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Change log entry 81928
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-11 21:44:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75664 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 黎智英 黎智英 [Li2 zhi4 Ying1] /Lai Chee-ying or Jimmy Lai (1947-), former Hong Kong media magnate and democracy activist/
+ 黎智英 黎智英 [[Li2 Zhi4Ying1]] /Lai Chee-ying, aka Jimmy Lai (1947-), Hong Kong media tycoon, prominent critic of the CCP and supporter of the pro-democracy camp 民主派[Min2zhu3pai4]/
- 民主派 民主派 [min2 zhu3 pai4] /Democratic faction/
+ 民主派 民主派 [[Min2zhu3pai4]] /(Hong Kong politics) the pro-democracy camp (founded 1987), aka the pan-democrats/

Change log entry 81873
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-04 05:59:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75628 - submitted by 'miles' >>

# 恆大集團 恒大集团 [Heng2 da4 ji2 tuan2] /Evergrande group/

Change log entry 81872
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-04 05:58:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75629 - submitted by 'miles' >>
same as previous proposed entry

- 中國恒大集團
- 香港恒生大學
# 恆大 恒大 [Heng2 da4] /abbr. for 恆大集團|恒大集团 [Heng2 da4 ji2 tuan2] /Evergrande group/
+ 恆大 恒大 [[Heng2da4]] /China Evergrande Group, or simply Evergrande, Chinese property developer founded in 1996 (abbr. for 恒大集團|恒大集团[Heng2da4 Ji2tuan2])/Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) (abbr. for 香港恒生大學|香港恒生大学[Xiang1gang3 Heng2sheng1 Da4xue2])/

Change log entry 73134
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-27 23:58:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68852 - submitted by 'miles' >>


# - 祝融 祝融 [Zhu4 rong2] /Zhurong, god of fire in Chinese mythology/
# + 祝融 祝融 [Zhu4 rong2] /Zhurong, god of fire in Chinese mythology/name of 2021 Chinese Mars rover/
+ 祝融號 祝融号 [Zhu4 rong2 Hao4] /the "Zhurong" Chinese Mars rover, landed on the planet in 2021/

Change log entry 73133
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-27 23:29:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68853 - submitted by 'miles' >>


The name is possible "Heilongjiang man" rather than anything to do with mythological animals.

Editor: The discovery is not recent. What is recent is news of the publication of a study on the skull.
Even if it were recent, saying so would mean that the definition would be out of date in a few years.
I'm capitalizing the pinyin like we do with 尼安德特人 etc.
# 龍人 龙人 [long2 ren2] /Homo longi/recently discovered extinct human/
+ 龍人 龙人 [Long2 ren2] /Homo longi, extinct human species, evidence for which was discovered in Heilongjiang in 1933 in the form of a skull/

Change log entry 70367
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-11 15:24:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66693 - submitted by 'miles' >>
cf https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%89%E6%B3%95
# 港區國安法 港区国安法 [Gang3 qu1 guo2 an1 fa3] /Hong Kong National Security Law (from 30th June 2020)/
+ 港區國安法 港区国安法 [Gang3 qu1 Guo2 an1 fa3] /Hong Kong National Security Law (from 30th June 2020)/

Change log entry 70130
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-20 06:13:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66484 - submitted by 'miles' >>
As the Baidu page
says, vector space is the fundamental notion of
線性代數|线性代数[xian4 xing4 dai4 shu4] /linear algebra/
English speaking mathematicians use "vector space" for preference (synonym "linear space" usually suggests translation from the Russian).
+ 向量空間 向量空间 [xiang4 liang4 kong1 jian1] /vector space/linear space/
+ 線性空間 线性空间 [xian4 xing4 kong1 jian1] /vector space/linear space/

