /rain poncho; rain cape/
+ 雨披 雨披 [[yu3pi1]] /rain poncho; rain cape/
- 順眼 顺眼 [shun4 yan3] /pleasing to the eye; nice to look at/
+ 順眼 顺眼 [[shun4yan3]] /pleasing to the eye; nice to look at/
- 領域 领域 [ling3 yu4] /domain; sphere; field; territory; area/
+ 領域 领域 [[ling3yu4]] /domain; sphere; field; territory; area/
- 飽和 饱和 [bao3 he2] /saturated; filled to capacity/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82763
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-05 02:23:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76346 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 受益人 受益人 [shou4 yi4 ren2] /beneficiary/
+ 受益人 受益人 [[shou4yi4ren2]] /beneficiary/
- 輪盤賭 轮盘赌 [lun2 pan2 du3] /roulette/
+ 輪盤賭 轮盘赌 [[lun2pan2du3]] /roulette/
- 連軸轉 连轴转 [lian2 zhou2 zhuan4] /(idiom) to work non-stop; to work around the clock/
+ 連軸轉 连轴转 [[lian2zhou2zhuan4]] /(idiom) to work non-stop; to work around the clock/
- 對不起 对不起 [dui4 bu5 qi3] /I'm sorry; excuse me; I beg your pardon/to let (sb) down; to disappoint/
+ 對不起 对不起 [[dui4bu5qi3]] /I'm sorry; excuse me; I beg your pardon/to let (sb) down; to disappoint/
- 洗衣板 洗衣板 [xi3 yi1 ban3] /washboard/(jocular) flat chest/
+ 洗衣板 洗衣板 [[xi3yi1ban3]] /washboard/(jocular) flat chest/

Change log entry 82761
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-05 01:58:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76345 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 並且 并且 [bing4 qie3] /and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition/
+ 並且 并且 [[bing4qie3]] /and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition/
- 付出 付出 [fu4 chu1] /to pay; to expend; to invest (energy or time)/
+ 付出 付出 [[fu4chu1]] /to pay; to expend; to invest (energy or time)/
- 俗世 俗世 [su2 shi4] /the mundane world; the world of mortals/
+ 俗世 俗世 [[su2shi4]] /the mundane world; the world of mortals/
- 優化 优化 [you1 hua4] /to optimize/
+ 優化 优化 [[you1hua4]] /to optimize/
- 先哲 先哲 [xian1 zhe2] /the wise and learned individuals of the past/
+ 先哲 先哲 [[xian1zhe2]] /the wise and learned individuals of the past/
- 先決 先决 [xian1 jue2] /prerequisite; necessary/
+ 先決 先决 [[xian1jue2]] /prerequisite; necessary/
- 內陸 内陆 [nei4 lu4] /inland; interior/
+ 內陸 内陆 [[nei4lu4]] /inland; interior/
- 出醜 出丑 [chu1 chou3] /to make a fool of oneself/
+ 出醜 出丑 [[chu1chou3]] /to make a fool of oneself/
- 吃草 吃草 [chi1 cao3] /to graze; to eat grass/
+ 吃草 吃草 [[chi1cao3]] /to graze; to eat grass/
- 奠基 奠基 [dian4 ji1] /to lay a foundation/
+ 奠基 奠基 [[dian4ji1]] /to lay a foundation/
- 定理 定理 [ding4 li3] /theorem/
+ 定理 定理 [[ding4li3]] /theorem/
- 小跑 小跑 [xiao3 pao3] /to trot; to jog/
+ 小跑 小跑 [[xiao3pao3]] /to trot; to jog/
- 心硬 心硬 [xin1 ying4] /hard-hearted; unfeeling; callous/
+ 心硬 心硬 [[xin1ying4]] /hard-hearted; unfeeling; callous/
- 拔萃 拔萃 [ba2 cui4] /to distinguish oneself; to be of outstanding talent/
+ 拔萃 拔萃 [[ba2cui4]] /to distinguish oneself; to be of outstanding talent/
- 撇開 撇开 [pie1 kai1] /to disregard; to leave aside/
+ 撇開 撇开 [[pie1kai1]] /to disregard; to leave aside/
- 早期 早期 [zao3 qi1] /early period; early phase; early stage/
+ 早期 早期 [[zao3qi1]] /early period; early phase; early stage/
- 易手 易手 [yi4 shou3] /to change hands/
+ 易手 易手 [[yi4shou3]] /to change hands/
- 灑脫 洒脱 [sa3 tuo1] /free and at ease; natural; unconstrained/
+ 灑脫 洒脱 [[sa3tuo5]] /free and at ease; natural; unconstrained/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82737
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76323 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp says the Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula:
獵戶座大星雲(M42,NGC 1976)是一個位於銀河系的瀰漫星雲

This site says it's a "亮星云".
猎户座大星云(Orion nebula),位于猎户座的一个亮星云。

So it looks like 亮星云 means "diffuse nebula".

And Baike corroborates:
- 亮星雲 亮星云 [liang4 xing1 yun2] /emission nebula/
+ 亮星雲 亮星云 [[liang4xing1yun2]] /diffuse nebula/

Change log entry 82736
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76322 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 礁湖星雲 礁湖星云 [Jiao1 hu2 xing1 yun2] /Lagoon Nebula M8/
+ 礁湖星雲 礁湖星云 [[Jiao1hu2 Xing1yun2]] /Lagoon Nebula, M8/
- 老鷹星雲 老鹰星云 [Lao3 ying1 xing1 yun2] /Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16/
+ 老鷹星雲 老鹰星云 [[Lao3ying1 Xing1yun2]] /Eagle Nebula, aka Star Queen Nebula, M16/

Change log entry 82735
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76313 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 黑天半夜也不好行走,不如咱們這就回吧,待明日再進山尋找。
- 刚开始,他也没当回事,黑天半夜,村外狼嚎,村里狗叫,没什么稀奇。
- 黑天半夜站立在矿区,一定会毛骨悚然。
- “那怎么行?您一个大美女,黑天半夜钻胡同,万一遇到坏蛋......”
- 黑天半夜 黑天半夜 [hei1 tian1 ban4 ye4] /lit. the black sky of midnight/very late at night (idiom)/
+ 黑天半夜 黑天半夜 [[hei1tian1-ban4ye4]] /in the middle of the night/

Change log entry 82734
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76237 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp ~ 芳香療法(英語:Aromatherapy),簡稱芳療,

Aromatherapist Yang Han-yun attentively serves her some rose tea with a side of chitchat.

