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Change log entry 68272
Processed by: monigeria (2019-09-26 09:09:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62090 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
①conjugal sex ②strengthen moral ties between humans
1 使人倫的情誼和睦。
| 《儒林外史.第四一回》
| 這十數年來, 往來楚越, 轉徙經營, 又自致數萬金, 纔置了產業, 南京來住, 平日極是好友敦倫。
2 夫婦交媾。
1 〈書〉和睦人倫。
| 敦倫善行, 敬業樂群。
2 〈書〉指夫妻行房。
| 夫妻敦倫, 天經地義。

One such survey done in 2006 by an Italian sexologist reveals couples with televisions in their bedrooms had sex half as much as those without it.

In his essay 沉默的大多数, Wang Xiaobo discusses 敦伦 as a translation of "make love":
爱人”这个字眼让我们想到什么?做爱。这是个外来语,从make love硬译而来。本土的词儿最常用有两个,一个太粗,根本不能写。另外一个叫作“敦伦”。这个词儿实在有意思。假如有人说,他总是以敦厚人伦的虔敬心情来干这件事,我倒想要认识他,因为他将是我所认识的最不要脸的假正经。为了捍卫这种神圣性,做爱才被叫作“敦伦”。
+ 敦倫 敦伦 [dun1 lun2] /to strengthen moral ties between people/to have sexual intercourse (of a married couple)/

Change log entry 68271
Processed by: monigeria (2019-09-26 08:42:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64874 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. add py
2. delete explanation of what 业余 and 大学 mean
- 業大 业大 [ye4 da4] /part-time college (abbr. for 業餘大學|业余大学)/
+ 業大 业大 [ye4 da4] /part-time college (abbr. for 業餘大學|业余大学[ye4 yu2 da4 xue2])/
- 業餘大學 业余大学 [ye4 yu2 da4 xue2] /college for people who attend after work (lit.: spare-time college)/
+ 業餘大學 业余大学 [ye4 yu2 da4 xue2] /college for people who attend after work/

Change log entry 68020
Processed by: monigeria (2019-08-28 08:19:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64646 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
I saw this in subtitles of a movie translated from the English "die."

Q: 网络词语凉凉是什么意思
A: 好比一句经典台词: 你已经死了!
PS:你和对方PK,你的HP还有1, 对方HP还有9999999, 虽然比赛还没完,但相当于你就已经凉凉了.
你已经挂了, 你已经完蛋了

Looks like it already made it into Wiktionary:

slightly cold; chilly
(originally literary, now slang, neologism) deserted; unpopular; (slang) disappointed; downhearted
(slang, neologism) be done for; be finished or destroyed; gone for the dogs; curtains (for someone)



already on queue.
# 涼涼 凉凉 [liang2 liang2] /cold/lonely/to die (neologism)/

Change log entry 67984
Processed by: monigeria (2019-08-22 02:14:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61942 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I don't think "workpoint recorder" is a common English phrase, but it seems to be the universal translation for this occupation:

“Workpoint recorders went to the field to check the work accomplished by team members. At the end of the day, the workpoint recorder noted down on a slip of paper the tasks each worker had performed.”
China's Peasants: The Anthropology of a Revolution

“Every person had a workpoint registration book [jigongber]; the workpoint recorder [jigongyuan] recorded in his own book on a daily basis everyone's workpoint earnings. Once a month the workpoint recorder recorded in the workpoint registration book of each commune member [sheyuan] the number of worpoints that person had earned”
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China

“They included the deputy for finance and economy, cashier, storehouse keeper, accountant, and workpoint recorder. Most important were the accountant and workpoint recorder. The latter was responsible not only for keeping records of the team members' labour contributions but also for going personally to the fields on a daily basis to certify that the labour tasks assigned to individual team members were completed according to agreed-upon standards.”
The Power of Words: Literacy and Revolution in South China, 1949-95

v.o. record workpoints
record workpoints
动 记录工作时间或工作量。

n. workpoint recorder M:ge/míng/²wèi 个/名/位
+ 記工 记工 [ji4 gong1] /to record workpoints/
+ 記工員 记工员 [ji4 gong1 yuan2] /workpoint recorder/

Change log entry 67983
Processed by: monigeria (2019-08-22 02:08:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61858 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Dictionaries usually define it as used in martial arts, but 段位 can also be used more generally for rank, and it's very common in video games.

