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Change log entry 82267
Processed by: mdbg (2024-03-06 05:53:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75726 - submitted by 'paulliu' >>
Correct the format of pinyin

MDBG: fixed manually in the database
# - 澳洲廣播電臺 澳洲广播电台 [[[Ao4zhou1 Guang3bo1 Dian4tai2]] ] /Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australian state-run broadcaster/
# + 澳洲廣播電臺 澳洲广播电台 [Ao4 zhou1 Guang3 bo1 Dian4 tai2] /Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australian state-run broadcaster/

Change log entry 44206
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 19:04:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42491 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 因感情好或有共同目的而相約為兄弟姊妹。
Z: 非亲属关系的人因感情深厚或有共同目的而相约为兄弟姐妹,认干亲

In the custom of men who have pledged blood brotherhood, each called the other, not by the other's name, but by his own.

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang became sworn brothers because of their affection.

according to an early tradition became his sworn brother; sworn enemies.
+ 結拜 结拜 [jie2 bai4] /to become sworn brothers or sisters/sworn (brothers)/

Change log entry 44205
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 19:02:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41763 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

appears in every dict
+ 奇談怪論 奇谈怪论 [qi2 tan2 guai4 lun4] /strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom)/unreasonable remarks/

Change log entry 44204
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 18:59:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42777 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 心裡藏不住話或說話隨便。如:「他是個嘴敞的人,有什事最好不要告訴他。」

Z: 心里藏不住话;说话随便,不审慎。

+ 嘴敞 嘴敞 [zui3 chang3] /to have a loose tongue/talkative/

Change log entry 44203
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 18:54:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39817 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
which seems to me slightly different from "by leaps and bound's" which I find
in dictionary
+ 大踏步 大踏步 [da4 ta4 bu4] /in big strides/(fig.) in giant steps/

Change log entry 44202
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 18:46:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39129 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

他抬起头来, 一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。

M, N, Z...
+ 饞涎欲滴 馋涎欲滴 [chan2 xian2 yu4 di1] /lit. to drool with desire (idiom)/fig. to hunger for/greedy/
+ 饞涎欲垂 馋涎欲垂 [chan2 xian2 yu4 chui2] /see 饞涎欲滴|馋涎欲滴[chan2 xian2 yu4 di1]/

Change log entry 44201
Processed by: mdbg (2012-11-05 18:44:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43054 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
or is "through train" better? or is it the same?

M: 從起站直接到達終站,中間不靠站停車、不上下旅客的班車。

This is a through train.

That express bus goes direct to the airport.

This is my first journey by the through train to Guangzhou .

Is there a direct train for Wuchang ?
+ 直達車 直达车 [zhi2 da2 che1] /through train (or bus)/

Change log entry 43498
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-07 07:09:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42305 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
missing /

probably also needs to be reworded better...
- 擦傷 擦伤 [ca1 shang1] /scratch/abrasion/graze/friction burn/bruise to scrape/
+ 擦傷 擦伤 [ca1 shang1] /scratch/abrasion/graze/friction burn/to bruise/to scrape/

Change log entry 43497
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-07 07:04:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41320 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
MoE has 招待賓客的宴席. I have just come back from the 台北美食饗宴展覽
+ 饗宴 飨宴 [xiang3 yan4] /feast/banquet/

Change log entry 43496
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-07 06:51:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42225 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
what 'idiom', lol

this word can mean 3 things:
1) a joking way to address a child
2) insult for a child
3) imp (as in the Hell)

see MoE
- 小鬼 小鬼 [xiao3 gui3] /(idiom) an endearing term of address to a child; little demon/
+ 小鬼 小鬼 [xiao3 gui3] /little demon (term of endearment for a child)/mischievous child/imp/

Change log entry 43473
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-05 18:35:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40889 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M, N, J, Z

Other people's slaves get some refleeted credit from their masters. All we get for waiting on you is beatings and abuse. Do have a little pity on us in future.
+ 可憐見 可怜见 [ke3 lian2 jian4] /(coll.) pitiable/

Change log entry 43472
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-05 18:25:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39923 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Doesn't mean "boy" apparently, though there are some less common senses we could add.
- 童 童 [tong2] /boy/child/children/
+ 童 童 [tong2] /child/

Change log entry 43471
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-05 18:21:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41564 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
N, J
+ 非條件反射 非条件反射 [fei1 tiao2 jian4 fan3 she4] /unconditioned reflex (physiology)/

Change log entry 43470
Processed by: mdbg (2012-09-05 18:14:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40703 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Z, N
+ 萬應靈丹 万应灵丹 [wan4 ying4 ling2 dan1] /panacea/