Change log entry 68346
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-02 23:44:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64922 - submitted by 'miles' >>
See https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/world-49829765/ or
https://baike.baidu.com/北京大兴国际机场 or
Skyscanner + Shanghai (any) + Beijing Daxing (PKX)
# 大興機場 大兴机场 [Da4 xing1 ji1 chang3] /Beijing Daxing international airport PKX. nicknamed "Starfish Airport"/
# 北京大興國際機場 北京大兴国际机场 [Bei3 jing1 Da4 xing1 guo2 ji4 ji1 chang3] /Beijing Daxing international airport PKX. nicknamed "Starfish Airport"/
+ 大興機場 大兴机场 [Da4 xing1 Ji1 chang3] /Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX), nicknamed 海星機場|海星机场[hai3 xing1 ji1 chang3] because its terminal looks like a huge starfish/
+ 北京大興國際機場 北京大兴国际机场 [Bei3 jing1 Da4 xing1 Guo2 ji4 Ji1 chang3] /Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX)/
+ 海星機場 海星机场 [hai3 xing1 ji1 chang3] /nickname of Beijing Daxing International Airport 北京大興國際機場|北京大兴国际机场[Bei3 jing1 Da4 xing1 Guo2 ji4 Ji1 chang3], whose terminal building looks like a giant alien starfish/

Change log entry 67054
Processed by: richwarm (2019-01-16 02:37:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63531 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I may be missing something. CC-CEDICT has around 50 entries involving
啟|启[qi3] as trad-simplified pair, and none involving 啓|启[qi3]. It therefore
seems reasonable to assume that we take 啟 as the trad form.

Editor: Good point. Thanks.
I'm also fixing the simp form in that entry, and in one other entry (in both cases, changing 啓 to 启).
- 唘 啓 [qi3] /variant of 啓[qi3]/
# + 唘 啓 [qi3] /variant of 啟|启[qi3]/
# Editor:
+ 唘 启 [qi3] /variant of 啟|启[qi3]/
- 啓 啓 [qi3] /variant of 啟|启[qi3]/
+ 啓 启 [qi3] /variant of 啟|启[qi3]/

Change log entry 67013
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-01-09 17:36:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63488 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Acc. to Baidu, a proverbial expression:
# 世上無難事,只怕有心人 世上无难事,只怕有心人 [shi4 shang4 wu2 nan2 shi4 zhi3 pa4 you3 xin1 ren2] /persistence will overcome/there is nothing the determined person can't accomplish/
+ 世上無難事,只怕有心人 世上无难事,只怕有心人 [shi4 shang4 wu2 nan2 shi4 , zhi3 pa4 you3 xin1 ren2] /there is nothing the determined person can't accomplish (idiom)/persistence will overcome/

Change log entry 66946
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-01-04 09:37:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63480 - submitted by 'miles' >>
See https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B7%BD%E4%BB%96%E6%B5%B7%E5%B3%A1/1011406?fr=aladdin

Recent news topic, eg http://news.haiwainet.cn/n/2018/1224/c3541093-31466658.html?baike
# 巽他海峽 巽他海峡 [Xun4 ta1 hai3 xia2] /Sunda straits between Sumatra and Java/
+ 巽他海峽 巽他海峡 [Xun4 ta1 Hai3 xia2] /Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java/
# 喀拉喀托 喀拉喀托 [Ka1 la1 ka1 tuo1] /Krakatoa island and volcano in the Sunda strait/
+ 喀拉喀托 喀拉喀托 [Ka1 la1 ka1 tuo1] /Krakatoa island and volcano in the Sunda Strait/
# ## cf existing entry 喀拉喀托火山 喀拉喀托火山 [Ka1 la1 ka1 tuo1 huo3 shan1] /Krakatoa (volcanic island in Indonesia)/

Change log entry 66912
Processed by: richwarm (2019-01-01 23:00:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63497 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Adjective "fatigued" is not natural English and is probably cribbed from a gloss in a Chinese dictionary. If you want an adjective, it should be tired, weary, exhausted. ("Fatigue" would be acceptable as a noun.) The Chinese synonyms on Baidu
are all adjectives and include the transferred meaning of feeble economic performance.