名 围棋、柔道等项目选手的等级称号。围棋一般分9个段位, 柔道分10个段位。段位数目越大, 水平越高。

In the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25~AD220), Weiqi players were divided into higher, middle and lower grades.

Please pay attention to the latest information about the coming Dan Examination in the Members' Zone.

I hear judokas wear belts of different colors to show their technical rank.

The Dutchman insisted: "It's been an incredible season. The title race is coming to an amazing climax and you always see the big stars show their class."

+ 段位 段位 [duan4 wei4] /rank/class/(Japanese martial arts and board games) dan/

Change log entry 67565
Processed by: monigeria (2019-06-20 15:05:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64112 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
1、习近平 2019 年两会讲话 “干货” 全掌握
From http://cpc.people.com.cn/n1/2019/0314/c164113-30976579.html?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0

2、高考倒计时 “从容备考指南” 干货满满
From http://health.people.com.cn/n1/2019/0604/c14739-31118429.html

From https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_3050584


ed: already on queue - copied your comments along.

# - 乾貨 干货 [gan1 huo4] /dry goods/dried fruit, nuts etc/
# + 乾貨 干货 [gan1 huo4] /dry goods/dried fruit, nuts etc/substance, essence, meat, revealing things/

Change log entry 67527
Processed by: monigeria (2019-06-15 09:40:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64080 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
指抬杠成瘾,成精的人。这些人不管别人说的是什么,不管对或不对就先反驳。别跟杠精说什么理性不理性,他们就是爱跟人争论,强词夺理。有人认为这些人其实就是 “网络喷子”(英文称 Internet troll)。

From https://www.zaobao.com/zlifestyle/trending/story20190102-920417

2、2018 年十大网络用语发布:锦鲤、杠精、佛系等上榜
From https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_2753429

3、超尴尬!谢娜怼杠精却不小心写错 “杠” 字
From http://gd.people.com.cn/n2/2018/1108/c123932-32257358.html


ed: already on sub queue, thx.
# 杠精 杠精 [gang4 jing1] /internet troll/

Change log entry 67414
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-25 01:06:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64013 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

波卡 (Burqa) 是穆斯林妇女穿戴的一种蒙面长袍,也是阿拉伯女性的传统服饰。
+ 波卡 波卡 [bo1 ka3] /burqa (loanword)/

Change log entry 67412
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-23 10:03:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61854 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I'm not really sure how to describe the Chinese-style garment that seems to be the original meaning of the word. Its modern use for burqa isn't in any dictionary but it's well-established.

dust-robe; dust-gown; overall
名 穿在长袍外面的长大褂。
罩袍是一个词语,拼音是zhào páo,释义是穿在袍子外面的大褂。

夏丏尊 叶圣陶《文心》十九

Always help a lady put on her coat or overgarment. This is a simple but powerful action.

A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.

Last year, a Tunisian woman was fined €500 for wearing a burqa in Italy's Piedmont region.

Sometimes the widows are painfully visible — Kabul is filled with burqa-clad beggars panhandling in traffic.

Women wearing the burqa and the niqab (the more common facial veil) will not exactly be arrested on sight.

Anti-burqa campaigners all over Europe suggest that this is an issue of personal safety and basic trust.
+ 罩袍 罩袍 [zhao4 pao2] /Chinese-style long robe worn as outermost garment/burqa/

Change log entry 67411
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-23 07:30:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63994 - submitted by 'katpatuka' >>
as in https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/鴜鷺树镇 or https://zh.wiktionary.org/鴜


ed: added simplified character (http://zisea.com/zscontent.asp?uni=2A248), zdic and zisea both mention "古同“雌”" and "同【雌】字。" respectively
# 鴜 鴜 [ci2] /-/
+ 鴜 𪉈 [ci2] /old variant of 雌[ci2]/

Change log entry 67410
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-23 06:59:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63464 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
阿拉(吴语) - 维基百科
From https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%98%BF%E6%8B%89_(%E5%90%B4%E8%AF%AD)
- 阿拉 阿拉 [a1 la1] /(dialect) my/our/I/we/me/us/
+ 阿拉 阿拉 [a1 la1] /(Wu dialect) my/our/I/we/me/us/

Change log entry 67406
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-21 15:04:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64009 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. Both 印第安 and 印地安 have millions of Google (verbatim) hits.

