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Change log entry 65340
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-30 05:23:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61855 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 奖励旅游(IncentiveTravel)根据国际奖励旅游协会的定义,奖励旅游的目的是协助企业达到特定的目标,并对达到该目标的参与人士,给予一个尽情享受、难以忘怀的旅游假期作为奖励。
+ 獎勵旅遊 奖励旅游 [jiang3 li4 lu:3 you2] /incentive travel/

Change log entry 65339
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-30 05:22:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61831 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
see GI
+ 雪套 雪套 [xue3 tao4] /gaiters/

Change log entry 65338
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-30 05:20:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61830 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
see GI

Wp: 雪鞋(英语:Snowshoes,也译作雪掌、熊掌鞋、踏雪板、雪套),是用于在雪地上行走的鞋具。雪鞋通过将人体的重量分散在更大的区域,从而避免在行走的时候完全的陷入雪地当中。
+ 踏雪板 踏雪板 [ta4 xue3 ban3] /snowshoe/

Change log entry 65332
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-29 09:44:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61924 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

see also GI
# 雨漏 雨漏 [yu3 lou4] /gargoyle/
+ 雨漏 雨漏 [yu3 lou4] /gargoyle (architecture)/

Change log entry 65318
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-28 06:58:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61927 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 黑客松 黑客松 [hei1 ke4 song1] /hackathon (loanword)/

Change log entry 65317
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-28 06:55:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61941 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 牛米是物理定义,扭矩的单位是力的单位和距离的单位的乘积,即牛顿*米,简称牛米。严格的说,扭矩是力对物体作用的一种形式,它使物体产生转动,其作用大小等于作用力和力臂(作用力到转动中心的距离)的乘积。

+ 牛米 牛米 [niu2 mi3] /newton meter (Nm)/

Change log entry 65316
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-28 06:54:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61939 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 重卡是重型卡车的简称。这是一种地道的、传统的、非正式的对重型货车和半挂牵引车的称谓,包括大家在公路上看到的各种专用车(洒水车、消防车、公路清洁车、油罐车、搅拌车等等)、自卸车(拉土车,都有举升器)、货车(运货的,包括牲口之类)以及一些不多见的越野车(军用的多)。
+ 重卡 重卡 [zhong4 ka3] /heavy truck (abbr. for 重型卡車|重型卡车)/

Change log entry 65315
Processed by: monigeria (2018-03-28 06:53:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61940 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
lorry is BrE
- 載貨汽車 载货汽车 [zai4 huo4 qi4 che1] /lorry/
+ 載貨汽車 载货汽车 [zai4 huo4 qi4 che1] /truck/

Change log entry 65030
Processed by: monigeria (2018-01-22 12:34:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60265 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
came across the first part of the expression the other day...

+ 老子英雄兒好漢,老子反動兒混蛋 老子英雄儿好汉,老子反动儿混蛋 [lao3 zi5 ying1 xiong2 er2 hao3 han4 , lao3 zi5 fan3 dong4 er2 hun2 dan4] /If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan)/fig. like father, like son/

Change log entry 64866
Processed by: monigeria (2017-12-14 07:37:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61416 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

Britannica ~ Shihuangdi undertook the building of a vast palace, the Efang Gong or Ebang Gong, whose main hall was intended to accommodate 10,000 guests in its upper story. He also copied, probably at reduced scale, the palaces and pavilions of each of the feudal lords he had defeated; these buildings displayed an encyclopaedia of regional architectural styles, stretched more than 11 km (7 miles) along the Wei River, and were filled with local lords and ladies captured from the different states.

ed: as per discussion
- 阿房宮 阿房宫 [E1 pang2 Gong1] /Epang Palace in Xi'an/
# + 阿房宮 阿房宫 [E1 fang2 Gong1] /Efang Palace, palace complex in western Xi'an built by Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]/
+ 阿房宮 阿房宫 [E1 fang2 Gong1] /Efang Palace, palace complex in western Xi'an built by Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]/also pr. [E1 pang2 Gong1]/

Change log entry 64447
Processed by: monigeria (2017-09-28 09:14:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61014 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Wikipedia: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A7%98%E9%8A%80