Grace chooses her first aromatherapy course.

Many of the people who undergo aromatherapy here come weighed down with stress or wounded hearts.

In the treatment room, the fragrances seduce, the music soothes,
+ 芳療 芳疗 [[fang1liao2]] /aromatherapy (abbr. for 芳香療法|芳香疗法[fang1xiang1 liao2fa3])/

Change log entry 82733
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-04 09:42:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76329 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不備 不备 [bu4 bei4] /unprepared; off guard/
+ 不備 不备 [[bu4bei4]] /unprepared; off guard/
- 人師 人师 [ren2 shi1] /mentor; role model/
+ 人師 人师 [[ren2shi1]] /mentor; role model/
- 囤貨 囤货 [tun2 huo4] /to stock up; to stockpile/
+ 囤貨 囤货 [[tun2huo4]] /to stock up; to stockpile/
- 天水 天水 [Tian1 shui3] /Tianshui, prefecture-level city in Gansu/
+ 天水 天水 [[Tian1shui3]] /Tianshui, prefecture-level city in Gansu/
- 平反 平反 [ping2 fan3] /to redress (an injustice); to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sullied)/
+ 平反 平反 [[ping2fan3]] /to redress (an injustice); to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sullied)/
- 廉價 廉价 [lian2 jia4] /cheaply-priced; low-cost/
+ 廉價 廉价 [[lian2jia4]] /cheaply-priced; low-cost/
- 循序 循序 [xun2 xu4] /in proper sequence/
+ 循序 循序 [[xun2xu4]] /in proper sequence/
- 懸殊 悬殊 [xuan2 shu1] /vastly different; poles apart/
+ 懸殊 悬殊 [[xuan2shu1]] /vastly different; poles apart/
- 批准 批准 [pi1 zhun3] /to approve; to ratify/
+ 批准 批准 [[pi1zhun3]] /to approve; to ratify/
- 抹零 抹零 [mo3 ling2] /(of a seller) to round down the fractional part of a bill/
+ 抹零 抹零 [[mo3ling2]] /(of a seller) to round down the fractional part of a bill/
- 擬具 拟具 [ni3 ju4] /to draft; to devise; to compose/
+ 擬具 拟具 [[ni3ju4]] /to draft; to devise; to compose/
- 明教 明教 [Ming2 jiao4] /Manichaeism/
+ 明教 明教 [[Ming2jiao4]] /Manichaeism/
- 板車 板车 [ban3 che1] /handcart; flatbed cart; flatbed tricycle/
+ 板車 板车 [[ban3che1]] /handcart; flatbed cart; flatbed tricycle/
- 污跡 污迹 [wu1 ji4] /blotch; stain/
+ 污跡 污迹 [[wu1ji4]] /blotch; stain/
- 波霎 波霎 [bo1 sha4] /(astronomy) pulsar/
+ 波霎 波霎 [[bo1sha4]] /(astronomy) pulsar/
- 潰敵 溃敌 [kui4 di2] /to rout the enemy/
+ 潰敵 溃敌 [[kui4di2]] /to rout the enemy/
- 狗窩 狗窝 [gou3 wo1] /doghouse; kennel/
+ 狗窩 狗窝 [[gou3wo1]] /doghouse; kennel/
- 玩物 玩物 [wan2 wu4] /toy; plaything/
+ 玩物 玩物 [[wan2wu4]] /toy; plaything/
- 相向 相向 [xiang1 xiang4] /facing one another; face-to-face/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82721
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-04 02:47:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76319 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 奧運 奥运 [Ao4 yun4] /Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会[Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 Yun4 dong4 hui4])/
+ 奧運 奥运 [[Ao4yun4]] /Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会[Ao4lin2pi3ke4 Yun4dong4hui4])/
- 下弦 下弦 [xia4 xian2] /last quarter, aka third quarter (phase of the moon)/
+ 下弦 下弦 [[xia4xian2]] /last quarter, aka third quarter (phase of the moon)/
- 不朽 不朽 [bu4 xiu3] /to last forever; eternal; enduring/
+ 不朽 不朽 [[bu4xiu3]] /to last forever; eternal; enduring/
- 合作 合作 [he2 zuo4] /to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together/
+ 合作 合作 [[he2zuo4]] /to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together/
- 回贈 回赠 [hui2 zeng4] /to give sb (a gift) in return/
+ 回贈 回赠 [[hui2zeng4]] /to give sb (a gift) in return/
- 憎惡 憎恶 [zeng1 e4] /to hate evil/
+ 憎惡 憎恶 [[zeng1e4]] /to hate evil/
- 打攪 打搅 [da3 jiao3] /to disturb; to trouble; to bother/
+ 打攪 打搅 [[da3jiao3]] /to disturb; to trouble; to bother/
- 日系 日系 [ri4 xi4] /(attributive) of Japanese origin/
+ 日系 日系 [[ri4xi4]] /(attributive) of Japanese origin/
- 水銀 水银 [shui3 yin2] /mercury; quicksilver/
+ 水銀 水银 [[shui3yin2]] /mercury; quicksilver/
- 珠峰 珠峰 [Zhu1 feng1] /Mount Everest (abbr. for 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰[Zhu1 mu4 lang3 ma3 Feng1])/
+ 珠峰 珠峰 [[Zhu1feng1]] /Mount Everest (abbr. for 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰[Zhu1mu4lang3ma3 Feng1])/
- 瞬間 瞬间 [shun4 jian1] /in an instant; in a flash/
+ 瞬間 瞬间 [[shun4jian1]] /in an instant; in a flash/
- 笞撻 笞挞 [chi1 ta4] /to flog; to whip/
+ 笞撻 笞挞 [[chi1ta4]] /to flog; to whip/
- 輪換 轮换 [lun2 huan4] /to rotate; to take turns/
+ 輪換 轮换 [[lun2huan4]] /to rotate; to take turns/
- 領主 领主 [ling3 zhu3] /feudal lord; suzerain; overlord/
+ 領主 领主 [[ling3zhu3]] /feudal lord; suzerain; overlord/
- 騷貨 骚货 [sao1 huo4] /loose woman; slut/
+ 騷貨 骚货 [[sao1huo4]] /loose woman; slut/
- 卸裝 卸装 [xie4 zhuang1] /(of an actor) to remove makeup and costume/(computing) to uninstall; to unmount/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82713
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76241 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