Change log entry 43368
Processed by: mdbg (2012-08-30 07:51:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41742 - submitted by 'goddard' >>
from Wikipedia
+ 鰂魚涌 鲗鱼涌 [zei2 yu2 chong1] /Quarry Bay (area in Hong Kong)/

Change log entry 43349
Processed by: mdbg (2012-08-29 18:39:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41591 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M, N, J, Z
+ 孤子 孤子 [gu1 zi3] /orphan/fatherless son/

Change log entry 43348
Processed by: mdbg (2012-08-29 18:36:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40583 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M, J
+ 腦液 脑液 [nao3 ye4] /brain fluid/

Change log entry 43347
Processed by: mdbg (2012-08-29 18:34:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40591 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
well, I kind of copied N here. Nice revenge!
- 側身 侧身 [ce4 shen1] /to lean the body/
+ 側身 侧身 [ce4 shen1] /(to stand or move) sideways/

Change log entry 42853
Processed by: mdbg (2012-08-03 18:09:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41821 - submitted by 'mdbg' >>
removal of unicode compatibility variants
- 蘭 蘭 [lan2] /Unicode compatibility variant for 蘭/orchid/
- 盧 盧 [lu2] /Korean variant of 盧|卢/
- 老 老 [lao3] /unicode compatibility variant of 老/
- 不 不 [bu4] /variant of 不/(negative prefix)/not/no/
- 練 練 [lian4] /variant of 練|练, to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise/
- 識 識 [shi2] /Unicode compatibility variant of 識|识/
- 兀 兀 [wu4] /duplicate of Big Five A461/
- 塚 冢 [zhong3] /variant of 冢[zhong3]/burial mound/Unicode: (U+FA10)/Unicode compatibility character corresponding to 塚(U+585A) - see 塚|冢[zhong3]/

Change log entry 40548
Processed by: mdbg (2012-03-19 12:41:39 GMT)
Comment: << reverting change log entry 40545 >>
- 森吉米爾 森吉米尔 [Sen1 ji2 mi3 er3] /Tadeusz Sendzimir (1894-1989), Polish-American engineer and inventor/

Change log entry 40547
Processed by: mdbg (2012-03-19 12:41:26 GMT)
Comment: << reverting change log entry 40546 >>
- 競聘 竞聘 [jing4 pin4] /competitive selection (for a job)/

Change log entry 40062
Processed by: mdbg (2012-02-08 14:10:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38919 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
More constructs using 第 or similar
I have left some as examples, eg 其二

Most are constructs indeed. But, we cannot simply rid the dictionary of anything which looks like a construct. If you take a look in other (commercial) dictionaries, you will also find that they kept several constructs. We keep some constructs, such as the 1-3 or 1-10 constructs mentioned in this batch, either to help less advanced learners of Chinese or because the meaning cannot be easily deduced from the individual characters. Additionally, just because in English A + B = AB doesn't necessarily mean that the Chinese equivalent word for A & B added together form the correct Chinese word for AB (eg. black tea = 红茶).

There is no clear rule to decide which constructs stay and which ones go. It is up to the editors to make the decision which entries stay and which ones go. You can send in suggestions for the removal of constructs, but if they are about entries such as the ones mentioned in this batch then they will most likely be rejected.
# - 第一季度 第一季度 [di4 yi1 ji4 du4] /first quarter (of financial year)/
# - 初二 初二 [chu1 er4] /second year in junior middle school/
# - 次等 次等 [ci4 deng3] /second class/second rate/
# - 次女 次女 [ci4 nu:3] /second daughter/
# - 次子 次子 [ci4 zi3] /second son/
# - 第二次 第二次 [di4 er4 ci4] /the second time/second/number two/
# - 第二季度 第二季度 [di4 er4 ji4 du4] /second quarter (of financial year)/
# - 第二輪 第二轮 [di4 er4 lun2] /second round (of match, or election)/
# - 第二位 第二位 [di4 er4 wei4] /second place/
# - 二阿姨 二阿姨 [er4 a1 yi2] /auntie, second eldest of sisters in mother's family/
# - 二寶 二宝 [er4 bao3] /second child/second baby/
# - 二等艙 二等舱 [er4 deng3 cang1] /second class cabin/
# - 二等車 二等车 [er4 deng3 che1] /second class/
# - 二度 二度 [er4 du4] /second degree/
# - 二哥 二哥 [er4 ge1] /second brother/
# - 二級 二级 [er4 ji2] /grade 2/second class/category B/
# - 二來 二来 [er4 lai2] /in the second place/secondly/
# - 二輪 二轮 [er4 lun2] /second round (of a match or election)/
# - 二世 二世 [er4 shi4] /the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)/
# - 初三 初三 [chu1 san1] /third year in junior middle school/
# - 第三次 第三次 [di4 san1 ci4] /third/third time/
# - 第三季度 第三季度 [di4 san1 ji4 du4] /third quarter (of financial year)/
# - 第三位 第三位 [di4 san1 wei4] /third place/
# - 其三 其三 [qi2 san1] /thirdly/the third/
# - 三阿姨 三阿姨 [san1 a1 yi2] /auntie, third eldest of sisters in mother's family/
# - 三次 三次 [san1 ci4] /third/three times/(math.) degree three, cubic (equation)/
# - 三次方 三次方 [san1 ci4 fang1] /cube (third power, math.)/
# - 三次冪 三次幂 [san1 ci4 mi4] /cube (third power, math.)/
# - 三分之一 三分之一 [san1 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one third/
# - 三級 三级 [san1 ji2] /grade 3/third class/category C/
# - 三世 三世 [san1 shi4] /the Third (of numbered kings)/
# - 四分之一 四分之一 [si4 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one-quarter/
# - 第四季 第四季 [di4 si4 ji4] /fourth quarter/
# - 第四季度 第四季度 [di4 si4 ji4 du4] /fourth quarter (of financial year)/
# - 四次 四次 [si4 ci4] /fourth/four times/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 37013
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-22 12:06:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35468 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Did my best to put the titles (pinyin & English) in title case
(I treated 不为人知 as a word, the way chengyu are treated generally -- by ABC, at least)