Originally from Tolkien's fantasy novels, but now very common in all fiction works or video games with a fantasy setting. Can be be found in many Chinese works with no relation to Tolkien's universe.
+ 秘銀 秘银 [mi4 yin2] /mithril (fictional metal)/

Change log entry 64197
Processed by: monigeria (2017-08-26 10:33:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60816 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"The Chinese character “怼” recently went viral nationwide." [dated February 13, 2017]

怼duǐ : Not Your Average Conflict

怼 [...] emphasises more on ‘confrontation’. A 怼 B means A publicly confronts/challenges B. The word ‘dui3’ is a spoken words, which exists in many Chinese varieties. However this word was rarely written down. People nowadays choose 怼/㨃 to represent this word.


- 怼川普上瘾的《纽约时报》 竟说总统好话了?
- 华尔街日报狂怼纽约时报:你们是伪君子
- 新华社怼川普:朝鲜麻烦赖谁?
- 特朗普怼墨西哥总统拒付边境墙:进口墨西哥商品征税20%!

The most popular word these days is a one-character word, 怼. Originally, this character was pronounced as duì, meaning hatred and resentment, and was expressed in the word 怨怼. Recently however, it became a buzzword, meaning to criticize, scold, blame, mock, ridicule, or verbally attack. But when it’s used in this way, its tone should be changed into duǐ. The word can serve as either a transitive verb, like “怼人(duǐrén, verbally attack people)”or an intransitive verb, in 怼回去(duǐhuíqu, respond with a verbal attack).

Trump is an excellent example of this and is quite possibly the guy who popularized the term on the Chinese internet, because he always seems to 怼 others. When Trump blasted BuzzFeed and CNN last week, accusing them of cooking up some false news, some Chinese media reported the incident with the headline怼—川普怒怼美国媒体 (Trump angrily attacks US media verbally). [...]
richwarm (2017-08-18 07:30:47)

參考詞彙:attack, scold, criticize, denounce, rebuke, fire back, VS, slam, blast, punch, lash out, take on (較量),call out(叫板), excoriate(譴責),do a number on (挫敗,羞辱),thrown down the gauntlet (「下戰書」的意思。Gauntlet是古時鬥士們戴的金屬護手,把它扔下,不是要投降,而是要一決雌雄),tear into (「嚴厲譴責」「猛烈攻擊」的意思,不過貌似翻譯成「撕」似乎形神兼備)
+ 懟 怼 [dui3] /(Internet slang) to attack verbally/to publicly criticize/to call out/
+ 㨃 㨃 [dui3] /variant of 懟|怼[dui3]/

Change log entry 63635
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 03:00:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60167 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
seems to be the Tw version:

+ 里維耶拉 里维耶拉 [li3 wei2 ye1 la1] /riviera (loanword) (Tw)/

Change log entry 63634
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 03:00:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60165 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 帕夏 帕夏 [pa4 xia4] /pasha (loanword)/

Change log entry 63633
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 03:00:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60166 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 里維埃拉 里维埃拉 [li3 wei2 ai1 la1] /riviera (loanword)/

Change log entry 63632
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 02:59:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60174 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
GF: 指单根经纱和单根纬纱交织而成的纹路。市布、纺绸等都是平纹织物。
+ 平紋 平纹 [ping2 wen2] /plain weave/

Change log entry 63631
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 02:59:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60188 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
LA: 全程陪同;也指擔任全程陪同服務的人。[例]~導遊。


Q: What is a tour escort?
A: Tour escort is a guide who knows the places, hotels, accommodations, worship places, and road. He will accompany the tourists for guiding the people travelling and he will say then and there the importance of places passing. The tour escort is the staff of travel agency. In order to attract travellers, the agency appoints a tourist guides in the tourist buses which are surely helpful for the travellers. Moreover, these escorts know driving. when, the driver of the bus in a sleepy mood or want to sleep, he will replace him for an hour or so. (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080914201830AA1DEK8)
+ 全陪 全陪 [quan2 pei2] /tour escort (throughout the entire tour)/

Change log entry 63630
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-18 02:57:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60191 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
LA: 在某領域具有相當地位或重大影響的人。[例]~球星∣跨年晚會~雲集。

To make sure that his new material can stand up to previous hits like "Baby, " Bieber is enlisting the help of some of the music industry's biggest names, including Chris Brown and Will. i. am.