Google Verbatim hits show that 印第安 is favored on .cn sites and 印地安 is favored on .tw sites.

Also TP suggests that 印地安 is favored in Tw:
印地安 - 53 hits
印第安 - 18 hits

2. 漢語翻譯時直接把「西印度人」這個單詞翻譯成「印第安人」或「印地安人」,免去了混淆的麻煩,到目前仍為最普及的用法。

3. 印地安 is a headword in K.
印第安 is in PLC, GR and K.

4. TP examples for 印地安 ~
Nonetheless, some Amerindian tribes have legends which say that their ancestors came from across the sea by jumping from stone to stone,

Four years ago, when Xu went to visit a large Indian fair in Oklahoma City,


we turned the corner and saw an old Indian woman sitting on the sidewalk begging for money,

Today's Mexico is a patchwork of Indian and Spanish culture:

In the legends of Native Americans,
# 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/
+ 印地安 印地安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(Tw) (American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/also written 印第安[Yin4 di4 an1]/

Change log entry 67405
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-19 03:45:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63586 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
1、燕窝 - 维基百科


ed: the W page opts for "edible bird's nest"
- 燕窩 燕窝 [yan4 wo1] /swallow's nest/
# 燕窩 燕窝 [yan4 wo1] /edible swallow's nest/
+ 燕窩 燕窝 [yan4 wo1] /edible bird's nest/

Change log entry 67394
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-16 10:16:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64003 - submitted by 'exaequali' >>
Several Chinese friends said that this is a 错别字



Liang'an says:
- 靚麗 靓丽 [jing4 li4] /beautiful/pretty/
+ 靚麗 靓丽 [liang4 li4] /beautiful/pretty/Taiwan pr. [jing4 li4]/

Change log entry 67392
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-15 09:55:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61703 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: ◎ 巡更 xúngēng
[keep night watch] 夜间巡逻, 打更

1. 從前負責守衛的人,在夜間擊柝鳴鑼報時、往來查看,稱為「巡更」。
# 刁斗 刁 [Diao1 dou3] /soldier's mess-kit used for cooking food by day and for sounding any change of the night-watch during the hours of darkness/
+ 刁斗 刁斗 [diao1 dou3] /soldier's mess-kit used for cooking food by day and for sounding the night watches during the hours of darkness/

Change log entry 67388
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-13 03:47:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64000 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"north the Philippines" doesn't make sense.

- 巴士海峽 巴士海峡 [Ba1 shi4 Hai3 xia2] /Bashi Channel between south Taiwan and Luzon Island, north the Philippines/
+ 巴士海峽 巴士海峡 [Ba1 shi4 Hai3 xia2] /Bashi Channel in the northern part of the Luzon Strait, just south of Taiwan/

Change log entry 67385
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-12 06:23:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61150 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: ◎ 遗民 yímín
(1) [adherents of a former dynasty]∶指改朝换代后仍效忠前一朝代的人
(2) [survivors of a great upheaval]∶泛指大动乱后遗留下来的人民
Hyperlink: http://www.zdic.net/c/7/150/332322.htm
GRAND RICCI, vol. III, p. 435, col. 2, within entry no. 5459, gives: "遺民 yímín 1. Peuple d’un pays conquis; people d’une dynastie déchue. 2. Partisans d’une dynastie déchue, refusant toute function sous la nouvelle dynastie. 3. Reste d’un peuple, d’une race."
# 遺民 遗民 [yi2 min2] /'leftover men', loyalist adherents of a former dynasty; surviving members of an ethnic group./
+ 遺民 遗民 [yi2 min2] /lit. leftover men/fig. loyalist adherents of a former dynasty/surviving members of an ethnic group/

Change log entry 67377
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-09 09:45:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63998 >>


Ed: Uh?
# gge4ge4jiao3 ni5ma3ma4mei5mao5 [134] /your mother is mine now/

Change log entry 67376
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-08 08:55:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63987 >>


a basketball game ref:
# 尿點 尿点 [niao4dian3] /Refers to a dull moment in a film plot during which the audience might take a restroom break./
+ 尿點 尿点 [niao4 dian3] /the boring part of something (film, show, etc.) where a bathroom break can be taken/

Change log entry 67356
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-25 15:45:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63968 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

TP ~ 回想清償債務的歲月,陶傳正如一隻無頭蒼蠅般忙碌。
["Those days were truly awful!" Tao remembers being hounded by creditors, and having to rush from one to another begging for more time to pay.]
> Recalling this period, Tao says he was like a headless fly rushing about without any direction.