> Adjective "fatigued" is not natural English

That's not true. It's quite natural, and it's easy to find examples of its use.
In the Oxford dictionary, for example, there are 18 examples such as
"If you give up easily when you're fatigued, we'll notice that, too."
To see all of their examples, go to
and in the "verb" section, click "+ More example sentences".

"enfeebled" has connotations of permanent or terminal weakness (as in "My elderly brain is too enfeebled to work it out." - example from Oxford Dictionaries).
As far as I can see, that's not appropriate for 疲困.
- 疲困 疲困 [pi2 kun4] /fatigued/
# + 疲困 疲困 [pi2 kun4] /tired/enfeebled/
+ 疲困 疲困 [pi2 kun4] /(literary) tired/fatigued/(economics) weak/sluggish/

Change log entry 66911
Processed by: richwarm (2019-01-01 11:24:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63492 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://www.zdic.net/z/1d/js/6FFF.htm
and sim. on Baidu.

# 濿 濿[li4] /cross river on stepping-stones/old variant of 砅[li4]/
+ 濿 濿 [li4] /variant of 砅[li4]/

Change log entry 66906
Processed by: richwarm (2019-01-01 10:51:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63495 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://www.zdic.net/c/1/8d/156479.htm
"私生活" scores 20M Google hits (of which No. 2 is moderately amusing).
+ 私生活 私生活 [si1 sheng1 huo2] /private life/

Change log entry 66901
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-31 00:07:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63489 - submitted by 'miles' >>
"跨性别" gives 1,700,000 Google hits. See

TP example ~ 除了男與女,世界上還有一種跨性別的族群,儘管性染色體給了他們生理性別,然而他們卻覺得自己被裝錯身體,不計辛苦想要變回他們靈魂認同的性別。

If we have an entry for 跨性别, I don't think we need to add
+ 跨性別 跨性别 [kua4 xing4 bie2] /transgender/
# 跨性別者 跨性别者 [kua4 xing4 bie2 zhe3] /transgender person/

Change log entry 66119
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-03 09:05:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62250 - submitted by 'miles' >>
page https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%8C%E8%81%8C%E5%B7%A5 says
husband and wife both working (esp. in state sector, school, etc.)
# 雙職工 双职工 [shuang1 zhi2 gong1] /employed couple, husband and wife both working/
+ 雙職工 双职工 [shuang1 zhi2 gong1] /working couple (husband and wife both employed)/

Change log entry 66088
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-30 10:23:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62414 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Maybe "social media website" would be better English translation. The abbr. SNS is used in Chinese (and Korean).
# 社交網站 社交网站 [she4 jiao1 wang3 zhan4] /social network website/
+ 社交網站 社交网站 [she4 jiao1 wang3 zhan4] /social networking site/

Change log entry 65936
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-16 05:42:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62571 - submitted by 'miles' >>
"售後服務" scores 13M google hits

Editor: We already have the following entry ~
售後服務 售后服务 [shou4 hou4 fu2 wu4] /after-sales service/
I think that's sufficient to make clear what 售后 means.
# 售後 售后 [shou4 hou4] /after-sale/
# 售後服務 售后服务 [shou4 hou4 fu2 wu4] /after-sale service/
# %%% also 售後維修服務 售后维修服务 [shou4 hou4 wei2 xiu1 fu2 wu4] /after-sale maintenance service/

Change log entry 65819
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-30 23:27:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62279 - submitted by 'miles' >>

(1) 无线上网
This seems to be a construct. That is, it seems to mean pretty much what you'd expect from its components: 无线 (wireless) 上网 (Internet connection).

In particular, it doesn't seem to refer specifically to WiFi. The article you referenced is titled WiFi无线上网, so naturally it's about WiFi. If you search Baidu Baike instead for the article on 无线上网, you will see that includes other forms of wireless Internet connection such as cell phone network connection.