+ 心傷 心伤 [[xin1shang1]] /broken-hearted/

Change log entry 82712
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76261 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 煥 焕 [huan4] /brilliant/lustrous/
+ 煥 焕 [[huan4]] /(bound form) shining; glowing; lustrous/
- 烉 烉 [huan4] /old variant of 煥|焕[huan4]/
+ 烉 烉 [[huan4]] /old variant of 煥|焕[huan4]/

Change log entry 82711
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76277 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 攙 搀 [chan1] /to take by the arm and assist/to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/
+ 攙 搀 [[chan1]] /to take by the arm and assist/to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate/
- 摻 掺 [chan1] /variant of 攙|搀[chan1]/to mix/
+ 摻 掺 [[chan1]] /to mix (variant of 攙|搀[chan1])/

Change log entry 82710
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76304 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think
- this is a construct, and not a common one either.
- "emergency risk" is probably not a good definition anyway.

"emergency risk" means "potential to be dangerous (at some time in the *future*)", whereas I think 紧急危害 means "to put (sb) in critical danger" in usage such as
- 緊急危害 紧急危害 [jin3 ji2 wei1 hai4] /emergency risk/

Change log entry 82709
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76305 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 嚴重危害 严重危害 [yan2 zhong4 wei1 hai4] /severe harm/critical danger/