+ 無頭蒼蠅 无头苍蝇 [wu2 tou2 cang1 ying5] /headless fly (a metaphor for sb who is rushing around frantically)/
+ 沒頭蒼蠅 没头苍蝇 [mei2 tou2 cang1 ying5] /see 無頭蒼蠅|无头苍蝇[wu2 tou2 cang1 ying5]/

Change log entry 67355
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-25 15:45:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63967 >>
+ 鄧紫棋 邓紫棋 [Deng4 zi3 qi2] /G.E.M. (1991-), Chinese pop star/

Change log entry 67354
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-25 15:38:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63970 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 懷仁堂 怀仁堂 [Huai2 ren2 tang2] /Huairen Hall or Huairentang, a building inside Zhongnanhai 中南海[Zhong1 nan2 hai3], used as the main meeting place of the Politburo of the CCP/

Change log entry 67348
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-16 05:25:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59682 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
Just a suggestion.
- 特惠 特惠 [te4 hui4] /special privilege/favorable (terms)/discount (price)/preferential (treatment)/ex gratia (payment)/
+ 特惠 特惠 [te4 hui4] /abbr. for 特别優惠|特别优惠[te4 bie2 you1 hui4]/ex gratia/
- 優惠 优惠 [you1 hui4] /preferential/favorable/deal/offer/discount/
+ 優惠 优惠 [you1 hui4] /privilege/favorable (terms)/preferential (treatment)/discount (price)/

Change log entry 67300
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-10 05:36:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63937 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Tatung is ready to win back the reputation it bragged of in its old jingle: "Tatung, Tatung / Local products are the best!"

With government policies supporting domestic industries,


ed: see editorial comments
# 國貨 国货 [guo2 huo4] /goods produced in one's own country/
+ 國貨 国货 [guo2 huo4] /domestically produced goods/
# ### as per discussion ####
- 國產 国产 [guo2 chan3] /made in one's own country/made in China/
+ 國產 国产 [guo2 chan3] /domestically produced/

Change log entry 67297
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-09 07:40:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63936 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) 安利,动词,意思类似推销、推荐。

2) http://www.szdaily.com/content/2014-09/11/content_10146801.htm

3) e.g. 今天小编就安利你可以为爱豆做公益应援的平台.
# 安利 安利 [An1 li4] /Amway (brand)/
+ 安利 安利 [an1 li4] /to recommend (a product etc)/to promote/

Change log entry 67296
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-09 03:14:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63938 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
退群 (withdraw from a group). “群” refers to a group established on Wechat, QQ, or other social
platforms for a certain number of people to communicate; and “退群” means to withdraw from the
communication group on a social platform. Later , the meaning extended, the scope of use expanded, now the
word “退群” also refers to withdrawal from a group (not only on a social platform). After Trump became
President, the United States withdrew from many international agreements or organizations, such as the
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the Comprehensive Agreement on
Iran’s Nuclear Issue, the Universal Postal Union, UNESCO, and so on. Trump even threatened that the United
States would withdraw from the World Trade Organization. As a result, “退群” (withdraw from a group) has
become a high-frequency hot word, widely appearing in news reports.

- 卡塔尔将退欧佩克成首个退群中东国家.
- 前段时间,某个QQ群中的一位前辈退群了,搞得群主、管理员一通询问:谁把**气走了?最终没有问出谁“气走的”,
+ 退群 退群 [tui4 qun2] /to withdraw from a group/

Change log entry 67295
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-09 03:13:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63944 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
TikTok, also known as Douyin (Chinese: 抖音; pinyin: Dǒuyīn; literally: 'vibrating sound') in China, is a media app for creating and sharing short videos.
+ 抖音 抖音 [Dou3 yin1] /TikTok, app for creating and sharing short videos/