(2) 无线网络
Nothing tricky about this term: it's 无线(wireless) 网络(network)
# 無線上網 无线上网 [wu2 xian4 shang4 wang3] /WiFi/
# 無線網絡 无线网络 [wu2 xian4 wang3 luo4] /wireless network

Change log entry 65808
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-06-29 08:23:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62413 - submitted by 'miles' >>
MDBG already has 健身房 and 健身室 gymansium.

Editor: see discussion
# 健身 健身 [jian4 shen1 shi4] /gymanstics/healthy exercise/workout/

Change log entry 65710
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-23 00:10:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62397 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 会员卡 is pretty easy to figure out from our entries for 会员 and 卡. I know we have some others like that (圣诞卡 etc) but I don't think we need more.
# 會員卡 会员卡 [hui4 yuan2 ka3] /membership card/

Change log entry 65602
Processed by: richwarm (2018-05-27 23:40:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62289 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see Baidu

1) I don't think a dictionary entry is needed for 呕吐袋, given that we have 呕吐 and 袋. It's evidently a bag (袋) to vomit (呕吐) into -- a sick bag, barf bag, puke bag, or any of a dozen or more other names. For similar reasons, I wouldn't suggest adding terms like 集尿袋 or 垃圾袋.

2) Our older entry 清洁袋 is wrong, I believe. A 清洁袋 is not necessarily intended for collecting vomit.
For example, there's this on the Web ~
【起飛後廣播】 ... 在您前方座椅靠背的口袋里有清潔袋,功您扔置雜物時使用。 ...
That suggests that, even on planes, a 清洁袋 isn't necessarily a sick bag.

Or see the following examples of 清洁袋 usage, which are unrelated to vomit.

(The Japanese on that sign, nexty to the Chinese, indicates that the bags provided free so that visitors can carry their rubbish away from the area.)


As for "sanitation bag", that's a rather vague term to have at the head of the definition, and it has strong connotations of a bag used to collect human fecal waste.
Web ~ "Wag Sanitation Bag Kits - Each Kit is a double bag system with toilet paper & wipes. The inner bag contains powder that gels up to 31-32oz. of liquid & processes & deordorizes solids."
I think that's rarely a 清洁袋 is intended for.
# 嘔吐袋 呕吐袋 [ou3 tu4 dai4] /motion discomfort receptacle/sickbag/
# Editor:
- 清潔袋 清洁袋 [qing1 jie2 dai4] /sanitation bag/motion discomfort receptacle/sickbag/airsickness bag/
+ 清潔袋 清洁袋 [qing1 jie2 dai4] /waste disposal bag/

Change log entry 64980
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-01-15 19:44:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61574 - submitted by 'miles' >>
This compound appears in dictionaries, e.g.
and gets about 60,000 Google hits. (Maybe archaic or translatese.)
The pr. may vary, e.g. jian3 xue1 or jian3 xiao4.

Editor: dicts say "xue", plus we also have the reverse version entry for 削减 [xue1 jian3]
# 減削 减削 [jian3 xiao1] /reduce, cut down/
+ 減削 减削 [jian3 xue1] /to reduce/to cut down/

Change log entry 64349
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-09-13 16:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60922 - submitted by 'miles' >>
This person is cross-referenced from the CC-CEDict entry for 心學 心学 [xin1 xue2] /School of Mind/
See his Baidu page
He had Korean disciples responsible for an apparently influential school in mid-late Joseon.
# 王陽明 王阳明 [Wang2 Yang2 ming2] /Wang Yangming (1472-1529), Ming dynasty Neo-Confucian philosopher, influential in the School of Mind 心學|心学 [xin1 xue2]/
+ 王陽明 王阳明 [Wang2 Yang2 ming2] /Wang Yangming (1472-1529), Ming dynasty Neo-Confucian philosopher, influential in the School of Mind 心學|心学[xin1 xue2]/

Change log entry 63528
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-04-25 05:22:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60092 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Cf. Baidu + 东北虎