Change log entry 82699
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-02 20:16:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76302 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 個個 个个 [ge4 ge4] /each one individually; each and every/
+ 個個 个个 [[ge4ge4]] /each one individually; each and every/
- 停刊 停刊 [ting2 kan1] /(of a newspaper, magazine etc) to stop publishing/
+ 停刊 停刊 [[ting2kan1]] /(of a newspaper, magazine etc) to stop publishing/
- 先聲 先声 [xian1 sheng1] /herald; precursor; harbinger/
+ 先聲 先声 [[xian1sheng1]] /herald; precursor; harbinger/
- 光溜 光溜 [guang1 liu1] /smooth; slippery/
+ 光溜 光溜 [[guang1liu5]] /smooth; slippery/
- 冰櫃 冰柜 [bing1 gui4] /freezer/
+ 冰櫃 冰柜 [[bing1gui4]] /freezer/
- 口角 口角 [kou3 jue2] /altercation; wrangle; angry argument/
+ 口角 口角 [[kou3jue2]] /altercation; wrangle; angry argument/
- 囚犯 囚犯 [qiu2 fan4] /prisoner; convict/
+ 囚犯 囚犯 [[qiu2fan4]] /prisoner; convict/
- 圓滿 圆满 [yuan2 man3] /satisfactory; consummate; perfect/
+ 圓滿 圆满 [[yuan2man3]] /satisfactory; consummate; perfect/
- 山奈 山奈 [shan1 nai4] /(loanword) cyanide/
+ 山奈 山奈 [[shan1nai4]] /(loanword) cyanide/
- 慳儉 悭俭 [qian1 jian3] /miserly; stingy/
+ 慳儉 悭俭 [[qian1jian3]] /miserly; stingy/
- 斷電 断电 [duan4 dian4] /to experience a power outage; to have a power failure/
+ 斷電 断电 [[duan4dian4]] /to experience a power outage; to have a power failure/
- 港灣 港湾 [gang3 wan1] /bay serving as a harbor/
+ 港灣 港湾 [[gang3wan1]] /bay serving as a harbor/
- 盡數 尽数 [jin4 shu4] /in its entirety; all of it; all of them/
+ 盡數 尽数 [[jin4shu4]] /in its entirety; all of it; all of them/
- 直飛 直飞 [zhi2 fei1] /to fly non-stop; to fly direct (to ...)/
+ 直飛 直飞 [[zhi2fei1]] /to fly non-stop; to fly direct (to ...)/
- 矸子 矸子 [gan1 zi5] /see 矸石[gan1 shi2]/
+ 矸子 矸子 [[gan1zi5]] /see 矸石[gan1shi2]/
- 矸石 矸石 [gan1 shi2] /(mining) gangue/
+ 矸石 矸石 [[gan1shi2]] /(mining) gangue/
- 秉賦 秉赋 [bing3 fu4] /variant of 稟賦|禀赋[bing3 fu4]/
+ 秉賦 秉赋 [[bing3fu4]] /variant of 稟賦|禀赋[bing3fu4]/
- 稟賦 禀赋 [bing3 fu4] /natural endowment; gift; talent/
+ 稟賦 禀赋 [[bing3fu4]] /natural endowment; gift; talent/
- 精美 精美 [jing1 mei3] /exquisite; elegant; fine/
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Change log entry 82697
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-02 10:00:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76286 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 先例 先例 [xian1 li4] /precedent/
+ 先例 先例 [[xian1li4]] /precedent/
- 入選 入选 [ru4 xuan3] /to be included among those selected for/
+ 入選 入选 [[ru4xuan3]] /to be included among those selected for/
- 制勝 制胜 [zhi4 sheng4] /to win; to prevail; to come out on top/
+ 制勝 制胜 [[zhi4sheng4]] /to win; to prevail; to come out on top/
- 剖解 剖解 [pou1 jie3] /to analyze/
+ 剖解 剖解 [[pou1jie3]] /to analyze/
- 只得 只得 [zhi3 de2] /to have no alternative but to; to be obliged to/
+ 只得 只得 [[zhi3de2]] /to have no alternative but to; to be obliged to/
- 咳血 咳血 [ke2 xie3] /to cough up blood/
+ 咳血 咳血 [[ke2xie3]] /to cough up blood/
- 塌方 塌方 [ta1 fang1] /to cave in; to collapse; to have a landslide/
+ 塌方 塌方 [[ta1fang1]] /to cave in; to collapse; to have a landslide/
- 彩聲 彩声 [cai3 sheng1] /applause; cheering/
+ 彩聲 彩声 [[cai3sheng1]] /applause; cheering/
- 心想 心想 [xin1 xiang3] /to think to oneself; to think/
+ 心想 心想 [[xin1xiang3]] /to think to oneself; to think/
- 持槍 持枪 [chi2 qiang1] /to carry a gun/
+ 持槍 持枪 [[chi2qiang1]] /to carry a gun/
- 探礦 探矿 [tan4 kuang4] /to prospect; to dig for coal or minerals/
+ 探礦 探矿 [[tan4kuang4]] /to prospect; to dig for coal or minerals/
- 撫弄 抚弄 [fu3 nong4] /to fondle; to caress; to stroke/
+ 撫弄 抚弄 [[fu3nong4]] /to fondle; to caress; to stroke/
- 沙啞 沙哑 [sha1 ya3] /hoarse; husky; raspy/
+ 沙啞 沙哑 [[sha1ya3]] /hoarse; husky; raspy/
- 海陸 海陆 [hai3 lu4] /sea and land/
+ 海陸 海陆 [[hai3lu4]] /sea and land/
- 濱江 滨江 [bin1 jiang1] /along the bank of a river; riverside/
+ 濱江 滨江 [[bin1jiang1]] /along the bank of a river; riverside/
- 留心 留心 [liu2 xin1] /to be careful; to pay attention to/
+ 留心 留心 [[liu2xin1]] /to be careful; to pay attention to/
- 碎片 碎片 [sui4 pian4] /chip; fragment; splinter; tatter/
+ 碎片 碎片 [[sui4pian4]] /chip; fragment; splinter; tatter/
- 私利 私利 [si1 li4] /personal gain; (one's own) selfish interest/
+ 私利 私利 [[si1li4]] /personal gain; (one's own) selfish interest/
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Change log entry 82695
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-02 09:26:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76284 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仔雞 仔鸡 [zi3 ji1] /chick; baby chicken/
+ 仔雞 仔鸡 [[zi3ji1]] /chick; baby chicken/
- 偏頗 偏颇 [pian1 po1] /biased; partial/
+ 偏頗 偏颇 [[pian1po1]] /biased; partial/
- 到達 到达 [dao4 da2] /to reach; to arrive/
+ 到達 到达 [[dao4da2]] /to reach; to arrive/
- 及早 及早 [ji2 zao3] /at the earliest possible time; as soon as possible/
+ 及早 及早 [[ji2zao3]] /at the earliest possible time; as soon as possible/
- 命大 命大 [ming4 da4] /lucky (to have escaped death or serious injury)/
+ 命大 命大 [[ming4da4]] /lucky (to have escaped death or serious injury)/
- 圈套 圈套 [quan1 tao4] /trap; snare; trick/
+ 圈套 圈套 [[quan1tao4]] /trap; snare; trick/
- 套鞋 套鞋 [tao4 xie2] /overshoes; galoshes/
+ 套鞋 套鞋 [[tao4xie2]] /overshoes; galoshes/
- 岩溶 岩溶 [yan2 rong2] /(geology) karst/
+ 岩溶 岩溶 [[yan2rong2]] /(geology) karst/
- 替換 替换 [ti4 huan4] /to exchange; to replace; to substitute for; to switch/
+ 替換 替换 [[ti4huan4]] /to exchange; to replace; to substitute for; to switch/
- 期冀 期冀 [qi1 ji4] /(literary) to hope for; to wish/
+ 期冀 期冀 [[qi1ji4]] /(literary) to hope for; to wish/
- 正室 正室 [zheng4 shi4] /primary wife (in contrast to concubine); legal wife/
+ 正室 正室 [[zheng4shi4]] /primary wife (in contrast to concubine); legal wife/
- 滴瓶 滴瓶 [di1 ping2] /(chemistry) dropping bottle/
+ 滴瓶 滴瓶 [[di1ping2]] /(chemistry) dropping bottle/
- 甩乾 甩干 [shuai3 gan1] /to remove excess moisture by spinning; to put (clothes) through the spin cycle; to spin-dry/