Change log entry 67294
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-09 03:09:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63927 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, Reiwa: these designations are usually called "era names"rather than "reign names".
- 明治 明治 [Ming2 zhi4] /Meiji (Japanese reign name 1868-1912)/
+ 明治 明治 [Ming2 zhi4] /Meiji, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1868-1912) of the Meiji emperor/
- 大正 大正 [Da4 zheng4] /Taishō, reign name 1912-1926 of Japanese emperor Yoshihito 嘉仁/
+ 大正 大正 [Da4 zheng4] /Taishō, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1912-1926) of emperor Yoshihito 嘉仁[Jia1 ren2]/
- 嘉仁 嘉仁 [Jia1 ren2] /Yoshihito, personal name of Japanese emperor Taishō emperor (1879-1926), reigned 1912-1926/
# "Japanese emperor Taishō emperor"?!
+ 嘉仁 嘉仁 [Jia1 ren2] /Yoshihito, personal name of the Taishō 大正[Da4 zheng4] emperor of Japan (1879-1926), reigned 1912-1926/
- 裕仁 裕仁 [Yu4 ren2] /Hirohito (Emperor of Japan, reigned 1925-1989 under the reign name 昭和 Showa)/
+ 裕仁 裕仁 [Yu4 ren2] /Hirohito, personal name of the Shōwa 昭和[Zhao1 he2] emperor of Japan (1901-1989), reigned 1925-1989/
- 昭和 昭和 [Zhao1 he2] /Showa, reign name of Emperor Hirohito of Japan 1925-1989/
+ 昭和 昭和 [Zhao1 he2] /Shōwa, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1925-1989) of emperor Hirohito 裕仁[Yu4 ren2]/
- 明仁 明仁 [Ming2 ren2] /Akihito, Emperor of Japan (reigned from 1989 under the reign name Heisei 平成)/
+ 明仁 明仁 [Ming2 ren2] /Akihito, personal name of the Heisei 平成[Ping2 cheng2] emperor of Japan (1933-), reigned 1989-2019/
- 平成 平成 [Ping2 cheng2] /Heisei, reign name of Japanese Emperor Akihito, from 1989/
+ 平成 平成 [Ping2 cheng2] /Heisei, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1989-2019) of emperor Akihito 明仁[Ming2 ren2]/
- 令和 令和 [Ling4 he2] /Reiwa period (Japanese era)/
+ 令和 令和 [Ling4 he2] /Reiwa, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (2019-) of emperor Naruhito 德仁[De2 ren2]/
- 德仁 德仁 [De2 ren2] /Naruhito (1960-), crown prince of Japan/
+ 德仁 德仁 [De2 ren2] /Naruhito (1960-), emperor of Japan from 2019/
# ###
+ ㍾ ㍾ [xx5] /明治[Ming2 zhi4] written as a single character/
+ ㍽ ㍽ [xx5] /大正[Da4 zheng4] written as a single character/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 67270
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-03 05:53:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63928 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. I find it's usually used to refer to the *process* rather than the sample itself.
Part of the reason for this submission is that I wanted to document usage of 留样 meaning 'retention sample', since that wasn't included in the original sub. Here we go:
- 各检验区每周至少抽查2个留样,中心每两周至少抽查1个留样,
- 可以放30个留样的冰箱.

2. I think we can add "(abbr. for 保留樣品|保留样品[bao3 liu2 yang4 pin3])".

- 留樣 留样 [liu2 yang4] /retention sample/(of a manufacturer, esp. of food or drugs) to retain a sample of a batch of a product/
+ 留樣 留样 [liu2 yang4] /retention sample/(of a manufacturer, esp. of food or drugs) to retain a sample of a batch of a product (abbr. for 保留樣品|保留样品[bao3 liu2 yang4 pin3])/

Change log entry 67264
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-02 07:47:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63924 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) 芬太尼英文名为“Fentanyl”,是比吗啡镇痛效果更强、副作用更小的镇痛药,...
2) 芬太尼(英語:Fentanyl)是一種強效的、類鴉片止痛劑,起效迅速而作用時間極短。
3) SupChina ~ “China announced on Monday that it would treat all variants of the powerful opioid fentanyl as controlled substances, making good on a pledge the country’s leader, President Xí Jìnpíng made to President Trump late last year,” reports the New York Times. China’s export of fentanyl and similar synthetic opioids are “blamed for tens of thousands of overdoses in the United States, [and] has long been a source of tension in relations and has, more recently, become tangled up in the continuing trade war.”
+ 芬太尼 芬太尼 [fen1 tai4 ni2] /fentanyl (loanword)/