Fixed the English title (no "Zedong")
Added date of publication
- 毛澤東・不為人知的故事 毛泽东・不为人知的故事 [Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · bu4 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 gu4 shi5] /Mao Zedong, the unknown story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday/
# + 毛澤東・不為人知的故事 毛泽东・不为人知的故事 [Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · Bu4 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 Gu4 shi5] /Mao: the Unknown Story (2005) by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday/

Change log entry 37012
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-22 12:05:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35495 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
this, as I understand, is rather vocal
+ 鳴冤叫屈 鸣冤叫屈 [ming2 yuan1 jiao4 qu1] /to complain bitterly/

Change log entry 36836
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-13 07:41:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35671 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

+ 芳香療法 芳香疗法 [fang1 xiang1 liao3 fa3] /aromatherapy/

Change log entry 36817
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:12:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35496 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
+ 退而求其次 退而求其次 [tui4 er2 qiu2 qi2 ci4] /to settle for second best/the next best thing/

Change log entry 36816
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:10:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35503 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 好 好 [hao4] /to be fond of/
+ 好 好 [hao4] /to be fond of/to have a tendency to/to be prone to/

Change log entry 36815
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:09:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35506 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"t检验,卡方检验,Wilcoxon signed rank test,linear regression,coefficient of
regression,least square method,normal distribution……"
+ 卡方 卡方 [ka3 fang1] /chi-square (math.)/

Change log entry 36814
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35509 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 考進 考进 [kao3 jin4] /to gain entry by passing an exam/to be admitted to (a college etc)/

Change log entry 36813
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:08:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35510 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

+ 頭一 头一 [tou2 yi1] /the first/

Change log entry 36812
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:04:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35669 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The singer, Ko Jen-chien, is on stage wearing a red military armband signifying he's "on duty" ...
+ 值星 值星 [zhi2 xing1] /(of army officers) to be on duty for the week/

Change log entry 36811
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:03:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35301 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 期望 期望 [qi1 wang4] /hope/expectation/
+ 期望 期望 [qi1 wang4] /to have expectations/to earnestly hope/expectation/hope/

Change log entry 36809
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:02:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35312 >>
Thank you for keeping the dictionary up to date and expanding it!
+ 錯視 错视 [cuo4 shi4] /optical illusion/trick of the eye/parablepsia/

Change log entry 36808
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 10:00:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35673 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
We are supposed to use "slash (/)" rather than "or" as a general rule.

"ambience" seems good for examples like
and helps to clarify the sense of ambiguous words like "atmosphere" and "scene"
- 氣象 气象 [qi4 xiang4] /meteorological feature/CL:個|个[ge4]/meteorology/atmosphere or scene/
+ 氣象 气象 [qi4 xiang4] /meteorological feature/CL:個|个[ge4]/meteorology/atmosphere/ambience/scene/

Change log entry 36807
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:59:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35674 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 豌豆象 豌豆象 [wan1 dou4 xiang4] /pea weevil/

Change log entry 36806
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:55:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35675 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 毛象 毛象 [mao2 xiang4] /mammoth/

Change log entry 36805
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:52:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35522 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 軀體 躯体 [qu1 ti3] /the body/
+ 軀體 躯体 [qu1 ti3] /body/carcass/

Change log entry 36804
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:49:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35527 >>