In the Korean news due to recent reported tracks, headlined "The Return of the King". http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/international/2017/04/22/0601400000AKR20170422042000097.HTML
- 東北虎 东北虎 [dong1 bei3 hu3] /Amur tiger/
# + 東北虎 东北虎 [dong1 bei3 hu3] /Amur tiger/Panthera tigris ssp. altaica/
+ 東北虎 东北虎 [dong1 bei3 hu3] /Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)/

Change log entry 62869
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-07 12:31:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59446 - submitted by 'miles' >>
earwig, Anisolabis maritima 蠼螋
# 蠷 蠷 [qu2] /variant of 蠼/
+ 蠷 蠷 [qu2] /variant of 蠼[qu2]/

Change log entry 62538
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-09-18 13:09:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59268 - submitted by 'miles' >>
searching on Baidu gives many returns, including http://baike.baidu.com/view/52535.htm
English wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhou_Bi_Suan_Jing

Editor: 经 in entries with 3 or more syllables is capitalized (according to 新华拼写词典)
# 周髀算經 周髀算经 [Zhou1 bi4 suan4 jing1] /Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan Ching, one of the oldest Chinese texts on astronomy and mathematics
+ 周髀算經 周髀算经 [Zhou1 bi4 suan4 Jing1] /Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan Ching, one of the oldest Chinese texts on astronomy and mathematics/

Change log entry 62536
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-09-18 13:05:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59267 - submitted by 'miles' >>
link to 伏羲|伏牺 Fu2 Xi1 legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing

The variant fanti given here is used by zdic, cf. http://www.zdic.net/c/f/a/18488.htm
# 伏犧 伏牺 [Fu2 Xi1] /same as 伏羲|伏牺 Fu2 Xi1/
+ 伏犧 伏牺 [Fu2 Xi1] /variant of 伏羲|伏牺[Fu2 Xi1]/

Change log entry 62292
Processed by: richwarm (2016-07-19 05:06:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58648 - submitted by 'miles' >>
cedict has 鵬程萬里

Editor: If you look up 鵬程, you will find our entry for 鵬程萬里, and that seems sufficient explanation.
# 鵬程 鹏程 [peng2 cheng2] /fabled roc's flight/ten thousand miles in one wingbeat/fabulous future prospect/

Change log entry 61615
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-20 13:29:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58430 - submitted by 'miles' >>
http://www.zdic.net/c/c/2a/66652.htm say 比喻把别人的话当作耳边风
Many Google hits.
# 馬耳東風 马耳东风 [ma3 er3 dong1 feng1] /east wind in a horse's ear; fig. take absolutely no notice of what one is told, in one ear and out the other/
+ 馬耳東風 马耳东风 [ma3 er3 dong1 feng1] /lit. the east wind blowing in a horse's ear (idiom)/fig. words one pays no heed to/

Change log entry 61584
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-16 16:18:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58467 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 優勝劣敗 优胜劣败 [you1 sheng4 lie4 bai4] /victory goes to the strong (idiom), survival of the fittest, la loi du plus fort est toujours la meilleure/
+ 優勝劣敗 优胜劣败 [you1 sheng4 lie4 bai4] /see 優勝劣汰|优胜劣汰[you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4]/

Change log entry 60699
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-08 09:45:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53792 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I saw a Korean TV series about this guy. He destroyed Samarkand, then lost the battle of Talas to Arab Abbasid Caliphate in 750 AD.
# 高仙芝 高仙芝 [Gao1 xian1 zhi1] /Gao Xianzhi (c. 702-756), Tang dynasty general of Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] extraction, active in Central Asia/Korean Go Seonji 고선지/
+ 高仙芝 高仙芝 [Gao1 xian1 zhi1] /Gao Xianzhi or Go Seonji (c. 702-756), Tang dynasty general of Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] extraction, active in Central Asia/