Change log entry 67263
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-02 02:53:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63920 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"From the time of the Zhou Dynasty (1046–770 BC) until the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), a varying number of vassal states existed in ancient China. These ranged in size from small city states to vassals which controlled large swathes of territory such as the States of Chu and Qi."
- 杞 杞 [Qi3] /surname Qi/Zhou Dynasty vassal state/
+ 杞 杞 [Qi3] /Qi, a Zhou Dynasty vassal state/surname Qi/

Change log entry 67261
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-01 01:23:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63908 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


ed: as per discussion
# 老撾 老挝 [Lao3 wo1] /Laos/
# 撾 挝 [zhua1] /beat/
# 撾 挝 [wo1] /used only in 老撾|老挝[Lao3 wo1]/
+ 撾 挝 [wo1] /ancient weapon with a tip shaped like a hand or claw/
+ 飛撾 飞挝 [fei1 wo1] /ancient weapon with a tip like a grappling hook, thrown at enemy combatants in order to capture them/

Change log entry 67237
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-24 06:18:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63895 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"Holy Mother" and "the Virgin Mary" are synonymous.
Why do we have a different sense (goddess) in between?
- 聖母 圣母 [Sheng4 mu3] /Holy Mother/goddess/the Virgin Mary/
+ 聖母 圣母 [Sheng4 mu3] /the Virgin Mary/
+ 聖母 圣母 [sheng4 mu3] /goddess/

Change log entry 67224
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-17 06:07:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63873 >>
You guys spelled taekwondo wrong.
- 跆拳道 跆拳道 [tai2 quan2 dao4] /Taekwando (Korean martial art)/Tae Kwon Do/
+ 跆拳道 跆拳道 [tai2 quan2 dao4] /Taekwondo (Korean martial art)/Tae Kwon Do/

Change log entry 67220
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-15 08:32:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62155 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 一種由紅豆製成的小甜豆,是常見的零嘴。

Wp: Amanattō (甘納豆) is a Japanese traditional confectionery made of adzuki or other beans, covered with refined sugar after simmering with sugar syrup and drying
+ 甘納豆 甘纳豆 [gan1 na4 dou4] /amanattō, traditional Japanese sweets made from azuki or other beans/

Change log entry 67219
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-15 08:32:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62156 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

用MATLAB对说话人识别系统进行仿真实验,选择由元音、轻辅音和浊辅音组成的本文,经过测试,识别率达98.5 %。
The imitating system by MATLAB experiments on the text composed of vowel, voiceless consonant and voiced consonant. The result shows that the recognition rate is over 98.5%.

Thus, with regard to the tonal domain of Beijing Mandarin monosyllable in isolation, not only the initial voiced consonant and medial, but also the nasal coda and the vocalic ending are excluded;
+ 濁輔音 浊辅音 [zhuo2 fu3 yin1] /voiced consonant (linguistics)/

Change log entry 67218
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-15 06:51:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61567 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
This is very tentative. The phrase seems to have tons of hits, but ABC has an entry for 僻义 itself, which they gloss as "obsolete meaning".
熟词僻义 seems used a lot in article about English language exams (GRE, SAT etc), e.g.
+ 熟詞僻義 熟词僻义 [shu2 ci2 pi4 yi4] /uncommon meaning of a common word/

Change log entry 67215
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-14 06:42:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63866 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) I think 大陆 (mainland China) could be either Dàlù or dàlù. But I prefer dàlù, really. People write "on the mainland" referring to China rather than "on the Mainland". And similarly in Australia, Tasmanians refer to "the mainland" and "mainlanders", not "the Mainland".

But with 大陆妹, I think it's even more clear-cut, since it can't be considered a proper noun (in either sense). I'd certainly write it as dalumei. That's also how it's written in Wiktionary
and in K.

2) "Chinese woman" doesn't make it clear that a dalumei is from the mainland.

3) Most sources don't suggest that a 大陆妹 has to be *living in* Tw or HK or Macao.
See M, LA and Wiktionary.

I imagine a young woman tourist from mainland China would be called a dalumei too. Here's an example of that:
This was written by a mainlander who visited Hong Kong for 7 days.