+ 甩乾 甩干 [[shuai3gan1]] /to remove excess moisture by spinning; to put (clothes) through the spin cycle; to spin-dry/
- 百萬 百万 [bai3 wan4] /million/
+ 百萬 百万 [[bai3wan4]] /million/
- 看似 看似 [kan4 si4] /to look as if; to seem/
+ 看似 看似 [[kan4si4]] /to look as if; to seem/
- 翱翔 翱翔 [ao2 xiang2] /to soar; to wheel about in the sky/
+ 翱翔 翱翔 [[ao2xiang2]] /to soar; to wheel about in the sky/
- 血汗 血汗 [xue4 han4] /(fig.) sweat and toil; hard work/
+ 血汗 血汗 [[xue4han4]] /(fig.) sweat and toil; hard work/
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Change log entry 82673
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-01 09:25:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76269 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中肯 中肯 [zhong4 ken3] /pertinent; apropos/
+ 中肯 中肯 [[zhong4ken3]] /pertinent; apropos/
- 伸長 伸长 [shen1 chang2] /to stretch; to extend/
+ 伸長 伸长 [[shen1chang2]] /to stretch; to extend/
- 劇毒 剧毒 [ju4 du2] /highly toxic; extremely poisonous/
+ 劇毒 剧毒 [[ju4du2]] /highly toxic; extremely poisonous/
- 力量 力量 [li4 liang5] /power; force; strength/
+ 力量 力量 [[li4liang5]] /power; force; strength/
- 坐實 坐实 [zuo4 shi2] /to serve as evidence of (an accusation etc); to reinforce (a perception); to bear out; to substantiate/
+ 坐實 坐实 [[zuo4shi2]] /to serve as evidence for (an accusation etc); to reinforce (a perception); to bear out; to substantiate/
- 對於 对于 [dui4 yu2] /regarding; as far as (sth) is concerned; with regard to/
+ 對於 对于 [[dui4yu2]] /regarding; as far as (sth) is concerned; with regard to/
- 小酌 小酌 [xiao3 zhuo2] /to have a few (alcoholic) drinks (often implying a small party)/
+ 小酌 小酌 [[xiao3zhuo2]] /to have a few (alcoholic) drinks (often implying a small party)/
- 就算 就算 [jiu4 suan4] /(coll.) even if/
+ 就算 就算 [[jiu4suan4]] /(coll.) even if/
- 弧形 弧形 [hu2 xing2] /curve; arc/
+ 弧形 弧形 [[hu2xing2]] /curve; arc/
- 慢速 慢速 [man4 su4] /slow; low-speed/
+ 慢速 慢速 [[man4su4]] /slow; low-speed/
- 技校 技校 [ji4 xiao4] /vocational high school (abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[ji4 gong1 xue2 xiao4] or abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校[ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4])/
+ 技校 技校 [[ji4xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[ji4gong1 xue2xiao4] or abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校[ji4shu4 xue2xiao4])/
- 技工學校 技工学校 [ji4 gong1 xue2 xiao4] /vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[ji4 xiao4]/
+ 技工學校 技工学校 [[ji4gong1 xue2xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[ji4xiao4])/
- 技術學校 技术学校 [ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4] /vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[ji4 xiao4]/
+ 技術學校 技术学校 [[ji4shu4 xue2xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[ji4xiao4])/
- 整建 整建 [zheng3 jian4] /to restore a damaged or aging structure; to renovate/
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Change log entry 82664
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-01 05:59:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76267 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 似乎 似乎 [si4 hu1] /it seems; seemingly; as if/
+ 似乎 似乎 [[si4hu1]] /it seems; seemingly; as if/
- 佳績 佳绩 [jia1 ji4] /good result; success/
+ 佳績 佳绩 [[jia1ji4]] /good result; success/
- 促聲 促声 [cu4 sheng1] /entering tone (synonym of 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1])/
+ 促聲 促声 [[cu4sheng1]] /entering tone (synonym of 入聲|入声[ru4sheng1])/
- 宣揚 宣扬 [xuan1 yang2] /to publicize; to advertise; to spread far and wide/
+ 宣揚 宣扬 [[xuan1yang2]] /to publicize; to advertise; to spread far and wide/
- 審議 审议 [shen3 yi4] /(of a committee etc) to deliberate; to consider; to discuss/
+ 審議 审议 [[shen3yi4]] /(of a committee etc) to deliberate; to consider; to discuss/
- 怨嘆 怨叹 [yuan4 tan4] /to complain; to grumble/
+ 怨嘆 怨叹 [[yuan4tan4]] /to complain; to grumble/
- 搓揉 搓揉 [cuo1 rou2] /to knead; to rub/
+ 搓揉 搓揉 [[cuo1rou2]] /to knead; to rub/
- 放債 放债 [fang4 zhai4] /to lend money (for interest); to give credit/
+ 放債 放债 [[fang4zhai4]] /to lend money (for interest); to give credit/
- 放棄 放弃 [fang4 qi4] /to renounce; to abandon; to give up/
+ 放棄 放弃 [[fang4qi4]] /to renounce; to abandon; to give up/
- 毛邊 毛边 [mao2 bian1] /(textiles, papermaking etc) raw edge; rough edge/
+ 毛邊 毛边 [[mao2bian1]] /(textiles, papermaking etc) raw edge; rough edge/
- 耿直 耿直 [geng3 zhi2] /honest; frank; candid/
+ 耿直 耿直 [[geng3zhi2]] /honest; frank; candid/
- 藉由 借由 [jie4 you2] /by means of; through; by/
+ 藉由 借由 [[jie4you2]] /by means of; through; by/
- 集錦 集锦 [ji2 jin3] /a collection of choice items (poems, photos etc)/
+ 集錦 集锦 [[ji2jin3]] /a collection of choice items (poems, photos etc)/
- 齊唱 齐唱 [qi2 chang4] /to sing in unison/
+ 齊唱 齐唱 [[qi2chang4]] /to sing in unison/
- 儲備 储备 [chu3 bei4] /to store up/reserves/
+ 儲備 储备 [[chu3bei4]] /to store up/reserves/
- 共鳴 共鸣 [gong4 ming2] /(physics) to resonate; resonance/sympathetic response/
+ 共鳴 共鸣 [[gong4ming2]] /(physics) to resonate; resonance/sympathetic response/
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Change log entry 82663
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-01 05:44:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76266 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不要 不要 [bu4 yao4] /don't!; must not/
+ 不要 不要 [[bu4yao4]] /don't!; must not/
- 中彩 中彩 [zhong4 cai3] /to win a prize at a lottery/
+ 中彩 中彩 [[zhong4cai3]] /to win a prize at a lottery/
- 乾屍 干尸 [gan1 shi1] /a mummy/
+ 乾屍 干尸 [[gan1shi1]] /a mummy/
- 俊雅 俊雅 [jun4 ya3] /(literary) elegant; graceful; refined/
+ 俊雅 俊雅 [[jun4ya3]] /(literary) elegant; graceful; refined/
- 儉學 俭学 [jian3 xue2] /to be frugal so that one can pay for one's education/
+ 儉學 俭学 [[jian3xue2]] /to be frugal so that one can pay for one's education/
- 共時 共时 [gong4 shi2] /synchronic; concurrent/