Change log entry 59763
Processed by: richwarm (2015-12-28 07:02:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56194 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: There are also 技多不压身 and 技不压身.
All can be found by searching for *压身.
# 藝不壓身 艺不压身 [yi4 bu4 ya1 shen1] /more art is never a burden (idiom)/learn a new skill and it will turn out to be useful/
# 藝多不壓身 艺多不压身 [yi4 duo1 bu4 ya1 shen1] /more art is never a burden/learn a new skill and it will turn out to be useful/
+ 藝多不壓身 艺多不压身 [yi4 duo1 bu4 ya1 shen1] /it's always good to have more skills (idiom)/
+ 藝不壓身 艺不压身 [yi4 bu4 ya1 shen1] /see 藝多不壓身|艺多不压身[yi4 duo1 bu4 ya1 shen1]/

Change log entry 59154
Processed by: richwarm (2015-10-29 01:40:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56525 - submitted by 'miles' >>
baidu.com + 弹窗广告 return 400,00 hits.
I found a police advertisement 停止野蛮弹窗广告
in Shanghai Pudong airport.
# 彈窗 弹窗 [tan2 chuang1] /pop-up window/
+ 彈窗 弹窗 [tan2 chuang1] /pop-up window (computing)/

Change log entry 59039
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-20 14:03:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56218 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I can't get a fix on the tone 華 华 hua1 or hua4.
彼岸花[ひがんばな] is the Japanese common name.
曼珠沙华 appears in Buddhist mythology, possibly meaning non-specific exotic flower.
+ 彼岸花 彼岸花 [bi3 an4 hua1] /red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)/cluster amaryllis/
+ 曼珠沙華 曼珠沙华 [man4 zhu1 sha1 hua1] /red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)/sanskrit mañjusaka/cluster amaryllis/

Change log entry 58972
Processed by: richwarm (2015-10-15 04:58:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51329 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I think "clerk" just means employee. The page
gives several meanings. In historical context, (webloc. cit., definition (2)) "scribe" or "copyist" would be a better translation. In political context, it goes up to General Secretary of the Party. I think the word also has the connotation of "librarian". I came across this in the context of the guys who could write and read cuneiform clay tablets.
Editor: The first sense given in American Heritage, for example, is
"A person employed to handle correspondence, keep files, and do clerical work for another person or an organization."

That looks to me like what LA says of 書記 ~ 負責文書處理或資料繕寫的人員。
(Note that 文書處理 is defined as 辦理文書收發、分文、歸檔、保管等的業務 in LA.)
Furthermore, the example of that usage of 書記 in LA is 書記官, which is translated as "court clerk" in the following:

~ 將學問完全融入生活中,賴英照領悟頗多,所以他在大三時考上書記官,大四考上律師執照
With so much learning and understanding of many areas incorporated into his very existence, Lai passed the exam to become a court clerk while still in his third year at school, then passed the bar exam in his fourth year.
~ 法律系畢業前,他先考上書記官卻無心赴任
Before graduating with a law degree, he tested into a position as a court clerk but was not interested in the job

The gloss "secretary" needs explanation, I think.
- 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /secretary/clerk/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /scribe/secretary/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)/clerk/scribe/

Change log entry 58922
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-12 11:00:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56340 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 中華龍鳥 中华龙鸟 [Zhong1 hua2 long2 niao3] /Sinosauropteryx/
# ## Dinosaur ancestor of the birds, fossils of which are found in Liaoning and Inner Mongolia

Change log entry 58900
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-08 08:21:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51597 - submitted by 'miles' >>
- 唯恐天下不亂 唯恐天下不乱 [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /motivated by a desire to see the world in chaos/lest all under heaven's not in chaos and disorder/
# + 唯恐天下不亂 唯恐天下不乱 [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /lit. only afraid that everything under heaven is not in disorder/wishing the world in chaos (for selfish gain)/Schadenfreude/
+ 唯恐天下不亂 唯恐天下不乱 [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /to wish for the whole world to be in chaos (idiom)/
- 惟恐天下不亂 惟恐天下不乱 [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /motivated by a desire to see the world in chaos/lest all under heaven's not in chaos and disorder/
# Editor: variant, no use to duplicate
# + 惟恐天下不亂 惟恐天下不乱 [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /lit. only afraid that everything under heaven is not in disorder/wishing the world in chaos (for selfish gain)/Schadenfreude/
# ## The current version contains multiple errors of translation: it invents material not in the original,
# ## it is bad English and incomprehensible. Baidu
# ## http://baike.baidu.com/view/1889389.htm
# ## says it is 成语, which I don't buy. We can't include a whole page of explanation, but I think my glosses give the gist.
# ## Either our version cribs from somewhere, or other online versions crib from us.