There are no quantifiable scientific standards for judging art, yet it’s not a black-box process. Critiques and debate about the Golden Horses only serve to enhance their value. The fact that major industry players such as Ang Lee and Andy Lau are willing to serve as judges is a testament to the awards’ importance.
+ 大咖 大咖 [da4 ka1] /influential person/major player/big shot/

Change log entry 63626
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-17 04:56:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60187 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M, LA, Dr.eye
- 模具 模具 [mu2 ju4] /mold/matrix/pattern or die/
+ 模具 模具 [mu2 ju4] /mold/matrix/pattern or die/Taiwan pr. [mo2 ju4]/

Change log entry 63625
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-17 04:55:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60183 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
can also add 勒索軟體 as (Tw) ...


+ 勒索軟件 勒索软件 [le4 suo3 ruan3 jian4] /ransomware (computing)/

Change log entry 63624
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-17 04:55:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60182 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 惡意軟件 恶意软件 [e4 yi4 ruan3 jian4] /malware (computing)/

Change log entry 63623
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-17 04:54:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60181 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
GF: 煮熟晒干的蚝肉。
+ 蠔豉 蚝豉 [hao2 chi3] /dried oyster meat/

Change log entry 63612
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-13 02:53:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60151 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 洞螈 洞螈 [dong4 yuan2] /olm (Proteus anguinus)/

Change log entry 63601
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-10 13:25:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60157 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
ed: thanks
- 錢其琛 钱其琛 [Qian2 Qi2 chen1] /Qian Qichen (1928-), former Chinese vice premier/
+ 錢其琛 钱其琛 [Qian2 Qi2 chen1] /Qian Qichen (1928-2017), former Chinese vice premier/

Change log entry 63597
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 04:17:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60143 >>
+ 海淘 海淘 [hai3 tao2] /overseas Internet shopping/

Change log entry 63596
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:02:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60147 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 塔帕斯 塔帕斯 [ta3 pa4 si1] /tapas, small Spanish snacks (loanword)/

Change log entry 63595
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:00:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60139 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
①名 初衷。
②名 佛教指初发心愿学佛的人


XHC: 最初的心愿:不改~。
+ 初心 初心 [chu1 xin1] /(one's) original intention, aspiration etc/(Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would)/

Change log entry 63594
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:00:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60135 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 照骗,网络词语,指的是用ps严重修改过的照片骗人,是一些网红的真实现象。从前那些只活在“照骗”世界里的网红们,自从开了直播之后,就彻底让网友们幻灭了。

- 女神朋友圈照骗vs残酷的现实!
- 原來都是「照騙」 !網紅女神露出真面目
- 12位照片看起來超火辣但一開視訊直播就讓網友嚇到失神的「照騙女神」!
+ 照騙 照骗 [zhao4 pian4] /(Internet slang) flattering photo (pun on 照片[zhao4 pian4])/photoshopped picture/

Change log entry 63593
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:00:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60137 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 本来,世界上就没有不劳而获的事情,就如同天上不会掉馅饼一样,但是很多人却总是期望奇迹会发生在自己身上,他们将之称为上天对自己的恩赐。

Especially today, it never will rain roses, but funds, projects, or even official positions will come after a meal.

Nothing is in a vacuum. Anybody who is managing money has to be on the cautious side for at least the first six months of 2009.

They say money doesn't grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded trunks dotted around the UK's woodland.
+ 天上不會掉餡餅 天上不会掉馅饼 [tian1 shang4 bu4 hui4 diao4 xian4 bing3] /there is no such thing as a free lunch (idiom)/

Change log entry 63592
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:00:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60136 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
+ 薩赫蛋糕 萨赫蛋糕 [Sa4 he4 dan4 gao1] /Sachertorte, Viennese chocolate cake/

Change log entry 63591
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-09 03:00:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60133 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Wp: 邪典电影(英语:Cult Film)是指那些在小圈子内被支持者喜爱及推崇的电影,也可稱為非主流電影或另類電影。
+ 邪典電影 邪典电影 [xie2 dian3 dian4 ying3] /cult film/