+ 共時 共时 [[gong4shi2]] /synchronic; concurrent/
- 姑父 姑父 [gu1 fu5] /father's sister's husband; husband of paternal aunt; uncle/
+ 姑父 姑父 [[gu1fu5]] /father's sister's husband; husband of paternal aunt; uncle/
- 弧菌 弧菌 [hu2 jun1] /(biology) vibrio/
+ 弧菌 弧菌 [[hu2jun1]] /(biology) vibrio/
- 手卷 手卷 [shou3 juan4] /hand scroll/
+ 手卷 手卷 [[shou3juan4]] /hand scroll/
- 拆借 拆借 [chai1 jie4] /to make (or take out) a short-term loan/
+ 拆借 拆借 [[chai1jie4]] /to make (or take out) a short-term loan/
- 搖曳 摇曳 [yao2 ye4] /to sway gently (as in the wind); (of a flame) to flicker/
+ 搖曳 摇曳 [[yao2ye4]] /to sway gently (as in the wind); (of a flame) to flicker/
- 據報 据报 [ju4 bao4] /it is reported; according to reports/
+ 據報 据报 [[ju4bao4]] /it is reported; according to reports/
- 敬酒 敬酒 [jing4 jiu3] /to toast; to propose a toast/
+ 敬酒 敬酒 [[jing4jiu3]] /to toast; to propose a toast/
- 檯曆 台历 [tai2 li4] /desk calendar/
+ 檯曆 台历 [[tai2li4]] /desk calendar/
- 狡猾 狡猾 [jiao3 hua2] /crafty; cunning; sly/
+ 狡猾 狡猾 [[jiao3hua2]] /crafty; cunning; sly/
- 蓄積 蓄积 [xu4 ji1] /to accumulate; to store up/
+ 蓄積 蓄积 [[xu4ji1]] /to accumulate; to store up/
- 藥性 药性 [yao4 xing4] /medicinal effect/
+ 藥性 药性 [[yao4xing4]] /medicinal effect/
- 起初 起初 [qi3 chu1] /originally; at first; at the outset/
+ 起初 起初 [[qi3chu1]] /originally; at first; at the outset/
- 遮陰 遮阴 [zhe1 yin1] /to provide shade/
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Change log entry 82651
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-31 21:20:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76259 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 三明 三明 [San1 ming2] /Sanming, prefecture-level city in Fujian/
+ 三明 三明 [[San1ming2]] /Sanming, prefecture-level city in Fujian/
- 中衛 中卫 [Zhong1 wei4] /Zhongwei, prefecture-level city in Ningxia/
+ 中衛 中卫 [[Zhong1wei4]] /Zhongwei, prefecture-level city in Ningxia/
- 兩側 两侧 [liang3 ce4] /two sides; both sides/
+ 兩側 两侧 [[liang3ce4]] /two sides; both sides/
- 凸度 凸度 [tu1 du4] /convexity/
+ 凸度 凸度 [[tu1du4]] /convexity/
- 分局 分局 [fen1 ju2] /branch office; sub-bureau/
+ 分局 分局 [[fen1ju2]] /branch office; sub-bureau/
- 召集 召集 [zhao4 ji2] /to convene; to call together/
+ 召集 召集 [[zhao4ji2]] /to convene; to call together/
- 奇文 奇文 [qi2 wen2] /remarkable or peculiar piece of writing/
+ 奇文 奇文 [[qi2wen2]] /remarkable or peculiar piece of writing/
- 實現 实现 [shi2 xian4] /to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about/
+ 實現 实现 [[shi2xian4]] /to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about/
- 對方 对方 [dui4 fang1] /the other person; the other side; the other party/
+ 對方 对方 [[dui4fang1]] /the other person; the other side; the other party/
- 巡演 巡演 [xun2 yan3] /(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances (abbr. for 巡迴演出|巡回演出[xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1])/
+ 巡演 巡演 [[xun2yan3]] /(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances (abbr. for 巡迴演出|巡回演出[xun2hui2 yan3chu1])/
- 巡迴演出 巡回演出 [xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1] /(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances/
+ 巡迴演出 巡回演出 [[xun2hui2 yan3chu1]] /(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances/
- 左近 左近 [zuo3 jin4] /nearby/
+ 左近 左近 [[zuo3jin4]] /nearby/
- 強身 强身 [qiang2 shen1] /to strengthen one's body; to keep fit; to build up one's health (through exercise, nutrition etc)/
+ 強身 强身 [[qiang2shen1]] /to strengthen one's body; to keep fit; to build up one's health (through exercise, nutrition etc)/
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Change log entry 82600
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-27 23:16:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76221 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 世子 世子 [shi4 zi3] /crown prince; heir of a noble house/
+ 世子 世子 [[shi4zi3]] /crown prince; heir of a noble house/
- 主要 主要 [zhu3 yao4] /main; principal; major; primary/
+ 主要 主要 [[zhu3yao4]] /main; principal; major; primary/
- 主食 主食 [zhu3 shi2] /staple food/
+ 主食 主食 [[zhu3shi2]] /staple food/
- 他們 他们 [ta1 men5] /they; them/
+ 他們 他们 [[ta1men5]] /they; them/
- 代替 代替 [dai4 ti4] /to replace; to take the place of/
+ 代替 代替 [[dai4ti4]] /to replace; to take the place of/
- 來臨 来临 [lai2 lin2] /to approach; to come closer/
+ 來臨 来临 [[lai2lin2]] /to approach; to come closer/
- 依照 依照 [yi1 zhao4] /according to; in light of/
+ 依照 依照 [[yi1zhao4]] /according to; in light of/
- 先鋒 先锋 [xian1 feng1] /vanguard; pioneer; avant-garde/
+ 先鋒 先锋 [[xian1feng1]] /vanguard; pioneer; avant-garde/
- 凡是 凡是 [fan2 shi4] /each and every; every; all; any/
+ 凡是 凡是 [[fan2shi4]] /each and every; every; all; any/
- 刑庭 刑庭 [xing2 ting2] /criminal court (abbr. for 刑事法庭[xing2 shi4 fa3 ting2])/
+ 刑庭 刑庭 [[xing2ting2]] /criminal court (abbr. for 刑事法庭[xing2shi4 fa3ting2])/
- 刑事法庭 刑事法庭 [xing2 shi4 fa3 ting2] /criminal court/
+ 刑事法庭 刑事法庭 [[xing2shi4 fa3ting2]] /criminal court/
- 厭倦 厌倦 [yan4 juan4] /to be weary of; to be fed up with; to be bored with/
+ 厭倦 厌倦 [[yan4juan4]] /to be weary of; to be fed up with; to be bored with/
- 厲鬼 厉鬼 [li4 gui3] /malicious spirit; devil/
+ 厲鬼 厉鬼 [[li4gui3]] /malicious spirit; devil/
- 善於 善于 [shan4 yu2] /to be good at; to be adept at/
+ 善於 善于 [[shan4yu2]] /to be good at; to be adept at/
- 坐禪 坐禅 [zuo4 chan2] /to sit in meditation; to meditate/
+ 坐禪 坐禅 [[zuo4chan2]] /to sit in meditation; to meditate/
- 報應 报应 [bao4 ying4] /(Buddhism) divine retribution; karma/
+ 報應 报应 [[bao4ying4]] /(Buddhism) divine retribution; karma/
- 排檢 排检 [pai2 jian3] /to arrange for ease of search; to catalogue for retrieval/
+ 排檢 排检 [[pai2jian3]] /to arrange for ease of search; to catalogue for retrieval/
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Change log entry 82545
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 13:00:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76170 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
LA ~ 金鑰 jīnyào