Change log entry 58469
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-12 22:33:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50010 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see also chengyu
# 忘機 忘机 [wang4 ji1] /to stand aloof/above the fray/
# ### cf chengyu and song 鸥鹭忘机, but I don't have time
+ 忘機 忘机 [wang4 ji1] /free of worldly concerns/above the fray/at peace with the world/

Change log entry 57228
Processed by: ycandau (2015-04-27 13:41:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51636 - submitted by 'miles' >>
The definition "to refer in particular to" is traditional translation, e.g. in zdic or Xinhua dict. But the first 50 examples of usage in Juku
are unambiguously the adverb "especially". I found 特指疑问句,
meaning question with a specific interrogative pronoun 谁,什么,哪里.

Editor: I think the meaning and use of 特指 is quite well understood from "to refer in particular to".
*Especially*, the first 50 examples on J are "especially" (adverbial) only in the English; without the context of a definition-like sentence, "especially" would be incomprehensible.
# - 特指 特指 [te4 zhi3] /to refer in particular to/
# + 特指 特指 [te4 zhi3] /especially/in particular/specific/to refer in particular to/

Change log entry 57225
Processed by: richwarm (2015-04-27 10:16:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49847 - submitted by 'miles' >>
from http://xh.5156edu.com/html3/8588.html
# 漸快 渐快 [jian4 kuai4] /to speed up gradually/faster and faster/accelerando/
+ 漸快 渐快 [jian4 kuai4] /to speed up gradually/faster and faster/(music) accelerando/
# 漸慢 渐慢 [jian4 man4] /to slow down gradually/slower and slower/decelerando/
+ 漸慢 渐慢 [jian4 man4] /to slow down gradually/slower and slower/(music) decelerando/ritardando/
# 漸稀 渐稀 [jian4 xi1] /to thin out gradually/getting fainter/
+ 漸稀 渐稀 [jian4 xi1] /to thin out gradually/to become fainter and fainter/

Change log entry 57109
Processed by: ycandau (2015-04-17 17:03:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54061 - submitted by 'miles' >>
acc. to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moxibustion
moxibution involves drying the plant 艾 or Jap. 蓬 preparatory
to burning. I found a ref. to this in a Korean dictionary. M
- 艾 艾 [ai4] /Chinese mugwort or wormwood/to stop or cut short/phonetic "ai" or "i"/abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS/
+ 艾 艾 [ai4] /Chinese mugwort or wormwood/moxa/to stop or cut short/phonetic "ai" or "i"/abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS/

Change log entry 57040
Processed by: richwarm (2015-04-12 10:31:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50441 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Baike says
北京大学(Peking University),简称北大,...
Similarly, at the 清华大学 website
the name is given as Tsinghua University.
- 聯大 联大 [Lian2 Da4] /United Nations General Assembly/abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会/
# + 聯大 联大 [Lian2 Da4] /abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会, United Nations General Assembly/abbr. for 國立西南聯合大學|国立西南联合大学[Guo2 li4 Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2], National Southwest Combined University/
+ 聯大 联大 [Lian2 Da4] /abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会[Lian2 he2 guo2 Da4 hui4], United Nations General Assembly/abbr. for 國立西南聯合大學|国立西南联合大学[Guo2 li4 Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2], National Southwest Combined University/
# 國立西南聯合大學 国立西南联合大学 [Guo2 li4 Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2] /National Southwest Combined University (Beijing, Qinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)/
+ 國立西南聯合大學 国立西南联合大学 [Guo2 li4 Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2] /National Southwest Combined University (Peking, Tsinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)/
# 西南聯合大學 西南联合大学 [Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2] /National Southwest Combined University (Beijing, Qinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)/