Change log entry 63590
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-08 15:04:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60148 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
not many hits for 公朵拉, but there are for 刚朵拉
- 公朵拉 公朵拉 [gong1 duo3 la1] /see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1]/
+ 剛朵拉 刚朵拉 [gang1 duo3 la1] /see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1]/

Change log entry 63586
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-07 12:04:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60132 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 63583 >>
<< review queue entry 60126 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

as per discussion...
- 思密達 思密达 [si1 mi4 da2] /(slang) (particle used humorously or mockingly at the end of a sentence to denote completeness or a state of an action) (loanword from Korean "seumnida")/a Korean/
+ 思密達 思密达 [si1 mi4 da2] /(slang) (used humorously or mockingly at the end of a sentence in imitation of Korean speech) (loanword from Korean verb ending "seumnida")/(jocularly) a Korean/

Change log entry 63584
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-07 06:04:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60127 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
贡多拉 ~ 500k+ verb. hits
贡都拉 ~ 70k+ verb. hits

Wp: 贡多拉(意大利语:Gondola),又译刚朵拉、共渡乐,是意大利威尼斯特有的和最具代表性的传统划船,船身全漆黑色

B: 威尼斯特有的贡都拉(Gondolas),其实是体验水上风情最好的工具了。它的历史可追溯至十一世纪。纤细的船身和扁平的船底,使它十分适合航行在狭窄又水浅的运河中。
ed: also adding "公朵拉" baidu 百科 says 贡多拉又名“公朵拉” on the 贡多拉 entry.
+ 貢多拉 贡多拉 [gong4 duo1 la1] /gondola (Venetian boat) (loanword)/
+ 貢都拉 贡都拉 [gong4 dou1 la1] /see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1]/
+ 公朵拉 公朵拉 [gong1 duo3 la1] /see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1]/

Change log entry 63583
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-07 05:58:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60126 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
- i'm not 100% sure about this one...

just saw it on Tudou when i wanted to watch a video: "你要找的页面去整形了思密达,回来你也不认识,看看片库"

in korean it's used as a "polite suffix", but in chinese it seems to be used mockingly/sarcastically...


1. (slang, pejorative) a Korean person
2. (slang, pejorative, humorous) Sentence-final particle, indicating a state or completeness of an action.

- 2011, Qilu Evening News, "与韩版《仲夏夜之梦》相约":
A joke that is very popular nowadays is that, whenever outstanding people or notable achievements in any part of the world become widely known, the Koreans will eventually stand up and claim: "This in fact came from Korea - seumnida!"

- 黑头快走开!思密达妹纸如何去黑头?
- 我的思密达女神剧情介绍
+ 思密達 思密达 [si1 mi4 da2] /(slang) (particle used humorously or mockingly at the end of a sentence to denote completeness or a state of an action) (loanword from Korean "seumnida")/a Korean/

Change log entry 63582
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-07 04:25:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60128 >>
Congratulations! You have improved in your studies and grades, keep it up!
ed: already in dict, cheers.
# 進步 进步 [jin4 bu4] /to improve/

Change log entry 63581
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-07 04:25:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60129 >>
Your grades have deteriorated, you should start studying harder.
ed: already in dict, thanks
# 退步 退步 [tui4 bu4] /to deteriorate/

Change log entry 63567
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-03 03:00:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60109 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B, G..
+ 打吊瓶 打吊瓶 [da3 diao4 ping2] /to put sb on an intravenous drip/

Change log entry 63565
Processed by: monigeria (2017-05-02 02:42:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60105 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
那个人是谁? | 你把那个拿过来
- 那個 那个 [na4 ge5] /that one/also pr. [nei4 ge5]/
# + 那個 那个 [na4 ge5] /that one/that (as opposed to this)/(used before a verb or adjective for emphasis)/(used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc)/also pr. [nei4 ge5]/
+ 那個 那个 [na4 ge5] /that one/that thing/that (as opposed to this)/(used before a verb or adjective for emphasis)/(used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word)/(used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc)/(euph.) menstruation/sex/also pr. [nei4 ge5]/