Editor: seems to be what you put into a hookah
# 水煙 水烟 [shui3 yan1] /hookah/
+ 水煙 水烟 [shui3 yan1] /shredded tobacco for water pipes/

Change log entry 36803
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:47:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35338 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 厭倦 厌倦 [yan4 juan4] /dreary/to tire of/weary of/
+ 厭倦 厌倦 [yan4 juan4] /to be weary of/to be fed up with/tedious/

Change log entry 36802
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:41:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35552 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Can refer to a single shrimp: 感謝怡雯小姐提供小蝦米一隻。
"shrimp" in US English often refers to quite large prawns
- 蝦米 虾米 [xia1 mi3] /shrimps/dried, shelled shrimps/
+ 蝦米 虾米 [xia1 mi3] /small shrimp/dried, shelled shrimps/

Change log entry 36801
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:40:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35553 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wikipedia articles: 連動式債券 <--> "Structured note"

"A structured note is a hybrid security that includes several financial products, typically a
stock or bond plus a derivative. A simple example would be a five-year bond tied
together with an option contract."

连动式债券(又称连动债,英文:Structured note),是一种信贷挂钩票据,属于结构型
金融商品(Structured product),由固定收益债券和约定的投机标两部分组成,结合 ...
+ 連動債 连动债 [lian2 dong4 zhai4] /structured note (finance)/

Change log entry 36800
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:30:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35705 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
- 古文化 古文化 [gu3 wen2 hua4] /ancient civilization/
- 龍山文化 龙山文化 [Long2 shan1 wen2 hua4] /Longshan culture/
+ 龍山文化 龙山文化 [Long2 shan1 wen2 hua4] /Longshan culture/black pottery culture/
- 民族文化 民族文化 [min2 zu2 wen2 hua4] /ethnic culture/
- 企業文化 企业文化 [qi3 ye4 wen2 hua4] /corporate culture/
- 西方文化 西方文化 [xi1 fang1 wen2 hua4] /Western culture/

Change log entry 36799
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:26:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35706 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
- 西方世界 西方世界 [xi1 fang1 shi4 jie4] /the Western world/
- 阿拉伯世界 阿拉伯世界 [A1 la1 bo2 shi4 jie4] /Arab world/
- 新世界 新世界 [xin1 shi4 jie4] /New World/

Change log entry 36798
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:26:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35707 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
constructs (and there were probably more that i've missed...)
- 春風 春风 [chun1 feng1] /spring wind/
- 東風 东风 [dong1 feng1] /easterly wind/
- 寒風 寒风 [han2 feng1] /cold wind/
- 狂風 狂风 [kuang2 feng1] /fierce wind/
# - 強風 强风 [qiang2 feng1] /gale/
# - 輕風 轻风 [qing1 feng1] /breeze/light wind/
- 秋風 秋风 [qiu1 feng1] /autumn wind/autumn breeze/
- 熱風 热风 [re4 feng1] /hot wind/hot air/
- 晚風 晚风 [wan3 feng1] /evening breeze/
- 西風 西风 [xi1 feng1] /west wind/

Change log entry 36797
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:24:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35708 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
- 北郊 北郊 [bei3 jiao1] /northern suburbs/
- 北京近郊 北京近郊 [Bei3 jing1 jin4 jiao1] /suburb of Beijing/
- 東郊 东郊 [dong1 jiao1] /eastern suburbs/
- 南郊 南郊 [nan2 jiao1] /southern suburbs/
- 西郊 西郊 [xi1 jiao1] /western suburbs/

Change log entry 36796
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:23:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35718 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 必經 必经 [bi4 jing1] /must pass through/

Change log entry 36795
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:22:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35725 - submitted by 'jbradfor' >>
+ 中國電信 中国电信 [Zhong1 guo2 Dian4 xin4] /China Telecom (Chinese company providing mobile phone service)/

Change log entry 36794
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:21:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35726 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 塞繆爾 塞缪尔 [Sai1 mu2 er3] /Samuel (name)/
+ 塞繆爾・約翰遜 塞缪尔・约翰逊 [Sai1 mu2 er3 · Yue1 han4 xun4] /Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) or Dr Johnson, English writer and lexicographer/
# ## compare Baidu page http://baike.baidu.com/view/571448.html
# ## or wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E7%B4%84%E7%BF%B0%E7%94%9F
# ## http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/world/2011/07/110707_samuel_johnson_prize.shtml

Change log entry 36793
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:18:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35375 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
+ 迷途知返 迷途知返 [mi2 tu2 zhi1 fan3] /to get back on the right path/to mend one's ways/

Change log entry 36792
Processed by: mdbg (2011-07-12 09:17:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35570 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 看書 看书 [kan4 shu1] /to read/
+ 看書 看书 [kan4 shu1] /to read/to study/

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By MDBG 2024
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