4) 大陆妹 appears to refer to a specific type of lettuce called Fushan lettuce, similar in appearance to cos (Romaine) lettuce.
See the above Wiktionary link again, or the following Wp article on Fushan lettuce
...which explains that in Taiwan, Fushan lettuce was called 「大陸萵」(tāi-lio̍k-e) , which evolved to the similar-sounding 大陸妹」(tāi-lio̍k-bē).

An example of usage:
- 大陸妹 大陆妹 [Da4 lu4 mei4] /(Tw) young Chinese woman who lives in Taiwan, HK or Macao/lettuce/
+ 大陸妹 大陆妹 [da4 lu4 mei4] /(in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macao) girl from the mainland/(Tw) Fushan lettuce 福山萵苣|福山莴苣[Fu2 shan1 wo1 ju4]/

Change log entry 67214
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-14 05:20:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63862 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
also 晒娃族

B: 晒娃族(Sharent),指经常使用社交媒体分享与自己子女有关的大量详细信息的父母群体。不过,有学者表示,“网络晒孩子”的做法须谨慎,犯罪分子可能会通过社交媒体搜集、掌握孩子和家长信息,无形中会增加孩子被绑架及被人利用来敲诈勒索的风险。

2017-03-21 08:53 Shenzhen Daily


“晒” means to “expose,” and “娃” means children. The corresponding English word sharenting is a term used to describe the overuse of social media by parents to share content based on their children. The Wall Street Journal created the term, where they called it “oversharenting,” a combination of “over-sharing” and “parenting.” The practice stems from the connected nature of social media early-adopters, who are comfortable sharing their lives online. When they had children, they began to share large numbers of their children’s pictures online.

- 为什么我从不在朋友圈晒娃?
+ 曬娃 晒娃 [shai4 wa2] /(coll.) to excessively share pics etc of one's child on social media/sharenting/
+ 曬娃族 晒娃族 [shai4 wa2 zu2] /(coll.) sharent/

Change log entry 67210
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-13 07:51:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63850 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
LA: 臺

1. 臺灣、香港、澳門稱來自大陸的年輕女性。
2. 一種蔬菜名。自大陸引進的嫩葉萵苣。


海外网2月1日电 据台湾“中央社”报道,近年来随着大陆旅客不断赴台旅游,开始有人认为青菜“大陆妹”的用语有歧视之嫌。对此,台湾专家表示,“此妹非彼妹”,并没有歧视的意思。
+ 大陸妹 大陆妹 [Da4 lu4 mei4] /(Tw) young Chinese woman who lives in Taiwan, HK or Macao/lettuce/

Change log entry 67209
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-13 07:26:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63865 >>
this is basic word, was surprised to see it's not in the dictionary
+ 解剖刀 解剖刀 [jie3 pou1 dao1] /scalpel/

Change log entry 67207
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-12 08:50:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63858 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I submitted this entry before I understood that in the CC-CEDICT format a tag on the left means it should be applied to all definitions to its right.

“illicit lovers” doesn't really need the (derog.) tag, as illicit generally already has a negative meaning, but it doesn't hurt and it makes sense to keep these two glosses together as they belong to the same sense. Another option would be “/(fig.) illicit lovers/(derog.) unorthodox couple/”, but it looks more readable to me this way.

It makes senses sense to have “wild mandarin duck” as the first gloss, it's not really needed but it is the literal definition. It also makes this definition more symmetrical to the one for 鸳鸯, which is helpful.
- 野鴛鴦 野鸳鸯 [ye3 yuan1 yang1] /illicit lovers/(derog.) unorthodox couple/wild mandarin duck/
+ 野鴛鴦 野鸳鸯 [ye3 yuan1 yang1] /wild mandarin duck/(derog.) illicit lovers/unorthodox couple/

Change log entry 67202
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-09 01:20:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63856 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
> "north & south"
The 胡 peoples were in the west as well as the north.
M@胡 ~ 古代泛稱北方和西方的各民族

> "of the north & south of China"
The 胡 and 越 peoples were not confined within the borders of China.
M, for example, points out that these peoples many times "invaded" China (侵犯中國邊境).
M@胡越 ~ 胡、越等民族時有侵犯中國邊境之舉,因以比喻禍患。
- 胡越 胡越 [Hu2 Yue4] /ethnic groups of the north & south of China/
+ 胡越 胡越 [Hu2 Yue4] /the peoples north, west and south of China/