(The corresponding mainland article is titled 密钥.)



+ 金鑰 金钥 [[jin1yao4]] /the key (to solving a problem etc)/(Tw) (cryptography) key/

Change log entry 82544
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 10:33:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76173 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 侍應生 侍应生 [shi4 ying4 sheng1] /waiter; waitress/
+ 侍應生 侍应生 [[shi4ying4sheng1]] /waiter; waitress/
- 修道士 修道士 [xiu1 dao4 shi4] /friar; frater/
+ 修道士 修道士 [[xiu1dao4shi4]] /friar; frater/
- 公因子 公因子 [gong1 yin1 zi3] /(math.) common factor/
+ 公因子 公因子 [[gong1yin1zi3]] /(math.) common factor/
- 出家人 出家人 [chu1 jia1 ren2] /monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/
+ 出家人 出家人 [[chu1jia1ren2]] /monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/
# - 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [gu3 ke1 jian3] /cocaine (loanword)/
# + 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [[gu3ke1jian3]] /(loanword) cocaine/
- 性賄賂 性贿赂 [xing4 hui4 lu4] /to sexually bribe/
+ 性賄賂 性贿赂 [[xing4hui4lu4]] /to sexually bribe/
- 想當然 想当然 [xiang3 dang1 ran2] /to take sth as given; to make assumptions/
+ 想當然 想当然 [[xiang3dang1ran2]] /to take sth as given; to make assumptions/
- 老油條 老油条 [lao3 you2 tiao2] /old fox; slick customer/
+ 老油條 老油条 [[lao3you2tiao2]] /old fox; slick customer/
- 聯歡會 联欢会 [lian2 huan1 hui4] /social gathering; party/
+ 聯歡會 联欢会 [[lian2huan1hui4]] /social gathering; party/
- 預處理 预处理 [yu4 chu3 li3] /to preprocess/
+ 預處理 预处理 [[yu4chu3li3]] /to preprocess/
- 一個個 一个个 [yi1 ge4 ge4] /each and every one/one by one; one after another/
+ 一個個 一个个 [[yi1ge4ge4]] /each and every one/one by one; one after another/
- 一回事 一回事 [yi1 hui2 shi4] /one and the same (thing)/one thing (as distinct from another)/
+ 一回事 一回事 [[yi1hui2shi4]] /one and the same (thing)/one thing (as distinct from another)/
- 登徒子 登徒子 [Deng1 tu2 Zi3] /Dengtu Zi, famous lecherous character/lecher; skirt-chaser/
+ 登徒子 登徒子 [[Deng1tu2zi3]] /Master Dengtu, a famous historical lecherous character/lecher; skirt-chaser/
- 高麗菜 高丽菜 [gao1 li2 cai4] /cabbage (CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4])/Taiwan pr. [gao1 li4 cai4]/
+ 高麗菜 高丽菜 [[gao1li2cai4]] /cabbage (CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4])/Taiwan pr. [gao1li4cai4]/