Change log entry 56830
Processed by: richwarm (2015-03-29 08:41:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38974 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Yves previously wrote "克扣 may be unlawful" and in the comments on this submission, he provided examples where dishonesty is involved. E.g. 据说老资格的军官还克扣士兵的军饷
# - 剋扣 克扣 [ke4 kou4] /to dock/to deduct/to embezzle/
# + 剋扣 克扣 [ke4 kou4] /to take a cut/to withhold a portion on a pretext/to dock/
# ### i.e. no dishonesty involved, so embezzle is a mistranslation

Change log entry 56815
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-28 15:44:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51975 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 650 hits. They are the names of those pontoons, "海躉1557".
海 is 海事, so it's not a "marine" pier. It's an administrative installation.
# 海躉 海趸 [hai3 dun3] /pontoon/marine pier/
# ## presumably 海 + 躉船 趸船 [dun3 chuan2] /pontoon/landing stage/
# ## ? 躉船 趸船 [dun3 chuan2] /pontoon/landing stage/
# ## may possibly also means barge or tug? (it does in Korean).

Change log entry 56805
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-27 15:57:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50189 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: according to M and Z, 疾病的痛苦。not病+苦。
# 病苦 病苦 [bing4 ku3] /pain and trouble/suffering (esp. in Buddhism)/
+ 病苦 病苦 [bing4 ku3] /pains (of illness)/sufferings (esp. in Buddhism)/

Change log entry 56721
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-23 13:22:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50193 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 2013
# 病弱 病弱 [bing4 ruo4] /sick and weak/febrile (also fig.)/
+ 病弱 病弱 [bing4 ruo4] /sick and weak/sickly/invalid/

Change log entry 56720
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-23 13:17:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50187 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 2013
# 病殘 病残 [bing4 can2] /the sick or disabled/ill or handicapped/sickness and deformity/
+ 病殘 病残 [bing4 can2] /sick or disabled/invalid/disability/

Change log entry 56647
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-17 16:21:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51798 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 收容教育 收容教育 [shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4] /reeducation in custody/mild form of reeducation through labor 勞動教養|劳动教养[lao2 dong4 jiao4 yang3]/
# ## “收容教育” score 1/4 million Google hits, including celebrity news. This is a formal custodial sentence handed down by the PRC courts.
# Editor: not by the courts, by the police. It's 行政处罚
+ 收容教育 收容教育 [shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4] /custody and reeducation (administrative punishment for prostitutes)/
# - 收容 收容 [shou1 rong2] /to take in (to a hostel)/to shelter/
# + 收容 收容 [shou1 rong2] /to take in (to a hostel)/to shelter/detention (in prison or psychiatric asylum)/
# ## a fraction of the Jukuu hits clearly refer to forcible detention
# ## 收容人 or 收容者 also means inmates/people in custody
# taken care of elsewhere
- 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/
# + 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/asylum/
# ## English "asylum" is neutral. 收容所 sometime also means penitentiary, prison or concentration camp.
+ 收容所 收容所 [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center/

Change log entry 56646
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-17 13:56:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44937 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I don't know the correct translation. It seems to mean
control system for artillery or ballistic missile.
jukuu gives 搜索与火控雷达 search and fire control radar
http://dict.cnki.net/h_2421810000.html gives many examples
# 火控 火控 [lei2 da2] /fire control/
+ 火控 火控 [huo3 kong4] /fire control (gunnery)/
# ## control system for artillery or ballistic missile
# 火控雷達 火控雷达 [huo3 kong4 lei2 da2] /fire control radar/
# 火控彈道 火控弹道 [huo3 kong4 dan4 dao4] /fire control missile/

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