Change log entry 63559
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-29 04:15:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60038 - submitted by 'dingsi' >>
Eg http://www.appledaily.com.tw/column/article/468/rnews/20170411/1095503
(Report on united airlines overbooking incident)

because the plane seats were overbooked, there were too many passengers
# 超賣 超卖 [chao1 mai4] /to overbook (e.g. airline seats)/
+ 超賣 超卖 [chao1 mai4] /to overbook (e.g. airline seats)/to oversell/

Change log entry 63558
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-29 04:04:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59770 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 纏劍柄的繩索。
LA: 〈書〉纏在刀劍柄上的繩子。
# 緱 缑 [Gou1] /surname Gou/
+ 緱 缑 [gou1] /rope attached to a sword hilt/hilt/sword/
- 緱 缑 [Gou1] /surname Gou/
+ 緱 缑 [Gou1] /surname Gou/Gou Mountain in Henan/

Change log entry 63557
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 10:35:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60005 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
not to be confused with the other scooter (motor vehicle)

LA: 一種運動器材。在一塊長條形金屬面板下裝兩個滑輪,上裝一個金屬把柄組成,靠腳蹬向前滑動。適宜剛入學兒童使用。[例]~競賽|這幾個孩子都愛玩~。

see GI

The redesigned scooter allows the rider to steer by leaning to the right or left, rather than by turning the handlebars.

电动车户内户外都可以用。 所有得史密森博物馆以及大多数的其他景点都准许参观者在建筑物内乘坐滑板车或是至少有一个通道是适合滑板车行走的斜坡形式的。
All of the Smithsonian museums and most other tourist spots allow visitors to ride on scooters inside the buildings and have at least one entrance ramp that can accommodate a scooter.
# 滑板車 滑板车 [hua2 ban3 che1] /kick scooter/razor scooter/
+ 滑板車 滑板车 [hua2 ban3 che1] /kick scooter/push scooter/

Change log entry 63556
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:05:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60080 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) 時空錯置感
- 視覺及味覺都充滿了時空錯置感
- 全員身著唐裝,時空錯置感之強烈,
- 琳琅滿目的異國食物、多元的人種與節慶,產生了一種時空錯置感,那就是這個城市最迷人的地方。
- 穿过中庭走进这栋历史建筑的内部来到酒吧间,热带风与怀旧东方风情的碰撞令人产生时空错置感。

2) 時空錯置
Lin Chin-piao, who studied in France and is now an associate professor at Chinese Culture University, inclines toward postmodern spiritual super-realist painting. He often combines Western and Chinese motifs, or combines things anachronistically, to express the progress of civilization, and to hint at a future of unlimited breadth.

It is early 2000, and as you walk through the streets of Beijing or Shanghai, sometimes you feel like you're in the wrong place. Look this way and there is A-Mei drinking cola, look another way and there is Fan Hsiao-hsuan holding up an electronic dictionary. You stroll into a fast food shop and the sounds of The Crickets circle around your ears. Are the lives of people on the two sides of the strait really so close?

generating humor through anachronistic juxtaposition of time and place.

On a drizzly late-fall afternoon, two farmers harvest rice in Taipei's ritzy Da-zhi area. Their activities feel out of place amidst the gleaming high rises, grid-like streets, and burgeoning construction of what some see as the most futuristic and least cordial part of the city.
+ 時空錯置感 时空错置感 [shi2 kong1 cuo4 zhi4 gan3] /sense of being in another time and place/feeling that one has entered a time warp/
+ 時空錯置 时空错置 [shi2 kong1 cuo4 zhi4] /having elements from another time or place/

Change log entry 63555
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:05:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60007 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 1 / 22
<< resubmitted review queue entry 60006 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
LAC: 以配音为业的人。Ex:因为配音的动漫角色大受欢迎,使她成了高人气的~。

Wenlin: v.p. adopt/take/derive from
(I haven't seen any example where adopt would be a good translation, often used to indicate and adaptation of some sort.)

(The original wasn't very clear, I wouldn't know what it was after reading it. )


The abbreviation should point to the full expression.

(The first is the formal and direct translation. The other are used more informally, although they may show up in software documentation/code.)