Change log entry 82542
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 10:32:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76174 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不待說 不待说 [bu4 dai4 shuo1] /needless to say; it goes without saying/
+ 不待說 不待说 [[bu4dai4shuo1]] /needless to say; it goes without saying/
- 主計室 主计室 [zhu3 ji4 shi4] /auditing department; accounting department; comptroller office/
+ 主計室 主计室 [[zhu3ji4shi4]] /auditing department; accounting department; comptroller office/
- 俯瞰圖 俯瞰图 [fu3 kan4 tu2] /bird's-eye view/
+ 俯瞰圖 俯瞰图 [[fu3kan4tu2]] /bird's-eye view/
- 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [gu3 ke1 jian3] /cocaine (loanword)/
+ 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [[gu3ke1jian3]] /(loanword) cocaine/
- 家務活 家务活 [jia1 wu4 huo2] /household chore/
+ 家務活 家务活 [[jia1wu4huo2]] /household chore/
- 對應詞 对应词 [dui4 ying4 ci2] /(linguistics) an equivalent; a translation of a term into the target language/
+ 對應詞 对应词 [[dui4ying4ci2]] /(linguistics) an equivalent; a translation of a term into the target language/
- 德意志 德意志 [De2 yi4 zhi4] /Deutschland; Germany/
+ 德意志 德意志 [[De2yi4zhi4]] /Deutschland; Germany/
- 木偶劇 木偶剧 [mu4 ou3 ju4] /puppet show/
+ 木偶劇 木偶剧 [[mu4ou3ju4]] /puppet show/
- 淋巴結 淋巴结 [lin2 ba1 jie2] /lymph node; lymph gland/
+ 淋巴結 淋巴结 [[lin2ba1jie2]] /lymph node; lymph gland/
- 滴定管 滴定管 [di1 ding4 guan3] /burette/
+ 滴定管 滴定管 [[di1ding4guan3]] /burette/
- 獅子頭 狮子头 [shi1 zi5 tou2] /large meatball ("lion's head")/
+ 獅子頭 狮子头 [[shi1zi5tou2]] /large meatball ("lion's head")/
- 男低音 男低音 [nan2 di1 yin1] /(music) bass voice/
+ 男低音 男低音 [[nan2di1yin1]] /(music) bass voice/
- 石家莊 石家庄 [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] /Shijiazhuang, prefecture-level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2 bei3 Sheng3] in north China/
+ 石家莊 石家庄 [[Shi2jia1zhuang1]] /Shijiazhuang, prefecture-level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2bei3 Sheng3] in north China/
- 葡萄樹 葡萄树 [pu2 tao5 shu4] /grapevine/
+ 葡萄樹 葡萄树 [[pu2tao5shu4]] /grapevine/
- 這疙瘩 这疙瘩 [zhei4 ga1 da5] /see 這嘎达|这嘎达[zhei4 ga1 da5]/
+ 這疙瘩 这疙瘩 [[zhei4ga1da5]] /see 這嘎达|这嘎达[zhei4ga1da5]/
- 這嘎达 这嘎达 [zhei4 ga1 da5] /(northeast dialect) here; this place/
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Change log entry 82523
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-22 22:01:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76171 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 丟手 丢手 [diu1 shou3] /to wash one's hands of sth; to have nothing further to do with sth/
+ 丟手 丢手 [[diu1shou3]] /to wash one's hands of sth; to have nothing further to do with sth/
- 事前 事前 [shi4 qian2] /in advance; before the event/
+ 事前 事前 [[shi4qian2]] /in advance; before the event/
- 勞資 劳资 [lao2 zi1] /labor and capital; workers and capitalists/
+ 勞資 劳资 [[lao2zi1]] /labor and capital; workers and capitalists/
- 十全 十全 [shi2 quan2] /perfect; complete/
+ 十全 十全 [[shi2quan2]] /perfect; complete/
- 在建 在建 [zai4 jian4] /under construction/
+ 在建 在建 [[zai4jian4]] /under construction/
- 墊子 垫子 [dian4 zi5] /cushion; mat; pad/
+ 墊子 垫子 [[dian4zi5]] /cushion; mat; pad/
- 如此 如此 [ru2 ci3] /like this; so; such/
+ 如此 如此 [[ru2ci3]] /like this; so; such/
- 嫡子 嫡子 [di2 zi3] /son, esp. the eldest son, of the wife (contrasted with 庶子[shu4 zi3])/
+ 嫡子 嫡子 [[di2zi3]] /son, esp. the eldest son, of the wife (contrasted with 庶子[shu4 zi3])/
- 它們 它们 [ta1 men5] /they; them/
+ 它們 它们 [[ta1men5]] /they; them/
- 庶子 庶子 [shu4 zi3] /son born of a concubine/
+ 庶子 庶子 [[shu4zi3]] /son born of a concubine/
- 往日 往日 [wang3 ri4] /former days; the past/
+ 往日 往日 [[wang3ri4]] /former days; the past/
- 急劇 急剧 [ji2 ju4] /rapid; sudden/
+ 急劇 急剧 [[ji2ju4]] /rapid; sudden/
- 抱團 抱团 [bao4 tuan2] /to band together; to team up/
+ 抱團 抱团 [[bao4tuan2]] /to band together; to team up/
- 拯救 拯救 [zheng3 jiu4] /to save; to rescue/
+ 拯救 拯救 [[zheng3jiu4]] /to save; to rescue/
- 捕魚 捕鱼 [bu3 yu2] /to catch fish; to fish/
+ 捕魚 捕鱼 [[bu3yu2]] /to catch fish; to fish/
- 晶片 晶片 [jing1 pian4] /(Tw) (computing) chip; wafer/
+ 晶片 晶片 [[jing1pian4]] /(Tw) (computing) chip; wafer/
- 略圖 略图 [lu:e4 tu2] /sketch; sketch map; thumbnail picture/
+ 略圖 略图 [[lu:e4tu2]] /sketch; sketch map; thumbnail picture/
- 背逆 背逆 [bei4 ni4] /to violate; to go against/
+ 背逆 背逆 [[bei4ni4]] /to violate; to go against/
- 英里 英里 [ying1 li3] /mile (unit of length equal to 1.609 km)/
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Change log entry 82518
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-22 05:38:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76165 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 交給 交给 [jiao1 gei3] /to give; to deliver; to hand over/
+ 交給 交给 [[jiao1gei3]] /to give; to deliver; to hand over/
- 兜抄 兜抄 [dou1 chao1] /to close in from the rear and flanks; to surround and attack; to mop up (remnant enemy troops)/
+ 兜抄 兜抄 [[dou1chao1]] /to close in from the rear and flanks; to surround and attack; to mop up (remnant enemy troops)/
- 剛強 刚强 [gang1 qiang2] /firm; unyielding/
+ 剛強 刚强 [[gang1qiang2]] /firm; unyielding/
- 去污 去污 [qu4 wu1] /to decontaminate; to clean/
+ 去污 去污 [[qu4wu1]] /to decontaminate; to clean/
- 名宿 名宿 [ming2 su4] /renowned senior figure; luminary; legend (in academia, sport etc)/
+ 名宿 名宿 [[ming2su4]] /renowned senior figure; luminary; legend (in academia, sport etc)/
- 喜人 喜人 [xi3 ren2] /pleasing; gratifying/
+ 喜人 喜人 [[xi3ren2]] /pleasing; gratifying/
- 壓板 压板 [ya4 ban3] /see-saw/
+ 壓板 压板 [[ya4ban3]] /see-saw/
- 家規 家规 [jia1 gui1] /family rules; family code of conduct/
+ 家規 家规 [[jia1gui1]] /family rules; family code of conduct/
- 專心 专心 [zhuan1 xin1] /to focus one's attention; to concentrate on (doing sth)/
+ 專心 专心 [[zhuan1xin1]] /to focus one's attention; to concentrate on (doing sth)/
- 愚魯 愚鲁 [yu2 lu3] /dull-witted; foolish/
+ 愚魯 愚鲁 [[yu2lu3]] /dull-witted; foolish/
- 攘善 攘善 [rang3 shan4] /to claim credit due to others; to appropriate others' credit or honor/
+ 攘善 攘善 [[rang3shan4]] /to claim credit due to others; to appropriate others' credit or honor/
- 桂冠 桂冠 [gui4 guan1] /laurel (as a symbol of victory or merit)/
+ 桂冠 桂冠 [[gui4guan1]] /laurel (as a symbol of victory or merit)/
- 榛莽 榛莽 [zhen1 mang3] /(literary) luxuriant vegetation/
+ 榛莽 榛莽 [[zhen1mang3]] /(literary) luxuriant vegetation/
- 殼菜 壳菜 [qiao4 cai4] /mussels (as food)/
+ 殼菜 壳菜 [[qiao4cai4]] /mussels (as food)/
- 琴弓 琴弓 [qin2 gong1] /bow (of a stringed instrument)/
+ 琴弓 琴弓 [[qin2gong1]] /bow (of a stringed instrument)/
- 起開 起开 [qi3 kai5] /(dialect) to step aside; Get out of the way!/
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