Change log entry 67201
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-09 01:20:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63857 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 烤煙 烤烟 [kao3 yan1] /flue-cured tobacco/
+ 烤煙 烤烟 [kao3 yan1] /flue-cured tobacco/tobacco for flue-curing/

Change log entry 67198
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-08 07:03:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61101 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. three meanings given in the zdic entry for 胡越 at http://www.zdic.net/c/1/94/169433.htm
Also cf. GRAND RICCI, vol. III, p. 121, col. 1: "胡越 hú yuè Aussi éloignés l’un de l’autre que] la Mongolie (au nord) l’est de 越Yue (au sud): grande distance; vaste étendue."
# 胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /Mongolian tribes in the north and Yue tribes in the south; hence any huge distance; or (in reference to the frequent invasions by both groups of people in ancient times) any disaster or calamity./
+ 胡越 胡越 [Hu2 Yue4] /ethnic groups of the north & south of China/
+ 胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /large distance/disaster/calamity/

Change log entry 67197
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-08 06:54:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61042 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. ①wild mandarin duck ②illicit lovers M:²zhī/duì 只/对


使君自有婦, 莫學野鴛鴦。

Dictionary definitions tend to indicate an unmarried couple, but it it seems people will call 野鸳鸯 to any couple they don't approve of, even if married, E.g., from 我是范雨素:
"我在2000年看过一篇“野鸳鸯最易一拍两散”的报道,讲的是异地联姻的农民工婚姻太脆弱了。逃跑的女人也是这样异地联姻的女人。 "

Here 野鸳鸯 are married couples where both people aren't from the same villages.

[野鸳鸯是什么意思? ]People explaining 野鸳鸯 in their own words define it in many different ways:
"不被家人或者朋友认可的男女朋友","不是正宗滴,是不正规滴派对","不正当的男女关系","有非法男女关系的当事人双方", etc.
# 野鴛鴦 野鸳鸯 [ye3 yuan1 yang1] /illicit lovers/(derog.) unorthodox couple/wild mandarin duck
+ 野鴛鴦 野鸳鸯 [ye3 yuan1 yang1] /illicit lovers/(derog.) unorthodox couple/wild mandarin duck/

Change log entry 67196
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-08 06:45:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63853 - submitted by 'pzelchenko' >>
Seen in an entertainment article on Baidu. The term seems widespread, defined on Baidu Baike.
# 群龍無首 群龙无首 [qun2 long2 wu2 shou3] /Lit. "a group/flight of dragons without a leader" (said of a group that has lost or lacks a leader)/
+ 群龍無首 群龙无首 [qun2 long2 wu2 shou3] /lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader/

Change log entry 67195
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-08 06:39:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63855 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 過橋米線 过桥米线 [guo4 qiao2 mi3 xian4] /rice noodle soup from Yunnan province/

Change log entry 67163
Processed by: monigeria (2019-02-23 00:15:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63814 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
from a song:


- 其實芭樂歌一詞是"ballad"的翻譯,如果我們翻開字典查"ballad"這個字 ... 音樂類別是五花八門的,國語抒情歌曲在電台是點播率最高的,這種歌曲我們又稱為「芭樂歌」,將英文的抒情歌曲音譯而來,它是抒情慢板的歌曲,若台灣的流行音樂上來講,就是指流行抒情的國語歌曲,這類型的歌曲不論是在國內外,一直都是唱片業的主流,因為這類的歌詞較貼近普通生活的情景及情感生活,比較能讓人沉醉其中,編曲也比較能讓大家產生共鳴。

- “芭乐歌”不是一种歌曲的类型,而是指“总是听得到”,“很多人都唱”,唱的、听的有些“腻味”的歌曲。
+ 芭樂歌 芭乐歌 [ba1 le4 ge1] /(Tw) ballad (loanword)/mainstream song/

Change log entry 67162
Processed by: monigeria (2019-02-22 07:25:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63819 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
ed: as per discussion, also Colosseum seems to be the preferred spelling
# 羅馬鬥獸場 罗马斗兽场 [Luo2 ma3 dou4 shou4 chang3] /Colloseum/
+ 羅馬鬥獸場 罗马斗兽场 [Luo2 ma3 dou4 shou4 chang3] /Colosseum (Rome)/

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