LAC: 用作食品的牛、羊等反刍类动物的胃。因皱褶多,故称
Wenlin: tripe (animal stomach used as food)

(The word "period" (for ".") is only used in the U.S., using "full stop" as the fist translation will make it clearer to most English speakers)

Wenlin: n. 〈bot.〉 cosmos M:²duǒ/²kē/⁵zhī 朵/棵/枝

LAC: 1. 公开通用的电码。EX:~本/~传送。/2. 公开标明商品的价码。EX:~实价/商品须~标价,以避免消费纠纷。
Wenlin: ① plain/open code ② clearly marked prices

LAC: 【陆】指经营者收购、销售商品和提供服务时,公开标示商品的名称、产地、规格与价格等相关资讯,或所提供服务的项目、内容与收费标准,以保护消费者的合法权益。EX:~实价/商品须~标价,以避免消费纠纷。
(Might only be used in the PRC)


LAC:1. (行为、精神、局面、机器等)失去控制。EX:~行径/情绪~/场面~/车子~而翻覆。2:【陆】指沿固定路线快步行走,锻炼身体。EX:每日清晨,我们这伙人会到颐和园门口~,然后绕昆明湖步行一周。
(I have never seen the second meaning mentioned on LAC, don't know how common it is.)
(At least in video games, 暴走 is the common translation for "berserk"')
+ 聲優 声优 [sheng1 you1] /seiyū; voice actor, especially in Japanese anime or video games (directly from the Japanese 声優 seiyū)/

Change log entry 63554
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:03:18 GMT)
Comment: << reverting change log entry 63553 >>
- 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you3] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/
+ 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you5] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/

Change log entry 63553
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:02:35 GMT)
Comment: << reverting change log entry 63552 >>
+ 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you3] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/
# + 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you5] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/

Change log entry 63552
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:02:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60104 - submitted by 'marcardar' >>
Thank you for your recent feedback on 老朋友. However, the ChinesePod resource audios (you cited) seem to pronounce 朋友 the same for 小朋友 as for 老朋友. In which case, if ChinesePod audio is good enough to be cited to suggest xiao3peng2you5 is wrong, then shouldn't it also be used to demonstrate lao3peng2you5 is wrong? Do most sources use the same consistent 友
tone for 小朋友 and 老朋友? If so, then maybe CC-CEDICT should also be consistent.
ed: na
- 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you5] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/
# + 老朋友 老朋友 [lao3 peng2 you3] /old friend/(slang) period/menstruation/

Change log entry 63551
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 03:00:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60068 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

- 哈迪:要掌握大馬政權只能選伊黨或巫統
+ 伊黨 伊党 [Yi1 dang3] /Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party/

Change log entry 63550
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 02:52:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60055 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I didn't find any examples of "provoke with words" in TP or J, but it's in several dicts.

What do the temple's worshippers feel about all this stacking of tiles and laying of bricks, about all the banging and knocking of the renovation process?

In those days he was a student majoring in wind instruments at the National College of the Arts. But he loved knocking things together, and, encouraged by his department chairman Shih Wei-liang, he decided to do further study in percussion.

Ku used his breaks to cram for his exams within the clanging cacophony of a ship's hull,

In late 2002, Elfland's offices on Shanghai's Wujiang Road were filled with the crash and bang of carpenters at work on renovations needed to meet the demands of a growing business.

When Chang Chiang-jiun took her daughter to a series of dance and music workshops organized by the Cloud Gate Dance Theater, she just sat in the same corner each time, silently watching others banging away.

Because the manufacture of drums requires much knocking and banging,
- 敲敲打打 敲敲打打 [qiao1 qiao1 da3 da3] /to provoke with words/
+ 敲敲打打 敲敲打打 [qiao1 qiao1 da3 da3] /to make a continual banging sound/(fig.) to provoke with words/

Change log entry 63549
Processed by: monigeria (2017-04-28 02:50:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59979 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 关键绩效指标(KPI:Key Performance Indicator)可以使部门主管明确部门的主要责任,并以此为基础,明确部门人员的业绩衡量指标。建立明确的切实可行的KPI体系 ...
+ 關鍵績效指標 关键绩效指标 [guan1 jian4 ji4 xiao4 zhi3 biao1] /key performance indicator (KPI)/

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